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Kota Apollon
Kota Apollon
Stat Page : The quiver of knowledge
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 224340

Peering into all Empty Peering into all

Mon Jan 09, 2023 11:01 am
Kota sat in the training ungrounds. His clothes were soaking wet from the specific type of training he was doing. The young hunter was working on training his senses. He had some talent as a sensory base ninja and wanted to expand on it. Compared to weapons it was just a lot harder for him to manage. In order to compensate he decided to do what he did best. Spent ryo to find someone to give him some pointers, a necessary expense as his growth was good for the village. He put the request in and just had to wait. He was already informed the request was accepted.

“Is this going to take all day? I want to go by the greenhouse later. The nice lady said she would give me some good seeds.” The singsong chirp of his familiar rang in his head. Delphi did not want to get wet at the waterfall so she skittered around the place. Not daring to go too far with him.

The archer did not even bother to open his eyes with his reply. “No, we are waiting for someone. How about you be the lookout?” After growing closer with his little companion he figured out giving her something to do instead of just waiting would make his life easier. She would be willing to do it to stave off the boredom. Kota could focus on expanding his senses and seeing more with just his chakra.

WC: 243
Zaled Uchiha
Zaled Uchiha
Stat Page : The Breaker
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 222000

Peering into all Empty Re: Peering into all

Mon Jan 09, 2023 4:10 pm
zaled was stirring a small cup of tea upon exiting his guest quartees into the streets of suna. Another night of silent thought nibbling on another bit of Arubboths unique deserts and now he had a liking of a thingbas hecread it known as cream pie. infact in a small comtainer he carried it in his bag of scrolls and ink. the delicious pie was what he looked forward to most as today he once more set off to teach some more at yhe training ground. What a better way as the utensils of platic forks were addeed, much curiously convinemt amid travel.

entering the well knitted, and groomed area zaled spotted an surprise, a set and ready student by the looks of it as he approached with a smile and his forgein accent peaking up.

"good day young fellow, what are you seeking to work on today?"

he smiled softly and waved the boy over to the nearby trees and added a small smile.

"did you by chance eat today? as i cannot wait to try this fabulous treat i brought with me."
Kota Apollon
Kota Apollon
Stat Page : The quiver of knowledge
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 224340

Peering into all Empty Re: Peering into all

Mon Jan 09, 2023 10:15 pm
Kota knew he was coming before he even opened his eyes. The guy did not even hide his presence. That and the fact that Delphi started screaming in his head as soon as the guy started walking towards them. “A man is coming! Intruder! Prepare for battle!” Various forms of excitement busted inside his noggin. Kota gave Delphi a mental reply and exited the waterfall.

The archer was soaking wet and approached the trainer by some trees. It was not till he got close that his eyes narrowed. A picture of a man that was more nuts than Delphi could swallow in her lifetime popped into his head. He shook his head and perished the thought. What were the odds of the man being here? Kota thought to himself.

Kota heard the man talk to him and shivered. He remembered the voice as if it was yesterday. Kota could help but think of how the man even got into the village. It meant he must have had some skills to accept the request. The ninjas in the office would not have been stupid enough to let him do so without the skills and needed vetting.

Taking the chance to get what he paid for, Kota decided to reply. “I was looking to see if I could expand my sensory abilities. I have a latent talent for it apparently. Just no way to actually utilize it. It is not like I am one of those Yamanakas.” Kota was trying to see what the man had. He was unsure so figured he would ask. “It depends. What type of desert is it?” He did not outright say no as he had a bit of a sweet tooth.

WC: 285
TWC: 528
Zaled Uchiha
Zaled Uchiha
Stat Page : The Breaker
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 222000

Peering into all Empty Re: Peering into all

Mon Jan 09, 2023 11:11 pm
ahh the boy was familar from that one beach in the summeru realm. TmWll this was good, but as zaled listened to kotas talk it drew concern as it weaned from self doubt, to comparison to others, to laten abilities. Zaled heard this many times as an instructor as a knight and a shinobi, and it only became more apparent as he got older.

good thing i got pie i suppose, because ho boy. Another one.

zaled thought as he set down his bag and pulled out the chocolate covered and decorated silk pie. The frosting was in a plastic firmware which zaled handing the young man a utensile to try the dish as he sat cross legged and pulled out fresh parchment and 2 ink bottles in silence. he gazed at the parchment and although blank he handed it to kota.

"look at this parchment. Tell me wether it has any potential to be good, bad, or increadiable. the answer is simple. It is a toss up right. you do not know if you will draw the next greatest painting, write the most earthshaking quote, or even do the opposite."

zaled kept it simple as he handed the boy a brush and ink bottle.

"write your name, and what you know about yourself. How fast you are tp others, your strength, perhaps how well you percive your chakra controll and quantity, write what you know. what you know is what you understand. It means nothing if some may just be better in one thing then yourself. It is meaningless to compare. You do not reach my age just simply comparing and writing on hopes and dreams, but accepting you are good, however, others are better. Some may be talented, but did they put the work you know about yourself? do they know who and what you can do? do they understand your schemes and methods?"

zaled spoke up as he cut a small peice of the pie and took a bite, the sweet chocolately savory, and creamy filling mixed with the loose crust at the end. A true delicacy, but in the instant of bliss it was over the bite was done, he swallowed his bit.

