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Nagisa Honemushi
Nagisa Honemushi
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Animals, History, and Duty Empty Animals, History, and Duty

Sat Jun 25, 2022 2:53 pm
Mission Details:

Nagisa rolled out of her bed onto the floor of her very pink room. Her eyes fluttered open slowly, but she only became aware that she was awake when the lovable Uno started licking her face. Uuunnooo hahaha~ She reached out and rubbed the dogs back. She laughed pet the dog for a a full minute before she got up and walked over to the bathroom connected to her bedroom. This was one of the first days that Lynn hadn't been here with her since the green haired girl presented her self soaking wet at her window that fateful night. They'd been spending lots of time together since then, catching up and mending their relationship. 

Things weren't perfect yet but they were looking pretty good. Lynn had come around to help around the shelter and all of the Honemushi's were thankful for it. Her mother shot Nagisa so eyebrow raised glances and little smirks. Nagisa wasn't sure that Lynn had caught them, but Nagisa made sure to turn away from her when she got them. She would tell them about them eventually. It just was a little too early. Nagisa looked into the bathroom mirror as she brushed her teach and fixed her hair. I'm excited for today Uno! We're gonna take you and some of your buddies for a walkie! hehe~ The pup barked happily as Nagisa moved back into her room and pulled off her night shirt. She exchanged it for a cute white dress. It wasn't too extravagant but it was still a bit more than she would usually wear especially for mission day. Today she would take on a string of low ranked busy work with her beloved Lynn. One of these task were taking the Honemushi pups on a walk so that the volunteers could clean the kennel area and all of the individual cages. It would be about 20 or so dogs, but it was something that the two could handle together. There was a sign that had some of the village's rich history that need a quick repair. There was a very large squirrel that was causing problems at a local park that need to be captured, and, finally, They would receive training on how to execute a patrol by patrolling the headquarters with an experienced shinobi.

Nagisa decided that none of these missions would take too much from her so it was fine for her to look a little bit nicer for Lynn. This was a date to her, and she had a feeling Lynn would think the same. Who knows how many relaxing missions with such low stakes we'll be able to do... With the village being in such dire need of shinobi, They would likely have to start taking on harder missions fast. I gotta convince Pine tree to train with me seriously... She was thinking out loud but finally done with her makeup hair and outfit. She walked outside her room to see her grandfather sitting at the kitchen table. You look very nice darling, Where are you going? He asked. Nagisa was happy that he had recovered, and was grateful that she received a compliment. 

She smiled big towards him Thanks Opa~ I'm going on a mission with Lynn, and one of them is taking the dogs for a walk~ We'll probably make a few stops. I'll see you later!  

Nagisa was out the door with Uno on her heels. She had asked Lynn to meet her in front of her house of course Nagisa had arrived first, or so it seemed. She didn't have a long way to go, but it was getting close to the purposed time. Oohhh Pinetree~ She called out. For all Nagisa knew, Lynn could be around any corner. Or maybe she just wasn't there yet. I hope she likes my dresss...

Lynn Uchiha
Lynn Uchiha
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Animals, History, and Duty Empty Re: Animals, History, and Duty

Sun Jun 26, 2022 7:43 pm
An hour earlier...

One session of blinking later, and Lynn realizes where she is. She's back in her hammock within the confines of her crammed apartment, completely covered in a multitude of plushies, with no one but herself to wake up to. That feeling of loneliness had became foreign already, even though it's merely been a couple of days where she's gotten to snuggle up with the sun of her life overnight. Needless to say, she's glad she'll be able to fix this precarious problem today on her set of missions with Nagisa, whom had begged her to tag along for the sake of trying to keep up with one another. Those puppy dog eyes were way too adorable to ignore, and she caved in. It was her best option as of now anyway, considering that mission HQ did not clear her previous escapades as 'successful', due to her unauthorized positioning for the quest in the first place. This did not surprise her, that all she got out of the harrowing experience was a new perspective on life, but that didn't mean she was bummed out about getting no rewards for it otherwise. Instead, she'll have to do with picking up the meager funds of a Genin, by performing missions with her beloved as an alternative. As far as plan b's go, this is most certainly the best case scenario for her. Why wouldn't she want to make up for lost time and money all at once, just by being with Nagisa? She'd dare say this is better than having a pile of ryo any day.

