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Travin Iburi
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Training Jutsu Empty Training Jutsu

Sun Mar 26, 2023 5:29 pm
Travin had been working pretty hard lately with all the missions and he had finally gotten a day off for a change. After sitting around the house board for a few hours he decided that he would head out and go get some training in. After all, if he wanted to keep growing in power he couldn’t just sit back and let everyone else keep training while he stayed at home doing nothing. Getting up off the chair on the back porch where he was simply sitting down watching the clouds roll by. Travin walked back into the house and started to grab some stuff, and tell his mom that he was going to be heading out for some training. With all his stuff in hand he was out the door and headed over to the Advanced Training Facility. He had been so busy since becoming a genin that he hadn’t even had time to get over and check out the building. For him it was still new and exciting but for most of the shinobi going in and out it was simply the training facility having been used so much by them that it was nothing new anymore.

Walking in, Travin walked up to the counter and saw the young lady sitting behind the desk. She was wearing a blue outfit with her blond hair up in a ponytail. “Hey do I need to sign anything or can I just go on in?” he would ask her. With it being his first time here he didn’t want to break any rules and get kicked out before he got to really use the place. The lady looked up at him and simply told him that all he had to do was show her his shinobi ID and she would let him in, and that after a while they would learn who he was and he would be able to simply come and go as he pleased. Pulling out his shinobi ID Travin showed it to the lady, and she pointed to the door that would allow him to go on into the rest of the training facility.

Walking through the door Travin looked around and saw more work out equipment than he had ever seen in his life. Plus there were rooms for people to go into to spar or train or practice jutsu. He was hoping that he would be able to find someone that he could work with to learn some new jutsu. After all, he had brought some scrolls with him that explained how some jutsu worked, but he knew that working with someone or having someone teach you would increase the speed of his training. Travin would walk around the training facility getting a feel for where everything was at while looking for someone that could help show him a few things at the same time.


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Training Jutsu Empty Re: Training Jutsu

Mon Mar 27, 2023 7:37 am
Early morning Lucian began his day with a three mile, or roughly a five kilometer run. He began around six o clock, warming up with a quick series of streching before taking off at a moderate pace. The jog began at the front of his house and continued into the market, near the mission board and drunken kage bar, and nearby a portion of the base of the Kumogakure mountain range. Finally he made his way to the training grounds, and though he considered roaming inside of its premises and potentially practicing his jutsu, instead he kept pace and ran by it. This was because his eyes had caught a glimmer of none other than Travin paraded down the street and waltzing right into a grand building. On the exterior it seemed like a recreational center, but why wouldn't he just go to the training grounds if he wanted to train? Sort of scratching his head while jogging in place, Lucian decided to follow his friend. After he saw Travin enter the building, Lucian would take a few minutes to jog over to the sliding front doors of the building.

Upon entry the air conditioning would blow a cooling breeze across the young Goka shinobi who had worked up a decent sweat at this point. It was refreshing, and incentivized Lucian to take a bit of a break and enjoy the hospitability of the receptionist area. The timing of his arrival into the facility would be after Travin had already entered and spoken with the receptionist. Therefore Lucian would have no clue of his friend's whereabouts. Lucian would proceed up to the blonde haired receptionist and would offer a slight wave,  followed by resting his arms on her desk.

"Hey, have you seen a black haired tall guy walk in here? And also...what is this place?"

"Sure did. Travin, at least that's what his Shinobi ID said. He went over there. But this is the Advanced Training Facility. To go over to your friend, I'll need to see your ID too."

Rummaging through his pocket, Lucian would grab ahold of his ID and present it to the woman. "Here you go, thanks by the way."

The receptionist would simply offer a smile and a nod, implying that Lucian was free to proceed through the same door that Travin had gone through. He'd make his way into the room, and immediately notice the ample supply of workout equipment and training rooms. But most importantly he'd see Travin walking about the room, inspecting all that it had to offer. Jogging to catch up with his friend, Lucian would call out to Travin once he had gotten a bit closer. 

"Yo Travin! What are you doing here bro?"

WC = 455

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Training Jutsu Empty Re: Training Jutsu

Tue Mar 28, 2023 9:25 am
Travin was looking around the room when he turned and heard then saw what most would consider his best friend in the village. “What am I doing here, what are you doing here” he would turn and both answer and ask Lucian. “You just can’t let me get any super secret all powerful jutsu without huh” he would add with a smile. He always liked training with Lucian, even though they were not the most similar in fighting styles. Both of them did have their skill in ninjutsu in common. Plus they made a good team, with his ability to place people under genjutsu, and Lucian’s ability to hit people really hard with his fist. It was a solid wombo combo. “But naw, I’m here to work on some jutsu, and was checking the place out first. I’ve never been in here before, and my parents told me it was a really good place to train, so I packed up some scrolls and came down here to figure out how they work” he would say shrugging one shoulder to show the backpack he was wearing. “Want to come give me a hand, I got several scrolls in here we both could learn. Shadow clone, blast wave, phoenix flower, I’m about to head into that room over there if you want to join” Travin would tell Lucian as he walked past him towards the room.

