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Stat Page : Jet Stream
Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 171500

A Far off Familiar World [Mission] Empty A Far off Familiar World [Mission]

Tue Oct 31, 2023 9:01 am
Mission Details:

Dragging his heels more than he usually would Zraix Hoshimura returned to the village of Haven after a long day of Bukijutsu training- the ronin had been trying his best to perfect his breathing form and get a better hang of utilizing his water release in conjunction with it. He had always had a knack for using his fire release as he simply had to ignite his chakra and release it in an explosive manner but water release required patience and finesse along with a touch of fluidity and he had to admit that he was struggling to adopt all of these characteristics. Still, he made much progress and ended up deciding to call it quits for a small time and return to the village to relax and whip up some dinner.

He entered the village gates and noticed that the streets were less lively than they normally would be on a weekend- sure it was a bit late but villagers who had been toiling all week loved to use the night at the end of the week to forget their troubles and sink their teeth into some good ol fashioned fun. He would continue walking through the village as he noticed the area around him growing foggier and foggier, soon the ground 5 meters in front of him became almost impossible to make out and as he ventured further into the village he saw less people, "Something isnt right.. whats going on here? And where is everyone? He thought to himself as he heard a hastened trail of steps behind himself. He turned around quickly to find that nothing was behind him, yet he could still hear the faint sound of foot steps gaining distance from his location. Now on guard the Hoshimura would close his eyes and make the seal of confrontation with his right hand- he would open his eyes revealing his Kenseigan and begin to scan the area around him. The buildings of the village itself seemed to be normal and completely the same but there was a faint pink cloudy chakra trail that was surrounding the village as a whole, Its space time chakra.. but where is it coming from and why is it so scattered.." He thought to himself as he began to realize that the situation he found himself in was nothing short of eerie.

10 meters ahead of him he would see a small child huddled over in the corner of a building- the child appeared to be crying, no weeping in sadness stating that he was lost and asking for anyone who would listen to help him find his mother. Zraix would rush over to the boy but maintain a distance of 5 meters before speaking out to the boy, "Hey kid what are you doing out here this late? Did you lose your parents. Maybe I can help you find them." He said as he scanned the boy with his kenseigan, noticing that the pink chakra was slowly beginning to wrap around the boy, his voice now getting warped as his glare shot towards the Hoshimura revealing blood shot red eyes and a face that had dark purple tattoos running down the center of it. The boys head turned upside down as he leaped up from the ground and landed on all fours, his tongue extending from his mouth one meter. Zraix would draw his katana immediately and focus his eyes as he saw the pink chakra completely surround the creature who was clearly some sort of demonic spirit. "Did this thing.. take everyone out? No that cant be possible. He would have had to take out the Kage along with every shinobi in the village. What even is this thing?" He thought to himself as the demonic spirit lunged at the Hoshimura with deathly intent behind its eyes. It would attempt to grab Zraix's throat with both hands but would be met with a stoic expression and a blade pushed deep through the center of its chest- the ronin would then rip the blade through the torso of the beast out of the top of its head causing it to disappear in a shroud of mist as it said the words "Thank you".

At this point the ronin was worried about the state of the village and why he was the only one witnessing all of this. He couldnt place his finger on what was happening but the village was clearly under attack and someone had to be responsible for all of this. He would leap to the top of the nearest building and used his Kenseigan to scan for the area where the pink clouded chakra was the most concentrated and to his surprise there was a massive amount of it collecting 20 meters to the east of his location and it seemed to be orbiting a mysterious figure. The shrouded figure had a mask and had taken note of Zraix's position long before the Hoshimura had seen him- Zraix remained at a stand still as he waited for the figure to make a move but all it did was point in the direction behind the ronin- this would cause him to turn around and see another demonic creature resembling that of a yokai spirit. This time the spirit took the form of a young woman, her hands holding two kunai knives that leaked dark energy and her body surrounded in a cloak of the same type of energy. She smiled sadistically revealing her fangs, blood shot eyes and purple markings trailing from the top of her head down the side of her face. Zraix remained expressionless as he was trying to make sense of what exactly she and the other being were and what their connection to the masked figure was- he would ready his blade as he saw the woman become shrouded in a pink foggy chakra, her body beginning to phase from where it was until she vanished. The pink fog maintained the shape of the woman and moved towards Zraix and then behind him slowly but surely before the woman reappeared and attempted to cut his throat. She would be met with a katana to her chin as Zraix would utilize his superb dexterity from his Seven Stinging Swords fighting style to move his katana from his hand to the joint between his right elbow and shoulder. He would turn to see the expression of the yokai spirit changed and that she was crying- but her tears werent those of sadness or anger, rather happiness that she was finally able to pass on to the next world and leave her yokai form.

