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Tenshi Uchiha
Tenshi Uchiha
Stat Page : Tenshi’s Tools
TenCorp (Shop)
Mission Record : Tenshi’s Track Record
Living Clones : Ayane - Kaya
Remove Taijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 218214

Welcome, Team 212 - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome, Team 212

Wed May 17, 2023 11:30 am
Tenshi smiled at Himari’s response, it was good to know that she was willing to place her trust in him, a stranger from a “rival” clan. For too long the only thing of importance to the Uchiha had been “the clan” and its reputation. He loved those that shared his name, however, he had no intention allowing that love to blind him to the importance of the other Shinobi in the village. He wanted to work with and protect everyone, regardless of their last name and family crest. I think I’ll get along just fine with this one…

Tenshi chuckled and sighed at Okisho’s little joke. Sure he was correct and the young Hyuuga girl was late, but he also wanted her to feel comfortable around the two Uchiha lads. He knew there was no harm to it though, his fellow clansman was just prodding a little bit. ”Come now Okisho, let’s not torment our new team mate just yet. I am sure something just came up and she could not control it!” Humour in a team was extremely important to Tenshi. In his opinion, it would not be an enjoyable time together if the three of them could not have a little fun with each other along the way. He smiled at the prospect of growing and getting to know his two new partners.

He noticed Okisho looking at him once more with an expecting gaze, Tenshi quickly remembered the question he had been asked earlier by his fellow Uchiha. ”Oh I agree regarding finding a mission for us to sign up for. Surely two Uchiha and a Hyuuga can warrant something a little bit more important that walking someone’s dog or gathering some fruit.” Tenshi had been told of the menial tasks that Genin would usually receive in their early days. He had dreams of adventures and super secret classified missions alongside the village’s Anbu, and all those other things that young aspiring Shinobi dream of doing. That being said, he was also aware of the lack of ability he and his team mates currently shared. They had a long way to go before they would be able to fight off a Tailed Beast for example, Oh boy, wouldn’t that be a sight to behold…

”But yes let us go and see what missions we have available to us. I am more than sure our sensei would not mind if we-“ Tenshi quickly stopped speaking as he and his team mates noticed the presence of a fourth person in their midst. When the boy’s voice came from behind him, Tenshi snapped around and began preparing hand signs for a Great Fireball Jutsu, before quickly stopping himself after realising the situation. Yikes, that could have been ugly… But how in the world did a child so young manage to sneak up on me? On all of us?? I guess it’s true what they say, never judge a book by its cover.

Tenshi raised an eyebrow when Onabi spoke, this boy was their sensei? He normally would have laughed this off as a joke, but Onabi’s subtle appearance had smartened him up to his skills. He relaxed his arms by his sides and began to smile once again, nodding at Onabi. ”I have to say, that was mighty impressive, I didn’t hear or sense a thing as you approached. You must definitely be a skilled Shinobi. It is a pleasure to meet you, my name is Tenshi Uchiha, and I look forward to growing and learning with you.” Young boy or not, Onabi Hyuuga was his sensei now and Tenshi was looking forward to learning a lot under him.

WC: 609
TWC: 2478
Onabi Hyuuga
Onabi Hyuuga
Stat Page : Stat Page
Remove Taijutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 74750

Welcome, Team 212 - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome, Team 212

Wed May 17, 2023 1:59 pm
The tree shinobi looked stunned to see a mere 9-year-old proclaim that he would be over seeing them. Onabi took note on how long and what they did after when they reacted to Onabi's sudden appearance. Onabi chuckled to himself, yes, he was powerful, but he was still a child with something to prove. "I wish you all the best morning. I'm guessing that you three wanted to tackle some low ranked missions because you have earned your headbands?" Onabi's eyes suddenly shifted from kind and caring to sharp and serious. "I want you three to remove your shinobi head bands and give them to me." Onabi held out his hand to the three new shinobi. Once he held onto all three headbands, he would take off his headband and tie all four to his limbs one by one. Onabi's head band was tied to his right arm. Himari's was tied to his left arm. Tenshi's was tied to his right leg and finally, Okisho's was tied to his left leg.