He wouldn’t turn around to see if Lucian was going to follow him to learn them as well. He wanted to look cool, like some badass shinobi that didn’t really care or need the help. However, he knew that it would be so much easier to learn all these jutsu if he had some help. Once he was in the room Travin would walk over to the table that was fit in the corner of the room, and place his backpack under it after he opened it and pulled out a few scrolls. Grabbing one at random he rolled it out onto the table. “Looks like the Shadow Clone jutsu” he would add looking over the required hand seals. Tiger, Horse, Ram, clone seal, he didn’t know what the clone seal was lucky for him there was a picture of it on the scroll. With a brief description of how the jutsu functions Travin would give it a try. Turning to look at the room he was currently standing in he noticed that it appeared to be a polished marble roof and floor with obscured glass between them and the rest of the gym. Activating his Sharingan as he had been trying to get more practice with using it, in almost any situation he could think of using it in. He noticed that the walls, floor and roof all had fuinjutsu seals placed on them, and while he was not a fuinjutsu user and had basically no knowledge on the art. He did know how it functioned and came to the conclusion that it was to keep people with eyes like his from being able to see in the room, and to fortify the room for training so that no one outside of the room was in any danger.

Once he had made the hand seals Travin pushed his chakra up and out into the area around him to take the shape of himself before making the clone hand seal, and in a puff of smoke there was a copy of himself standing beside himself. “Ha ha, Lucian lets see if you can get the hang of that one so fast” Travin would yell at his friend in joyous celebration.

WC-604 TWC-1,084
Shadow clone learned half off 750 WC total
Ryuko Akari
Ryuko Akari
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Training Jutsu Empty Re: Training Jutsu

Tue Mar 28, 2023 11:37 am
He had been the first one up within the Akari household deep within the mountains climbing and jumping from cliff to cliff rigorously to train and temper his body and coordination. He had remembered the first time he attempted this and failed. Failure was not a word in his dictionary and he would never yield to this feeling. For days that lead into months that lead into years he continued on this singular path until he could move on pure instinct alone as he scaled the mountains without gear. Resting at a half way point that he created, he would reach into his ninja pouch to pull out a small canteen of water drinking slowly before standing back up and looking out into the horizon. This area had the best view that he could ever ask for and one day he would be able to stand above it all. As stood there he could see the sun peaking over the horizon which meant that soon his parents would stir and begin to move around the house. That meant breakfast. Stashing the canteen back into his pouch he would begin to head down the same path that he came up until he had gotten to the base of the mountain and from there he would head home to get dressed for his day. As fate would have it, his mother would have already had food on the table but told the rising star to go wash his face before sitting at her table. The two exchanged glances before he eased up and left to go to his room. A couple of minutes passed before he came out wiping his face clear from any water and sitting at the table. Breakfast consisted of bacon, eggs, toast, sausage and rice which was honestly his favorite combinations of food. All of it had the essential nutrients and values he needed to become a stronger shinobi.

During breakfast time the three conversated on what today would bring and they knew what their son would be doing. He had always trained so hard to become someone people could look up to, but Ryuko's parents had wished he had rested more than he had trained. After breakfast he retired to his room where he took a shower, put on a fresh pair of clothes and grabbed his pouch. Today was the day he would head up to the Training Facility to do some more training. He had always looked at the expansive building as he passed it going to the academy but was never able to go in due to not being a shinobi, but now that was not the case. He moved with purpose as he ducked and dodged through the busy streets, not stopping to talk to anyone as he was focused on one critical point. He arrived there finally and smiled as he pushed the doors in and walked up to the front desk," Kumo's Rising Blue Star is here to utilize the facility..," with a smirk and a puff of his chest he would look at the receptionist who simply stared at him for a moment before asking for his ID. He stood there in silence for a moment before sighing and handing over the ID and shortly after he would be granted access. As he walked through however he could see that there were others here who shared the same idea as him, but as he continued through he did see two people that he recognized. Walking over to them he would come up 2 meters behind him as he stood there and smiled.

"And what pray tell are you two doing here?"

