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Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Peering into all - Page 2 Empty Re: Peering into all

Mon Jan 23, 2023 4:47 pm
Zaled Uchiha
Zaled Uchiha
Stat Page : The Breaker
Remove Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 222000

Peering into all - Page 2 Empty Re: Peering into all

Tue Feb 21, 2023 5:45 am
it seemed his tiny experiment worked, But zaled kept his tjoughts to himself,noting that kota recived a headache in exchange. was it too harsh? The thoights behind the jutsu he used was another bi product to make an countermeasure to his jutsu and thoes similar.  Zaled smiled and gave kota a wave off as the boy sped off. He learned well. However zaled once the boy left sight let out a sigh as he deactivated the jutsu and noted he was at a little close to half of his reserves.

sheesh these techniques are not easy to make use of, in combination these are taxing. im not as young as i used to be, and these jutsu inconjunction do tricks, but must be used carefully. Infomation is tricky to hide, but not impossible. Just by the rate, these are brutal even for tjoes whom may use other jutsu too, my first time testing these, and  it takes a toll.... i will need more things to make use of their strengths more efficently. And find a way to keep people safe too. If a headache from a backlash, lets be careful with people.

Zaled thought as he glanced over the boys paper, and finishing the pie himself as he mused. Sooner then he wouldve liked. Zaled was fimished eating and he thoughtfully rubbed his chin. It was useful but the much more demanding question wa there ways to use the infomatiom at an much more manageable level? All in all his explanations were wide,but there were other pressing things to consider.

what can we do to assure that myself, and others use the infomation correctly? Perhaps defensively speaking We can work new and improved methods of chakra comtrol? or even means to supply the knowledge abundant to all in question? It can be assumed that even with all things considered. The gauge jutsu needs to improve to be considered better.... it is good i am here to allow others to learn such a jutsu, i can meditate it's uses and cross reference ways to keep a jutsu fresh, and the infomation live. For the sake of many of course, but to what other means? what if i find something that falls short of being able to be scanned? What if countermeasures fail?

Zaled meditated on the matter as he too began a little work himself. He was one that had much and seen much, however he too needed to grow and develop. He quietly tapped and expanded his chakra feeling into the wind and working it into his system. It was an simple explanation to himself. Growth required many things. But tragically Zaled felt that besides these methods of teaching, He never really dove deep and trained himself to a degree, Aside from small bits of diving behind anything he developed.  Although this was comfortable, and a comfortable village he  enjoyed. But unlike before he could not be complacent.

work and break down the routes avaliable.And I should keep myself both considerate. There should be much better ways to apply my ideas. hmmm many talented minds here, and studious.

The lands of suna were well developed and drew his curiousity to now see what it offered. After an hour or do of familiarizing himself  to the wind and workimg it off, zaled discarded  the empty pie tray as he left to the nearest trash compartment on his way back to the guest living quarters.

Along the way he glanced at the kage building thoughtfully.

service to here isnt a bad idea i suppose.


wc: 602



using 70% training center to train the following. (noted)

mastery for gauge power stat increase: 1,200/1,200. (was 4k, 70% training center reduction applied.) S rank mastery slot used:1/4

800/4125(was 5.5k 25% max stat discount applied)

for S rank version of exploit and redirect (replacing timeline splitting)

166 remaining wc going to MS progress.

