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Maya Misaka
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Maya's Missions (Solo Missions) Empty Maya's Missions (Solo Missions)

Sun May 05, 2013 10:50 pm
Mission Name:Clean the park
Character Requirements:N/A
Mission Location:Tengakure, Village.
Word Count Requirements:500

(So I can't find anything in the rules that say an academy student can't do this, so...)

Maya sighed, grudgingly picking up a wash cloth. Some no-life had vandalized the park, and while the Genin get to do he exiting job; Finding out who did it, and punishing them in what she hoped was the most painful way possible, for Maya was stuck cleaning up. And, this was technically her first mission, which didn't exactly set the bar very high. That, and she didn't have anyone to help her! No one to compete with! Not a single friend! She silently cursed her bad luck, while she scrubbed at the graffiti on the statue of a former Tenkage or something, she really didn't know who it was.

The graffiti seemed like it was never going to come off, and she was getting very discouraged. She would be there all night at this rate, and she still had to go to work after this. All in all, it sucked.
"This is absolutely horrible." She said to the statue, who, surprisingly, did not speak back to her. She scowled at the statue, attempting to read the statue's name off it's plaque, but it was unreadable. She sighed, giving in to the simple truth that she was going to have to finish this fast. She dipped the wash cloth back into her bucket of water, scrubbing as hard as she could.

It seemed futile to Maya, who couldn't do anything but keep scrubbing. She eventually decided to just let her mind wander, basically leaving her body, and retreating to her mind. The statue was of a ANBU, wearing a mask, so that his/her face was obscured. They wore robes that were blowing in the breeze, making it hard to tell if it was a man or woman. An ANBU... her dad had been an ANBU. Had it only been a year since he was alive and with her? it didn't seem possible.

The statue was cleaned enough to the point where she could make out some of the text on the plaque.

"A memorial to our fallen ANBU, who lived, loved, and lost their lives for the village of Tenkagure." She read aloud, covering her mouth after she spoke. She under that, there was a list of names, sorted alphabetically. She checked the letter M, and partway through, she found a name:

"Tsukune Misaka" She read, a tear covering her eye. She picked up the was cloth, took back every curse and defilement she had thrown at the statue, and started scrubbing once more. In under an hour, the statue was in better condition then it was before the vandalism, particularly her father's name on the plaque, which was noticeably shinier then the rest of the names.

She walked away, a smile on her face, towards the groundskeeper's shed, bucket and wash cloth in hand. Returning them to their original places, Maya turned, glanced back at the statue once more, and headed to the diner, several hours earlier then she was supposed to be done with her missions.

(Wc: 507)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Living Clones : Isamu
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 271700

Maya's Missions (Solo Missions) Empty Re: Maya's Missions (Solo Missions)

Sun May 05, 2013 11:16 pm
An acad is not an official Ninja, so you wouldn't be doing missions. Once you hit Genin though, you can perform this mission.
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