611 WC
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Training Jutsu Empty Re: Training Jutsu

Wed Mar 29, 2023 12:26 am
As Lucian called out to Travin, his friend would turn in place and start to poke fun at the Goka. The young man would scoff, sort of crossing his arms and shrugging his shoulders. "Oh please. Don't make it seem like you weren't hype to tell me about this place. Besides, we train best against each other!" The sheer determination that manifested itself onto Lucian's face towards the second half of his retort was impish. After his friend laughed off the response, he then indicated that he had come to the advanced training facility to learn a new set of jutsu scrolls that he had come across. Although interested in their source, Lucian did not bother to ask Travin about where he had gotten them. Instead his eyes simply lit up at the mentioning of the Uchiha having discovered a new source of power for the pair. Shortly after Travin revealed this, a third person approached the pair. The sound of the approaching footsteps were noticeable enough to capture the genin's attention, who'd turn his head to be met with the sight of Ryuko. Although his interactions with this guy had been limited, Lucian thought of him similarly to how he saw Travin. A potential rival who could be an even better friend. But only time would truly tell. 

In the meantime Lucian would unfold his arms and offer Ryuko a nod. "What's up Ryuko? We're just training to make sure we leave you in the dust!" His response would be followed by a slight smirk, to which he'd redirect his attention to Travin. The Goka would follow Travin, and observe the scroll that he had rolled out on the table. It was the shadow clone indeed. And so as Travin went on to form the hand seals required for the jutsu, Lucian would mimic him. Whether it was pure luck or Travin's completion of the jutsu on his first try, Lucian's chakra expenditure would immediately heighten and create a carbon copy of himself who stood nearby. "That's too easy! What about you Ryuko, can you do that?"

WC = 348. TWC = 803
Travin Iburi
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Training Jutsu Empty Re: Training Jutsu

Thu Mar 30, 2023 1:08 pm
Lucian had indeed followed Travin into the room like he figured that he would. They had opened up the scroll and were reading over it when Ryuko walked into the room asking what they were up to. Travin looked over at him as did Lucian who told him that they were training to make sure that they left him in the dust. Something that Travin knew from their limited interaction with each other was that it would urk Ryuko. Travin didn’t know the man very well, but he had figured out that he wanted to be the best at everything for some reason. He figured that Ryuko would tell them why at some point, but for now it was just an easy way to get at him.

With both Travin and Lucian completing the Shadow clone jutsu the two would wait and see if Ryuko would give it a shot. Whether he did or not Travin would walk over to the table that he had the scrolls laid out upon, pull three of them down to the front. “I’m not sure what all you specialize in Ryuko or your elements that you can use, but me and Lucian both use fire style and ninjutsu. These three scrolls here my parents lent me so I could get some training in today. Ninjutsu Amplifier empowers any ninjutsu you use at the cost of more hand seals. Phoenix Flower jutsu fires several small fireballs, and Minus Field allows you to weaken either a jutsu being thrown at you, or your enemy. Which do you guys want to learn next” Travin would ask, looking upon each of them to see what they thought would be the next best thing to learn.

WC-287 TWC-1,371
Ryuko Akari
Ryuko Akari
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Training Jutsu Empty Re: Training Jutsu

Fri Mar 31, 2023 8:37 am
A visible look of disgust and confusion appeared on his face as he looked at Lucian before scoffing and shaking his head in response to his statement. Surely he had been joking. No one would ever surpass the Blue Star of Kumo and certainly not this lot. Crossing his arms he would have his stoic but natural smile on his face as he responded to Lucian," Surely you jest. You think you two can leave ME of all people in the dust? Save that for the rabble as no one is leaving me in the dust. You will see that anything you can do ...I can do and there will be no exception to this rule. So let's see what you two have been working on then," he'd say it rather proudly, believing in his own skill and potential as if it was something set in stone or something. When Travin had explained what they had been learning, a few things came to mind to him. Fire Release would be the most useful out of the options that they were learning since if he had remembered correctly his own mother and father both had that release. It would benefit him in learning such a relevant release so that he could do what he needed to. He wasn't scared to admit however that at the current moment he did not know Fire, but if he could pick it up off of these two he surely would,"  Hmph. Well I specialize in Lightning Release and currently Weaponry though  I dabble in Ninjutsu as well. I'll allow the study of your Fire Release techniques so that I may incorporate it into my own repertoire for later use," in layman's terms that was his own way of asking for help without directly asking for it.