Zraix was now furious from what he experienced. With two encounters from these yokai spirits it became all but clear that the being responsible for the appearance of these creatures was subjugating them to his will and forcing this yokai transformation upon them. "These poor spirits.. theyre so happy to be free of those forms theyre willing to die just for the reprieve. I just wonder if these were villagers that he turning into yokai.." He pondered as he looked up once more at the night sky and noticed that the pink fogged chakra covered the entire sky now that he was in the center of the village and took the shape of a dome descending over Hoshigakure. His eyes would widen as he made the realization that the village he was in though it looked identical to Hoshigakure, was not his home. He wasnt sure how but whoever that figure was managed to teleport him to an alternate space utilizing space time chakra and that was the reason there was so much space time chkra floating about and why the spirits and people captured were being warped using space time chakra. "So its some sort of dimension where he can change those caught in it into these monsters... but why hasnt he just changed me already? Am I immune because of my Kenseigan.. no that cant be it. Theres something else to it. Maybe im not the only one who was left alive or better yet that got transported to this place.

The Hoshimura would take his leave from the rooftop, ensuring that as he traversed the village he stayed out of sight from other yokai spirits. He knew he could handle anything in this domain but didnt want to take anymore innocent lives if he could help it. He continued on through the foggy night until he came across a park bench that had a man laying on it. The man had raven hair and he was of a strong build, not to mention the chakra that could be seen flowing through him was nothing short of massive. Zraix felt as though he was familiar with this chakra and as he approached the man it became clear that it was none other than Monsoon Uchiha taking a nap on the bench. Zraix would smack his forehead, finding it unbelievable that his counterpart could be taking a nap at a time like this. "Monsoon wake the hell up! Sleeping while trapped in an enemies jutsu is a new level of slacking. Get up and help me figure this out." He said as he was disappointed but also quite relieved that he wasnt alone in this strange jutsu.

Stat Page : Chakra Pressure
Taijutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 3000

A Far off Familiar World [Mission] Empty Re: A Far off Familiar World [Mission]

Tue Oct 31, 2023 10:51 pm
Monsoon found himself in that same place again. He looked down at that familiar, reflective pool that covered the ground. He looked up, to see that empty, ink black sky the spanned all horizons. No matter where he looked, all he saw was darkness, the only thing in sight being his own reflection. Suddenly, a familiar voice echoed out from infinity, causing a singular ripple on the reflective surface.


In the distance, the earth cracked, spilling blaring, bright light on the horizon. Steel sparks erupted like fireworks, the hilt of a wakashi began to emerge. It rose up to pierce the sky, even from this distance, Monsoon could not fathom its size. From the blade that jutted up from the earth, water bubbled up to the crust, crashing into a singular wave: a tsunami that was soon to come. Swirling, iridescent energy crackled from the fabric that flowed away from the hilt, sparking a swirling storm that crackled with heat and lightning. Like a typhoon, it made it way toward Monsoon, heralding the tsunami that traveled underfoot.

No matter where Monsoon looked, this storm-marching, water surge spanned all directions. No area or space could be moved to that could prevent the destructive calamity. Not one to allow himself to be helpless, the Uchiha's mind raced to possibilites. However, when staring at the roaring storm and screaming waves, which streamed from that far off wakazashi, no stratagem was useful. Being left in a space devoid off all but his reflection, Monsoon could do nothing but watch.


A great, bellowing roar came from behind Monsoon, one that shuddered the ink black water. The sky above would blink and turn into a blood red haze, clouds, not able to be seen before, swirled into a sinister, multiple pronged pupil. Another roar came, the breath of a beast breezed over Monsoon, along with the sound of crackling flames. Surrounded by hellish images, Monsoon Uchiha stood his ground.

