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Disappointing Holiday

Heifu Jōnetsu
Leon Rentei
Kaimera Yakedo
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 209790

Disappointing Holiday Empty Disappointing Holiday

Thu Jan 04, 2024 7:33 pm

Assigned a mission to show people around Kirigakure, Nemui wasn't looking forward to the day in stall. He wasn't a social butterfly and didn't study Kirigakure's best tourist spots but nonetheless, he was assigned this task. Thankfully, he wasn't going to be alone. While the identification of his mission partners hadn't been revealed yet, just the knowledge they might be better suited for this mission was comforting. Nemui spent his morning in a very routine manner with nothing out of the ordinary occurring before leaving home. As he walked to the designated meeting place, a harbour dock where the tourists would be disembarking, he noticed the day was very overcast and windy. It seemed the tourists would have reason to be disappointed before they'd even arrived; he imagined the large waves that would be tossing their ship side to side, provoking sea sickness amongst the passengers of lesser constitution.

Realizing this meant they'd also be dealing with a bunch of grumpy people, Nemui sighed heavily. During this walk however, it seemed the weather was progressively getting worse. While it wasn't dangerous yet, he also wondered if the mission would be cancelled. Suddenly, almost as if the skies read his thoughts, the winds began to calm down. While it was still dreadfully overcast, it had not begun to rain either. Nemui felt a sense of discomfort as he'd never experienced such a strange weather shift. Coming into view of the harbour and seeing people still preparing their boats to go out fishing, his concerns gradually melted away. Taking notice of his arrival time, Nemui would see the tourists weren't due to arrive for another ten minutes and he couldn't see any would-be team mates in the vicinity just yet.

While waiting, an old man paced back and forth on the dock, seemingly unsure what to do with himself. That wasn't of concern to Nemui just yet as he felt compelled to remain at the designated meeting spot until at least one other team member arrived.

WC: 334
TWC: 334
Heifu Jōnetsu
Heifu Jōnetsu
Stat Page : Don't look at an old ladies intimates!
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 31700

Disappointing Holiday Empty Re: Disappointing Holiday

Thu Jan 04, 2024 8:08 pm
Finally a task worthy of her attention! Heifu was looking forward to her mission assignments today, or at least one of them. she'd been given the task of giving a tour to a bunch of tourists. Not that anyone could tell by her appearance, she thought sarcastically, but she was something of an expert on the areas history. She could finally put her long memory to use. She didn't like focusing on her age, living this long as a former shinobi was distasteful, to say the least. But regardless she had to bear it. She harrumphed to herself loudly as she made her way to the docks.

She was supposed to be doing this assignment with team members. She didn't know who but there were few in this town who lived up to her standards. If it happened to be that blonde Momochi she would have to teach her a lesson on manners before turning to the task at hand. The little trollop had surprising talent, if she learned to be less violent. In Heifu's experience, the only way to get that out of a ninja was to beat it out of them. Fire with fire, violence with violence. Although in her current state, she would probably fail again, just like the last time they had battled. If only she was in the same condition in her old days as the Cruel Smoke. That thug like trollop wouldn't know what had hit her if she retained that level of skill. She had been a Jounin back in the day, an assassin hand picked by the Mizukage to perform high level tasks involving stealth, covert action, and... murder. But those days were gone... She had to put it behind her and focus on where she was at. A woman with skills that barely qualify her as a genin. In her day she would barely cut it as an academy student.

She fingered her tanto and she watched the fickle weather change back and forth from foul to fair. It was so much easier when it was just her and her blade, it always had been. Wet work, others called it. But she found those with any talent would find killing to be a dry job. It was only criminals and psychopaths who reveled in the blood that was shed. No one truly fit for the job of killing would enjoy it for such base reasons. She sighed regretfully and removed her hand from the weapon. Today was not such a day as those where it would be put to use.

