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Okisho Uchiha
Okisho Uchiha
Stat Page : Okisho's Stat page
Mission Record : Okisho's Mission page
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 233700

Busy Day [Three Missions] Empty Busy Day [Three Missions]

Sat May 27, 2023 4:54 pm
Maintaining History

Okisho is seen cleaning a plaque dedicated to the many Uchiha that have served the leaf village. It was one of many, one that he chose himself after receiving an assignment to do some maintenance in the hall of honor. It was work that he deemed beneath him, but it wasn't hard either. Besides, he did learn a thing or two about a few shinobi of the village. Aisde from what he thought earlier, he did, and will always respect those who dedicated their lives to towards serving the leaf village.

As for attire, Okisho is a minimalist, nothing too flashy and void of any logos. He is seen wearing a simple all black shirt, and a pair of dark navy-blue slacks which stop at the top of his ankles. A single ninja pouch concealed underneath his black shirt. The pouch his attached to his black leather belt, fastened on the back right side of his waist. His shoes are standard issued shinobi editions, revealing his toes and back ankles. His shinobi headband is tied tight against his forehead, but not so much to cause any discomfort.

As he continued to clean, he noticed a few of the care takers, who were taking the day off due to the many genin like Okisho cleaning, stopping by the check on the progress he the Uchiha made. He they nodded in approval, to which Okisho exhaled in relief. He worked meticulously for about an hour, trying his hardest to not so much as to make a single scratch upon the plaque. the two caretakers saunter away without so much as a care in the world. It was their Friday, and they planned on maximizing as much of what little freedom they were given in their work schedule as possible. Okisho on the other hand, continued to clean. as he did, he noticed the name Viper Uchiha on the plaque, a name known to almost all who uchiha around the world. His disappearance was something never solved. The village went through much chaos afterwards with the power vacuum left behind due to his absence. Alot of people died due to this, but eventually, the village recovered. Although the left wasn't the main power amongst the land anymore, it is indeed building. Recent, heard among his peers, Okisho discovered that the leaf secured a manner of things from the sand village. Things were dying over to many in search of power. He wasn't quite sure what it was, only rumors, but perhaps maybe the village was on the verge to take back what was once theirs.

Finally, after going through his little history lesson, Okisho finishes cleaning the plaque. He gathers all of the cleaning supplies and returned them to the office storage room. His work was done and decided to head on home after cleaning. But, after seeing that the day was still young, and he practically had nothing to do, he deiced to head back to HQ to pick up a couple more assignments. He figured he could use to cash to purchase more items.
TWC/ 513   Claiming 1000 Ryo, 2 stats and 5 AP -500 words towards Body Flicker V7.2

Valuable Assets

The slums of the leaf weren't the worst on the world, but it was indeed still the slums, so it was still the most undesirable place in the village. Youn wouldn't go their unless you were instructed to by the higher ups as a shinobi, which was the case with Okisho. It was crawling with homeless people, and the smell of it all was enough to turn back anyone who feared for their health. But due the assignment given to him; he had no choice but to endure the ride. He sat in the wagon filled with a couple other genin and loads of food. He made sure that there was enough food and space for the shinobi to move around the uncovered wagon. He scanned the area of the slums with concerning eyes, amazed about how a place like this could exist in the village. Was a matter of choice, or just bad luck to which people ended up like this. Perhaps he was too sheltered in his Uchiha district. He never liked venturing out to places he didn't know or felt like he didn't belong. Nevertheless, he had a job to do. The Shinobi in charge stopped the wagon in the middle of the intersection. Only foot traffic from here on, so there was no need to worry about blocking others. He hops out of the wagon and gets ready to distribute the food amongst the nearing pockets of hungry people.

As for attire, Okisho is a minimalist, nothing too flashy and void of any logos. He is seen wearing a simple all black shirt, and a pair of dark navy-blue slacks which stop at the top of his ankles. A single ninja pouch concealed underneath his black shirt. The pouch his attached to his black leather belt, fastened on the back right side of his waist. His shoes are standard issued shinobi editions, revealing his toes and back ankles. His shinobi headband is tied tight against his forehead, but not so much to cause any discomfort.

The other shinobi exited the wagon too, weary just as much as Okisho, they began to hand out food to the homeless. Okisho, while doing his duty, saw the shinobi in charge go along to each of the other genin, chatting with them. He was dressed in the usual attire of a leaf shinobi. Green flak jacket, navy blue shirt and pants, the usual. Finally, the Chunnin reached Okisho and explained what the real reason behind all this was. It wasn't just for charity; it was to keep the many informants of the leaf fed and maintained. It all started to make sense. This was probably how the criminals who busted out from prison got caught sneaking into the Hyuuga district. The response timeline up perfectly with the mission directives arriving at Okisho's door.

After all the food was handed out, Okisho made his way towards the wagon once more and got in with the rest of the shinobi. The group then made their way out of the slums with newfound knowledge on how some of the information gained within the village was attained.
TWC/513  1000 Ryo, 2 stats and 5 AP,  -500 words for Genjutsu Release V7 mastered version

Street Cart Cleanup V7

The streets were busy with commerce. The many citizens of the leaf were once again gathered mid-day to trade amongst their fellow captains of industry. It was usual for this thing to happen during the week. No one wanted to live in the slums, they all wanted their high rises and large houses to come home to. Okisho was seen wandering around, trying his hardest to navigate through the dense crowd. He assignment, and probably the last one for the day, was to clear off a broken-down street cart. It was last known to be located deep within the trading district. He shoves and tugs through the crowd as the urgency to get to the site was only growing. Was the crowd caused by the wreckage? He could only guess so, nevertheless, he pushes on towards the site. As moments, past, he finally reaches the site to where the wreckage was, the crowd behind him was on the other street, which debunked his theory as to why the crowd was so dense. It was peak hours, and business was booming. There was in fact not that many people on the street he was on, so there was room for him to work and removes the wreak. Walks towards the wreckage and prepares to go to work. He didn't mind getting his clothes dirty, nothing he wore was expensive. He was a minimalist, so all he had on was average clothes.

As for attire, Okisho is a minimalist, nothing too flashy and void of any logos. He is seen wearing a simple all black shirt, and a pair of dark navy-blue slacks which stop at the top of his ankles. A single ninja pouch concealed underneath his black shirt. The pouch his attached to his black leather belt, fastened on the back right side of his waist. His shoes are standard issued shinobi editions, revealing his toes and back ankles. His shinobi headband is tied tight against his forehead, but not so much to cause any discomfort.

As he began working, he weaved a single hand sign and transformed into a beastly gorilla. The were far more stronger than humans and would be more of an ideal form for this kind of work. One by one, he dragged the large pieces of broke frame, and rolled thew large wheels that were still whole off to the side. After that, he managed to pull the heavy metal parts off to the side with the rest of the garbage. Things were starting to look better, all that as left were the bits and pieces of broken parts. He didn't want to make too many unnecessary trips; he uses his great strength and pulls a long metal bar out of the pile of garbage and places it on the ground behind the garbage. Flat on the ground, he uses it as a sweep to move the small wreckage towards the rest of the garbage. He does this twice before getting most of it out of the way.

With his job down, he reports back to HQ, and turns in his report.
TWC/ 517 claiming 1000 Ryo, 2 stats and 5 AP using the wc towards 227/2000 words towards Sharingan
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Busy Day [Three Missions] Empty Re: Busy Day [Three Missions]

Sun May 28, 2023 4:36 pm
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