Last edited by Zaled Uchiha on Tue Feb 21, 2023 9:55 am; edited 1 time in total
Hiroki Shimada
Hiroki Shimada
Stat Page : Mementos of Noon - Hiroki Shimada
Mission Record : Hiroki's Mission Log
Living Clones : Mementos of Dawn - Hiro Shimada

Mementos of Dusk - Ki Shimada
Familiar : Shichiro
Remove Iryōjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 150580

Peering into all - Page 2 Empty Re: Peering into all

Tue Feb 21, 2023 9:51 am
Zaled Uchiha wrote:it seemed his tiny experiment worked, But zaled kept his tjoughts to himself,noting that kota recived a headache in exchange. was it too harsh? The thoights behind the jutsu he used was another bi product to make an countermeasure to his jutsu and thoes similar.  Zaled smiled and gave kota a wave off as the boy sped off. He learned well. However zaled once the boy left sight let out a sigh as he deactivated the jutsu and noted he was at a little close to half of his reserves.

sheesh these techniques are not easy to make use of, in combination these are taxing. im not as young as i used to be, and these jutsu inconjunction do tricks, but must be used carefully. Infomation is tricky to hide, but not impossible. Just by the rate, these are brutal even for tjoes whom may use other jutsu too, my first time testing these, and  it takes a toll.... i will need more things to make use of their strengths more efficently. And find a way to keep people safe too. If a headache from a backlash, lets be careful with people.

Zaled thought as he glanced over the boys paper, and finishing the pie himself as he mused. Sooner then he wouldve liked. Zaled was fimished eating and he thoughtfully rubbed his chin. It was useful but the much more demanding question wa there ways to use the infomatiom at an much more manageable level? All in all his explanations were wide,but there were other pressing things to consider.

what can we do to assure that myself, and others use the infomation correctly? Perhaps defensively speaking We can work new and improved methods of chakra comtrol? or even means to supply the knowledge abundant to all in question? It can be assumed that even with all things considered. The gauge jutsu needs to improve to be considered better.... it is good i am here to allow others to learn such a jutsu, i can meditate it's uses and cross reference ways to keep a jutsu fresh, and the infomation live. For the sake of many of course, but to what other means? what if i find something that falls short of being able to be scanned? What if countermeasures fail?

Zaled meditated on the matter as he too began a little work himself. He was one that had much and seen much, however he too needed to grow and develop. He quietly tapped and expanded his chakra feeling into the wind and working it into his system. It was an simple explanation to himself. Growth required many things. But tragically Zaled felt that besides these methods of teaching, He never really dove deep and trained himself to a degree, Aside from small bits of diving behind anything he developed.  Although this was comfortable, and a comfortable village he  enjoyed. But unlike before he could not be complacent.

work and break down the routes avaliable.And I should keep myself both considerate. There should be much better ways to apply my ideas. hmmm many talented minds here, and studious.

The lands of suna were well developed and drew his curiousity to now see what it offered. After an hour or do of familiarizing himself  to the wind and workimg it off, zaled discarded  the empty pie tray as he left to the nearest trash compartment on his way back to the guest living quarters.

Along the way he glanced at the kage building thoughtfully.

service to here isnt a bad idea i suppose.


wc: 602



using 70% training center to train the following. (noted)

mastery for gauge power stat increase: 1,200/1,200. (was 4k, 70% training center reduction applied.) S rank mastery slot used:1/4

800/1,650 (was 5.5k 70% training center discount applied)

for S rank version of exploit and redirect (replacing timeline splitting)

166 remaining wc going to MS progress.

Hey, so the 75% discount for the Mastery was alright, but for Exploit, it can only be a 25% discount because you aren't learning it with someone else or being taught it by another person in the thread. Edit the claim post accordingly, and then I can approve this
Zaled Uchiha
Zaled Uchiha
Stat Page : The Breaker
Remove Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 222000

Peering into all - Page 2 Empty Re: Peering into all

Tue Feb 21, 2023 9:56 am
edits made:grin:
Hiroki Shimada
Hiroki Shimada
Stat Page : Mementos of Noon - Hiroki Shimada
Mission Record : Hiroki's Mission Log
Living Clones : Mementos of Dawn - Hiro Shimada

Mementos of Dusk - Ki Shimada
Familiar : Shichiro
Remove Iryōjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 150580

Peering into all - Page 2 Empty Re: Peering into all

Tue Feb 21, 2023 10:00 am
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