It was thinking on this that she arrived at her destination and spotted Nemui waiting patiently across the way. He was such a charming young boy. She hoped the dangerous life of a shinobi didn't beat that out of him. She had yet to see his talents in combat, but she had high hopes for the boy. He knew how to speak with others, particularly his elders. That made him a fine talent in her books. She knew it was a simple bar to measure someone by, but you'd be surprised at the amount of people who failed to clear it. Being a ninja wasn't just stealth and battle, holding one's own on the social battlefield could be just as important. She quickly crossed the way and gave the boy a warm smile, or at least what was warm by her standards...

"A pleasure to see you again my boy. Have you been assigned to the tour mission list as well? How has your training been? Learned anything useful since I last saw you?"

WC: 603
TWC: 603
MTWC: 937/5,500

Last edited by Heifu Jōnetsu on Sat Jan 06, 2024 8:55 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : typo)

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Kaimera Yakedo
Kaimera Yakedo
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Disappointing Holiday Empty Re: Disappointing Holiday

Fri Jan 05, 2024 8:06 am
It starts out slowly, to the east. Just a shift in the sky, reaching up from far behind the mountains, spreading lines of a deeper blue over the sea. If he keeps sitting there, and he will, it will shift further, the blue mingling with an ever-growing haze that wavers into a softer shade of golden-green, like a transparent curtain, before it all goes tipping and spilling over into a harsh, rich crimson, flooding the islands with a blood-red dawn.

Kaimera checks his footing, pulls himself up that last bit of the way so he can lean against the branches, and turns his face towards the rising sun. Here, in the heart of the woods, where the trees stand almost bark to bark, boughs curling together so tightly that he could walk across the canopy like a carpet, nary a light reaching down beneath the leaves, giving the forest floor an air of perpetual gloom. He likes it that way, much prefers not to see what lies beyond, the vastness of a world that has lost its meaning. Dawn is the only time he allows himself to do so, to climb to the top of the highest tree and watch the night turn into day. To ascertain, in the manner of someone who has been asleep for too long, that everything is still in place, the Earth is still turning, and it will be another quiet day below.

In the moments he retained from another time, dawn was a relief, an end to the grip of primal fear that took a hold of men when they were lying in a pitch-black hole, clutching at what may well have been twigs for all the good they were going to do, listening to the staccato of their own breaths in the darkness and praying that they would remain the only ones. Dawn was something to be greeted, celebrated even, a joyous kind of collective relief sweeping through the ditch at something that should have been a matter of course, but wasn't. He remembers different dawns, long ones, gray ones, brilliantly piercing ones, and he remembers thinking them beautiful in the way an amnesiac knows that a portrait of a person used to mean something, but now...

Now they are all the same.

Shaking his head out of his stupor, he looked down at the scroll unraveled in front of him. That contents that lie within tells him the information that the Kage has already told him. A few lesser missions, nothing that seemed too complicated from the ones prior that he had completed. Tragedy struck the great village of Kirigakure but all's well that ends well, the village has already rebuilt the sections of the village that were attacked by the criminals. Such an unfortunate event.

Finding his way to the docks, his eyes glanced from the towering coconut trees, down to the moist yet firm grass that he could properly stand on that slowly faded away the farther he was from the village. The gulls cried out and the scent of the ocean wafted into his nose as he took a few steps onto the pier. The cool ocean breeze blew through his messy two-toned hair and caressed his pale, alabaster skin. He gently walked over to the edge and placed a hand upon the wooden handrails as he looked out into the deep blue of the sea. A look of mystified wonder crossed his face. Seagulls flew overhead, squawking and the blow of water from a whale's blowhole was seen in the distance. Everything about the ocean seemed magical to him except for the clouds that loomed overhead. He gazed at the ocean for a moment before the sound of the ship's bells brought him back to reality.

He didn’t have time to stare in wonder at the sights that bestowed upon him. He needed to find the individuals that he was to meet. Fortunately, he got word who two of the people were. He just needed to locate them. Looking around the dock, he spotted the blond twink and ole’ bag of bones to the side conversing with each other. Putting a pep in his step, he moved on over to them.