The far off waves rose to swallow the sky, yet that sinister pupil could still be seen. As the water came crashing into Monsoon, a great blow roused him from his dreams.

"Monsoon wake the hell up! Sleeping while trapped in an enemies jutsu is a new level of slacking. Get up and help me figure this out."

Blurred by sleep, Monsoon started at the sudden slap, his vision hazy and his mind slow. Drowsy, the dense Uchiha groaned and leaned over his knees while rubbing on eye. His surroundings still blurry, he turned to the one who smacked him from his slumber.

Even in a haze, the Uchiha recognized Aegon. His slicked back, silver hair and indigo and black ronin robe was unmistakable, though his look was one he did not expect. Where before was piercing blue, now stood prismatic lotuses gleaming with circulation. This look sent a chill crawling down Monsoon's spine, was this really time for another mission. Still in the dregs of sleep and dreams, the Uchiha audibly sucked his teeth, giving a one-eye stare to Zraix.

"You know, while I appreciate your company and understand your drive, breaking into a man's home while he is sleeping is just plain ill-mannered! And to smack him awake!!!"

A few moments passed before Monsoon realized he was not in his bedroom. He was, in fact, on a bench near a lit lamp post, in a park neighboring the center of Hoshigakure. In an instant, he activated his dojutsu and his fighting aura, standing upright and with his arms raised in guard. He turned to Zraix with no trace of his prior mood.

"Zraix, we've been kidnapped by the enemy, they may already be on their way!"

A half moment after he spoke, Monsoon noticed the blood that lined the edge of the blades Zraix held and the vein that twitched on his forehead. In response to the Genin's "assesment", Zraix softly stamped him on the head with the hilt of his wakazashi.

Zraix explained their current situation and how he himself came to find Monsoon.

"So, you ended your training, walked through the gates and immediately noticed something was off. After slaying some, well, either possessed villagers or trapped spirits, you noticed a masked individual who appears to be the source of this strange distortion on our village? For my part, last I recall, we had ended tended to that fire in the Venerated District." He sighed, "Realllly thought we'd get a break after that.." After bemoaning the point the two walked away from the lap light as Monsoon continued, "We have to think of the motive of this individual. Attacking hoshi is one thing, but going through the effort of taking on the entire shinobi force to capture one shinobi seems strange, no?" Monsoon scanned the dome that surrounded Hoshigakure and his surroundings.

The chakra that streamed through the air could be described as flecks of light streaming through the air. Though their nature seemed random, thanks to Zraix, Monsoon could gleam a vague flow to their movements. On the edges of the structures, the chakra coalesced, as if it were attempting to retain its shape, or prevent it from morphing. As he relayed this to Zraix, a thought occurred to the Uchiha.

He went to a door on a nearby by building and pressed his hand to open it. To his surprise, the door would not budge, it was as if he was attemtping to open the face of a solid stone. The chakra around shifted, the curtains that hung outside windows near the door slithered into life. The door opened a singular, blood shot eye and stared into Monsoon's sharingan. The curtains snaked toward monsoon's arms and coiled around his wrist. The roof of the building trembled open, revealing a maw of splintered teeth. A bemoaning howl rattled out the throat of this building disguised beast, it used its curtained appendages to lift Monsoon up, attempting to toss him into its open jaws.

With a heavy sigh, Monsoon's musculature expanded, thrumming with the activation of the first gate. With 200 Strength and 75 speed, the Uchiha broke through the beasts restraints, landing back in front of its single eyed door. With a swift jab, Monsoon punches a hole into the building yokai's eye. The roof flaps open and it wails in gurgling pain, with a grunt Monsoon tears out his hand from the beast's eye socket, with its ocular organ and connective tissue in his palm.

The face of the building shuddered, shriveling into non-existence. Motes of life, echoes of emotion, dissipated about the place, giving of the feeling of peace.

The eye within Monsoon's hand faded away as well, yet the gore that coated half his arm still dripped upon the road.

