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Stat Page : Jet Stream
Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 171500

Keeping the Peace Empty Keeping the Peace

Sat Oct 21, 2023 11:09 pm
Mission Details:

Zraix waited outside an old building located in the southern borders of the Haven village- the building in question was an old tavern that patrons from all over came to forget their troubles and exchange stories of their travels. The ronin was sporting his ronin robe armor and as usual had his wakizashi at his left hip and his katana on his back- he made sure to leave his shinobi headband at home as to not reveal his roots or allied party. His mission that night was one that would require more than just brute force or combat- he needed to gain intel as to the whereabouts of defectors from the village have been hiding out. There were two in particular that were the heads of the guerilla warfare type strikes that have been committed- these attack had become worse over time and have started to result in the death of innocents. It was for this reason the individuals in question needed to be apprehended and turned into the higher authorities in the village. Zraix was happy to know that his partner Monsoon would be joining him on the mission at hand- he was sure that the man's ocular prowess would come in handy in gaining information about the leaders.

Not wanting to wait any longer, he would make his way into the tavern that smelled of smoke, beer and sweat- the sounds of yelling and laughter filled the air as much as the pungent odor and it was clear that spirits were high in this place of business. Zraix looked over to the left and saw a table of traveling shinobi that had other regular citizens around them drinking and enjoying their time- the strange aspect of this was that these shinobi is that the bore headbands with an upside down flame on it. The shinobi were spouting off nonsense about Hoshigakure ninja they had defeated in battle and how their leaders were only getting started with their plans for these "Haven Pigs". At this note Zraix would raise his left eyebrow and approach the shinobi who seemed to be the leader of the band of thugs turned ninja. He would wait until his presence was noticed as the leader would halt the laughter and talking by his companions before he spoke- slapping his hand on the table harshly he would look at Zraix as he spoke "Hey! Asshat! You got a problem?! Were just trying to have a good time here and youre here glaring at us. Whats the big idea?" he would pick up his mug of beer with the hand he slammed on the table and drink as he awaited the ronin's reply.

The Hoshimura would chuckle before replying "Listen im not exactly looking for trouble here but im curious as to what nation you fight for. Those are some curious headbands and im not very familiar with them." This response by Zraix would be met with the throwing of the empty mug by the shinobi which the ronin would sidestep with little effort. "How about we take this outside so we can talk seeing as you have so much you want to know. We can get REAL acquainted out there pretty boy." the shinobi stood up revealing his height at a staggering 6 foot 6, clearly a stout man he planned to use force as a way to impress his partners and those around. With a heavy sigh Zraix would respond, "Sure.. we can talk more outside and you can bring anyone you want with you but I warn you. Im not in much of a talking mood." He would smirk as he walked outside ahead of the shinobi who was followed by 5 of his other shinobi partners and a few civilians. The smirk on the Hoshimura's face was there for only one reason- he knew that on the outside of Tavern waited his own burly reinforcement, The Volcanic Uchiha of the Haven Country, Monsoon.

WC= 661
Stat Page : Chakra Pressure
Taijutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 3000

Keeping the Peace Empty Re: Keeping the Peace

Sun Oct 22, 2023 12:36 am
The night was dark, the Moon was high and shadows danced on the roads the crisscrossed between alleyways the lined the southern borders of the Haven Village. Unlike other sections of thie village, wherein the quality of individuals was of a higher moral caliber, this section was infamous for its less than scrupulous inhabitants. However, one would never know based on appearances. The dealers that lined some of the streets wore expensive robes, as if what they were doing were more for the thrill then out of necessity. The residential homes were large, larger than those found near the Hogokage's office; a sign of affluent, corruptible wealth. Between the well dressed pushers and regal ladies of the night, Monsoon felt strangely at home: as he was used to the excess that extreme wealth gave. Draped in flowing, royal indigo robes over his martial attire, he seemed to blend in with the rest of the inebriated, sensation chasing crowd that formed between taverns, bars, and dens.

Finding himself at an intersection, he pulled out the missive from his robes and scanned it.

The Gilded Tip? Strange name for a tavern...but damned if they wouldn't make it more obvious... Monsoon scanned the area around, noting the many bar and tavern like buildings. Though each had an iconic look, none had a name that designated itself as the "The Gilded Tip". Monsoon, realizing that he was lost, placed his hand on his forehead, distressed.

Damn! I forgot to ask the coordinates! I didn't expect these taverns to not advertise their names!