“Ay yo, Nemui!” He gleamed as approached them, “glad to see you again, friendo.” Kaimera said as he moved to his side, giving him a slight nudge against his arm. Turning his focus to the elderly woman, “hello, ma’am. The name is Kaimera,” he said as he offered a kindful bow in the presence of his elder.

TWC: 760

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Leon Rentei
Leon Rentei
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Disappointing Holiday Empty Re: Disappointing Holiday

Fri Jan 05, 2024 11:28 am
Leon was just walking out of his home as he flipped his lab coat inside out revealing the ronin robes underneath. He would have his katana and wakizashi attached to his lower back along with his kunai pouch. He was summoned for more missions today and he, quite frankly, was okay with this he needed the time and experience. The day started off looking nice, a big beautiful blue skies with some wind blowing through but at this point it didn't seem like an issue. Leon would put his hood up though to protect himself from the wind for now. He would start to walk himself through the area cutting through the trade district looking at how everything was looking much better after that battle with that man. Leon would rub his head as he started to make his way to the docks. He didn't mind be social with others but he honestly prefers to just be in the background if possible.

As he gets closer to the docks the wind seems to be picking up some causing him to look out over the sea. "Hmm?" As he looked up he would see three familiar faces as he perked up. The dark skin, blue eye, male would approach the group standing at the docks. "Nemui, Heifu, Kaimera it's great to see you all again man it seems like we're the only shinobi around here getting all the missions." He laughed as the once silver hair male now had black hair after who knows how long it's been since they last saw him. He was happy to see that everyone there was someone he met before it saves him the trouble of having to reintroduce himself to more people. He would seem a bit different from the last time they met as he looked the ever changing sky. In turn his eyes would squint again before looking at the tourist boat and the old man. "Well, since it's clearly obvious we're all here for the same missions who wants to take lead?" He asked smiling at everyone as he started to come to the realization that he may be the talkative person with the group around him.

WC 366
TWC 366

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Disappointing Holiday Empty Re: Disappointing Holiday

Sat Jan 06, 2024 8:02 pm
At first the welcome sight of Heifu came into view, Nemui bowed respectfully to his elder once again and would politely answer her inquiry to his progress. "It's nice to see you again Heifu, things have honestly been a bit rough. I was mixed up with a few others during that attack on the village about a week ago." Nemui rubbed his left arm, raising the sleeve to reveal some scars left behind from glass shards. "Thankfully the medics were able to heal my face so it didn't receive any scars unlike my arm here." The boy chuckled, recalling how painful the experience was to have each individual piece removed. "I hope you've been well and that the attack on Kirigakure's slums didn't cause you any problems?" Then later as Kaimera arrived Nemui would also excitedly wave and respond "It's great to see you too, looking good after that beating you received, I'm glad you're okay." Toothily grinning at this point, Leon arrived shortly after.

Replying to Leon's comment on them doing all the missions, Nemui gave a moment's pause for thought before speaking. "Well, Kouji's not here with us today. Maybe he's still recovering from that fight." While thinking about the boy and hoping he was doing alright a nearby bell rang, signaling a boat coming in to dock. Leon's inquiry as to who would take the lead caused Nemui to face Heifu, their senior in experience. While she may not have been as physically capable as some her knowledge on the village would surely exceed their own given her age. "I'll vouch for Heifu to take the lead on this one." Nemui exclaimed before looking around to see what the others thought.

Whatever the decision, the tourist's boat quickly approached and they'd be expected to meet the civilians disembarking, so Nemui would make his way down presumably accompanied by everyone. While making their way towards the boat he would observe the clouds once again. "It's a good thing that storm seems to be heading in a different direction, should make our mission easier without getting pelted by heavy rain and winds." Little did he or most likely anybody else know that storm would come back in a most ferocious manner.