Looking back over to Lucian who had just made a shadow clone, Ryuko would shrug and stare at the copy for a moment as he thought on it," Its just an upgrade to the basic Clone Technique that we learned in the Academy though this one requires more chakra and isn't kind if you mess it up. Here," he would focus for a moment as he channeled his chakra into the core of his being, his stomach. Performing the handseal for the Shadow clone technique he would release the focused and stored chakra in a plume of smoke where a second Ryuko would appear right beside him and rub its nose before throwing up the peace sign," See? Trivial for the Blue Star of Kumo. Now if you would show me this display of Fire," both him and the clone would make the hurry motion with their right hand in unison to see something. Though Travin had put the scrolls on the table, Ryuko would be more interested in learning another element not another jutsu.

476 WC
TWC: 1,087 WC
Stat Page : The Black Star
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 84500

Training Jutsu Empty Re: Training Jutsu

Fri Mar 31, 2023 1:10 pm
Lucian folded his arms across his body and boasted a smug smile. His smile grew even more when his taunt to Ryuko had prompted a response from the genin. He seemed to be of a similar personality type as Lucian and Travin, in the sense of having a competitive spirit but also not being afraid to talk trash. To Lucian, the more people of that mindset then the merrier. As his colleagues and friends grew stronger, it would only incentivize him to do the same. And so far he actually enjoyed surrounding himself with people who were ambitious that also didn't mind poking at each other. Yeah, this Ryuko fellow would fit in well with Travin and Lucian. But the Goka genin didn't bother responding, particularly because the timing of Ryuko's question on what Lucian and Travin had been practicing would be met with an explanation from the Uchiha in the group.

As Travin explained his own and Lucian's competency for ninjutsu and fire style, Lucian would sort of nod in response. His mentioning of the scrolls he had that would serve as the lessons on today's agenda would contain two things that Lucian himself had already known. Those being Ninjutsu Amplifier and Minus Field. Phoenix Flower jutsu did however seem to be one that interested him. "Yo Travin, I happen to know two of those jutsu already. If you guys want me to help you learn them, let me know."

But before Travin got the chance to comment on that, Ryuko would state that the shadow clone jutsu was simple enough to perform. And with that, he'd go on to execute it quickly. It seemed like the trio had a competency for learning jutsu and fast too. And so today's session already seemed to be quite encouraging. 

"Seems like we can all handle that then. I have no problem teaching you fire release though Ryuko. It's quite the offensive element, and lots of fire release techniques utilize the tiger hand seal. When I channel my fire release chakra, I notice I often times need to...mold chakra within my body as if I were using a lot of energy. Like going on an intense sprint, or jumping really high. The motions and chakra required for it are powerful, continuous, and almost always start with a strong burst. But at the same time, fire is most useful when its controlled."

His explanation came with a deep breath, which he used to center himself before the performance of four hand seals. The first of which was the tiger hand seal, followed by the bird then rat and then his hands clapped. With that, a flaming aura manifested around his body as fire began to emit from his pores. The flames were hot, yet contained so much so that they only burned around himself, not even spreading to his clone. 

"This technique is actually a taijutsu one, but it uses fire release chakra to infuse fire into my strikes and such. See how the fire is contained to just my person? With ninjutsu the fire can have its shape manipulated but it requires refinement and finesse. Perhaps you can try this out when Travin reveals how Phoenix Flower jutsu works? Wanna give it a shot bro?" He'd ask the Uchiha, sort of prompting his friend to read the contents of that scroll and try to execute it for the group. In the meantime, Lucian would cancel his Crimson Blazing Heart technique and his Shadow Clone jutsu. Though the display took some chakra expenditure, he still had plenty left in the tank for training.

WC = 600. TWC = 1403
Travin Iburi
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Training Jutsu Empty Re: Training Jutsu

Fri Mar 31, 2023 8:11 pm
Travin listened to Lucian who admitted that he already knew two of those jutsu, both the ninjutsu amplifier and minus field he could teach Travin. However, before he was able to ask for Lucian to teach them to him Ryuko would perform the shadow clone while telling them that it was just an upgrade to the basic clone jutsu. Something that Travin couldn’t argue with, as it was pretty spot on for a description. Travin would then listen to Lucian explain fire release to Ryuko, and while he didn’t completely agree with everything, it was mostly right, and Travin tossed up the small differences being the fact that they were from different clans and that everyone did things a little different from everyone else. Once his explanation was over Lucian would then take it a step further with a small demonstration. Performing the Tiger, bird, rat, handseals before clapping his hands Lucian created a flaming aura around himself. Travin was impressed with Lucian’s display of skill, and when Lucian finished explaining that what he was doing was a taijutsu, it started to make sense since Travin sucked at Taijutsu, but when Lucian went on to explain how it works with ninjutsu Travin couldn’t agree more and jumped at the chance to try out his own jutsu.

