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Toran Uchiha
Toran Uchiha
Stat Page : The Wily Amusing Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 62500

Stolen Canvas on a Bloody Morning(Hunter) - Page 2 Empty Re: Stolen Canvas on a Bloody Morning(Hunter)

Thu Jan 26, 2023 8:16 pm
As such, the stage was set for seemingly the final clash of wills, Toran was worried, especially after the fan had seemingly returned to his hand upon being thrown, narrowly being avoided by the girl in question… There were people within the buildings around him… He was starting to panic, this girl… She was insane, something wasn’t right with her if she was willing to do all of this… Was she drunk on power of some kind? His eyes refocused on her new position, he could tell that the chakra was being formed from her mouth and her hand seals as well… A super useful trick those whistle triggers would be… They worked a lot easier than one handed seals, he’d have to look into them after this battle. However, like all good shinobi, he paid attention to what this could mean for him in the fight. He was 4.9 meters away from her, he only had mere moments to react, yet there was a small issue in what she had done, he was ready to use it, flames against flames were something that he wasn’t sure if he could do alone… However with his new eyes, he could help the people finally, he could be of service to the nation… And that’s what exactly he’d do.

Backing up by half a meter, Toran would be 5.4 meters away. Pulling his tanto clean out of the building, the lightning fans disappeared from him… The purple flames were absolutely marvelous when they rushed towards him. However he was just outside of the blast radius… Part of the building was slightly engulfed by the blast radius reaching five meters… However, he’d use this opportunity to cast his Amatarasu right on her flames, or at least… right in front of her flames. The small 5 cm of Amaterasu would spread immediately from those five centimeters. Using Amaterasu and Enton to catch onto the dome and  convert the purple dome… To a pitch black hellscape for the small child in question… using both eyes to control the flames of amaterasu, the flames gifted to him by the gods themselves for a purpose he did not yet know. However, using Enton Kagutsuchi to control the flames as for them to not spread towards Toran, focusing on completely consuming the dome of chakra,he would be  leaving the Girl trapped in a dome of Amaterasu with almost no escape if she couldn’t find a way out. Toran began to move the Dome of Amaterasu, making the dome smaller and smaller, going from a five meter radius, to four, to three,to two… Finally… to a one meter radius around the girl. The sweltering heat surrounding her, Toran’s hatred for those that would attempt to attack the village, to steal from the village, to hurt the village. His eyes bled, red tears running down his pupils, yet his vision remained clear with the Mangekyo sharingan being activated since he had first cast the jutsu.

“Burn out.”

With that, the dome would enclose on the girl completely, flames of Amatarasu wrapping around her as he continued to have the flames stay there, keeping them controlled with his other eye. The eye that held Enton Kagetsuchi. The blackened flames would burn her skin, turning it to ash, the water would begin to boil from her own eyes if she had no ways of escape… He was actually doing this… He was killing a child in the name of his own village… Yet would the child be able to escape… That was the question indeed.

Combat Info:
Hiroki Shimada
Hiroki Shimada
Stat Page : Mementos of Noon - Hiroki Shimada
Mission Record : Hiroki's Mission Log
Living Clones : Mementos of Dawn - Hiro Shimada

Mementos of Dusk - Ki Shimada
Familiar : Shichiro
Remove Iryōjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 150580

Stolen Canvas on a Bloody Morning(Hunter) - Page 2 Empty Re: Stolen Canvas on a Bloody Morning(Hunter)

Sun Jan 29, 2023 7:26 pm

This dude was a slippery little fox. Before she could even move forward, the man had retrieved his weapon from the side of the building, and backed up about half of a meter. Getting there before her Dark Vortex could even reach it’s maximum distance. But, before she could move, there was something peculiar about the way the chakra was forming within the Hoshi nin. It was starting to go about as if activating a technique, but no handseals were being performed. Low and behold about a second later, a dark flame would appear 5 meters in front of her, only being extremely small in it’s own size. But seeing as it was starting to creep and surge towards her, she’d dissipate her own technique before the two could collide.

Annie would opt to quickly duck out and away from the growing fire which would attempt to dome her in on all sides. She’d make it out of it’s current formation just within the nick of time; and this was being done while facing her opponent. Even at the young age of 9, one of the first rules in which Tibers had taught her was to never turn away from the opponent, and so she wouldn’t. Luckily enough, now feeling her speed back in full, the youngster would make it out from the current formation of the darkened fires shape had it just continued along it’s path and trajectory. Regardless of whether or not they kept moving, she’d move back even further until the young girl would be able to get within the crowd of frantically fleeing onlookers. When the tough would get going, she would have no qualms with an injuries against them, but the shinobi on the other hand would most likely not be in of the same mind as her on that subject.

