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Skoll [WIP] Empty Skoll [WIP]

Sun Oct 29, 2023 12:24 pm
Basic Information

Name: Skoll
Animal Species: Wolf
Gender: Male
Owner: Hiroya Hatake

Skoll [WIP] LaaqZ25
Skoll was a tired old wolf just like its master, Hiroya. Originally one of the runts of the litter, Skoll was breed and trained to be a companion to one of the various members of the Hatake Clan and that was their whole purpose. Skoll takes his job very seriously and after being by Hiroya’s side for so many decades he understands his master’s personality the best. Skoll is a softie to children like his master and enjoys to lay in the sun when they aren’t working. He had gotten use to the retired lifestyle that his master and him had undergone but with the summons back to Aokidanza’s side it is time for him to return to service. He follows his master’s orders to completion and rarely cares to listen to anyone else besides Hiroya’s younger sister.
Skoll was born and breed to simply be a Companion to some member of the Hatake Clan. He was trained and disciplined to be a proper companion to a shinobi that would be in the thick of the fight and needed support. This is why he was trained in various Medical techniques and abilities. A teenage Hiroya chose him out of the whole litter though there did seem to be a sadness about the young man, Skoll learned from his new master it was because at a young age his original companion had been killed by bandits and it had taken him many years to come to terms with needing to move on and choose another.

Skoll grew into his large frame about 4 foot in height, 6 foot in height if he was on his back legs. He was a massive wolf and it came from the various training and food that had been fed to him by both Hiroya and Aokidanza. No more did anyone looking at him now think he had ever been the smallest of the litter. Skoll had grown use to the lifestyle of fighting and supporting Hiroya in combat though at a point when his master had grown to old and had chosen to step out of that life, they had lived in bliss in retirement, it was a strange change for the wolf. It was one that took time to adjust to for the both of them but they did so, then a scroll carrying the scent of his master’s father came and things changed. Now it was time to regain their prowess and go back to the battlefield.

Animal Traits

Type: Companion
Telegraphing Motion: Howl or Barks
Element(s): Lightning
Specialties: Medical
Passive Abilities:


Health: 100
Vigor: 25
Chakra: 25
Speed: 25
Strength: 25
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