"The user of this jutsu is a bastard, that's for sure. Did you notice, though? The chakra shifted as I tried to interact with this space. Not dissimilar to the child that you came close to." Monsoon pondered for a moment, "I don't think this was a jutsu cast o the village. I believe, instead, we've been transported to this space, more than likely by the user. Though I don't understand their methods, their seems to be both an active and passive trigger. And they use the essence that permeates this space to either create yokai to attack us, or posses the other denizens that could be here. Though, as you found me sleeping, I think we can presume that, since both of us seem to be immune to that effect, no other shinobi from our village could be here, lest the caster be overwhelmed. Which adds to my theory that this is some a dimension, of sorts."

Zraix weighed in on Monsoon's words. While an apt observation of their current situation, that does not explain their prior memories to being here. Though the days lined up, their different positions threw a strong argument against it not being a transportation. Afterall, Zraix had not stayed in the village to rest, he  was outside its gates, training: prior to this predicament.

A dark thought came to the Uchiha's mind.

"Perhaps, you're their target?"

At his words, a soft chime rang throughout the air. The shinobi would look, to see a lone ice cream stand, with a bright umbrella that obscured the seller's face. With another chime of their bell, the seller announced that the ice cream was ready. Wary, the two shinobi approached the stand, with Monsoon volunteering to "check out the wares".

As Monsoon came close, the seller went to prepare an icecone without input from their customer. Yet, at this distance, the umbrella obscured the seller's face. As the seller placed two scoops onto a waffle cone, Monsoon came up to the stand. However, the darkness cast by the large umbrella obscured the seller's face from the Uchiha. Wordlessly, the seller thrusted the cone toward Monsoon.

[1,480 WC, 3000 Requirement Reached, MISSION END, NEW MISSION BEGIN]
Mission Details:

Monsoon went to grab the cone, as he did the seller thrust his face into the light. A smooth patch of flesh stared into Monsoon's sharingan, the faceless ice-cream seller unnerved him. Believing he should be polite, he attempted to thank the man, but the faceless expression made him stutter. The flesh on the faceless seller rippled at this sign of fear, the skin where its mouth should of been ripped and bleed as elongated cheekbones stretched them out. Shrieking, it lunged toward the Uchiha.

At the same time, the places of darkness that surrounded the two shinobi shifted with activation, spawning beings of pure shadow and glowing yellow eyes. Individually, each acted like a jittering juvenile, jumping and bumping into one another. However, the growing numbers meant that collectively, they would pose a threat.

As Zraix was facing Monsoon and 3 meters away, the Uchiha used his Tsuri-Goshi Taijutsu to catch the hand of the lunging faceless yokai and throw it backwards, toward the ronin. Zraix, catching on to his genin's plan, would inhale and preform a brilliant water bukijutsu to behead the faceless yokai. With each shinobi facing each other, they went to work on the horde of shadow spawn that were surrounding them. The Uchiha took note of the unique sword stance, at how Aegon would use his blade with his joints as well as his hands. The motion would  almost confuse his sharingan, were he to attempt to focus. As it stood, he could not.

With swirling slashes, crackling punches and feats of both dexterity and might, the two shinobi dispatched the horde of shadow spawn, with Zraix dispatching 501 and Monsoon 449. Exhausted by the effort, strained by combat, each took a moment to catch their breath.


At Zraix's word, the Uchiha looked up, to see the mased figure 15 meters behind them. Cloaked in black, no features of theirs could be made, save for the curious mask they wore. With halo hung in the center of its forehead and red, blue and yellow lining its eyes, the resemblance of a deity greeted the two shinobi. Yet before another moment could pass, Monsoon pulled in one arm. 3 meters behind the mased figure, a cone of force would spawn, forming toward Monsoon at a speed and power of 125. Not being strong enough to resist, the figure would be helpless against the force and be catapulted toward Monsoon's hand. What awaited them was an open palm, Monsoon would tighten his grip as he felt their throat around his palm.

As he made contact, the world around them would shift, in an instant, both shinobi would be transported to another space, shunted to spaces between realms of chakra, colliding with surfaces both real and imagined.