An audible groan escaped the Uchiha, which precluded a sudden, startling sound. In one of the taverns, the door was slammed open, and a familiar man, silhouetted in tavern light, walked out. Zraix "Aegon" Hoshimura, draped in his royal ronin attire. The Hoshimura's eyes flashed with a knowing and devilsh glint, which brought a confused expression upon the Uchiha's face. This confusion would soon go away, as a handful of shinobi, following Zraix, exited the tavern.

Oh, I see he started without me.....

Monsooon would raise in hand in greetings to his superior, which prompted the large, 6 foot 6 inch man behind him to snarl.

"Ah, what's this? You've brought your boyfriend? Hohoho! He won't be enough to get you out of this mess!" slurred the drunken, rough faced man. At this, Monsoon's relaxed, pleasent expression would wash away, and be replaced with one of ferocity and focus. His words would cut through the air, jarring the lackey's that hovered around the large oaf.

"Tough talk coming from someone with no nuts," , Monsoon would say, in an characteristically  brash tone. His words would anger the large oaf, who would walk past Zraix and head toward Monsoon, sliding his sleeves up in a show of bravado.

"Ho? You think you can take me on scrawny? You must think your tough shit if you can take on someone as big as me!

The towering oaf, who was almost one foot taller than Monsoon, would look downward as he closed the distance, being mere inches away from the Uchiha. He would lean in, hovering his nose above the Uchiha's, almost goading Monsoon with his look and presence.

"If you think you're so tough, then do something. I'll be nice and give you a freebie."

At this, a sickening, snarl like smile would spread across Monsoon's face, at the same time his pupils would dilate and swirl into the burning red coals of his three tomoe-sharingan. His strength would audibly pthoom as a white aura framed his body, the strength of his presence would cause the giant oaf's lackey's to shudder. Before the large man could comment on Monsoon's appearance, at 150 speed, Monsoon would launch a viscous throat chop, striking the oaf in the neck with a vicious strike. The power would overwhelm the man, his knees would buckle and he would collapse to the ground, defeated before he could utter another rude word. His lackeys, which amounted to five individuals, were stunned: not able to process which just occured. In this time, Monsoon would go to one of them, grabbing them by the neck and lifting them in the air.

"I'm going to assume you're the kind of guy who doesn't like to talk"

The man in Monsoon's grips, being absolutely frightened, would begin to sputter some form of apologetic deference. These words would go unheeded, as Monsoon brought the man to face his face, and he would bore his sharingan into this man's eyes. After a moment, the man in the martial artists' grip would go limp, foaming droll would form around the side of his mouth and his eyes would be blank. The Uchiha would let go of the man's collar, dropping him to the ground and walking toward his chuunin, Primo Zraix "Aegon" Hoshimura. As his battle aura was still active, the other henchman around would be fightened, they would flee as Monsoon made his way to Zraix. The Uchiha would then stand at attention and give his report to his superior.

"This faction identifies themselves as the 'Hidden Flame'. The rude gentleman you encountered went by Shikura Hazizama, a low-level thug who worked himself up to distributor in the organization. Seems like they've been dealing spice to fund their other ventures, namely building up their forces to challenge the hogokage. Looks like their base of operations is on the outskirts of the haven village, in a small lumber town a ways away."

Monsoon would relay the exact geographical location.

"So, how do you want to proceed?

[927 WC]
Stat Page : Jet Stream
Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 171500

Keeping the Peace Empty Re: Keeping the Peace

Sun Oct 22, 2023 1:17 am
Zraix would lean on the wall of the Tavern as he watched his Uchiha counterpart deal with the ruffian that had approached him in the building- he had figured thatd Monsoon would arrive around that time and it would be fitting for him to deal with the threat that loomed over them while also gaining information about their destination. He was surprised to see that Monsoon would deal with the thug in one hit rather than savoring the experience of decimating this burly foe but this only went to show that the Uchiha had matured to a considerable degree in the time that they had been working together. After Monsoon  had easily dispatched of the loud mouth thug he went on to target the weak link of the bunch and probe him for information with the Sharingan something that Aegon was unaware the Uchiha was capable of. "You dont say... he can get information directly from the minds of his targets if they are weaker than him huh? I know im good at picking out talent but the return on investment from Monsoon grows by the minute" he thought to himself as he smirked.

Mosnoon would approach Zraix  and give him the details of what he learned from the mind of the man he had probed and apparently the area they were seeking was on the outskirts of the haven village and the name they were coining was of the Hidden Flame. It shocked Zraix that a rag tag operation was seeking to become as powerful as a village but to be fair this wouldnt be the first time he experienced such a phenomenon- he would listen intently to Monsoon as he described the location and asked how he wanted to continue this mission. "Good to see you Monsoon! You're looking as fit as ever. Now, I understand that we have to locate this base of operations but I dont want you to think that were in a huge rush. Please if you want go get a drink or something." He would say in jest before continuing "Okay but seriously lets just head over that way. Theres no time to waste."