"The academy has a very different test to becoming a shinobi then I do. If you truly wish to become a shinobi you will take your headband back from me. If you don't get your headband back you will be sent back to the academy. If you take my headband then I will give all of your headband back to you without resistance." After dropping this bomb shell on his three students he scanned their faces for any sign of emotion trying to find what was running through their minds at that moment was the top priority. Onabi took a few steps away from the group. "You can use any means necessary to get these headbands back, even if that means killing me." Onabi would stop about 5m away from the group. "I will not use jutsu during this exercise and you can start at any time."

Okisho Uchiha
Okisho Uchiha
Stat Page : Okisho's Stat page
Mission Record : Okisho's Mission page
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 233700

Welcome, Team 212 - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome, Team 212

Fri May 19, 2023 1:58 am
It was a first, for Okisho. He was expecting his sensei to be a bit older than a mere child, perhaps it was an illusion of some sorts. But as Tenshi stated, you can't judge a book by its cover. Besides, Okisho was a bit older than most genin so it wasn't like he could talk either. Nods before the sensei, as he greeted the rest of team 212. He was eager to see what sensei had planned for their future. But first, he displays the same amount of respect he gave to all above his rank. "Good morning to you too, Sensei Onabi. It is a pleasure to me meet someone so young who has achieved so much in so little time.", he looks back towards the other two shinobi only to whip his gaze back towards the Sensei upon being asked of their headband.

Just what did he want with their headbands? Was it something they did wrong? Okishi was vexed, trying to make sense of such a simple request. It was a symbol of achieve to most, to Okisho at least. The trials and errors he had to go through to get his headband was no simple feat. Perhaps to the Sensei, due to achieving his at such a young ago. He catches himself, as the sense of frustration seeped ever so slowly from his face. He was taught to respect his superiors, and that was what he was going to do. He loosens his headband with both hands and removes it from his forehead only to hesitantly give it to Sensei Onabi. "Yes Sensei, as you wish."

But, just as Okisho thought things were bad enough, another bomb dropped that would test each team member to the fullest. Indeed the team would take their first mission, that was to fight their own sensei to retrieve their headbands. His heart sank upon hearing this. Such unorthodox methods led him to wonder was this how their Sensei became what he was at such a young age? Alot was at stake, their future, their headbands, and their pride. To go back to the academy with a defeat like this, it would be quite embarrassing.

Now five meters away from the Sensei, he eyes the four headbands dangling from his limbs. Two at the wrists, and the other two at his ankles. Okisho also noticed that the Sensei's frame was small too. The rules of engagement were laid out, which was quite a blessing. At least they didn't have to go at their Sensei at full power.

"Well, Tenshi, Himari... I guess this will be Team 212's first mission"
TWC/ 2,201
Himari Hyuuga
Himari Hyuuga
Stat Page : Stats' Link

Health: 300
AP: 1,250
Vigor: 25
Chakra: 100
Speed: 150
Strength: 25
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Slugs of Shikkotsu Forest
Salamanders of Rain Country
Living Clones : Hisaki
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 194150

Welcome, Team 212 - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome, Team 212

Sat May 20, 2023 9:40 pm
Amidst the haze of her still-waking mind from having recently awakened, it had only just dawned on Himari the sheer size difference between herself and the rest of her peers, save for Onabi-sensei, she's a relatively small bean amongst giants between Okisho and Tenshi. Actually, speaking of Onabi-sensei, Himari thought to herself how exceedingly young he was to achieve the rank of Chuunin so quickly for his age—looking as though he were no older than at least 10 years of age and perhaps a couple of inches shorter—maybe he was an exceptionally talented student from his graduating year? Heck, he may well be one of those "prodigy" types she's read about from the scrolls at the Academy. Whichever the case, her respect for his ability and intellect instilled an ember of confidence in the plethora of things she could achieve herself.

Her train of thought was sundered by Onabi's request for their headbands. She was hesitant at first to relinquish what she would describe being an accomplishment hard-earned, but the low pitch and stare from her sensei had her reconsider that the fate of being liable for insubordination didn't present her with a difficult choice to follow through with between either or. Without a fuss, she wraps her hands behind her back, unfurls the knot that securely fastens her headband to her waist, and places it in Onabi-sensei's palm. She wonders if giving their headbands away would be part of an exercise of some sort.