After each shinobi blinked, they would find themselves, not in hoshigakure, but near the mouth of a cave at the bottom of a high mountain. With a quick scan of their horizons, the two would gather their relative position, at a place near the borders of Haven and Mountain. Monsoon would point to a far structure, a tower with a singular window.

De-ja vu would wobble in the mind, Monsoon recalled that as the base of the Chain Hook gang, and the home of their dead leader, Ironjaws. Before he could question why, he felt something in his hand. Looking down, he realized he held that strange mask of the figure they were just confronting.

"Hm, even when I didn't know what to expect, this is still unexpected."

The voice would belonged to a bespeckled woman, sporting travelers garb, glasses, and a pack brimming with lanterns, scrolls and maps. Her eyes were as bright as emeralds and her hair was silver blonde. Exasperated, Monsoon approached the traveler.

"Woman, I demand you tell me how we got here!"

A look of disgust crossed her face as she slapped monsoon as a retort. Zraix, sensing the tension, leapt between the two to diffuse the situation, quickly explaining the situation they were just in. The traveler, who introduced herself to Zraix as Daenarys, was enraptured with their tale. While Monsoon believed she would brush it off, she instead posed questions that made it seem that she was familiar with the powers and place they described. Monsoon would interject, pointing out that, she still had not explained how Zraix and he came to be in the borderlands.

"Oh well, that's obvious. I brought you here! Or, more specifically, the ritual of the Nameless Deity Mask you hold. See, I'm a historian. Quite renowned actually, but, only under pen names. See, the cave we're standing from is rumored to lead to the ancient city of Alurum. Or, to be more precise, it is the only known city of the Alurum people, thus, modern historians have named it thus. The Alurum were said to be separate from chakra, yet could use other manners that mirrored its effects. In fact, there have been some excavation sights that suggest they could harness the power of emotions! Though, that is purely speculation, one I disagree with, actually. I think its a combination of minerals and reactions, but, that's another point. That mask in the oaf's hands, Zraix, was something my grandmother found. It was at a spot not too far from here, though the area is now no longer safe. Through my grandmother's notes, I postulated that this mask would unlock the path toward Alurum! When I put it on this morning, I saw a glowing stream of chakra, pointing toward this cave! Though, it was open, as it is now, there was this huge stone door, I drew pictures! Anyway, there were inscriptions on the walls and I read them outloud. There was a sudden activation, the doors opened and you two stepped out, with the oaf taking of the mask right off my face!"

The two shinobi looked at each other, concern in each of their eye.

Zraix, being observant, would ask Daenarys how that relates to the yokai they've described.

"Oh, well, you see. That's the sort of, tragedy of Alurum. Their are texts that describe a great hero who rose above his people, who brought them to heights unimagined. Yet, this hero became vain and possess of what he had, and of the people he felt he was above. In some, twisted way, he chained the Alurum people to his will, to ever serve his whim. That mask, the Faceless Deity, is part to blame for that. As the hero's power grew, others in the city called out to a new hero, one that would never reveal themselves. Though many believed this would pass, it did not. Some say that the Deity is still biding their time, waiting to free their people from torment. Funnily enough, there is some evidence that a person who went by such a moniker existed, a sole wooden carving. Here, take a look."

Zraix would recognize the picture shown by Daenarys, the young woman turned yokai he had fought in the other dimension. Seeing this look, Daenarys would continue,

"Though I'm not one to believe in ghost stories, your sudden appearance out of that cave gives me caution. If you would be my body gaurds during this expedition into Alurum, I'll pay you well."

Monsoon, having been reduced to "oaf" in this conversation, shrugs his shoulders. He waits for Zraix to respond.

