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Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Keeping a promise (P, Kotetsu, Sanae, NK) Empty Keeping a promise (P, Kotetsu, Sanae, NK)

Thu Nov 02, 2017 8:26 pm
Mission: Passing on the Torch

It was a beautiful day in Hoshigakure. Wasn't long after Kotetsu's first mission. He had teamed up with a member of the Kaguya clan called Sanae to catch a thief. He was stealing artifacts from nearby temples and Kotetsu and Sanae arrested him and recovered the artifacts he stole. While they were on their mission, Sanae had asked about learning one of the skills that Kotetsu knew, the Fuinjutsu lock. It was a relatively simple skill, but he was happy to share. Now that the mission was done, perhaps it was time to keep his promise and teach her the technique. 'I  wonder if there are other skills I know that she could benefit from...' He thinks to himself as he gets ready to head over to the training grounds.

The trip to the training grounds was uneventful. One of his previous visits to the training ground ended with some unconscious villagers who were being a tad little anti-shinobi and tried to attack the young ninja. Kotetsu tried to spread rumours around to avoid having to fight unnecessary battles should he walk around in the village. He would rather be feared for now until the village comes to their senses and realises that the shinobi of the village are allies and not people to be looked down on or to be forced away. 'I want to be able to change things...' Kotetsu thought to himself as he walked down to the training grounds. 'We really shouldn't be fighting amongst each other...All it does is make it easier for us to be invaded...'

Once he arrives at the training grounds, he limbers up and starts practicing some of his own techniques. One he needed to make sure he had was the ability to release the Fuinjutsu locks that he placed. It wasn't an overly  hard thing to do, but it was not something he had worked on much. It didn't take him long to figure it out though. Creating a lock on a blank scroll, he then focuses his chakra into his hand in a similar manner to setting the lock in the first place. His thumb and index finger glow blue and he places them on the lock, and the lock disappears with a small puff of smoke. Satisfied, Kotetsu proceeds with another technique he was working on, the air bullets jutsu. He hadn't learned it completely yet, but he was close. So it's possible he may be able to teach to that as well, assuming Sanae did not already know the technique. It was better than it was before. Likely because his skill with chakra had improved since the first time he used the technique. The air bullets made a larger impact crater against the target he was shooting at. It wouldn't be much longer until they were a deadly force in his arsenal.

Since he knew that Sanae wasn't very well versed in Fuinjutsu, it might be a good idea to show her how to store water using the water sealing technique. If they happened to be paired on another mission, it would be useful that someone else had a large supply of water available so that he could summon Ice from multiple directions. Working on that technique more himself may allow him to use it more effectively. No hand signs and not requiring to stomp on the seal itself might be easier to work with in terms of use, since he could then throw the scrolls away from him to create multiple sources of water from different directions. He had a couple blank scrolls that he could use to make of for that aspect of the training. It was not super important, but something that could be brought up as an option to lengthen the training session.

WC: 631
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Keeping a promise (P, Kotetsu, Sanae, NK) Empty Re: Keeping a promise (P, Kotetsu, Sanae, NK)

Fri Nov 03, 2017 1:37 am
Sanae was getting ready for another day of training. She had prepared some fried noodles for her lunch, some cut fruits and vegetables to go along with it and a bottle of tea and two water bottles so she would always keep hydrated. With that in her bag she made her way towards the training grounds where she had an appointment with someone she knew. It was Kotetsu with whom she had recently been on a mission and there she had asked him about him teacher her fuin Jutsu. The art of seal things and more in seals that could be written which she would like to learn if not for their uses in means of transportation for big objects so she might be able to have an arsenal of stuff with her all the while she only wanted to carry around one backpack. There was no use in having to carry around lots of heavy gear that would hold her back if there was a means to travel quick or silent so she was curious if seal techniques could really do that magic. But even if not it was something new to be learned and when was new stuff bad?