If the pink haired Yuumei caster was originally on the right hand side, or alley-side for short terms; she’d dart throughout the crowd to reach a point to where she would now be 5 meters to the lad’s left, or building-side, while being 10 and a half meters in front of him. Utilizing just her whistle trigger once more, once it’s symphony would come to a conclusion, a fireball would emerge forth. 2 feet in it’s current diameter. The fireball would then be hurtled upwards diagonally, going forward until it would get 1 meter above the building where Toran was still at, pathed in a straight line right above his head. With one single, long whistle…the ball of orange and red would flicker and explode. Everything within a 10 meter radius of this explosion would be engulfed in the heated, non-physical substance.

WC: 449
TWC: 2370
Battle Stuff:
Toran Uchiha
Toran Uchiha
Stat Page : The Wily Amusing Uchiha
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 62500

Stolen Canvas on a Bloody Morning(Hunter) - Page 2 Empty Re: Stolen Canvas on a Bloody Morning(Hunter)

Mon Jan 30, 2023 10:27 pm
Toran’s whole game plan was to try and hit the dome with Amaterasu, however now this was the strategy that the girl had seemingly stopped doing. She must have seen the build up of chakra around him for him to cast such a technique like this. The pain surging in his eyes did not stop him from now instead manipulating the flames to chase after the girl now, while he himself would run across the five meter wide building, the small crater that was formed on the side of it caused by the destruction of that vortex Jutsu. The crowd was 20 meters in front of them, people running and dispersing from getting in the way of the fight. Even though his speed had diminished thanks to his enhanced ending. His flames were still fast, faster then she was even now. The Amaterasu was now a massive wall of flames, expanding out and being controlled like a sea of fire itself. Expanding to a width of ten meters, funneling into the alley ways as the Enton Kagatsuchi would begin to converge on the girl. The height of the wall was already at five meters high thanks to the control that this jutsu gave him, however the amount of control was still limited in sheer creativity. For now it was simply a sea of Amaterasu. Even moving at a speed of 125, soon the flames would nip at her heels by the ten meter mark with Toran right behind. Amaterasu being controlled to completely aim at her and nothing behind him… By the 13 meter mark, the Amaterasu would have converged entirely, slamming into her back and lightning her up while Toran ran one meter behind the wall of Amaterasu. The flames burning, boiling the skin at this point, the flames eating away at everything on the girl's body, as he could only watch in horror at what was happening…

Was he doing this? Was he really killing a girl in cold blood, his eyes dropping tears of red from his face, the blood slowly beginning to dry as he continued to stare as the massive flames would converge into a radius of five meters, all focused on this one small girl…. Both eyes bleeding heavily as the crowd would watch in horror at the young boy. He felt… Blank, nothing for now as he could only think about one thing, his eyes burning, they felt like they were on fire, yet he still kept his eyes locked on her.


Combat and Stuff:
Hiroki Shimada
Hiroki Shimada
Stat Page : Mementos of Noon - Hiroki Shimada
Mission Record : Hiroki's Mission Log
Living Clones : Mementos of Dawn - Hiro Shimada

Mementos of Dusk - Ki Shimada
Familiar : Shichiro
Remove Iryōjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 150580

Stolen Canvas on a Bloody Morning(Hunter) - Page 2 Empty Re: Stolen Canvas on a Bloody Morning(Hunter)

Thu Feb 02, 2023 8:51 pm
These brilliantly, dark and twisting black flames fanned out quite fast, and along a certain path instead of something like a wild fire. It was somewhat of a small hint that there was the possibility that the man who had casted the shadowed fire was maneuvering them to some degree. And, while they were indeed faster than Annie within their current form, the firey orphan had a trick up her sleeves for this. While still running towards the crowd, keeping her eyes glued in the direction of where the flames where coming from and Toran, she’d make a few hand seals. Stretching out her right palm, a small seal would appear on it. From which, a deep purple-black sphere would emanate and surge forward 10 meters. Whenever it would come into any contact of the Amaterasu, it’s speed would be tremendously lowered. This would be done before the flames could converge on her fully; somewhere around the 10ish meter mark to the crowd.