[1,232/2,712 WC]
Stat Page : Jet Stream
Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 171500

A Far off Familiar World [Mission] Empty Re: A Far off Familiar World [Mission]

Thu Nov 02, 2023 3:12 am
Having been transported yet again and in such a short amount of time Zraix Hoshimura stood within a cave with his trusted comrade and a now very eager historian that gave the two shinobi a large sum of information regarding there whereabouts and how they managed to be transported so quickly. The ronin would listen in as he noticed the tone in the woman's voice towards his partner and her labeling him as an "oaf" and this was much to the distaste of of the silver haired swordsman- he would allow her to finish and pondered the idea of being her body guard as they explored the caves together before replying to her. He would glance over at Monsoon and realized that he already held the mask in question in his hands and that the only objective he truly had at this point was to find the energy that transported them there and dispose of it so that they might return to their lives and village. The ronin would walk up to the Historian and stick out his left hand, his right wrist sitting atop the hilt of his katana as if it was an arm rest. "I appreciate you giving some much needed context for whats going on and where exactly we are in all of this. More over I commend your bravery for even venturing into a place as dangerous as this in search of answers and wonder. So, with that said I do believe Monsoon and I will explore this cave and find out just what was responsible for transporting us here." He said waiting for the young woman to shake his hand.

Jumping with joy she would reach for the ronin's hand and grab it firmly signifying their agreement to explore the cave together and in that moment the smile that graced her face would fall to the ground and roll towards the feet of Monsoon as blood pooled across the ground. The inviting smile that painted Zraix's face had turned to a cold and emotionless stare as he looked down at the now decapitated head of corpse belonging to the historian. He would gently let go of the hand he held allowing the body to splash into the puddle of blood that had been spilled. "She was a fool for disclosing so much to us without even taking a moment to learn our true objective." He said as he turned to Monsoon, sheathing his blood covered blade after swinging some of the blood at the ground to the left of him. "We need to find the being connected to that mask and kill it. After that we'll destroy this entire cave so that no one can be transformed into one of those things we fought in that mirage of our village.. I know what I just did seemed extreme, sadistic even. But we couldnt allow her to leave this cave alive and attract anyone else here. This cave and the beings created from its tainted chakra will die with her, as an act of mercy."

Walking up to the corpse of the historian Zraix would rummage through the sack that she had brought with her, finding a small journal that logged her discoveries involving the mask that Monsoon held- he would read through a few of the first pages before skipping to the middle and stopping once he realized it was the day that the woman had her first experience with the mysterious energy of the Alurum people. "Its been 4 months since I began truly exploring this cave and it finally happened! I managed to come across a small clearing in the cave that held a tiny oasis like pool of water, only the water wasnt solid. Well in the normal sense of having any mass. I was able to walk through it without any resistance or getting wet, almost as if it existed in another dimension.. The unfortunate part of this is that I cant bring a sample of it back to any scientists and no one has the courage to come here, atleast not yet." He would remain emotionless as he tired not to let his feelings get the better of him- the ronin while always ready to do what is necessary, did have some reservations about having to slay this girl for what he felt was the greater good of the ninja world. "I think we should check out a location that the historian spoke about it could have som-" He said as he turned to Monsoon, his speech being interrupted by a dark energy that began to swirl around the mask that the Uchiha held. Monsoon would chuck the mask in reflex and it would land one meter from the corpse of the historian, the dark energy surrounding her body and beginning to raise it from the ground as it engulfed her. "Be on your guard!" He yelled towards his partner as he drew his katana, the blood from his last victim still trailing off of it.

The mask would begin to levitate from the ground with the dark energy and shake violently before it rocketed towards the decapitated head of Daenarys- the ronin would attempt to lunge and slash at the mask, his slice precise but the the dark energy behind the mask created a small barrier that pushed his sword back. The mask would latch onto the face of the historian, the dark energy now wrapping around her head before it flew back to the corpse it had been separated from, re joining with it seamlessly- Zraix could hardly believe his eyes as he watched the woman stand up slowly and reach upward towards her head as she motioned to correct her neck and snap it into place. Now wasnt that rude of him to do to you Daenarys? Though I would have to say you should be grateful that you get a second chance at life, now that we are one." She said as he turned ever so slightly, locking eyes with Zraix through the eyes of the mask. "And here I thought he was the savior I had been waiting for! I should have put more of my faith in the Oaf! He might be slow but hes much nicer as it turns out." Said another voice that sounded almost identical to Daenarys' but with warped distortion to it. The Hoshimura knew now that he would have to clean up his mess but in a strange way was able to relinquish some of his guilt having ended the life of the historian in such rough fashion. He would smirk as he rested the back of his blade on his shoulder, "No hard feelings there Daenarys. I could see in your eyes and in the way you spoke that you wanted to share the "wonders" of this civilazation with the world but as im sure you now see, its rooted in evil and we need to destroy it. I knew you would never accept that and I did what I had to do.." He said as he lowered himself into a widened stance, gripping the hilt of his blade with both hands and centering it in front of his body- taking in a deep breath and exhaling with great force he would become surrounded with an aura of twisting chakra and with another deep inhalation and exhalation the aura would spark flames and become surrounded by fire trailing an inch off of his body. "Total Concentration Breathing: Katon" He said as he opened his eyes slowly revealing the Kenseigan.