So after a short walk she was entering the water gardens. She liked it here because it was green and vibrated with life in any corner. She looked around breathing in the air and enjoying the feeling of wind on her skin and the smell and taste of sun in the air. A little bit faster she went as she could see the training area and walked in on Kotetsu who was already there up and ready as it seemed and already training something. Silently she set down her bag und watched him. He had, at least from what she saw become faster over the days or weeks they had not been meeting and she kind of was proud of his improvement even if she had nothing to do with it. But she could remember him pointing out how proud he was for speed being his best attribute and as it seemed he lived up to that. So now she was closing in on him training and smiled at him gently and maybe a little foxish of some sort while she tried to be as silent as she could before then saying: "Hi Kotetsu-kohai, what are you up to?", then clearing her throat to correct herself, "Well today I should say sensei don't I?" She bowed a little and smiled at him.

Then she paused a little, sure she knew what he was going to teach her, but was she supposed to teach him something as well? Well since she was here why not. There surly was a basic skill she knew that could come in handy for him in some time and even if it only was how to escape a rope or block an attack the right way. These were all useful things that she had learned over the last years and she believed in their usefulness. So maybe she could give him something in return just to make up for his time invested in this.

WC: 529
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Keeping a promise (P, Kotetsu, Sanae, NK) Empty Re: Keeping a promise (P, Kotetsu, Sanae, NK)

Sun Nov 05, 2017 11:30 am
Kotetsu looked up from the scrolls he had on the ground in front of him when he had heard his name, called from a familiar voice. He smiled and stood up as Sanae approached him. When she was about 2 meters away, he bowed respectfully."You don't need to call me Sensei, Sanae-Sempai." Kotetsu said to her. "I'm glad to help you learn some of the basic Fuinjutsu that I have learned so far. I am by no means an expert in this field, I simply picked up a couple basic techniques I felt would be useful while on missions in general. The one I showed you before was the Fuinjutsu Lock, which is a very handy technique, and also has different levels of power. I only know the most basic at this time, but I believe I will be able to increase the power of my locks up to two times more, based on my knowledge of the technique. There is also the lock's reverse, the Fuinjutsu Breaking technique, which encompasses a general breaking of seals, not just the Lock. The other primary technique I know is a very useful one for me. It's called the Water Release/Sealing technique. It's useful for me, because I won't need to summon water out of the ground or rely on the moisture content in the air to make Ice Style ninjutsu. The sealing technique..." He holds up a scroll with a sealing diagram facing Sanae "...Allows me to store a significant amount of water inside, which I can then summon forth by placing the scroll on the ground, making the appropriate hand sign, and stamping on the seal. I plan on going over both of these with you, The Fuinjutsu lock may be more practical for you, as I do not know what chakra natures you have. The Water sealing technique would be useful for you if you had a water nature and were planning on improving your ninjutsu in that area as well."

He picks up a pair of scrolls and shows them to Sanae, the Fuinjutsu Lock and Breaking techniques. "I figured we'd start with these as they are more utilitarian." He says to Sanae. "If you wanted to work on the Water Sealing technique after that I would be more than happy to show it to you."

WC: 389
TWC: 1120

(Claiming 500WC for Fuinjutsu Breaking lvl 1 for purposes of teaching in this thread)
Aryll Hyuuga
Aryll Hyuuga
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Keeping a promise (P, Kotetsu, Sanae, NK) Empty Re: Keeping a promise (P, Kotetsu, Sanae, NK)

Sun Nov 05, 2017 11:32 am
Approved of learning the thing directly before teaching the thing. Hilarity ensues.
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Keeping a promise (P, Kotetsu, Sanae, NK) Empty Re: Keeping a promise (P, Kotetsu, Sanae, NK)