And no sooner did the thought cross her mind until Onabi later establishes the rules of engagement. Her countenance became awestruck. The rules themselves weren't hard to follow; each should retrieve their headbands or Onabi's or risk being sent back to the Academy. The real crux of the tension, at least for Himari, roused from the difference in skill between herself and her squadmates in comparison to their sensei. Even though they had the advantage in numbers, Onabi's height could turn the whole exercise into a game of cat-and-mice.

Needless to say, even the present stakes are relatively high, yet she reasons that that's part of the risk of being a shinobi anyway. If she's to prove herself and retrieve her headbands, or at the very least, assist in the retrieval of the others, she must reconcile with the notion that she'll have put everything she's learned to the test and push herself to her absolute limit, if need be.

But first things first, strategy.

Upon hearing Okisho's remark, Himari, whose gaze remains set on their sensei's figure, assumes the Gentle Fist fighting stance and nods, "Right, we'll need to coordinate with each other if we're to at least retrieve just one of our headbands." She whispers, quiet enough in an attempt that Onabi-sensei couldn't hear her yet loud enough for Tenshi and Okishoto to understand. "Any ideas of how we should approach this?"

WC: 483
TWC: 2,355
Tenshi Uchiha
Tenshi Uchiha
Stat Page : Tenshi’s Tools
TenCorp (Shop)
Mission Record : Tenshi’s Track Record
Living Clones : Ayane - Kaya
Remove Taijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 218214

Welcome, Team 212 - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome, Team 212

Sat May 20, 2023 10:22 pm
Tenshi spent some time observing his new young sensei. Although the boy was younger than he was, he had clearly achieved enough in his life to warrant the rank of Chuunin, and Tenshi had no intention of underestimating that. He observed the way he moved and presented himself, looking for any indication on how Onabi managed to sneak up on the three of them without anyone noticing. It was clear to the Uchiha Genin that there was a large gap between them in skill and might. He knew that his new squad mates thought the same way, each of them were clearly taking Onabi seriously.

Tenshi raised an eyebrow at Onabi’s first remark. He had even overheard them speaking about wanting to conduct missions already, how in the world had he hidden from them for so long? It was clear he needed to brush up on his sensory skills to keep up, in a real world situation he would be dead meat if an enemy snuck up on him like that. Another jutsu to learn I guess. This little meeting has already taught me so much about what I need to accomplish to even make the rank of Genin… Tenshi quite clearly had a long way to go, but he felt relieved knowing that his sensei was somebody competent enough to make Chuunin at such a young age.

Tenshi was taken about by Onabi’s request, give up his headband? He had worked so hard and for so long to earn that prize, why was he required to give it away so soon? He had given countless hours to hone the very basics of being a Shinobi, learning the theory and history of chakra and its origin. He had given his body and soul to the academy, even training into the early hours of the morning to ensure his skills would be competent enough to make it through. And in the end, he did just that, he had made it through the academy and became a fully fledged Shinobi of Konoha. Although he did not want to, Tenshi understood that there was clearly a reason behind Onabi’s request. Reluctantly, he untied the band around his arm and gave it to his new sensei, looking at it longingly.

Tenshi watched in a state of minor confusion as Onabi began to tie each of the headbands to a different limb. It was almost like he was modelling the headbands as a retail store. What was the purpose of this? It looked odd, he could not deny that, but it became more and more clear that this was a test for the newly formed team. What type of test? That would be something Onabi explained right after. As the final words left his sensei’s lips, Tenshi understood the dire situation that he and his team mates were in. Go back to the academy? After everything they had done to make it this far? That was absolutely unacceptable. He refused to go back there after the work he had put in. If getting that headband back was what it took to keep him out, then he was getting that damned headband back.

The final thing that Onabi said actually had a calming effect upon Tenshi. If they retrieved Onabi’s headband, they would all receive their headbands back and be safe from the academy. That made their jobs a little easier, it would also mean that the three fresh rookies would not have to be selfish and focus on their own headbands. He moved in between Okisho and Himari, listening to what they both had to say. He grinned at Okisho’s comment, it indeed did appear that this was their first mission. Looking at Himari, Tenshi could not help but be impressed. The young girl was definitely an incredibly skilled individual from her stance alone, she seemed ahead of others her age. She was absolutely correct though, it would take all of their collective efforts to even collect one of the headbands. This gave Tenshi an idea.

