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Tatsuo Uchiha
Tatsuo Uchiha
Stat Page : Tatsuo Uchiha Stats
Mission Record : Tatsuo Uchiha Mission Records
Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 34000

Never Fear, I am Here! [Solo Mission] Empty Never Fear, I am Here! [Solo Mission]

Mon Sep 18, 2023 2:30 am
Mission Link: Never Fear, I am Here!
Character Stats: Tatsuo Uchiha Stats

Tatsuo happily munched on a bean bun as he wandered the market streets, watching the hustle and bustle and idly listening in on conversations. You see, he was on a mission. Rumors had been flying around that there was a super hero in town! At least, someone who claimed to be a super hero. But as it would happen, whenever this person tried to help, things around town just got worse and worse. So Tatsuo was tasked with sniffing out the hero, and seeing what he could do to help him out! Which really meant helping him cause less destruction in the village, but Tatsuo wouldn't tell him that. At least not directly.

But before he could do anything, Tatsuo needed a good lead on where he might find this guy... Finishing his bean bun, he tossed the wrapper in a waste bin just in time to hear a loud crash, and someone shouting in the distance. "Oh no, my stall! Look at all this food on the ground, I can't sell any of this now!" That was his cue. Tatsuo raced to the scene to see a large man getting up off the ground, covered in peach pulp. A boy around Tatsuo's age stood near him, gripping onto his arm. "I've got you now, thief! I saw you trying to steal that fruit, I caught you red handed! You're coming with me, straight to the police station!" The man shrugged the kid off abruptly, flinging him into the crowd. "Get off me, kid! You're out of your mind!" With a huff, the large man stormed off, leaving the boy looking rather confused and dazed for a moment before he brushes it off and smiles triumphantly. "I stopped the thief, the thief is gone! You don't have to thank me, I'm just glad none of your fruit got stolen!"

Giggling, the boy ran off down the road, spurring Tatsuo to follow him. He needed to handle this delicately. "Hey!" he shouted, waving the kid down. "Hey, Mr. Hero! I saw what you did back there - that was really brave! I've always wanted to be a hero like that... Hey! Um... Do you need a sidekick?" Tatsuo smiled at the boy hopefully, trying not to give away anything on his face. The kid in the cape turned around, his eyes excited and face beaming. "Whoa, do you mean it? My very own sidekick! Alright, deal! But you have to do what I tell you, okay?" Tatsuo nodded and grinned, throwing up a salute. "Understood! What first, Captain?"
WC: 427
Tatsuo Uchiha
Tatsuo Uchiha
Stat Page : Tatsuo Uchiha Stats
Mission Record : Tatsuo Uchiha Mission Records
Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 34000

Never Fear, I am Here! [Solo Mission] Empty Re: Never Fear, I am Here! [Solo Mission]

Mon Sep 18, 2023 6:38 pm
"First?" the kid stopped to think. "First... you need a cape! Come on, follow me!" Without waiting a beat, the boy turned and darted down an alley, leaving Tatsuo to trail behind, Once there, he led to Uchiha to a rotted wooden plank, which he pulled back to reveal a dimly lit alcove of sorts. Tatsuo stepped inside, shocked at what he saw. There was a small cot for sleeping on, fairly lights strung around the room, and a small table and chair that sported a box of used crayons and several crumpled bits of paper. Cartoon drawings lined the walls, all depicting the boy in the cape doing a variety of heroic deeds, and in one corner of the room, there looked to be a box of dress up clothes. Here was where the boy ran to, picking out a vibrant blue cloak and holding it up for Tatsuo to see. "Ta-da!!!" he exclaimed, running over and handing the Uchiha the cape. "This one's for you, put it on! And.... hmmm.... this too!" Fishing out a red eye mask, he hands it over and grins, waiting for Tatsuo to try them on.

Smiling sheepishly, Tatsuo drapes the cape around his shoulders and knots it in front of his neck, sliding the mask into place and putting his hands on his hips. "Well? How do I look?" The boy looked at him with awe. "Wow.. you look just like a real hero! Awesome! Blue is your color I think," he says with a satisfied grin. Tatsuo nods, scratching the back of his head a bit. "Cool! Um... So, I'm Tatsuo. What's your name?" He realized that he'd never bothered to get it, before. The boy giggled.

