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Kaimera Yakedo
Kaimera Yakedo
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 226750

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Wed Dec 27, 2023 8:18 pm
Today’s the day!

The sun was rising in the Land of Water. An orange wave washed over anything exposed to the warm morning sky, and gentle winds rustled trees and grass alike. Despite the night being almost completely snuffed out, a lone silhouette moved amongst the greenery in a field, which had grown waist high.

The blue-eyed teen, glistening with sweat after a long night of training, took his perch atop one of the stronger limbs of a large dogwood tree that grew on the far end of the Yakedo's property. He leaned his back against the base of the tree itself, keeping one foot on the branch for support, leaving the other to dangle freely and lazily. The warm glow of what remained of the sun fought to pierce the tree's shield of leaves, which thankfully did not obstruct the view of the road on the other side of a well-worn wooden fence. Occasionally, travelers would pass by, but none took notice of the boy in the tree which Kaimera was glad for. The teen took a deep, thoughtful breath, exhaling satisfaction and relaxation. A gust of wind blew past, bringing with it scents of wildflowers, trees, and a whisper of rain to come. This was the best time to enjoy being outside, he thought even when the cold winds would come.

That's when he would jump down and head into town from his family's compound. The smell of the food was always worth stopping for. Halting at a spot that felt as safe as any, Kaimera finally looked up and took in what was around him. Kaimera had been lost in his own world. His mind stuck on the pretend game he had created to make walking bearable, had filtered out the growling sounds of his stomach. However, the village had its fair share of lunch rushes. He had always disliked this time of day and cursed his stomach for choosing now of all times to protest its emptiness. Why couldn't he like to eat an hour from now? Maybe an hour before would have been better? Kaimera thought that he could wait. Allow the couples to share their meals, the business folk to rush through their break. He could watch, he thought. There were a few familiar faces. The old man always had coffee with his sandwich even when it was hot outside. There was the elderly group of female friends whose laughter was infectious - sitting around a table with tea. He'd waited before. 

However, as much as he wanted to, he couldn’t eat right now. Today he was having surgery. For far too long has he felt weak, even more considerably so with his team of expert Hyūga's. But, with him reaching out to the Mizukage, he had an idea on how Kaimera could gain strength through the usage of transplants. He’s never heard of anything like that before, but he ultimately trusted the Kage with the information he provided. Heading into the private estate of the Mizukage’s, he waited for the man at the entrance for him to lead the young Yakedo to where he will receive the transplant. Presumably, the Kage’s private medical room.

TWC: 530
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

Supermarket Organ Empty Re: Supermarket Organ

Tue Jan 16, 2024 2:14 am
When Kaimera arrived and knocked he would be greeted by an overly excited woman, who opened the door with enthusiasm and a smile before it changed quickly to a frown. "Let me guess he sent you to see if I was here and if I was he wasn't going to enter?" She would peer around the corners of the door looking for someone.

"Which means he is close by watching. Akabayashi!" She would yell running out the door without closing it. She seemed to run in the right direction as the kage said "Shit." before the sound of flying thunder god could be heard. Along with a disgruntled growl from the lady.

Seconds later a strange dude with ringed eyes would run into the house and the sound of the flying thunder god technique could be heard once more as Akabayashi appeared. "That should keep her busy for a bit, now I can go to sleep. Raincheck." He would say to Kaimera as he closed the door mouthing sorry.

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