"the thing is that sensory is infomation, and one must know what infomation is and why you are protective of it."
Kota Apollon
Kota Apollon
Stat Page : The quiver of knowledge
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 224340

Peering into all Empty Re: Peering into all

Wed Jan 11, 2023 3:11 pm
Kota accepted the brush, ink, and parchment. He debated what to write on it, if he even should. A part of him thought the man was just trying to prime him for secret information. Then again the information was not so important. It would reveal Kota’s weakness to an extent but it was not like Kota was important to the village, and Kota decided not to reveal it all. The things that were easy to find out, like his methods in the chunin exam and others, could be revealed without hesitation. It was the stuff like his newfound bird fighting style and similar he would keep to himself. That and the man was making an odd amount of sense. It was like when Kota was explaining weaponry abilities to the new generation. Order in chaos or something was the theory behind it.

“Sensory may be information but is it not so easily gathered? Unless the basics of it is gathering it.” Kota was writing as he spoke. He did seem to change his perspective a bit. Information was a form of power. Power was everything in the world. Knowing the right things would put him leaps and bounds ahead of other people. If he used his naturally talented crafting ability to do so. Who would be able to stop him?

Thanks to the training he received in writing at the ninja academy it did not take him too long to complete the written assignment. He would dig into the piece of cake offered to him. If it was poisoned it would be the way he would want to go.

WC: 269
TWC: 797
Zaled Uchiha
Zaled Uchiha
Stat Page : The Breaker
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 222000

Peering into all Empty Re: Peering into all

Wed Jan 11, 2023 3:51 pm
zaled  took another bite as he watched kota work. But moreso he was watching kota in genral, the habits disppayed, referal to methods instilled. He was correct infomation may not be easy to gather, but that is why sensory existed.

"you are the lense and the spy glass you see. Look at the cake, it has a creamy filled center, frosting fine, and chocolate drizzled.  you can tell this was made by a method beyond hand practice. we took bites out of it. You can taste the delicious work. you enjoy the peice, and want more. The infomation you took in eating fufills your fancy. Although like any you hesitated before the first bite. wondering if poison or some other serum, like truth speakers/ or lucidity imducing bits. But you pressed forward. You see sendory is no diffrent."

zaled stated as he took kotas parchment and gazed it over and smiled. It was well written and he nodded approvingly as with his own ink and brush added an now elaborante graph with both percision and speed tying each thing to kota's name on it, and drawing arrows to each bit of strength, speed, his potency, and overall reserves.

Zaled after a moment placed dowm the graph and smiled.

"you will understand soon enough kota that while infomation is finite  because we lack the insight, insight is gained through both experience, and even the understanding of what you show, and what is revealed. in truth many do not realize what they reveal requires more effort to hide then to reveal. You must take in so many factors. How far is an adversary, what medium they are using? are you able to close off that medium? how much energy you must use to close it off?"

zaled explained as he activated his sharingan and glanced ovet the boy. kota would've maybe tensed up but the man wouldve written tensed up glancing him over and nodding.

"the sharingan reveals much that an normal eye cannot percive, and while many say it is unfair, we can still be blinded, and even tossed  in illusions, it is how we use the infomation.However even that is nothing short of simple to replicate, how you run and use your chakra, mold and program it to something that even you can replicate. Right now what i see is only a crumb of the truth. but some say thats enough. I will tell you the truth. Thoes that tell you it is enough are liers beyond reason."

zaled stated as he took another bite and  pointed at kota. The older man has seen many but few could  understand just how important infomation is and defending infomation required.

"tell me a counter function to the sharingan, take your time to consider your answer. How will you stop the gaze of one studying you? the fact you are tapping desperately into your chakra, and was in comparison means you have not considered how you will handle other mediums of approach. this is the troubling part. You are desperate, and a sensor must look not at genius or talent, but cold hard facts. And make it happen kota"

zaled was not being stern but the words held weight due to the reality he was pointing out.

"a good warrior has a way to handle the enemy's plan B. but a sensor must be ready for plan Z"

Kota Apollon
Kota Apollon
Stat Page : The quiver of knowledge
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 224340

Peering into all Empty Re: Peering into all

Tue Jan 17, 2023 7:56 pm
Information is finite. Kota rolled the thought around on his tongue. In a way the man was still making sense. Whenever he had gone hunting before, the information on the target was important. How the target grazzed, sleep schedules, as well as hazards in the area. It was all kinds of various things a hunter had to be aware of. The limits of the hunt could be called what you knew beforehand. Chances of success increased or decreased by knowing what you were going after as close to knowing yourself.