Sun Nov 05, 2017 12:39 pm
Sanae looked at Kotetsu and smiled lightly nodding at him as he was describing what he had planned for the day and her training and she chuckled softly as she thought of how well he had been preparing for this day and his role as teacher. So she would listen carefully to what he had to say and smiled fondly. Then she looked at the scroll he was pointing at her and tilted her head curiously. "Well I do not hold any affinity towards water so far, but I indeed do know one or two Shinobi who do so even if it does not really help me I can be a help for others that way and that is also something desirable to have is it not?", she would trace the writing on the scroll with her eyes while she was absorbing what he would be offering her to learn with her ears. Seemed like there was quite a lot to learn and how would she repay him? Her thoughts were kind of racing through her head as she was skimming through her mind what she knew what could be useful to him one day. There were one or two things but did she really want to teach him? Well maybe but maybe not.

She straightened up her back as she looked him in the eyes and nodded: "Those are a lot of useful jutsu and I will be happy to learn them if you will have the patience to teach me. And in return I will teach you things I know if you want to. I am certain I know some Jutsu that would be of interest for you since you use Fuuton jutsu as well", she smiled at him stretching out a little. Left and right she turned a little bit warming up before she thought about what to start on so then she looked at him. "So why don't we start with that lock seal please?", she blinked at him in anticipation and with huge ambition so to show him that she was all up to it.

WC: 350
TWC: 879
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Keeping a promise (P, Kotetsu, Sanae, NK) Empty Re: Keeping a promise (P, Kotetsu, Sanae, NK)

Sun Nov 05, 2017 5:02 pm
Kotetsu nods and grins at Sanae. "Sounds good. The Lock itself is very simple. There are no hand signs to make. All you do is focus your chakra into your hand..." He explains to Sanae as he funnels chakra into his right hand. His index finger glows a light blue. "...and all you need to do is visualise the diagram of the seal here and place it on a surface." He then places his finger on the ground and the seal appears. "There's no time limit to how long the jutsu will remain active for. As long as no one breaks the lock, it will remain indefinitely."

He shows her the other scroll. "The Fuinjutsu breaking technique is essentially the reverse. You funnel chakra into your hand...,” he says to Sanae as his right index finger and middle finger start to glow. "...And you visualise the seal being removed. Once you touch the diagram, the seal will disappear, assuming you are strong enough to break the seal." He then places his hand on top of the seal and it disappears. "The Fuinjutsu breaking technique also allows you detect seals around you based on their chakra signature. It would be a good way to start developing chakra sensory techniques as well."

Kotetsu places the scrolls down so that Sanae can look over them if she is the kind that prefers to read over the details as well before continuing. “The more proficient you get at making the lock and then breaking them, the more chakra you can infuse into the seal. I would imagine someone like Hikari-Sensei would be great at this, since she is a specialist in Fuinjutsu. I can help you in terms of getting the basics covered, but she would likely be better than I am in regards to the finer points of imbuing chakra into seals. Assuming Fuinjutsu is something you want to focus on of course.” Kotetsu says with a small chuckle. “Anyways, now it’s your turn. Try making a Fuinjutsu lock and then try to break the lock.”

WC: 343
TWC: 1463 (500 WC claimed so far)
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Keeping a promise (P, Kotetsu, Sanae, NK) Empty Re: Keeping a promise (P, Kotetsu, Sanae, NK)