Leaping towards the outskirts of the village Zraix was running through the scenario at the tavern over and over not able to make sense of what might lay ahead of them- it was possible that there would be many shinobi waiting to apprehend them at this location and they needed to be on their A game if they were going to complete their mission. "Monsoon I want you to be on high alert. Were going into the hornets nest and we need to be prepared for anything that meets us. I know youre always looking for a good fight but just be mindful that we might have to protect some others."

Arriving at the outpost Zraix would draw his katana looking over to his partner and nodding, giving the signal for the two to enter the building and start their ascent to the peak of the tower. They would need to find the two leaders that were atop the tower and take them in, bringing them back to village officials in the process.

WC= 534
Stat Page : Chakra Pressure
Taijutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 3000

Keeping the Peace Empty Re: Keeping the Peace

Sun Oct 22, 2023 2:48 am
Monsoon would take up Zraix's offer at taking some time to get some drinks. He would smile,

Well, I am a bit parched and a little out of chakra, a bit of rest and relaxation would do me wonders! Monsoon would insist upon Zraix, needing the moment to regain his chakra.

Followings Zraiix, Monsoon would walk into the tavern, the "Gilded Tip"., ordering a few rounds on Zrai;x behalf. As the liquor took hold and the inebrehatoion spread fast, Monsoon would address their current situation.

"You know, is pretty cool that you are fine with leisure time during work hours. But, we should have a concerted plan to deal with the traitors. To be honest, I thougbt you wanted to storm their base of operations. But then I got to thinking, maybe we just find the next scientist crew  and figure out where the host roses are!  Granted, that wouldnt't satisfy the mission requirements, but it would prevent other raids of ghost roses, at least for the moment! However you want to to proceed, I'll follow. Just say the word!

Monsoon would conclude, more than satisfied with the tavern order. If Zraix would suggest going against the defectors outright, Monsooon would need some moments to adjust, as he drank more than he intended.

After some time in the tavern, Monsoon would sober up, understanding that he could not be inebriated for the latte half of his mission. He would be thankful of his Primo's orders of water and use those to hep expedite his recovery process. After some time, Monsoon was ready to continue with the mission.

"Bah, fine! Let us continue with the mission!"

Monsoon would follow Zraix out of the tavern, on top of the roof tops that littered the southern district of Hoshigakure. He would direct Zraix, to the building that served as the director's base of operations. When arriving 20 meters aways from the building, the Uchia would speak.

"Based on what I gleamed from the shinobi, this building is their base of operations. Seems to be guarded by less than 8 shinobi. I think we could sneak it without issue, there isn't enough eyes to catch our position. We could also announce our precsence, make our selves known, in hopes to gain an audience with the puppet master of this operation. I'll follow your lead...

As was their custom, Monsoon would hang back, using his sharingan to gleam information and relay it to zraix. Though he was gung ho about storming in, he was aware of his own abilities and did not want to complicate the specifics of the mission, Monsoon was, in fact, an accomplished shinobi, but he was still a genin, which meant he did not fully grasp the gravity of his situation and the situation he found himself in. He believed the best course of action would be to storm this defector base, to annihilate all persons who would dare raise a hand against Hoshigakure and the Hogokage. However, this was not Monsoon's mission to direct. Thus, he would await the signal from Zraix, to burst from his hiding spot and attack the would-be traitors that housed themselves in this villlage.

[530 WC]
Stat Page : Jet Stream
Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 171500

Keeping the Peace Empty Re: Keeping the Peace

Tue Oct 24, 2023 2:33 pm
The ronin was surprised that his partner actually took him up on the offer to grab a drink and take a bit of time to relax before they continued on their mission- he didnt peg him for the type of guy to break away from business but it was a welcome change if nothing else. Zraix would join him and was a bit confused by the Genin's talk of roses but he just assumed that this had to do with the mission they had previously completed in the desert.