Since she was now faster than the speed of the once rapidly approaching trail of destruction, Annie would be able to successfully make it in time to the crowd unless inhibited by something else thrown in her direction. As far as her eyes could see, there was nothing so far but that was easily a matter of change within a second, so her eyes would be kept in the direction previously mentioned but now following the boy since he was in pursuit right behind the wall of flame. Once within the crowd, she’d whistle some notes, flick spider like fingers into intricate contortions of the hands. Two things would occur from this. The first, a dragon would be formed as her Yuumei would partially take form by molding it’s chakra with hers to create the corrupted entity. On the other palm, another seal would come to fruition, instantly activating the second it’s formed creating 5 ghostly spheres of a blue hued blaze. They’d be spawned 4 meters in front of Annie in a pentagonal formation.

All together, both bouts would be shot forward towards Toran. Both techniques would make a beeline in his direction, with the latter of the two or more specifically the dragon being paced 4 meters behind the 5 orbs. This would give enough distance so that way the pentagonal shape would reach first. Upon reaching right in front of him, they’d all simultaneously explode into a 2 meter in diameter sphere (individually). So, since they were all positioned to be within 2 meters of each other, this instead created a blast that had a length of 10 meters, but only a width of 2. Had he not managed to dodge in time, the young shinobi would be damaged by this. The dragon, not being caught in this blast, would follow up by attempting to wrap around the guy had he not moved. The goal with this secondary one was only meant to restrain and drain. However, unlike it’s predecessor, even if the guy had dodged out of it’s flight path, the dragon could still be freely manipulated within 20 meters of the arm that it had it’s tail coiled around.

Overall, the attacks being sent in the direction were easy to dodge, but that was part of the point. Annie didn’t feel the need to end thing quite yet. Her energy was still above middle of the road, so there was no worry in that regard. Nor had either person gotten hit so far. It was really starting to come down to the wire.

WC: 591
TWC: 3061

Battle Stuff:
Toran Uchiha
Toran Uchiha
Stat Page : The Wily Amusing Uchiha
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 62500

Stolen Canvas on a Bloody Morning(Hunter) - Page 2 Empty Re: Stolen Canvas on a Bloody Morning(Hunter)

Sat Feb 04, 2023 1:29 am
Toran could feel that something was a bit off when the Amaterasu wave had begun to grow slower, no longer being able to catch up fully with the girl in front of him. The people were running away from the girl, along with the wave of Amaterasu that was coming right at them. His eyes filled with pain, yet he could see every movement, how far she was did not matter as the Wall kept on trudging along. Even as some of the crowd she was able to blend into, it didn’t matter, at least, not with her seemingly thinking that she could somehow overpower the Amaterasu. Enton had a speed of 75 while she had a speed of 100. It meant that for every meter she was able to cross. The Amaterasu was close behind at .75 meters. It meant that once she had reached 20 meters, Toran was 16.5 meters away, with the Amaterasu 17.5 meters away. Meaning that things were about to get fun, especially as most of the civilans ran away… While Toran had been walking a meter behind the Amaterasu, he was weaving hand seals, and the wall of Amaterasu blocked her vision from fully seeing him, as his chakra blended in with the wall since it was purely his own. Meaning she had almost no idea that he was weaving hand seals now. Both of his hands were no longer preoccupied as he decided to use this as a way to get her into checkmate.

The use of Minus energy field, along with amplifying its speed by pouring his chakra into it even more. As right when she had casted her own ghost spirit fuin release seal. He was half a meter behind the pentagram shape. His eyes completely focused on her when she had fired a massive dragon right at the wall of Amaterasu. The head of the dragon smashed into the Wall as it had continued to move along with Toran. Reaching 18.25 meters, The head of the dragon was consumed by the flames of Amaterasu. Right as Toran would activate the use of the Minus Energy field, aiming to completely target the girl and slow her down to a standstill if she wasn’t immediately caught by the flames, the dragons flaming purple body would be engulfed by the flicking black flames, immediately reaching towards the girls forearm. As both effects would go off simultaneously. The debuffing effect from Minus energy field, as well as the Amterasu beginning to spread towards her entire body. Her forearm would be completely engulfed first in the mighty flames of the Mangekyo Sharingan. Toran’s eyes burning even more so now, tears of red against his cheeks as the flames would begin to eat away at the rest of her body. As the wave of Amaterasu that was still connected began to move forwards even more so. Toran would use the last of the Enton if it hit to slam against the rest of her body. Hopeful to end this thing once and for all and be done… His movements ceased as he was only about 3 meters away from her now… Or whatever would be left of her if she was unable to break free from the assault.