Sun Nov 05, 2017 11:40 pm
Sanae listened carefully to what Kotetsu told her and afterwards her eyes trailed over the scrolls he had unfolded before her. With her finger on the ground she was trying to recreate the seal she was seeing on the scroll the seal she had seen him form on the ground right now and back then in the Temple. She looked at the pattern she drew on the ground and well she was no artistic genius of course but still it kind of looked alike. Once or twice was it that she traced the lines just as she would usually do the seals without using chakra. As her fingers were running over the shape over and over again her mind was embedding it in her memory and while doing so lightly humming along so she would be able to concentrate much better. It was a kind of strange feeling to keep painting o the ground but it helped her remember and much more even put this thought to her mind. So after she had done this a couple of times she smiled confidently. "Sure, I will try it now, should not be that hard I recon", she wanted to sound confident and not seem too optimistic but in reality she was nervous not getting it on the first try. Because it would be terribly embarrassing for her to think that she would fail at performing a simple Jutsu. So she concentrated on it and took a deep breath and focused her chakra into her hands and as she saw her finger glowing she pressed her hand down on the ground and as she envisioned it the seal would form itself beneath her fingers and burn up the chakra it needed to at least exist and as she was slowly raising her palm it as there as if to greet her and it was a happy moment when she smiled at Kotetsu and said: "I did it." She seemed kind of proud of herself as she compared the seal she had put on the ground with the one on the scroll and nodded proudly as it was almost perfect to her.

Now to the reversal, this was a little trickier because there was not thing to retrial, no picture to embed in her mind and nothing else. She looked at her seal she just made and thought about it. She let her fingers trail along it. Rubbing over it as if she was trying to get it away just by rubbing it off, but as he said it wouldn't just rub off or let her take it away. She could feel the chakra she had put into it, or was this just imagination? He said that this was a good way to start training Chakra Sensory. So far she had only faintly heard of it so she never considered it. Now her hand was trailing this seal she made on the ground and she was in her mind thinking about how she would remove it and sure she knew how, he told her but telling and really doing were two different sides of a medal weren't they? So now she placed her hand over t and thought about it. Fuelling her hand once again with Chakra so she would get a feeling for what she was doing. A feeling for the seal beneath her hand and for the ground around it and she say or felt that the ground had changed where the seal was and the constant chakra flow kept it together just like someone glued everything together. She filled her hand with even more chakra and this was when her fingers began to glow as his did before. So now she was indeed doing something right with this as she could feel the seal vanishing. It kind of felt like her hand had turned into a sponge absorbing it just like that into her palm again where it came from in the first place. Again she looked at Kotetsu: "Thank you, our teaching mad this easy, I thank you very much for this Kotetsu", she bowed to him once more.

"So I am not sure but do you want to learn anything from me? I mhmm I don't quite know what I can teach you, but I saw you learning Fuuton Jutsu the other day", she said looking at him. "Maybe you would like to learn the Great Breakthrough it is a big wind wall. Or maybe some small tricks like how to use Chakra to get out of some ropes and or clean yourself off some dirt?", she tilted her head a little smiling at him gently.

WC: 778
TWC: 1657
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Ryo : 42750

Keeping a promise (P, Kotetsu, Sanae, NK) Empty Re: Keeping a promise (P, Kotetsu, Sanae, NK)

Tue Nov 07, 2017 1:47 am
Kotetsu watched as Sanae read over the scrolls, and then traced out their design on the ground in front of her. It sounded like she was humming to herself while she was doing so. 'It would seem that she is more of a visual learner, learn by doing...' Kotetsu thought to himself. He nods when she says she was ready to give it a try. 'It's a very simple technique; she should be able to manage it fairly easily. Moreover, she managed it quite well. The Fuinjutsu lock looked solid and when he used the Fuinjutsu Breaking to locate it, it was there. Kotetsu did not break the lock so that Sanae could use it to practice as well. “Good job Sanae-Sempai. You did great for your first attempt at creating the lock. It is very simple to replicate so you likely will not need much more practice with it, unless you are trying to create stronger versions of the lock. They would simply require more chakra.”

Sanae then proceeds to try removing the Fuinjutsu Lock with the Fuinjutsu Breaking technique. This one would likely be a little more difficult since there wasn't really a visual aspect to try to comprehend. It would seem that Sanae had the hang of it though. She looked over the seal, running her hand over it, trying to decide how best to approach the removal. Kotetsu did not know what her thought process was for it, but it worked, as the seal disappeared. "Excellent." He says shortly after she succeeds, and before she could thank him. "You're very welcome, Sanae-Sempai. I'm glad you were able to  learn both of those  as quickly as you did. There will be plenty of opportunities to benefit from either one of those jutsu." he said to her after she thanks him.

