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Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Patrols  Empty Patrols

Mon Apr 03, 2023 12:24 pm
Mission Name: Patrol Intern
Rank: D
Mission Location: Any Major/Minor Village

Challenges: N.A.
Task: Your first patrol assignment is a simple one: The village's ninja headquaters. It's usually one of the safest places in the village and it lets to learn the tricks of the trade in a low consequence environment. Complete your rounds and report any disturbances.

Word Count Requirement: 1000
Reward: 2000 Ryo / 10 AP

Character Requirements: Village Ninja
Character Exclusive: N.A

Link to Legacy Mission: -

Jecht was now a freshly appointed Jounin and along with that promotion was appointed as the Warden of the Prison, a position that Jecht hadn’t expected to receive in any future. The more Jecht thought about it he wasn’t to sure where he was going to be in the future prior to all these promotions as he didn’t even see himself ever being someone with any kind of say or pull within the village. He simply thought he would be just another person in the village who did what he was suppose to as a Shinobi, of course he expected to be rewarded for his hard work and efforts but not to this extent.
He was still learning the routines and rules for running a prison on such a massive scale, there was certainly a difference of dealing with some minor criminals that got drunk or was being rude that were held in holding cells for the night and released shortly afterwards then going to handling the processing, scheduling and managing of a full scale Prison that held all types of criminals and even prisoners of war from prior and current altercations going on outside Jecht’s own knowledge. Though that was slowly being revealed to the old man as well all the various things that he hadn’t had knowledge or the need to know to well know about, he was learning more about the going on of the village with his appointment. He was now in a position where he needed to know more of what was going on and even the information that he was privy to just from the communication gauntlet was vastly different now he could see almost everyone’s history and information that dwelled in the village even those of similar ranking though not as in-depth as those of lower positions.
Much had changed and the old ogre was learning everyday how much he needed to do to get up to speed and just how much responsibility he was now being given and tasked with. Today though he would be doing something slightly different to his normal missions he had undertaken as since he was in charge of the prison now he figured it was time to get some experience on doing patrols of the various areas of the village and eventually make his way to the places outside the village. Jecht refused to be a Warden that only paid attention to what was happening in his general area and wanted to know the state of things on the outside as the more the outside was taken care of the less influx of people would be inside his prison or at the very least he would have a better understanding as to why there would be a influx if it were to happen.
So he was making his way to his patrol route for today it was going to be around the more safe area of the village which was around the Hokage Chambers and the area around there for today. While he didn’t really need to do this to keep things safe and controlled it was more to see the difference from the most regulated and safe place compared to those areas that were farther away and weren’t as well regulated. No matter how bright a light shined on a place there was always going to be shadows created that was the state of things in this world.
Jecht checked in with his fellow Shinobi’s at this route most of them being fellow Jounin as he was though with his title he was slightly of higher standing something about billet over rank, Jecht wasn’t sure what it really mattered but he wasn’t here as the Warden and was here as a fellow Jounin to do his job as expected of him and that was what he had planned so he deferred any possible authority to those around him so he could mesh with the group as needed and properly learn the ins and outs of the operation. The explanation went smoothly and wasn’t anything to special in comparison to a normal patrol, they had their checkpoints, their callsigns and times to check in. It was a typical check the boxes and report what you found or experienced, things had been pretty quiet in this area since Lord Aokidanza had taken charge as Hokage so Jecht didn’t feel that there would be much to see here but he treated the patrol with the seriousness it deserved as letting down one’s guard was an easy way of being taken by surprise.
Jecht was certainly no longer in a position where he could afford to slip up and expose himself to the failings of those of lower ranks could get away with. That was the power of expectations and higher positions, you were expected to be someone who deserved and earned those things and if you were found lacking someone else would gladly find a way to take what was yours. Jecht didn’t plan on sharing his position with anyone or his achievements so he moved with a purpose and sternness that those who knew Jecht would be surprised to see.
The hours passed and the check ins went smoothly there wasn’t really much for them to do beyond do their route, call in when they needed and keep watch over the area. There were times they helped out the villagers as they made their way through their routes, giving directions, breaking up yelling matches the most basic of things but that was their job. To show that the people could rely on the Shinobi’s of the village to help as they need to and be there for them. There was always someone on lookout while these minor things were being taken care of, not a single time was anyone slacking on their vigilance during this patrol even when they showed a more unguarded side of them as they interacted with the normal person. This patrol had been a success and at the end of the day that was all that mattered. With the patrol done and completed it was time to report in and be rewarded for the day’s work.

WC: 1032

2000 Ryo & 10 AP for mission completion
+4000 Ryo due to being Jounin
Using max stat discount for below
1032 WC towards mastering B-rank Red Oni: Wild Wave 0/1313 > 1032/1313
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Patrols  Empty Re: Patrols

Mon Apr 03, 2023 1:34 pm
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