This intermission would be short lived as the two shinobi made their way to the outpost that was home to the thugs that they had run into at the tavern they had just left- once they were 20 meters from the outpost Monsoon would speak remarking that they could make their presence known rather than take the more covert approach and this was actually the same idea that Zraix had in mind. They would waste too much time interrogating and capturing one henchmen at a time until they found the two they needed to bring in so it made more sense for them to bring the fight to themselves and in in doing so attract the might of the higher ups. "I think making ourselves known is a great idea. If we take down enough of their men their leaders will be sure to show themselves and thatll be the best opportunity for us to strike. Just remember were here to apprehend the bosses we cant kill them. Anyone else is free game although I think it would be a good idea to minimize the casualties." He said as he drew his katana and leaped to the entrance where two guards stood present. They immediately looked at Zraix with contempt, one of them reaching for what looked like a horn to sound an alarm- the ronin would swiftly remove his right hand from his wrist, the horn dropping to the ground with the severed hand. Screams of pain bellowed from the shinobi as his partner leaped at Zraix while doing handsigns- his left arm would turn into a curved blade as he attempted a horizntal slash at the ronin to no success. Zraix would block this strike with his katana in his right hand before drawing his wakizashi with his left and stabbing it through the chest of the shinobi. "Well it looks like these men are the fight first talk later types. I dont think were gonna be able to keep the death count low." He said as the doors to the stronghold opened slowly revealing 10 shinobi who had blinking red lights on their hips.

Zraix would look down at the corpse of the shinobi he just slayed and noticed he too had a blinking red light with a button on the side of it. "He must have pressed that button when I attacked his partner. The horn was a decoy for the actual alarm system. Pretty clever.." ZRaix would ready himself as the shinobi split into two groups of five, one on the left and one on the right. "Hey Monsoon im gonna give you the five on the right and ill take the five on the left. Something tells me that once we make it through these guys their boss wont have any choice but to come find us." He said as his wakizashi became engulfed in flames at the same time that his katana became surrounded by a deep blue chakra in the form of a long katana lengthened three meters off the tip of the blade. The ronin would dash at his foes making quick work of each of them by flexing his extraordinary speed over there's that was nothing short of average- he piled the bodies atop each other before turning his attention to the last remaining shinobi on his side of the fight that managed to hang back as his comrades were slain.

The shinobi would transform bof his arms into battle axes and at the same time he would turn his feet into curved blades- in an impressive display of movement the shinobi would begin skating on the ground with his bladed feet at a speed of 125 towards Zraix, ready to pull off a cross slash at the ronins neck. Zraix would block this with both of his blades before slashing forward and pushing him back. The ronin would dash at a speed of 150 and slash with his extended katana downward at his opponent forcing him to block with both arms- he would then point his wakizashi at the man as it glowed a bright white while remaining covered in flames, the blade extending 20 meters right through the heart of the shinobi and ending his life on the spot.

Zraix would keep his blades out and look over at Monsoon as he waited for his partner to finish up with his side of the battle so the two could make their way in and find the leaders of the operation.

Stat Page : Chakra Pressure
Taijutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 3000

Keeping the Peace Empty Re: Keeping the Peace

Tue Oct 24, 2023 6:46 pm
The moments pass drinks finally came up to the observing Uchiha. Though he was a dense and strong warrior, he was not a strong drinker. The liquor wormed its warm, dizzy presence throughout his system, making him feel quite good. He was thankful for the cover and darkness at night, more so for the lack of light than for the sneaking attributes it provided. Though his sharingan was still precise, the many drinks made his eyes sensitive as much as it dulled his movements. It took a moment for Monsoon to register that Zraix was speaking. As he swayed between his weight, he did his best to his his tizziness.

Disappointment swirled within his stomach as Zraix's order of the more level headed approach, but Monsoon attributed this to the liquor. Moon light's flash on steel alerted the Uchiha to the ronin's assault, the guards, catching sight, leapt into action. Blood spurted from the arm of one of the guards before he could realize it, Monsoon caught the movement of the other guard's finger with his sharingan. Suddenly, a device on his hip blared a blinding red, the signal that their advance would no longer be silent.

Monsoon leapt from his position, 15 meters behind from Zraix as the steel doors of the outpost slid open. 10 guards, each with blaring devices ran out, ready to take on Zraix and Monsoon. As Hoshimura gave his order, the lights divided and five gaurds came closer, their security alarms shined into the galzed eyes of Monsoon, causing him to wince. As they took their place, parallel to their counterparts and facing Monsoon 10 meters away, who had his back to Zraix, the discomfort brought on by their loud, bright alarms enraged Monsoon: like a Bull staring at the red cape of a matador.

With an anger that seemed disproportionate, Monsoon yelled, his voice booming over the quiet night.