Taking a few steps over to the side away from everyone Travin would look down the room at the targets on the other side of it. “First I’ll show you guys the jutsu that my clan made famous before everyone stole it” he would have a smile on his face as he turned and looked at them. Quickly making some handseals but slow enough so that everyone could see what he was doing. Snake, Ram, Monkey, Boar, Tiger before lifting his hand up to his mouth forming a circle. Travin would shoot a twenty meter in diameter sphere of fire out of his mouth and down at the targets. The fireball would blaze down the room and slam into the target dummies before exploding in a blaze of glory. Lucky for them the target dummies were made of stone and could take a beating, and once the fire exploded some sprinklers went off at that end of the room and some fans turned on to pull the smoke out of the room as well. “What you guys think, pretty cool huh” he would ask them, as took his position again ready to fire off another jutsu. This time the new one that he had been looking at and wanting to learn.

That was the Great Fireball jutsu, it is a massive ball of fire you shoot a targets, the Phoenix flower jutsu is a more controlled and smaller blast of fire” Travin would add to help describe the differences in the two jutsu, and maybe help Ryuko understand the fire element better. Once he saw everyone was ready Travin would start making handseals once more. Rat, Tiger, Dog, Ox as he took a deep breath on the last hand seal before firing several small fireballs out of his mouth at the targets. Each of the fireballs Travin made changed directions at least once, coming at the targets from multiple angles. “As you saw I was able to use my chakra and change the directions the smaller fireballs were going. One of the biggest misconceptions of the fire element is that it lacks control, and is just a big blunt object slamming into things, but with the right training and imagination it can be so much more” Travin would tell they others as he walked back over to the group, so that either of them could take a turn attempting the jutsu at the targets.

While he stood there he noticed that his chakra reserves were nowhere near taxed from the demonstration of the two jutsu back to back like that. A year ago he would have been barely able to stand up after that. He had a moment of pride cross his face, as he realized just how much he had already grown in just a year.

WC-683 TWC-2,054
Ryuko Akari
Ryuko Akari
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Training Jutsu Empty Re: Training Jutsu

Sat Apr 01, 2023 1:04 pm
Ryuko didn't seem to impress them with his display of the Shadow Clone technique and that was alright, it was a pretty basic technique that anyone can learn with a mild attempt or two. It perturbed him slightly, but he could always do something to show them just how awesome and amazing he was. He paid full attention to Lucian's explanation of how he had molded Fire chakra in his own body and how the feeling or sensation felt for him. It was odd yet similar to how he had molded Lightning chakra within his own body but he didn't focus it in his core. He had allowed it to spread throughout his entire body before bringing it to an explosive front before releasing it. The two elements were not that far off it was just a matter between combustion and generating.. which meant he could learn it for himself. Taking in a deep breath he would begin to bring chakra into his body and circle it into the center of his core within his stomach and allowed it to gather. He had imagined the feeling of fire, slowly burning before erupting into a wild blaze before he had performed the same hand seals the other two did to no avail. A small annoyed sound escaped his lips as he furrowed his brows and tried to figure out how he could fail. Everything came to him naturally but this was...a little harder than he thought it would be. Nothing would stop the Blue Star from completing this and as he brought himself back to focus the world around him would become dark as he stood alone. Taking a few breathes he would begin to regulate his breathing, copying a simulation of starting a fire. You had to bring all of the materials together to start it. The Flint. The Steel. The wool or leaves. All of it played a part in bring a fire to roar. Lightning was calculated. Wild and ever flowing while fire had a little nuance to it. Fire didn't seem natural to him because he was not as calm as fire, but he was as explosive.

As his body calmed down he would continue to breathe before coalescing the chakra into his stomach and instead of compressing it he would stoke it. In and out. Out and in. With each breathe the chakra within his body would continue to stoke until he could feel it. That fiery feeling. Knowing this was the time he would perform the seals once more and arching his head upward he would perform the Great Fireball Jutsu. At first it started as a whimper of a flame before bellowing outward and growing in size before diminishing. There was silence from him before he began to laugh and rub his nose with his left index finger," Truly nothing is impossible for this shining star. This will only push me to newer heights. Newer challenges. I hope you two can keep up the pace," it wasn't said out of arrogance, quite the opposite actually. This had been the first time in probably a long time that he had acknowledged other people for their merits. Was it the beginning of a budding friendship and rivalry? Only time would tell but for now he would cross his arms and look to the two as he felt victorious," So what's next?"

565 WC
TWC: 1,652

Learning Fire Release (1,000/1,000)
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