Her offer to return the favour in terms of teaching him something new. The Great Breakthrough technique was one he was planning on working on at some point, and if Sanae could offer a shortcut, he wouldn't say no. "I was planning on learning the Great Breakthrough jutsu at some point, as I want to combine it with water wall in order to make a wall of ice." He pulls out yet another scroll. This one was for the Great Breakthrough technique that was being discussed. "If you want to show  me how to perform that technique, I can show you as well the water sealing technique I learned." As he says this, he pulls out another pair of scrolls. The first one is a breakdown of the water sealing technique, the second is a scroll with the water seal already inscribed on the inside.

WC: 448
TWC: 1911 (500 WC already claimed)
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Keeping a promise (P, Kotetsu, Sanae, NK) Empty Re: Keeping a promise (P, Kotetsu, Sanae, NK)

Tue Nov 07, 2017 3:28 pm
She looked at the scrolls he had placed in front of her and nodded slightly as he said he wanted to learn the great breakthrough. She had invested some time to learn it so she knew a little bit about that technique. So after taking another look at it she looked around and then stood up facing the open space. "It is important that you stand relaxed for this jutsu, at first it might feel like it stretches your lounge capacity over its limits, but it will become better over time I promise. Most important is your ability to imagine something as lively and free as wind as a solid wall. It is not like this is something that hard but shaping something that is usually not really solid into something that can withhold an attack. Well at least that was the hardest part for me", she smiled at him as she demonstrated the seals he was to make for the Jutsu namely: Tiger, Ox, Dog, Rabbit, Snake and then a large gust of wind rushed over the field blasting leaves and dust all over until it hit the safety fence and shook it heavily. She smiled kind of satisfied that she could have done it like that. So she turned to Kotetsu: "Just try it, it will come to you in time I am sure."

"If you have questions ask them, I'll be sitting here learning more about those seals", she smiled sitting down and reading over the scrolls once more. She looked at the water storage thing and did it like she was before and painted on the ground again. Looking at the seal before her trying to redo it before she really tried to do it properly Sanae wanted to get a hold on the shape of the thing she wanted to create out of Chakra so it was necessary for her to get a feeling for what she was about to do. But this time it should not be enough to just paint on the ground and remember a seal. She would need Seals as well and water. But he had brought a seal with him that contained water, so if she was able to break it and release the water she would get water to try and reseal it. That was a plan she would work with. So while she was forming seals to get a feeling for them she was watching Kotetsu as he was dealing with his Jutsu and smiled a little. It was fun training together it made it less dry and annoying so she had more fun doing it and while she had memorized the seals she would need to release the water from the seal she could watch his progress proudly. So as she could do them just as automatically as if she had done them a thousand times over she would now do it with Chakra being infused inside her hands to really activate the jutsu. So as she felt the power of the Jutsu flow though her hands she gently placed her hands onto the seal of the scroll and then as cool water was caressing her fingers as it was flowing through them as she looked at her success in releasing the water.

Now it was for her to reseal it. Doing hand seals for the sealing technique so she would be quickly able to re seal it again before the majority would be gone. So she needed to be fast and quickly adapting of it so she would not screw it up with his scroll because it was what her failings that would lead to it being empty and not full like it was supposed to. So as she was sure she remembered the seals correctly she would form the seals once more infusing them with chakra and then she pressed her hands onto the scrolls paper focusing on it and the feeling of sucking in the water that had been released. Slowly her chakra was pulling it in again and she could visually see the result of it as the ground beneath the scroll became dry and almost lifeless and her finger could feel how it was dragging it in. A shiver ran through her as she felt this kind of power. It was exceptional for Shinobi to have that kind of power over their environment and the elements. As she lifted her hands the water was sealed again and she was proud.