Claiming hit for Amat and Enton along with Minus Energy Field
Combat Info:
Hiroki Shimada
Hiroki Shimada
Stat Page : Mementos of Noon - Hiroki Shimada
Mission Record : Hiroki's Mission Log
Living Clones : Mementos of Dawn - Hiro Shimada

Mementos of Dusk - Ki Shimada
Familiar : Shichiro
Remove Iryōjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 150580

Stolen Canvas on a Bloody Morning(Hunter) - Page 2 Empty Re: Stolen Canvas on a Bloody Morning(Hunter)

Tue Feb 07, 2023 10:34 am
While it could be said that Annie couldn’t physically see Toran, she could still catch a glimpse of his chakra signature. Since it was it’s own separate entity from the Amaterasu, while it did consist of a similar nature, the two were still different by their own right. She wouldn’t notice handseals being made, but luckily from her doujutsu, she didn’t necessarily need that to realize that chakra was being molded to create another technique. Also, the actions in which were being taken by him weren’t being done so silently. Hearing the noise of where his feet would inevitably come to end, she could gather a rough estimate of where he would be behind the wall. However, with the blocked line of sight, that also meant her original plan for spawning the Ghost Lake Breaking Seal wouldn’t work within it’s current contingency since the wall of black flames had gotten there before she could actually spawn them in.

So because of this, instead she’d spawn them 5 meters above her own head to come crashing down over the top of said wall. Whether or not they’d hit was still unclear, but there was a few other matters at hand. First was the dragon. Along the same basis, the Corrupted Dragon would start to lurch forward, before dashing upwards not even a meter in front of her. This was around the time when Annie would feel slightly different; slow and sluggish. So while this was occurring, she’d subsequently start running backwards more a bit to get some more distance between herself and himself. And then once the dragon would also reach a height to where it could clear over the Amaterasu, it would do just that. Going above it by 5 meters to ensure there would be time to move it away from the fire if the need were to arise from it. Then the dragon would soar to the general location in which she had assumed him to be at currently. Once again, due to the circumstances, the attack was iffy at best, but that wasn’t all.

Knowing that the somewhat blocked line of sight would also be applied to the shinobi as much it did herself, she’d try a similar ploy in taking advantage of it. But, with this being said, there was knowledge that because he too, possessed a doujutsu, it wouldn’t work to it’s full extent. Nonetheless, she’d make handseals while being quiet, and ending them by silently placing her hand on the ground but doing so with due haste. Not taking an eye off the actual scene which lay before her. A web of blazing chakra would be then formed under the earth’s surface without breaking it. The individual threads would remain undetectable, but had he looked down, the man could take note of the mass of chakra which was now extending underneath him. Being a total of 7 meters away, it would go back behind him an additional 3 meters. If he was in the area while it was formed, she would know, and she would also now be able to pinpoint the specific location of where he was at. With this, a Ram seal was then promptly made, causing a fire blast to come up from the ground at wherever he currently was, so long as he was within the web.

WC: 557
TWC: 3618

Combat Stuff:
Toran Uchiha
Toran Uchiha
Stat Page : The Wily Amusing Uchiha
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 62500

Stolen Canvas on a Bloody Morning(Hunter) - Page 2 Empty Re: Stolen Canvas on a Bloody Morning(Hunter)

Thu Feb 09, 2023 11:17 pm
I'd like to request a battlemod if possible, I understand that this is a D-Rank hunter, however.

Amat hitting and the Corrupted Dragon: Annie in my post right before the hit claim does not make any attempt to avoid my wall of Amat as instead says that both the Ghost Breaking Seals and the Dragon would rush at Toran. Even though the Amaterasu wall was up. Meaning that the Corrupted dragon and the Ghost breaking seal should have been engulfed in Amaterasu. As Annie's previous post does not state anything about the Amaterasu wall or the dragon or the Ghost Breaking Seal avoiding it.
Hiroki Shimada
Hiroki Shimada
Stat Page : Mementos of Noon - Hiroki Shimada
Mission Record : Hiroki's Mission Log
Living Clones : Mementos of Dawn - Hiro Shimada

Mementos of Dusk - Ki Shimada
Familiar : Shichiro
Remove Iryōjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 150580

Stolen Canvas on a Bloody Morning(Hunter) - Page 2 Empty Re: Stolen Canvas on a Bloody Morning(Hunter)

Fri Feb 10, 2023 12:36 pm
To add my side:

He never specified that he was moving Amat towards Annie by itself, and that it would only travel along the Dragon if it hit. Since Corrupted Dragon can be freely manipulated, with how I timelined it, it would shoot up past the wall instead of going directly into it; this is all based on the ooc fact that the reaction after that post could have easily gotten rid of the wall or moved it in some other way, hence why I don't mention it. As for Ghost Lake Breaking; since of where Toran ended up being too close to where they were going to spawn in, but got there before they actually spawned, it literally had to be moved in order for the tech to go off in the first place. A similar tactic to what you did to get the Amaterasu flames to spawn in as well iirc.

