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Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Bukijutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 86000

More Missions for the Student Empty More Missions for the Student

Mon Dec 25, 2023 6:10 pm
Mission Details:

Another day another Ryo. That was the thought process that was forming in the young man’s mind. He had been undertaking various mission requests in the village, he hadn’t done anything advanced or worthy of anyone’s attention after all he was still just a student but it was at least better then doing nothing and just going through the motions of the day to day. While he was quite interested in what he was learning from the academy there was something lost in translation when you were learning things children learn at such an age like his.

At the end of the day he was learning quite a bit but he was learning it to quickly so if he didn’t do these missions he would slowly drive himself crazy with the lack of things to do outside of the academy. Worse come to Worst he could always go back home and help out in his spare time but that would mean that he would have to be around his most hated thing and that was sand. So the missions were the way to go.

Now the missions he had chosen out today were three different requests. The first one was on helping and Adoption Center for animals that was in dire need of help and assistance, this was one that he was quite looking forward too. The second asked for help from the Painter’s Guild that was here in the village, while Mako was not one that was creatively gifted with the brush he could appreciate the work artist put into their craft as he was with someone who was a master at combat. There was something to be admired about those who have the passion and drive to fully embrace their craft to such a high level. To many people engage in the activity but never truly try and master it to such a degree.

The last request on Mako’s list was one that involved training which was something that Mako greatly enjoyed, it called for the study and application of Stealth training. While he wasn’t enthused about having to write a report for the mission he was more then pleased to get an excuse to train more and get rewarded for it beyond an increase of his own ability. After all there was apparently a skill that if you got high enough in the shinobi force in Kirigakure to learn how to be as silent as the wind. He hadn’t seen anyone using it or maybe he had and that’s just how good it was but he had had snippets about the possibility of training like that to exist. Being the Training fanatic he was it was certainly a rumor that he was hoping was real and something he could get ahold of at some point.

But moving on from the future and coming back to the present Mako made his way to the first request which was to a building that looked like it could definitely use some love and care. It had boards over obvious holes in the walls and fence that looked like it was used for the animals to get some time outside. Entering the building it looked a bit better than the outside though not by much. This was definitely a place being ran by people who cared about their job but just didn’t seem to have the funding necessary to fix everything that was needing to be fixed. Mako approached the front desk and there was a tired young man wearing glasses, who raised his head and looked at Mako with tired eyes, “Yes can I help you?” The man asked weary from work or maybe just life in general. “No but I think I can help you. I accept this request you guys posted.” Mako said producing the slip for the young man who looked over it and a look of joy washed over the man. “Oh thank god, Listen we have a lot wrong with the place and you being here to help is something we need greatly. Two dogs got out earlier today and I need someone to go find them and bring them back and then we need a hole patched which the aforementioned dogs used to escape. I can’t go look for them since I’m the only one working right now.” He explained while pulling out photos of the missing dogs in question. Mako looked them over and with a nod turned back out the way he came and started the search for these mission animals. The first one was easy to find as it was barking at a tree and when Mako approached he noticed there was a treed cat lounging in one of the many branches cooly looking at the yapping dog.

Mako grabbed the dog and put a leash on it so he couldn’t run away and began his work towards finding the other one. This one took some time to find but wasn’t to difficult as he had simply traveled to the area where all the food places were and was eating the scraps the owners were giving it. With a smile and wave he picked up the dog and took them both to the adoption center so he could begin work on the next part of his task. When he arrived the worker was thrilled and happily took the two mischievous animals from him and returned them to their cages, lightly scolding them for their escape. Now it was time to work on the wall that needed patched. Luckily the business had the needed supplies and tools and it wasn’t that difficult to complete. With a few swings of the hammer smacking the nails into place and securing the wood to the wall the hole had been taken care of and it was now time to get signed off on completing the task. With the completion of both parts the young man signed Mako’s slip and thanked him for the help, looking a bit less worn out now that those issues had been taken care.

For the second request Mako made his way across the village and entered the Painter’s Guild, which was in pretty well off state compared to the Adoption center. It was weird to see how the village allotted its fund for the businesses in the area compared to what it brought to the village as a whole. Mako thought that honestly the adoption center would be fully taken care of due to its purpose but it seemed that it wasn’t seen as all that important which was saddening. Moving on from those thoughts Mako approached the front desk and produced the mission slip once more to the young lady behind the desk. She explained that they just needed someone to paint one of the wall with a fresh coat as it was getting a bit behind on care and after that they needed help with cleaning up some of the free to use equipment they had like the brushes.

It seemed that while they were well funded they just didn’t have enough staff to do everything around here and hoped young shinobi’s like him would be able to help out. Which to Mako wasn’t a big deal and with the directions given Mako began to get the things he would need to complete the task and went to work painting the outside wall making sure to go over tough spots so that it would look perfect once he was done. This took quite a bit of time due to size and effort but eventually he was done with that portion of his task now it was time to go inside and get to work on cleaning the equipment which was mainly just cleaning old paint off brushes so they could be used later on. This wasn’t difficult at all and was simply tedious in premise.

With plenty of time and elbow grease Mako powered through the work needed to be completed and was finally done and satisfied with the work he had done so far. Once he had done that portion he went back to the front desk so the woman could check his work and sign his slip so he could move onto the last thing he needed to do for the day and get on back home.

The last task was the training mission to work on stealth and write a report on it, so while he disliked writing reports he was much more interested in the actual training aspect of the request and dived fully into the work. He followed all the guidelines and compared them to not using what was suggested to build a solid foundation on how it improved his ability to move with a quickness but without much sound. It was an enjoyable interaction and one that he was more than willing to accomplish, by the time he was done he had enough information and practical application to easily finish his report as needed and surprisingly he had done more then enough on that portion that it didn’t feel as much of a chore as he had expected. Now he just needed to turn in his work and get the slips back to the building he had gotten the requests from and collect his rewards. He was feeling that he was learning quite a lot doing these tasks and with each completion he was building up a reputation that he hoped would lead him to being able to move through the ranks of the shinobi force. Once he had done what was needed with his slips and claimed his rewards he was ready to head on home and get some rest. He had been quite busy and he was tired, though it was more a rewarding kind of tired that came from actively doing things that had benefits then the kind of tired where it seemed like nothing could be done to get rid of it.


WC: 1665
Claims: 3000 Ryo, 15 AP
+16 stats to Strength
+40 wc to Substitution Technique 210/250 > 250/250
+250 wc to Surface walking/Tree Climbing technique 0/250 > 250/250
+500 wc to Genjutsu Release for learning the tech and mastering it for no handseals 0/500 > 500/500
+875 wc to Clanned Pureblood 0/3000 > 875/3000
Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

More Missions for the Student Empty Re: More Missions for the Student

Tue Dec 26, 2023 3:34 pm
Mako wrote:

WC: 1665
Claims: 3000 Ryo, 15 AP
+16 stats to Strength
+40 wc to Substitution Technique 210/250 > 250/250
+250 wc to Surface walking/Tree Climbing technique 0/250 > 250/250
+500 wc to Genjutsu Release for learning the tech and mastering it for no handseals 0/500 > 500/500
+875 wc to Clanned Pureblood 0/3000 > 875/3000

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