"I'm Yuuta," he says cheerily, going over to his table and starting to make a drawing. "And this is my hideout! It's where I keep all my secret hero stuff, and sometimes I sleep here when my parents are being annoying." Tatsuo tilted his head a bit, sitting on the cot. ".. Huh... Don't they worry when you do that? I know my mom and dad would be." Yuuta huffed, scribbling frustratedly on his page. "Maybe, but they just don't get me! They don't believe I'm a real hero. They're always telling me to stop and let other people be the heroes. They don't get me at all!" Tatsuo thought quietly for a moment. In some ways, he figured, this kid wasn't that different from him. They both had big ambitions, and they were passionate about achieving them. "I think I get it," he says, and smiles, moving over to Yuuta's table and picking up a crayon, his tongue sticking out of his mouth a bit as he draws a picture of two boys in capes. "Yuuta and Tatsuo," he says, grinning as he showed it off. "The heroes of the Leaf!"

"Sidekick," Yuuta corrected, and they both laughed.
WC: 484 / TWC: 911
Tatsuo Uchiha
Tatsuo Uchiha
Stat Page : Tatsuo Uchiha Stats
Mission Record : Tatsuo Uchiha Mission Records
Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 34000

Never Fear, I am Here! [Solo Mission] Empty Re: Never Fear, I am Here! [Solo Mission]

Wed Sep 20, 2023 8:08 pm
"So, are you ready for our first hero mission?" Yuuta asked, getting up from his seat. Tatsuo nodded. "Ready, Captain! So... what do we do on a hero mission, anyway?" Yuuta had on a serious face, but his eyes sparkled gleefully. "We walk around town and help people! Any time we see someone in trouble, it's our job to jump in and help. That's what heroes do. Okay? Just follow me, and I'll show you."

Tatsuo followed Yuuta out of the hideout and back to the busy street, walking through the bustling crowd of people. To be honest, he thought they looked pretty silly parading around in their capes and masks, but for now he would just have to consider it his disguise. He didn't want Yuuta to catch on to his mission, so he walked confidently beside the boy, looking out for trouble in earnest. He would have two jobs. One, to help Yuuta with whatever he decided the mission was. And two, to prevent Yuuta from making things worse, or creating issues where there were none.

As they were walking, Yuuta's eyes fell onto a cat who was perched on a roof, who meowed when it saw the boys approaching. "Look!" he said, pointing up quickly. "Look, I think it's stuck up there! Come on, we have to get it down!" Yuuta starts busily looking around for something to climb on, eventually producing an old, splintered ladder and propping it against the wall. Tatsuo grimaced. That thing looked like it could fall apart the minute someone set foot on it. "Wait," he says quickly, holding Yuuta arm before he could climb up. "Look... it's really old and full of splinters. It might not hold your weight... if the ladder broke, you'd fall down and get hurt, and you might hurt someone else who was walking by. But I have an idea," he said, smiling. "Watch me, okay?"

Yuuta looked a bit disgruntled beng stopped by his sidekick, but he watched as Tatsuo formed a handseal, moving his chakra to his feet and beginning to climb perpendicularly up the wall. Yuuta's jaw dropped. "Whoa!" he exclaimed, his hands balling into fists excitedly. "That's awesome!! How are you doing that?! You have real superhero powers, that's magic!" Tatsuo grinned a little, concentrating on getting to the roof and gently lifting the cat, who clung to his shirt with its claws until he got it back on the ground and let it go. "It's not magic, it's ninjutsu. You could probably learn it too, if you went to the ninja academy."

Yuuta looked awestruck. "Ninja academy.. okay, I've decided! I'm gonna tell my mom and dad to put me in the ninja academy so I can get cool powers too!" Tatsuo smiled a little skeptically, but nodded and continued walking.
WC: 469 / TWC: 1380
Tatsuo Uchiha
Tatsuo Uchiha
Stat Page : Tatsuo Uchiha Stats
Mission Record : Tatsuo Uchiha Mission Records
Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 34000

Never Fear, I am Here! [Solo Mission] Empty Re: Never Fear, I am Here! [Solo Mission]

Mon Oct 02, 2023 9:26 pm
Tatsuo and Yuuta walked for some time, but nothing looked particularly out of the ordinary. Tatsuo glanced to his side, where he caught a glimpse of Yuuta's face. He was getting bored. If they didn't find anything to do soon, Yuuta might start making trouble again... The Uchiha sighs. He never thought he'd wish for trouble, but it seemed like it was prone to happen either way. And by the looks of what he now saw up ahead, that trouble had found them.