Yawning to herself, and rubbing her sleepy pupils, she tumbles out of her hammock and onto the floor, cushions generously spread on the floor breaking her fall easily. From there she stands up, stretching her lithe but toned frame in a few vital places, including her shoulders and knees. Getting the blood pumping is important for a busy day such as this, and she for sure didn't want to screw herself up right from the get go. Leering at the nearby window, she recognizes it's still relatively early, and upon checking one of the clocks in the room, it seems she's an hour early from the meet up. "Perfect." Smiling to herself, she goes about finishing up her morning routine; mowing down a bowl of rice and eggs, chugging a bottle of milk, brushing her teeth, the works. It's then that she gets to her last step, which was getting dressed. There was a notable pause in her pace once she's gotten to this, as she looks into the mirror, seeing her scruffy, messy and luxuriously long hair. The old her would simply brush and groom her mane, before tying it up in a ponytail. Yet, there was a lot of baggage to all of that weight she held on her head. A thought crosses her mind, and she takes a moment to consider her options, just about thirty minutes before she needed to be at the Honemushi household. "...Guess it's worth a shot."

The present, at Nagisa's house.

Being five minutes early, Lynn had decided she'd take refuge on the roof of her house, out of earshot and eyeshot of anyone that lived there. This was a common occasion for her when she wasn't talking to them all, but now that she was interacting on a regular basis once more, why would she do it now? Why, to surprise her dear Nagisa, of course. After all, the sun tends to rise right behind her position, which would obscure her figure until she reveals herself to the woman properly, and a part of her felt like she should try and act more 'cool' to appease her other half... but also, to give herself a boost of confidence. There'd never been a moment where she felt genuinely awesome, but being with Nagisa would be her push into personal fortune. Her gaze falls upon the puppy Uno as he pitter patters out the house, closely followed by the lady of the hour. A gasp barely leaves her lips, and she presses herself against the wall of the roof, realizing she made some noise and hiding her flushing cheeks. The dress was certainly not expected. "C-crap, she's cute... no, you can do this! You're cute too now, right? We'll be cute together..." Taking all her willpower not to be too taken aback and nervous, she gulps, and hoping that Nagisa hadn't felt her presence by the time her own name is called, she has her back face their direction, inhales deeply, and proceeds to do a perfect backflip, acrobatically twirling in the air over Nagisa's head, and landing on her feet right in front of her.

Animals, History, and Duty 2eb9948de1f9b5228352dc59b2a89347

"... Looking lovely today, darling."

Whether or not anyone could admit that Lynn was being and looking 'cool' in this situation, she still wasn't able to suppress her blushing at the beautiful sight of her lover. Maybe they'd feel the same, though, with the new outfit and even hairstyle Lynn is boasting. Donning a simple black cap, with a decently put together suit and tie, alongside an awesome looking collar, you could say what she's going for is some type of tomboy attire, which is only further supported by their hair. No longer incredibly long, it's still a little messy, but it looks like she kept the front bangs on either side of her head, and of course, it's still very much green. There's also a small satchel she's holding with her, though it's likely that's for work purposes, and not a part of the outfit, but nonetheless does it add to her appearance. Trying to act confident with a goofy smirk, she offers her hand to her one true love and softly asks, "Please, lead the way and tell me how the morning's treating you, my love."