The old man pacing back and forth on the docks would suddenly call out to the group as they passed by. "Oi, you three." Hands in his pockets and a scowl adorning his face, he continued. "I've been waiting here for two hours now and my son still hasn't shown up. I've seen your type escort tourists from that boat all throughout the village dozens of times, if you pass by the gambling dens in Ginza district, assuming they've been rebuilt, look for him and send him my way will you? I'll pay you for the trouble." The old man then gave a rough description of his son, a well-built but surly looking character with brown hair, green eyes, a scraggly beard and darkened eyelids.

Nemui would feel compelled to do this for the man since they'd most likely pass through the area, although he'd allow Heifu or whoever decided to take charge today, the responsibility of making the call.

WC: 531
TWC: 865
Heifu Jōnetsu
Heifu Jōnetsu
Stat Page : Don't look at an old ladies intimates!
Mission Record : Mission Record
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 31700

Disappointing Holiday Empty Re: Disappointing Holiday

Sat Jan 06, 2024 9:33 pm
Heifu lost the smile on her face at the boy's words and immediately grabbed his arm, huffing and humming as he looked at the remnant of his injuries. He should be proud, these were battle wounds, or least injuries sustained in service to the village. But she wished she could get ahold of the person responsible. She'd heard he'd died but if he hadn't... Well, she'd picked up some of the arts of torture in her time and she wouldn't mind using the terrorist as a subject to help her relearn. "My poor dear, such terrible scars! Just remember that each one is an honour. A ninja without scars is either very talented, or has never truly served their village. It is quite rarely the former." She paused for a moment, letting him go, "I just wish I had been there to help set the perpetrator straight! Attacking the village like that! A former shinobi of the village too. Rebel scum... hot-tempered, dull witted, idiotic..." She carried on as she typically did, her rambles turning to mutters that one could only pick up a single dark word here and there.

It was as she was doing this that another boy arrived. He welcomed Nemui warmly, indicating they knew each other, and then he bowed to her. She gave him a cold side-eyed look as she gave him a once over, and then quieted her muttering to harrumph loudly before falling silent. Unlike Nemui, whose actions were so clearly genuine, she doubted the boy's intentions and decided to settle in and observe until she formed an opinion on him.

It was then another familiar face arrived, she gave Leon a small nod of acknowledgment as he greeted her. They'd worked together briefly mopping the monument of the first Mizukage. He'd done an acceptable job and listened to her, but she was still concerned over his age. He was too young to be a genin and taking on more difficult missions. After all, that's why she'd re-entered the workforce, to stop such things from happening. But he did display some aptitude and potential. She hoped he grew quickly, before that spark of his was snuffed out.

She listened with interest to their conversation. It seemed that they had all been tangled up in the chaos that had shaken the village last week. Even that four-eyed youngster had been involved. Too young, too young...! She thought to herself. She wanted to shield them, protect them until they gained enough skill to truly tackle such missions, or, well, beat them until she pounded some talent and skill into their skulls. They were lucky to escape from that encounter with nothing but a few scars. Even a Jounin may have died at the hands of that rebel Masaki.

She gave Nemui a warm smile and a nod as he indicated her seniority and rightful place as leader for this mission. He had such a good head on his shoulders... She almost wished she had a grandson, as she felt almost a kinship at that level with this boy, wanting to dote on and smother him with her attention. She stifled that feeling though, it both being an unusual one for her and she also needed to focus on the task at hand.

An old man, even to her, called out to them as they reached the docks.

"Oi, you four. I've been waiting here for two hours now and my son still hasn't shown up. I've seen your type escort tourists from that boat all throughout the village dozens of times, if you pass by the gambling dens in Ginza district, assuming they've been rebuilt, look for him and send him my way will you? I'll pay you for the trouble."