Whispering just as quietly to both of his team mates, “You are right Himari, we need to approach this as a unit. I know he said that we would be safe if we collected our own headbands, but the most logical solution would be to focus on his headband only. That way we all get ours back and pass the test. I do not have many jutsu at my disposal just yet, but I do have access to a Sharingan and one offensive jutsu.” Tenshi took a couple of steps forward and activated his Sharingan. His eyes morphing into a crimson red design, each producing a single Tomoe, indicating the most basic of ability. It was not much, but every bit of support was needed here.

He whispered back once more, ”Let us aim to push him into a corner, once there I can attack him with a fireball to force him into the air. That will be our chance to grab the headband from him. Go for whichever you can, but it would be best if we retrieve the one on his right arm. That way we all get to go home and enjoy some ramen together!” Tenshi smiled, it was a stressful and high risk situation, but he already felt closer to his team mates. They were all in this together, and it was likely they would pass or fail together. With that, Tenshi reached into his hip satchel and pulled out a senbon. At that moment he threw a senbon directly at Onabi and dashed forward, attempting to drive his sensei toward a large tree behind him.

20AP used - One Tomoe Sharingan
AP pool 540 -> 520

WC: 941
TWC: 3,419
Onabi Hyuuga
Onabi Hyuuga
Stat Page : Stat Page
Remove Taijutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 74750

Welcome, Team 212 - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome, Team 212

Sun May 21, 2023 9:14 pm
The reactions of all three Genin thrilled the young Hyūga. The shakiness in their voices and the novice fighting stances that they took to immediately strike Onabi. The young sensei smiled seeing the three of the Genin strategize but frowned at his student dashing at him with no thought.
Onabi's body spun mimicking a Hyūga technique, Onabi then thrusted himself into the air still spinning dodging the senbon and striking Tenshi promptly in the jaw with the flat face of his foot and with the physical damage output of 35. This strike would send Tenshi back to where he started. Onabi softly landed without making a sound. Onabi would stand up with his hands behind his back reaching for an item. "Oh, I suppose I might need more of a handicap against you three. I wont use my hands either then." Onabi would stand there and pull out his wallet and slowly count the Ryo inside. "Ramen does sound good. Hurry up and fail so I can go get some food." Onabi would look away from the group and start walking away. Walking away as soon as the three Genin would pursue Onabi would jump with full speed and disappear into the trees. Onabi would then lie and wait to watch the next actions of the two Uchiha and his fellow Hyuga.

WC 225
Okisho Uchiha
Okisho Uchiha
Stat Page : Okisho's Stat page
Mission Record : Okisho's Mission page
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 233700

Welcome, Team 212 - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome, Team 212

Tue May 23, 2023 1:01 pm
Listening in on the plan, Okisho's eyes widen when hearing Tenshi stating that he possessed the sharingan. That would indeed come in handy, along with Himari's; provided she too possessed her clan's special ability. After listening to the plan, he nods affirmatively while shifting his gaze towards, Sensei Onabi who was in front of him 5 meters away. His heart started to race with excitement, ready to test himself against a prodigy like being. The calm of the storm was present for a split second, which seemed like hours to him. Fight or flight, and Okisho was not planning on returning back to the shinobi academy in shame.  

Starting off, Okisho witnesses Tenshi's advancement, towards Sensei Onabi. He was fast and determined earn his bowl of ramen as he stated earlier. But he would not do so alone, Okisho advances as well as while remaining 2 meters directly behind of Tenshi. Witnessing the brutal strike that struck Tenshi's face, while also keeping the plan in mind, he forms the dog hand sign with both hands. Upon activating the transformation technique, his arsenal at the moment severely limited, his animal of choosing was none other than a 3 meter long green Anaconda with a circumference of 15 cm. His new form spawned roughly 2 meters away from Sensei Onabi's current position, which Okisho's current height in a coiled form was no more than a third of a meter. Immediately, Okisho in serpent form springs forth upon spawning, just underneath Tenshi's passing body which was a meter above in midair. He sees an opportunity to strike as he was in striking distance.