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Nagisa Honemushi
Nagisa Honemushi
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Animals, History, and Duty Empty Re: Animals, History, and Duty

Sun Jun 26, 2022 11:59 pm
hehe I knew you were here silly~ Nagisa smirked as her partner decedent right before her eyes. She was surprised when Lynn had shown up out of the blue a few days, but she was getting used to her simply being around at her beck and call. Thank you pine tree, you're looking quite cute yourself~ Nagisa takes Lynn's out stretched hand and pulls her face close to her own. A quick peck on the cheek would follow. before Nagisa lead her away with a gentle smile. Uno would totter along behind them as they made their way through the gate in the fencing, and back towards the kennel area. Inside were rows of roomy and comfortable cages that were positively filthy. Nagisa ran the rows as she spoke opening all the cages. The dogs all seemed to follow her and not make much a fuss aside from all of their barking. My morning was fine! I did my routines as normal. It was not as fun waking up without you~ I feel out of my bed, but don't worry Uno was there to help me. How was your morning? She asked as she walked all the dogs back towards where they had come in from. Next to this door was a hook with many leashes. Nagisa started taking them down from the hook and putting them around the dogs who almost seemed to line up for her. There were ten dogs, and Nagisa seemed content to walk them all herself. All the while, she listened to what Lynn was saying and would accept her help if she wanted to help. After she finished leashing the dogs she would thank Lynn for helping, and turn to her puffing out her chest and placing her fist on her waist. The dogs all sat behind her look to her like some kind of commander. She would start to bark what they needed to to Lynn with a cheeky smile.

We'll head to the park and fix a historical informational sign there and catch a big squirrel before we return the dogs here. After that we have patrol training at the headquarters. We'll need to be quick on finding that squirrel. She looked to Lynn with excitement sparkling in her eye, and her hand out stretched to Lynn. In other words, let's take a walk in the park together~ Are you ready to go? She waited for Lynn to hold it she would let the dork lead her around for the day if she wanted to.

Lynn Uchiha
Lynn Uchiha
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Animals, History, and Duty Empty Re: Animals, History, and Duty

Mon Jun 27, 2022 7:53 pm
Lynn's heart skipped a beat when she received a well earned compliment, though she almost fell over from how much it meant to her. Being around Nagisa, to a degree, was certainly rather potent on her psyche, and it showed through how focused she seemed to be on her while they walk and talk. The grip on her hand is tight, but not to the point they couldn't break off if they need to, and her gaze and expression are filled with a heavy haze of utter adoration. Getting a kiss on her cheek was yet another way to increase her steadily rising infatuation, and she can do little other than giggle like an idiot as she's led around, until eventually they make it to the kennel. Her rose tinted vision is momentarily interrupted with reality once more, and she adjusts her low brim, solid red librarian glasses as she takes in the sight of the dog's homes. Certainly they were happy and healthy here under the care of Nagisa and the Honemushi's, but keeping the actual caretaking areas must be a nightmare if they were filthy despite the careful consideration taken for the happiness of these creatures. It really fascinated her, how all the puppies and dogs followed them perfectly even without a leash, but it most certainly never surprised her these days. This was just more evidence linked to the awesomeness that is her new girlfriend.

"Eh... just did the usual routine, quite like yourself. Was much harder since you weren't there, but knowing I'd be seeing you today at least helped. Made sure I was even five minutes early, too, so you wouldn't have to wait for me... thanks for calling me c-cute, by the way. You know how hard it was not to go crazy over seeing you in that incredible dress? It suits you so perfectly..." Her thumb rubbed along their palm as she said this, her blushing returning with a vengeance before she turns away, paying more attention to their little dog partners. With ten of them in total, getting all their leashes on was going to take a moment, though she couldn't help but chuckle awkwardly at the sight of them all essentially saluting her partner like she was a military commander. She decides to take half the load, hitching all five of her portion and holding them all by the end of the leash with one hand, keeping her free arm available to Nagisa instead, so she could grasp onto her again. Considering how loyal and obedient the pups were to them, she hardly had any thoughts that they might jerk the harnesses. Her smile widens as she's briefed by Nagisa on their objectives, and as this comes to a close, she tiptoes over to plant a smooch against her cheek, but teasing in the sense it was nearly near her lips. "That sounds amazing. Let's get going." With that, they're off!

At the local park...