Heifu walked up to the man confidently and likely surprising the man with her spryness. "No need to pay us, we're village shinobi and would be glad to complete this task for you. If you want, I can even tan the boy's hide for you on the way back as a bonus...? He'll think twice before putting you in this situation again."

Confident she'd communicated what was needed, she boarded the tourists boat without listening to the old man's reply. She clapped her hands together loudly to grab the group's attention. "Welcome to Kirigakure! I and my associates will be your tour guides today." She stopped and gestured vaguely in the direction of her three... teammates. "I'll be happy to relay the history of the islands of the Land of Water as we go about our day. If there are any questions please save them until the end of the tour and I'll be happy to answer them. As you can see, I've some considerable life experience behind me and should be able to give you a satisfactory lesson on our history."

With that, she began. The boat launched and she gave a remarkable account of each island they passed. She knew many less well-known facts that even well-educated home citizens would have found interesting. Even more compelling was her tale of particular battle or historic event that happened on each island, even the smaller ones. Whenever someone had an inquiry she would shush them and refer them to her speech at the beginning of the tour, or pass them along to one of the other shinobi, hoping their less seasoned knowledge would suffice. It wasn't long before they had returned to the port, the old man no longer pacing worriedly back and forth.

Heifu quickly disembarked forgetting, or really, not caring about her promise to answer any final questions. She didn't wait for the boys either, trusting that they would catch up with her eventually. She made a beeline for the Ginza district, a mad gleam in her eye. She was looking forward to turning this good for nothing's bottom so red he won't be able to sit down for a week!

WC: 989
TWC: 1,592
MTWC: 3,583/5,500

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Kaimera Yakedo
Kaimera Yakedo
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Disappointing Holiday Empty Re: Disappointing Holiday

Mon Jan 08, 2024 7:54 am
Somewhere deep in the library there contains a book. A book of quotes to be exact, and in that book gave a quote about deception. It read those lines along ‘deception is a developed art of civilization and the most potent weapon in the game of power’. An inquiring thought that enlightened the cerebral of the young Yakedo. He knew that, of course, civilizations, countries, and even, villages have all partake in some level of deception. But what about the individuality that people express?

Kaimera’s gaze intensified as he studied the elder who gave him a cold expression. ‘I wonder what secrets and deception lie behind every wrinkle you wear, Heifu?’ The scorch user thought as a smirk formed over his mouth while his eyes never faltered. Others might not partake in studying their comrades, that is a hobby that Kaimera has taken some intrust here as of late; especially, since the whole debacle regarding Kouji’s uncle. Now, herein lies the subject of his fascination. It’s quite comical to him because when he tried to figure out who this Heifu was before coming along on this mission, there was barely, if at all, anything regarding her. It was intriguing to find out who this old woman is.

Even though Kaimera wanted to uncover the truth about her, someone more important to him approached the group. Someone that made sure his thoughts deviated away from the topic of Heifu. Someone that he was thrilled about to be here and that was Leon Rentei. The smirk that was placed along his lips quickly formed into a more compassionate and genuine one as the dark-skinned angel approached them. “Leon,” Kaimera spoke out softly as walked over to the taller male.

“My knight in shining armor, I’m glad you are here,” Kaimera said as he looked up to try and meet the gaze of those ocean-blue eyes. “I haven’t thanked you properly since you came to my rescue,” he said only pausing for a few moments to give a side-eye back to Nemui before returning his focus back onto Leon, “so, after this, I’m going to take you out on the town to all your favorite places. Anywhere you want, it’s on me. Just want to show you I’m really thankful,” Kaimera finished before wrapping his arms around Leon’s chest and giving him a tight squeeze before focusing on the rest of the group and their discussion.

Well, the next discussion was who will lead and who will follow. No one deliberately offered to lead the group, but it was safe to assume that Heiju was going to take charge. Seniority and all applying. Fortunately, Kaimera had no qualms about it and would follow with questions if opportune times arose. With roles being placed and a man approached the group, asking if they could find his son in the Ginza District. Kaimera let out a chuckle as memories resurfaced of that place. All things must lead back there.