A split second in thought made him question himself. Should he go after his own head band, or proceed with the plan as stated before? Going back to the academy would most definitely bring shame to his parents. However, now that he was part of team 212, he was obligated to think not just for himself, but for the others too. The risk of going back to the academy was getting to him, whether he wanted to admit it or not. His rapid beating heart would wholeheartedly agree.

He then immediately uses his upper portion of his serpent body, with enough slack, to strike upwards. He gauges Sensei Onabi's descending body in midair after completing his single spinning rotation roughly a meter in the air currently. Striking at the Sensei's right arm with a widen jaw, he attempts to use his fangs to rip off the headband by the cloth. If successful, the headband now nestled within the mouth, he retracts his form back to the rest of his body on the ground in a coiled position.
Transformation Technique -5 AP
Power/ 40
Speed/ 40
745 AP Left

TWC/ 2643
Himari Hyuuga
Himari Hyuuga
Stat Page : Stats' Link

Health: 300
AP: 1,250
Vigor: 25
Chakra: 100
Speed: 150
Strength: 25
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Slugs of Shikkotsu Forest
Salamanders of Rain Country
Living Clones : Hisaki
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 194150

Welcome, Team 212 - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome, Team 212

Wed May 24, 2023 1:29 pm
The notion of them gathering together for a hot bowl of ramen afterward sounds like a worthwhile occasion to celebrate as a jumpstart to the team's formation, albeit before she could make any further remarks, a whistle darts past and toward Onabi-sensei, accompanied shortly after by a blurred, darkened figure from Himari's peripheral followed by a delayed howl of the wind.

"Wait, Tenshi—!"

She reaches and calls out, as she watches in mere moments the events unfold before her as Onabi pirouettes around the senbons trajectory and, with the momentum of the spin, follows up with a firm kick against Tenshi's maw. The subsequent thud from the impact causes Himari to wince, and moreover to her surprise, was how their teacher's kick alone exerts an even greater force enough to redirect Tenshi's momentum to send him flying backward toward the duo.

As if on instinct, Himari breaks form, pivots from her core, and dashes toward Tenshi with her arms outstretched. She catches him in her arms and digs her heels into the earth, skidding along the ground until she stands parallel again with Okisho.

"You oaf," She scours, softly. She veers to look at the effects the kick had on his jaw. At its immediate stage of development, she could see a faint, blackened blemish. After a hit like that, she wouldn't be surprised if the residual pain were to last for a long while, a week at least if it were to heal naturally. And as much as she would like to alleviate him of this sting, alas, she's without any means to relieve it. But perhaps afterward upon their success she could take a closer look and treat it later.

"Bruised, but nothing permanent." She whispers.

When she diverts her attention back to Onabi after this remark and in a distorted blur, he vanishes into the forestry while she also observes Okisho's transformation into an anaconda to chase after him. From what information she gathered, she chances upon an idea that could be useful as a gambit to retrieve Onabi's headband.

After helping Tenshi back on his feet, she explains, "I have an idea and I'm willing to gamble the odds with it," She continues in the same hushed tone. "You'll need three senbon for this to throw at Onabi-sensei; two of your own and I'll transform as the third senbon you throw. The next time you see him, I want you to throw all three of them at once in his direction. If he falls for it, I'll revert back to my original form and try to snag his headband when I get close enough. And don't worry about if I hit something else besides, I'm not made of glass. Really put some elbow grease into the throw like you mean for them to hit him!"

Using the chakra kneaded from earlier, she extends a portion of reserves and performs the Dog handseal. A puff of off-white smoke envelopes her form from toe-to-head and when it disperses, what drops to the ground appears to be an ordinary-looking senbon as it lightly rolls from one side to the other. The metallic, silver texture and length look appropriate, although both sharp ends of the weapon are somewhat blunt. After all, the aim was to seem like any other regular senbon and to notice the ends are different than the others would be difficult to discern for those without a keen eye.

Even so, she has no way of knowing if the maneuver can be executed as intended, it would be the first of many collaborative stratagems she would use and it could go wrong in many different ways. And yet despite that fact, she still has every ounce of her full faith and trusts in him. If they were going to work together as a team, then let this be a testimony of one another's redoubtable partnership. If Tenshi commits to the plan and throws the three promised senbon toward Onabi, when she's within less than a meter from him — in tandem with Okisho's strike — she will revert back to her original form and attempt to quickly wrestle Onabi's headband from his person.