The masked woman now engulfed in dark energy would use the shroud to begin levtating in mid air as the energy gathered beneath her forming a sort of pillar of darkness- the pillar was 3 meters tall and would tale the shape of a throne before she sat down in it crossing her legs and looking down at the ronin who stood ready for battle. "In truth I planned to have you killed in this cave so that I might get my hands on the Kenseigan and luckily enough the sharingan as well. But you killed poor little Dany and I couldnt pass up the opportunity to finally have a physical form again, so she'll do for now. Plus this way I can take you both out myself. You see, I have no need for anything in these ruins. The old city is just that, old and void of wonder. I have my eyes set on the rest of the world and the city of infinity that requires your eyes Zraix.. that and the eyes of your friend..." She said looking over at Monsoon who also stood ready to engage in battle. Zraix would become lost in thought at the mention of the 'city of infinity' " She couldnt possibly mean.. Scala ad Caelum.. that couldnt be. How could she know about it and that to reach it the kenseigan is required along." Now infuriated by the notion that this demonic woman knew more of his sole purpose for pressing forward the ronin would roar, demanding answers "Tell us everything you know and what you mean right now! And maybe ill give that body another quick death." the flames of chakra erupted off of him and intensified as his emotions grew more fierce. But to his dismay, the woman only laughed before extending her right arm and opening her palm, expelling a 2 meter orb of dark energy at a speed and power of 180. Zraix, unable to dodge at that distance would dash straight into it, allowing his Total concentration breathing: Cloak to mitigate the damage and dispel the technique swiftly.

He would continue his dash towards her and once he was one meter away from her the masked fiend would manipulate the dark shroud around her into a several spikes that shot out at the two shinobi. Monsoon would make excellent use of his extreme realm of force technique that allowed him the gift of flight to dodge each spike without an issue while Zraix allowed his cloak to dismantle them as they collided, refusing to back off from his assault. The ronin would  slash at the masked woman once he was in range hoping that she would move backwards at a speed that would render his attack a failure- this was the case and as she did 5 swords would surround her in mid air 5 meters in length and 60 centimeters in width. The swords would fly at her from all directions at a speed of 240 stabbing through her at all of her hinge joints and pushing through her dark energy that she attempted to use to shield her from the attack. Having stopped her momentum Zraix would look at Monsoon and signal him to fly at the woman to deliver a crushing blow that would send her crashing down to the ground. Zraix would be waiting at her landing point with the tip of his sword poking into the head of the mask, its exterior cracking more and more as he applied force. "YOU DONT KNOW WHAT YOURE DOING! STOP NOW!" she said pleading for the ronin not to destroy the mask. "Its simple. You answer my questions and maybe ill consider leaving this mask in one piece."

Blood trailed from the incisions made by the ronin's blades of fiction but the woman spoke with an urgent and even tone as though the physical wounds had little to no effect on her and simply kept her from moving due to the damage to her joints. "Fine.. A girls gotta know when its time to call it quits. I guess ill give you the short of it. Legend speaks of a city where power is nothing more than a concept and is as plentiful as oxygen. Infinite power and resources course through its being like the blood does through the human body. Anyone who reaches it is promised ability and power beyond comprehension but in order to locate it you must first have the eyes which see through the shadow of reality and the eyes that can traverse the body of infinity. Once the two meet, you can reach the city of infinity. That's what I know and I was able to deduce that the eyes in question were the legendary Kenseigan of the Ametsuchi and Hoshimura and the unmatched sharingan of the Uchiha. The Kenseigan is able to see the fields of Spacetime and the Sharingan can breakdown chakra itself in all other forms. THAT is the reason I summoned you two here.. It was no accident. I wanted to subjugate you so that I could find this city and use its power to construct the body that I lost... the body that HE fell in love with. The fabled Hero of Alurum. Maybe.. just maybe then he would return and we cou-" In that instant Zraix would stab his katana through the mask breaking it into an uncountable amount of pieces. The face lying underneath it lifeless and still wearing the smile that Daenarys had at the moment of her execution at his hands-I've heard enough.. lets get out of her Monsoon. Weve learned all we need to." He said sheathing his blade and heading towards the exit.