Through the tour, Kaimera found himself just detailing small information that Heifu did not provide. While he wasn’t doing that, he delved himself into small talk with the others. As they docked against the port, Heifu immediately took off; without waiting for the others to journey with her. But that wasn’t the main priority right now as the rain was coming down in thick torrents, making vision almost invisible against the gray of day and heavy. Every once in a while, a flash of white lightning would split the air and draw shapes into form, intelligible only by the brief, dazzling outlines reflected by the water. For those slight instances, the landscape of the port was bright, and inexplicably beautiful. Splashed in iridescence, the shattered rock and splintered wood had not looked so alive in years.

Kaimera wasn't used to rain like this. Further north it came slowly, with clouds that drifted languidly between horizons for days spilling cool drizzle, sometimes warm showers. But here, near the sea of Kirigakure, the storm had come suddenly with little warning. In a matter of moments, the trees that made up that island seemed to sway with each gust of wind across the tops, pulling old birds from their rest. He had even considered taking shelter. But with the storm at its peak Kaimera found himself in his haste to follow Heifu. His hair was soaked, sticking to his neck and sides of his head. Worse was the clothes he wore stuck tightly to the shape of his body. Every once in a while, the wind picked up enough to throw droplets into his face; he would tilt her head back, letting them slide through his hair, over the bridge of his nose and down his throat.

WC: 788
TWC: 1,548

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Leon Rentei
Leon Rentei
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Ryo : 500

Disappointing Holiday Empty Re: Disappointing Holiday

Tue Jan 09, 2024 3:34 pm
Leon would rub his head as he knew he could have done more during that fight or at least tried anything the reminder of his failure rang in his ears and the back of his mind as he knew he had to be better. The look on his face slightly shifted as he thought before coming back to his senses when Kaimera approached him seeing he was up and mobile made him happier. "Hey Kaimera, I mean it's no problem I wasn't gonna leave you there." The genin would rub his head a bit, through the hood of the robes, and started to smile again at Kaimera despite how Heifu looked at him cold disposition. "Oh really, well I look forward to it. I hope we'll have the best day together. I know of some great places we can go to that won't break your bank." He laughed softly as he looked at Kai in a more tender caring way. "I'm just happy to see you up and moving I didn't want anything to happen to you back there." Leon was in mix of happy, nervous, curious, and another feeling, flirty, with him. He would soon feel Kai wrapping around him in a tight embrace he would, naturally, return the favor and hug back. When Nemui vouched for Heifu to take the lead he would agree seeing as she's the elder of the group but it may also be a problem as he noticed that when she gets a certain way she tends to.... Mutter a lot and get upset over things which for a tourist group may not be the ideal leader. Before he could really voice this thought the tourist boat pulled up pretty quickly. As Nemui made his way forward with everyone else Leon would follow behind the group just as soon as he heard another voice. He would look towards the old man then to Heifu to see what she'd say about this as she became defacto leader.

When he brought up the same district as before Leon hand would rest on Kai's shoulder as he gently squeeze it to remind him he's there. Though it seemed she made it clear that she'll be happy to help she even went so far as to even do it for free. Leon would just follow behind though he was concerned about that storm he couldn't exactly say it was bothering him seeing how it was going away from them but this feeling never ends. As they all got on the boat Leon would conversate with anyone and everyone who wanted to talk though he kept his eyes on the sky as the storm began to move again. As they pulled back into port the rain was coming and it wasn't being gentle, as Leon expected, but was pouring at some point like Kai Leon thought to get to cover but he couldn't stop knowing his team was out there still going to try and complete the mission. He would look around for Nemui making sure he kept up as Leon pulled on his hood to keep his body safe and dry. Luckily for him a lab coat is basically a rain coat but better and his Ronin robes was sewn into the other side of the coat as he moved forward. Though it wasn't perfect as rain drops still found their way through to his face his hair was starting to get matted to his face as he turned his head a few times. The sound of the sky crackling before a loud boom bounced off the walls nearby as Leon decided to imbue his feet with chakra to make he didn't slip on the ground.