I wasn't originally going to bring this up either, but, ooc, I was never actually notified that a BM would need to be called. They haven't tried talking it over with me before the decision was made, and instead merely stated "Can I get an extension until Saturday?" So, in my honest opinion, it just seems plain and simply like there was an attempted cheese trying to go on here to make a disregard about what I would have to say on the matter. Quite frankly, it's very upsetting seeing this too as there have been several points throughout the thread where I could have justified reasons to call a BM, but instead chose to work it out with Toran privately. To me, this BM request just comes across like a very bad attempt at winning the Hunter Mission since he's down on his last legs.
Toran Uchiha
Toran Uchiha
Stat Page : The Wily Amusing Uchiha
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 62500

Stolen Canvas on a Bloody Morning(Hunter) - Page 2 Empty Re: Stolen Canvas on a Bloody Morning(Hunter)

Wed Mar 08, 2023 8:20 pm
(Okay, me and NJ talked it out, as such we will be voiding from up to my post onto the 30th of January)
Hiroki Shimada
Hiroki Shimada
Stat Page : Mementos of Noon - Hiroki Shimada
Mission Record : Hiroki's Mission Log
Living Clones : Mementos of Dawn - Hiro Shimada

Mementos of Dusk - Ki Shimada
Familiar : Shichiro
Remove Iryōjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 150580

Stolen Canvas on a Bloody Morning(Hunter) - Page 2 Empty Re: Stolen Canvas on a Bloody Morning(Hunter)

Sun Mar 12, 2023 11:06 pm
These brilliantly, dark and twisting black flames fanned out quite fast, and along a certain path instead of something like a wild fire. It was somewhat of a small hint that there was the possibility that the man who had casted the shadowed fire was maneuvering them to some degree. And, while they were indeed faster than Annie within their current form, the firey orphan had a trick up her sleeves for this. While still running towards the crowd, keeping her eyes glued in the direction of where the flames where coming from and Toran, she’d make a few hand seals. Stretching out her right palm, a small seal would appear on it. From which, a deep purple-black sphere would emanate and surge forward 10 meters. Whenever it would come into any contact of the Amaterasu, it’s speed would be tremendously lowered. This would be done before the flames could converge on her fully; somewhere around the 10ish meter mark to the crowd. (Keeping this paragraph the same for simplicity’s sake and since it didn’t cause any actual contention)

Now that the obsidian toned blaze was moving slower than lil Annie was, she would at least be able to make it out of harm’s way for the time being. Continuing the chase into the crowd, watching them all disperse like a swarm of geese after being run into, the girl would be sure to do so while keeping constant, vigilant watch on the oncoming man and his 10x5 meter wall of fire. While it would only offer up a temporary relieve from the onslaught, it would be enough to get something done. When she was now 20 meters away from the alley, where unless stopped or otherwise moved in some kind of other direction the Shinobi would be around 4 meters away from her, with the Amat wall somewhere in between the two, would be when she would make the move.

In tandem, three handseals would flash. Upon the completion of the third and final seal, one of her hands stretched downwards while the other stretched out towards the Uchiha. Before her hand could reach the ground, her own little dark and enflamed barrier would appear, a meter in front of the Amaterasu. It would expand to as far as it possibly could in all manners except overall thickness, but no further than 15 meters overall if not destroyed by the time of it’s completion. It’s goal wasn’t to fully diminish the might of it’s dark embrace, but instead act as a hold up.

To allow for the very temporary pause it took for her to slap her other hand on the ground while still keeping her Meigan eyes up, thus sending forth a web of fire chakra beneath the ground’s surface. This web would be undetectable, for the most part; a Sharingan could see a mass of chakra beneath the ground, but nothing more than that. The most important part was, it would be left uninhibited to spread up to it’s full area since it was underneath the earth’s surface. The web would only be a meter beneath the ground, spreading 10 meters in it’s width, 5 meters in length; Annie would be positioned at the very bottom of the web, and in the center. The web’s full potential would come into play as soon as Toran would be over top of it, which would be relatively quick upon it’s release. Annie would now be able to pinpoint the exact location of the prey so long as they were within the area above the web.

WC: 702
TWC: 3072

Battle Stuff:
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