WC: 695
TWC: 3,050

"-5" via Transformation technique into a Senbon

Total AP: 195/200

Technique Health: 5/5
Technique Power: 5
Technique Speed: 10

Last edited by Himari Hyuuga on Wed May 24, 2023 1:57 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Edited to reflect character's subsequent "action attempt" in the post)
Tenshi Uchiha
Tenshi Uchiha
Stat Page : Tenshi’s Tools
TenCorp (Shop)
Mission Record : Tenshi’s Track Record
Living Clones : Ayane - Kaya
Remove Taijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 218214

Welcome, Team 212 - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome, Team 212

Wed May 24, 2023 2:30 pm
Tenshi crashed back after taking the brunt of Onabi’s attack head on, catching a considerable amount of air time. He had to admit, it was quite a painful moment, the young Hyuuga was a slippery one. He was surprised when Himari helped stop him in his tracks, the young Genin was far stronger than she looked. She was quite a mouthy one at that, he could not say that he had been called an oaf before, First time for everything I guess…

However painful it had been, his plan was somewhat of a success and he had gained some very valuable information from it. “Don’t worry about it, I have taken far bigger hits before this. You should meet Master Jecht. Enough of that though, I wanted to see just how strong he is. Judging from his strike, we should be more concerned with his speed than his strength.”

Tenshi nodded quickly as Himari explained her plan to him, it was indeed a gamble that placed her in harm’s way. However, it was a very good plan, and Okisho was clearly distracting their new sensei as Himari transformed. He caught her in her senbon form while also pulling out two more of his own from his pouch.

As he prepared to launch Himari and the two other senbon, he quickly whispered to her. ”It seems that you are likely the only one here who will be quick enough to actually come close to Onabi. I will support your movements from a distance!” Right as Okisho went to strike in his serpent form, Tenshi threw the three senbon in a triangle formation towards Onabi with a speed of 45. If his throw was successful, the middle one would strike his head, while the other two were aimed at his shoulders. The senbon were thrown with an impact force of 22. Tenshi had opted to throw Himari at his left shoulder as opposed to the right so that his two team mates would not accidentally collide.

Tenshi would then begin dashing towards Onabi once more, however, he knew better than to go in headfirst again. He attempted to end up roughly 5 meters away from Onabi, waiting to see how the Chuunin would react to the current onslaught.

-35 HP (265/300 HP)
-20 AP (Sharingan)

WC: 376
TWC: 3,795
Onabi Hyuuga
Onabi Hyuuga
Stat Page : Stat Page
Remove Taijutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 74750

Welcome, Team 212 - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome, Team 212

Wed May 24, 2023 11:48 pm
Still midair Onabi was quite surprised with the well-coordinated attack. Looking under Tenshi's flying body he watched as the serpent form that his pupil took lashed out like a loaded spring. Onabi had experience with vipers, even though the last time he had come in contact with one it didn't go as well as he hoped, his armed still ached from the constricting muscle and the powerful bite from the serpents fanged maw. But unlike last time this snake was hesitating, seeming like its disiare to strike was over shadowed by doubt and despair. With a grin Onabi spun his still rotating body and reached down for his polymorphed student. With one hand he would grasp firmly behind Okisho's head making sure his fingers were tight against the snake's jaw structure and with the other hand grab the tip of his tail squeezing down so that Onabi's student couldn't slip his way out of Onabi's grasp, restricting the student's movement in this form. Onabi would then hold Okisho's body in a way that would shield Onabi from the incoming senbon. Were these kids desperate enough to skewer there team mate with projectiles?
Onabi would wait for team 212's hesitation in trying to figure out if they were willing to attack their new sensei when he was holding one of their peer's as a hostage. while that hesitation plagued their mind Onabi would throw Okisho at the other two genin and use that distraction to disappear into the surrounding area. If team 212 looked back at where Onabi was they would find three separate copies of the young Hyuga. One by one they would all smile and split off into three separate directions, North, South, and East. The closer the trio of genin look at these echo's they would notice that each clone only carried one head band and each respective headband belonged to one of the three shinobi that were being tested. Onabi watched to see the gears turning in the three Genin's head's this was fun and so far he was very proud of the shinobi that have become his pupils but he wondered. What is team 212's new course of action?

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