WC 618
TWC 984

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Ryo : 209790

Disappointing Holiday Empty Re: Disappointing Holiday

Wed Jan 10, 2024 11:49 pm
Nemui appreciated Heifu's doting attitude but also felt slightly uncomfortable with her familiarity, awkwardly laughing as she grabbed his arm to inspect it. Following that was a torrential hurling of abuse towards the attacker which provoked an odd reaction from him. Nemui hadn't processed yet how horrific all of what he saw was, mostly focusing on his own recovery. Now that Heifu was bad-mouthing the man that caused everything it reminded him, a single man was capable of such destruction, of taking so many innocent lives. His expression became blank although when the others joined them it was easy to smile and act as normal. With their greetings said and Heifu decided upon as the leader for this mission, they set off to greet the tourists on the boat.

Nemui heard Leon and Kaimera flirting as usual but he gave no reaction, incapable of doing so because he was deep in thought about the horror from that day. Recalling the beginnings where an explosion rocked the district, shattering windows and collapsing buildings.. the debris that landed right before him, only meters of separation saving his life.. the screams that immediately rang out from every direction.. the bodies he pulled from each building only to discover the majority were deceased.. the boy he saved but lost sight of and now knew nothing of his fate. Nemui walked behind the others as though bereft of purpose before suddenly stumbling on the boat ramp, snapping him back to reality. He felt tears forming in his eyes and immediately brushed them away.

Now realizing the group was all ahead of him, Nemui picked up his pace to catch up and greet the tourists. There he saw the excited faces of many people foreign to Kirigakure and he listened to Heifu's introductory speech. It was what the mission entailed and he understood it to be a perfectly normal situation but all the same, something began etching its way into his psyche while the scene played out. "I feel sick." This thought recurred incessantly, so much so that he barely understood what was being said around him. Feeling as though the boat were sliding beneath his feet, Nemui suddenly rushed to the side and leaned against the edge, throwing his face forwards whereupon he'd vomit into the water. From an outsider's perspective he would most likely appear to be seasick but this wasn't the case.

Nemui felt like somehow he hated the foreigners, he hated the excitement they felt towards seeing the districts where so many had died just a week prior, he hated that these people would be stepping on the ground where bodies laid so recently. Facing down at the water he saw his reflection, its expression of anger scared him but he found himself staring for an overly long period of time. Trying to break out of this daze, Nemui raised both arms and leaned his elbows onto the ship's railing before leaning his face into each palm. He began thinking about the fact all four of them survived that day and that the man had been killed.. he had to have been killed. Taking his mind off the subjects that caused him to feel angry and sick, Nemui noticed Heifu's introduction finished and the group began to disembark.

With a deep breath, he dragged both hands downwards, wiping the frightening expression off his face before lazily rejoining them and walking down the ramp. Nemui's goal was to pretend he was just seasick but he found himself incapable of producing even a faux smile. At this point in time the skies had opened up with rain pouring down like nothing he'd seen before yet it didn't seem to matter. Mostly staring at the ground, he'd look up from time-to-time and then noticed Heifu was growing distant from the tourists, as they dawdled and took in the sights. Considering at first that he should call out to her, he instead walked a bit faster to catch up and also gain some distance from the foreigners. Eventually he'd find himself walking alongside the elderly kunoichi whereupon he would match her pace.

Despite walking beside her, Nemui had nothing to say and would simply forge ahead eventually making their way to Ginza District. Seeing it for the first time ever since the attack, he was taken aback by how quickly everything was rebuilt. Looking at the shops, many of them were closed because the owners died or were recovering from that day. Still, it was a bustling area of activity with citizens flocking to buy luxury goods, with no signs of the recent tragedy. Glimpsing over his shoulder, Nemui could see the tourists doing the same as Kirigakure's own citizens, greedily snatching objects up to admire and purchase. "I feel sick." Immediately this thought recurred and Nemui found himself dashing into a nearby alley, vomiting onto the ground with both arms outstretched against a wall.