With his words came a terrifying display. Monsoon's skin would glow a rust red, veins would course around his spinning Sharingan, thooming into the fourth gate and starling the guards. When they flinched, Monsoon would reach toward them with a left open palm while clenching his right hand into a fist that crackled with energy. He would pull his left arm in, stirring the air with the creation of a palm sized vacuum. A space 5 meters between Monsoon and the guards would stir, the space would gasp as a cone of force shot towards the guard's, growing to be 20 meters wide as it traveled 20 meters away from Monsoon's position, at 125 speed and power. As they were average speed, they would not be able to avoid the pulling force, all 5 would be launched towards Monsoon, colliding with each other on the way. As they came, Monsoon would unleash 5 punches, releasing the crackling energy of his Taijutsu puncture in 5 fist shaped, colorless blasts. With his sharingan's supreme precision, each blast would be aimed at the hip of each guard, to shatter their bone and the alarms. With his sharingan, and his rage, he would aim each blast, to line  each opponent like one would pool balls.

As they came within 3 meters, and having been lined up in a vertical line, Monsoon would raise his left leg, and release his heavenly foot of pain, crushing each guards' skull as his foot traveled down: from 180 degrees to zero.

His foot would bring the bodies of each corpse crashing down, cushioning the blow and preventing it from destroying the area around it. Monsoon would jerk his head behind, to see the ronin's burning blade pull out the heart of his final opponent. The Uchiha breathed heavy, his rage not yet quenched.

Foot steps from inside the outpost grabbed his attention, Monsoon, snarling, faced the door to see two small men with white flags walk out. Each came to Monsoon's hips, they shivered and shuffled forward.

"P-please! We surrender! We're not fighters, you killed all our guards! We'll change our ways, just spare us!!!"

With steam rising from his glowing frame, the Uchiha walked up to the would leaders of this defecting faction. With murder in his eyes, he towered over the brokers.

" really think we'll...urk"

Monsoon leaned over and vomited on the leaders, covering them in bar food and liquor, heaving out of his enhancer jutsu. He clearly had too much. Thankfully, the leaders of the outpost were caught. He would leave Zraix to tie up the men and deliver them to the village jail while he passed out on the ground, face first in dirt.



Stat Page : Jet Stream
Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 171500

Keeping the Peace Empty Re: Keeping the Peace

Wed Oct 25, 2023 5:15 am
As Zraix watched the battle unfold on the side of his Uchiha counterpart he was most impressed by his ferocity and ability to fight even though he was clearly under the influence of the drinks they had earlier- he would see Monsoon fly into the eight inner gates in order to bolster his power as he was able to dispatch of the five guards easily this way. Zraix would activate his Kenseigan on reflex when he saw Monsoon utilize a move that was quite unfamiliar to him. He saw the Uchiha pull in his opponents with a wave of energy that appeared to have a a vacuum effect and at first the ronin thought that it had to be a space time jutsu of some sort, but further viewing of it with his eyes revealed no space time chakra and thus he was left to conclude that the technique had to be that of an advance Taijutsu.

Once the bandits were defeated the two men at the head of the operation would reveal themselves- two weak men who surprisingly were the brains of the operation came out and surrendered immediately and to this Zraix smirked. Monsoon was incapacitated and the ronin realized he would have to carry all three of the men back to the village. He dropped Monsoon off at home and tucked the rather large Uchiha in and handed over the bandits to the authorities. Rather than reprimanding Monsoon he figured whatever hangover he sustained would be punishment enough.
WC- 251

[Will make claims Later]
Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

Keeping the Peace Empty Re: Keeping the Peace

Sat Nov 04, 2023 1:19 pm
Zraix wrote:
WC- 251

[Will make claims Later]

Approved for Exit/Mission Completion!
Stat Page : Jet Stream
Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 171500

Keeping the Peace Empty Re: Keeping the Peace

Fri Nov 24, 2023 11:09 pm
Utilizing Max stat discount for claims

Spending total WC on , Hoshimura Requip: Armament Of Kokuto [3,750/3,750] WC
AND Space Time Amplifier [1,813/1,875] WC
Himari Hyuuga
Himari Hyuuga
Stat Page : Stats' Link

Health: 300
AP: 1,250
Vigor: 25
Chakra: 100
Speed: 150
Strength: 25
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Slugs of Shikkotsu Forest
Salamanders of Rain Country
Living Clones : Hisaki
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 181150

Keeping the Peace Empty Re: Keeping the Peace

Sat Nov 25, 2023 12:33 pm
Zraix wrote:
Utilizing Max stat discount for claims

Spending total WC on , Hoshimura Requip: Armament Of Kokuto [3,750/3,750] WC
AND Space Time Amplifier [1,813/1,875] WC

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