Keeping himself in thought Kota looked back over at the loon and his eyes narrowed. The familiar red eyes of the Uchiha. He was not scared at the moment as he informed Del to break him out. That or try to go and get help. The bird did not know a lot of people but she could try to find Musu.

“I would easily blind you in a variety of ways. It would not be hard to do. Poison, a quick needle shot to the eyes. I believe there are a variety of ways to get something done when it comes to blinding someone. Some beasts have enhanced senses. Hunting them down growing up makes it easier to discern weaknesses.”

It was true speaking from his own experiences he has been growing up looking at various things. It was a shocking realization to understand his own experiences outside the ninja world were applicable to the things he did now. It was funny how everything changed and stayed the same.

WC: 259
TWC: 1,056
Zaled Uchiha
Zaled Uchiha
Stat Page : The Breaker
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 222000

Peering into all Empty Re: Peering into all

Wed Jan 18, 2023 2:49 am
kota's answer happily was accepted by zaled with a clap and chuckled. But hw wrote down tense still. But clapped his hands.

"all are acceptable but in a pinch it may be wise to become well endowed in scrambling your infomation you see. Evem a sharingan can be fooled easy. But now to show you just how particular we are talking kota. i shall show you the jutsu. Watch my hands closely, but while you watch and preform focus your chakra into your eyes and be calm. your eyes might rival my own to a degree,But at the level i will show you is beyond very few reach this level."

zaled stated as he weaved the seals slow enough for kota to follow and memorize. Ox, Boar, Dragon, Snake, Tiger, Ram, and  with that thesharingan turned gold,and at a glance zaled wrote down kota's appliances speaking.

"testing this will show you what i see,you are extreamly agile, rating 150, your chakra control is also very impressive: rating:100, your physical poweres are moderate: rating: 25, your chakra quantity and quality is moderate, rating 25,As with your reserve it is untouched but vast. You have worked hard to acheive your levels of physical skills. Very impressive."

zaled stated with an aproving nodd and took a bite out of the pie.

"Give it a go, as now to explain further. Infomation like that is well simple once you get used to this, However let us say on jutsu. When one see's a jutsu one may speculate, and throught recongniztion understand, But what if this all helps you determine how something exactly works. As such your task  will be simple,but mind the cost of chakra of course. Tell me what you see and how my techniques i will use work. As this is practice."

zaled stated with a smile and  began weaving a simple seal as his Eternal force jutsu activated greatly enhancing his speed and chakra sharply. Zaled then weaved Dragon, Boar, Ram, Dog, Rat, Ox, And a wirl of golden space-time engergy shifted around the area as he chose simply power, which would weaken the overall strength of chakra based techniques,and as an added bonus  he weaved Ram, tiger, dragon, boar, and a secondary field of chakra would surge in the area,as kota would notice this as an viberation of sorts thanks to his sensory skills.

"it is several jutsu yes, but these will host many applications to learn of  course. What is important is identifying however you see."

(showed kota up to S rank gauge)



-70 gauge: power:70
-45 disruption field: detect: power:85, speed:85
-40 eternal force( new speed:178, new chakra: 129, power:85, speed:85)
-30 anti sensory art red dead jammer (power:45, speed:45
-20 for sharingan active 2 posts

Kota Apollon
Kota Apollon
Stat Page : The quiver of knowledge
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 224340

Peering into all Empty Re: Peering into all

Thu Jan 19, 2023 1:07 am
Kota paid extra attention to the seals in question. It did not seem too difficult to him. The hardest part from his experience was the flow of chakra in the body. Listening to how it flowed to the eyes and required a person to be relaxed made it simpler for him. He had no clue what the dude was talking about as far as his talents went. The archer decided to ignore it for now.

“Like this?” Kota made the same handseals he had just committed to memory. He could not see it but his eyes took on a silver glow. When he looked at Zaled numbers popped into his head. It was an odd sensation how he actively knew what those numbers were for. “I count…..” Kota stopped mid-sentence. When Zaled had finished a pair of handsigns, Kota developed a massive headache. It was like taking a punch to the face but with his mind.

“That is very painful. I was going to say several jutsu.” Kota was not a fan of the headache he had gained. Are you okay? Del was sounding concerned. Kota placated her and decided to call it an evening. He needed more time to recover.

“It was fun but I have to head out. I will remember to keep your training and words in mind.” The archer gave a word of kindness and hauled butt out of there. He wanted to spend time out trying what he learned in practical battle. He felt the lessons that were being brought up had more in the way of practicality. It was useful and should serve him well when it came to his understanding of sensory. Thinking of this Kota had to wonder if he was gimping himself to the extent of his own skills.


WC: 298
TWC: 1,354

Learned S rank Gauge with 1,000 WC. Using the advanced training facility 75% overall discount.

The other 300 is going towards the Chakra stat for Delphi

Last edited by Kota Apollon on Sat Jan 21, 2023 9:09 am; edited 1 time in total
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Peering into all Empty Re: Peering into all

Fri Jan 20, 2023 3:00 am
Kota assuming you are claiming with 70% advanced facility discount please make a note of that on your post thank you!
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