"My great great great grandfather was the first hokage!" one stout man bellowed, a half-empty bottle of sake dangling from his hand. Tatsuo's eyes narrowed. The first Hokage was of the Senju clan, and he couldn't see any such emblem on the man's clothing. A second man, equally drunk, laughed in his face. "If you're related to the first hokage, then Naruto Uzumaki is my uncle! Get outta here with that bullshit, everyone can see you're just a pathetic wannabe ninja! You didn't even graduate the academy, did you? So what do you do with your life, huh? Eat your mother's cooking and dream of the greatness you will never have!"

Tatsuo tensed. Those were fighting words. Glancing to Yuuta, he noticed the boy looking eager. 'Crap,' he thought, chewing his lip. The men continued to shout back and forth in the background while he grabbed Yuuta's arm and turned to face him. "Listen," he said firmly. "If they start fighting, you can't get involved. Those are grownups, they could really hurt you." Yuuta frowned indignantly, wrenching his arm away. "Are you a hero or not? I'm not scared, even if they are bigger than me!" Just then, Tatsuo heard a yell, and turned just in time to see the wannabe Senju smash his liquor bottle against the wall and charge at his antagonist. Yuuta immediately sprinted off and into the fray, a frantic Tatsuo chasing after him.

It all happened in a flash. The large man swung, and a shrill cry pierced the air, Yuuta collapsing to the ground and pressing his hand over the bleeding cut on his arm. Tatsuo leaped in, kicking the man's bottle from his hand and taking an offensive stance against him, his single tomoe sharingan glowing red from his intense gaze. "Get it together!" he shouted firmly, sparing a glance to the loud mouthed man behind him as well. "You too... You guys are grown men and you're acting like children! Look what just happened! You hurt this kid! Stop talking crap and just go home!"

Yuuta sat and sniveled, looking up at his rescuer gratefully, while the two men shuffled backward a bit, looking disgruntled and embarrassed. "Uh.... S-sorry," the large man mumbled, and the two of them exchanged a parting glance before grunting and walking off in separate directions. Sighing slowly, Tatsuo's eyes returned to normal as he let his posture relax a bit, looking and kneeling down beside Yuuta. "... Are you okay," he asks after a moment, noticing Yuuta wasn't looking at him. Gently prying the boy's hand from his wound, he checked to make sure it wasn't bleeding too much. "... It doesn't look too deep... But you should probably go to the hospital so they can clean it and give you a bandage."

The young boy sniffed again, before wiping his face and looking back at Tatsuo. "... You.... You were able to make them stop..." Tatsuo nodded slowly. "... Yeah, but it was kinda scary..." Yuuta studied the Uchiha for a quiet moment, before looking away again, fiddling with the hem of his cape. "... I was useless..." Tatsuo sighed quietly. ".... Look. You just don't have any training. You know, if you do what you said and enroll in the ninja academe, you'll get all the training you need. You'll learn how to fight, how to defend yourself, and how to analyze situations so you can figure out the best thing to do. If you go to the academy... I bet you could learn a lot, and be the best hero ever." Yuuta glanced up, smiling sheepishly. "... Yeah... Okay. I'll talk to my mom and dad. Um... thanks. For saving me." The boy then stood up, dusting off his clothes and letting out a big breath. "Alright! Ninja Academy, here I come!" he bellowed, making Tatsuo wince a bit and laugh. "Hospital first. Come on, I'll walk you there."

WC: 731 / TWC: 2,111
Mission Claims: 4,000 Ryo, 20 AP
WC Claims: +10 Speed, +10 Chakra; 1,850 WC toward Clan Pureblood (3000/3000), 250 WC for Genjutsu Release [E], 11 WC discarded
Milestone Claims: "Amateur Ninja" (1 C-Rank Jutsu Scroll)

Previous Clan Pureblood Claims: Link 1 Link 2
Tenshi Uchiha
Tenshi Uchiha
Stat Page : Tenshi’s Tools
TenCorp (Shop)
Mission Record : Tenshi’s Track Record
Living Clones : Ayane - Kaya
Remove Taijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 198214

Never Fear, I am Here! [Solo Mission] Empty Re: Never Fear, I am Here! [Solo Mission]

Tue Oct 03, 2023 3:22 am
Tatsuo Uchiha wrote:
WC: 731 / TWC: 2,111
Mission Claims: 4,000 Ryo, 20 AP
WC Claims: +10 Speed, +10 Chakra; 1,850 WC toward Clan Pureblood (3000/3000), 250 WC for Genjutsu Release [E], 11 WC discarded
Milestone Claims: "Amateur Ninja" (1 C-Rank Jutsu Scroll)

Previous Clan Pureblood Claims: Link 1 Link 2
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