So after she had managed this she once or twice trained the dreadful lock again. Placing four locks on the ground and trying to unseal them at once but it would not work, because even if she was able to diffuse every lock seal by itself it was something different to unseal more at a time. If she made them weak enough she could but wasn't it the point making it as strong as possible so she would need to work on this further more in the future even without the guidance of Kotetsu but at least she tried it to what she was able to do. Once or twice more she tried what she had learned from him the making of seals was not that hard but she could not reach the next level with them yet but maybe she could try some more to make it even more perfect but this could be mastered another time or maybe she would have some more time training it with him. Maybe have him perform a seal for her to break judging that he would be better at this. So breaking one of his seals would make her even more proud but well maybe he could assist her in doing so. But still this had been a great help already so she was more than happy as she had cleared all her locking seals off the ground so it was free of them and no one would come across them wandering what they had business doing here. And as she had done so she was looking at Kotetsus progress since the Jutsu she had taught him was quite a little bit harder to learn.

WC: 1031
TWC: 2688
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Ryo : 42750

Keeping a promise (P, Kotetsu, Sanae, NK) Empty Re: Keeping a promise (P, Kotetsu, Sanae, NK)

Tue Nov 07, 2017 11:49 pm
The Great Breakthrough jutsu. Essentially a blast of wind that could be used for multiple purposes. It was primarily used as a barrier, to deflect or redirect attacks or debris away from the individual. From what Kotetsu had read so far about it, it was very simple to use. It would be the foundation for his next jutsu. Since he wanted to combine that with the Water Style: Water Wall jutsu to create a large wall of ice. He would have to learn both of them first before he could combine them. He would also likely need to work on learning how to do the technique with one hand, since he would need to form the seals for both walls in order to combine them to make the Ice Wall. 'This shouldn't be difficult...' Kotetsu thinks to himself as he builds up his chakra. 'I'll do it once with both hands to make sure I can do it before I try with one hand...' He then forms the hand signs for the jutsu. Tiger. Ox. Dog. Rabbit. Snake. The blast of wind  that he raises after releasing the technique was not as powerful as Sanae's was, but that could simply be because she is likely better with her chakra right now than Kotetsu was. 'At least I know I can do it...' He thinks with a smile. 'Now to try it one-handed...'

He builds up his chakra again, however this time,  he makes the seals using his right hand because that is his dominant hand. Once he has enough chakra, he tries  to make the hand signs with one hand. Tiger. Ox. Dog. Rabbit. Snake. He releases the jutsu and he is gratified with a blast of wind, again not as powerful though. 'Most likely because I am focusing the chakra into one hand, so it doesn't have as much control right now because it is something I am not used to. I'll just need to practice this more...' Kotetsu thinks to himself as he grins at Sanae. "That will be a useful jutsu to master for sure." He says to her as he watches her attempt with the water sealing technique.

"I'm hoping soon with that seal I won't need to use hand signs so I could just release the water while I'm making signs to create Ice." He says  to Sanae as he unfurls a second scroll with the water seal  on the inside. He makes the hand signs. Rat. Dog. And stamps on the scroll he unrolled at his feet. The water starts pouring out of it. As it does so, Kotetsu makes a quick series of hand signs and the water starts to freeze. He directs the Ice in different shapes before melting it back into water and making the reverse hand signs to return the water back into the scroll. "I want to carry around a few of these to make Ice on the fly. It would be useful for traps and maneuvering my opponent in a direction that works best for me." He says to Sanae with a chuckle. "It's definitely easier than trying to create lots of ice out of the moisture in the air...It's not as concentrated as having a pool of it nearby."

Since the pair had essentially covered the various techniques they had offered to teach each other, there may not have been much left to do. Kotetsu would roll up the scrolls he had finished with and looked over at Sanae again. "Was there anything else you wanted to go over while we're here?" He would ask her.

WC: 599
TWC: 2510 (500 WC claimed so far)
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