Catching his breath, a pained moan came from the right, deeper into the alley. Instinctively, Nemui refocused his attention on this sound and approached it. Rounding some garbage bags the boy could see a man's arm sticking out from beneath them. Recalling the limbs sticking out from beneath debris, Nemui tossed the bags aside to reveal him. Shockingly, he saw a man matching the description of the old man's son. It appeared he pissed off the wrong people as just from a cursory glance Nemui could see both of his ankles were broken and his fingers too. The man's eyes were blackened but not in the way his father described, rather they had been struck so forcefully that swelling prevented him from opening them. With his thoughts now focused on the man's wellbeing, Nemui kneeled beside him and performed the Healing Hands technique at D-Rank.

While it would reduce the swelling allowing the man to see again, the bones in his fingers and ankles were horrendously shattered, practically turning them into meat sacks filled with bone shards. "You'll be alright." Nemui would say on repeat albeit devoid of expression, attempting to reassure the man before positioning him to be carried piggy-back style. The man at this point was so weak he couldn't even let out a cry of pain while being moved. Emerging from the alley slowly as to not shake the man and make his injuries worse, Nemui looked for where Kaimera might be, remembering that he specialized in Medical Ninjutsu. It had been a moment since he ducked into that alley but he hoped nonetheless they'd be nearby.

WC: 1,090
TWC: 1,955
Heifu Jōnetsu
Heifu Jōnetsu
Stat Page : Don't look at an old ladies intimates!
Mission Record : Mission Record
Bukijutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 31700

Disappointing Holiday Empty Re: Disappointing Holiday

Thu Jan 11, 2024 1:29 am
Heifu smiled as Nemui caught up to her first, but not for long. The smile slid from her face as she noticed something was off about him. She'd notice him throw up on the boat but had assumed it was seasickness. She kept an eye on him, his face going greyer and greyer as they forged on to the Ginza district. As they moved the rain began to pour harder and harder until it was dripping down her face and every bit of her clothing. She was drenched from head to toe, but still, the blonde boy was her focus. She said nothing as they moved though, she knew all too well what trying to remain strong looked like. She had her ninja pride as well, and wouldn't intrude on his.

It wasn't until they reacheda street in Ginza she had to move to action. The boy dashed into an alley and immediately vomited. Wordlessly she followed closely and rubbed his back gently as he expunged the contents of his stomach. While it may still be seasickness she thought it unlikely, something was off with him. Something bigger than a mere illness. She had no time to think on it though, as she noticed at the same time as Nemui, the arm sticking out from the nearby pile of garbage. With Nemui's aid, she pulled the trash from the man, pulling it off to reveal a man who looked remarkably similar to the description they had been given. Well as close as a man in his state could be. A cold rage filled her. As Nemui did what little his medical jutsu could do to help the man she stood there. Stood there and didn't move a muscle. She knew if she moved at that moment her anger would turn to action, and someone would get hurt, perhaps even die. It didn't matter what a good for nothing this boy was, no one treated a Kirigakure citizen like this and got away with it. No one.

Thunder resounded from the skies as the heavens continued its urgent deluge, beginning to hammer down harder and harder than before. As lightning pealed, lighting up the alleyway, Heifu pulled her tanto from its sheath. As the others moved around her, urgently trying to aid the man, she made a vow upon that blade. It seems you will see blood again. The people who did this will suffer. They will wish for the quiet mercy of the Cruel Smoke before they die. She will not give it to them. This time, she'll let them know she's coming for them. She will look in their eyes as they die. Justice will be served.

WC: 448
TWC: 2,040
MTWC: Exceeded/5,500
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