The two shinobi would exit the cave and after doing so Monsoon would utilize one of his more destructive techniques to destroy it, turning its many passageways and secrets into rubble and burying anything that existed within it for good. "I think thats enough missions for now.. take some time of Monsoon because the next time we set out itll be to find that city..I'll be different by the and I assume you will too." He said as he turned to look behind him revealing his melancholy expression- for though they earned a great victory that day, it came at a great cost, the life of two woman. One who set out to discover and give information to the world, the other-a simple woman who was displaced in time, with a fractured heart and a broken dream.



[Will make claims later]
Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

A Far off Familiar World [Mission] Empty Re: A Far off Familiar World [Mission]

Sat Nov 04, 2023 1:13 pm
Zraix wrote:



[Will make claims later]

Approved for Mission Completion!

Notes: Please put all missions that are being completed in the first post in the future.
Stat Page : Chakra Pressure
Taijutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 3000

A Far off Familiar World [Mission] Empty Re: A Far off Familiar World [Mission]

Mon Nov 20, 2023 9:06 pm
Claiming Mission AP and Ryo

Reserving WC Claims for Rank Up
Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

A Far off Familiar World [Mission] Empty Re: A Far off Familiar World [Mission]

Mon Nov 20, 2023 9:43 pm
Monsoon wrote:[EXIT[
Claiming Mission AP and Ryo

Reserving WC Claims for Rank Up

Approved for exit and mission rewards!
Stat Page : Jet Stream
Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 171500

A Far off Familiar World [Mission] Empty Re: A Far off Familiar World [Mission]

Tue Nov 21, 2023 4:48 pm
Utilizing one Strawberry cake to multiply post WC from 2,353 to 4,706 WC. New TWC for topic is 7,185
Utilizing Max stat discount

Previous WC for Thunder Breathing is Here
Himari Hyuuga
Himari Hyuuga
Stat Page : Stats' Link

Health: 300
AP: 1,250
Vigor: 25
Chakra: 100
Speed: 150
Strength: 25
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Slugs of Shikkotsu Forest
Salamanders of Rain Country
Living Clones : Hisaki
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 181150

A Far off Familiar World [Mission] Empty Re: A Far off Familiar World [Mission]

Tue Nov 21, 2023 10:09 pm
Zraix wrote:Utilizing one Strawberry cake to multiply post WC from 2,353 to 4,706 WC. New TWC for topic is 7,185
Utilizing Max stat discount

Previous WC for Thunder Breathing is Here

Stat Page : Chakra Pressure
Taijutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 3000

A Far off Familiar World [Mission] Empty Re: A Far off Familiar World [Mission]

Mon Nov 27, 2023 7:42 pm
Marabelle Blossom wrote:
Monsoon wrote:[EXIT[
Claiming Mission AP and Ryo

Reserving WC Claims for Rank Up

Approved for exit and mission rewards!

TOTAL WC: 2,712

Spending 2,330 WC to obtain Blaze Release: Kagatsuchi (Right Eye) [3,750/3,750] [Max Stat Discount]

Spending 382 WC on Sharingan: Perfected [382/1,875] Max Stat Discount
Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

A Far off Familiar World [Mission] Empty Re: A Far off Familiar World [Mission]

Mon Nov 27, 2023 9:10 pm
Monsoon wrote:

TOTAL WC: 2,712

Spending 2,330 WC to obtain Blaze Release: Kagatsuchi (Right Eye) [3,750/3,750] [Max Stat Discount]

Spending 382 WC on Sharingan: Perfected [382/1,875] Max Stat Discount


Note: Previously claimed WC from here
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