Not much is off about the place, other than the notable lack of people. Until their mission was carried out successfully, the parks were being a lot pickier about who they let in at the entrances, given any outside influences could potentially aid in the squirrel's total domination of the ecosystem. Having had little thoughts until now other than conversing with her lovely ally, she now gets herself into a more critical mindset, perhaps realizing a part of Nagisa's plan before they even did anything. To test her theory, she's just going to ask what's up with the order of operations. "So, we need to catch the big, strong squirrel of Leaf Park, first. But we're taking our little friends with us... correct me if I'm wrong, but are you planning on having all of them assist us in tracking down and securing our target? If so, that's a brilliant idea, and I'm proud of you! Though, in the off chance you weren't thinking that far ahead... do you think we could use their help? I kind of doubt they're vicious enough to kill the critter, so I believe we'd have much better odds in getting through with this mission by doing that. Otherwise, I could probably have you lead all the dogs around while I find the rodent myself. After all, I like to think I'm pretty decent at stealth... should catch it off guard." From there, she waits for an answer, staring at Nagisa intently.

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Nagisa Honemushi
Nagisa Honemushi
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Animals, History, and Duty Empty Re: Animals, History, and Duty

Sat Jul 02, 2022 3:52 am
Nagisa was over joyed about the compliments on her dress, and couldn't help but chuckle. Hehehe~ Thank you again Pine Tree  It was also nice that Lynn was good with animals it was something she quite valued in not only partners, but in other people in general. "If a dog doesn't trust you then why should I?" That was what she thought anyway. Uno had completely done a 180 on Lynn. He had started with barking at her and growling, but after seeing them embrace Uno seemed to take quite a liking to her smelling her often and yipping when he picked up on her scent. Nagisa was happy to hold her partner's hand as they headed off towards the park with all ten dogs in tow.

Chatting with Lynn was going great it was nice to catch up even though they had been "dating" for a few days a lot had happened while they were separated. There was always plenty to talk about. The dogs had behaved nicely allowing them to hold hands all the while. They arrived in the mostly empty park ready to take the squirrel in when Lynn spoke up about their task. Nagisa listened politely tilting her head and opening her eyes wide when she realized that the dogs could help them track the squirrel. She wasn't sure if Lynn had caught it. She gave her a lot of credit for the idea. Mhmm you're as smart as always Pine Tree~ It was all a part of my master plan aren't I smart. Nagisa winked at her and poked her head signaling to her massive intelligence before bending down and talking to the dogs. They all seemed to circle around her when she got down their level. Alright troops, we got a big squirrel to find! If you find one catch him and bring him back here. If you can't catch him chase him up a tree and bark reaalll loud okay? Nagisa was animated and used lots of gestures when talking with the dogs their eyes trained on her. It was like they all nodded in affirmation before Nagisa spoke again. Alright... GO GET EM!~ Nagisa would say before ripping the leashes out of Lynn's grasp and letting her own leashes go as well.

There while our friends handle the squirrel let's fix the sign, and maybe you can tell me all about it?~ I know you know lots about history babe~ She tottered over to the old plaque that seemed to say something about the leaf village, but Nagisa didn't even look she stood next to it and kept her eyes on Lynn waiting for her to speak up.

Lynn Uchiha
Lynn Uchiha
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Animals, History, and Duty Empty Re: Animals, History, and Duty

Sun Jul 03, 2022 12:09 am
Appreciating Uno's company became natural after their first day, since all Lynn needed to do was show she wasn't an enemy to the little pup. From there, treats and ear scritches were made, and that was the end of that small scuffle. But we aren't here to talk about that, we're here to talk about the mission at hand. Suffice to say, Lynn wasn't at all going to fall for the ruse Nagisa put up upon hearing of her own plans. Those adorable, widened chocolate eyes told her all she needed to know, and it was just like old times when she hears the quirky woman's response. Still, she wouldn't take away this 'triumphant' moment from her lover, because that'd simply be rude and not classy, to say the very least. No, instead she'd make sure that this transgression will not go unnoticed, by making the most unamused, placid expression she could possibly make, as if saying to her, "You ain't fooling nobody, cutie pie." Right after that, she goes back to a bemused grin, since in reality she isn't that upset, putting her arm around their shoulder once she began speaking with the puppies. Eerily enough, they all seem to understand exactly what to do, rather than them leading their respective platoons around, so before she knows it, the leashes are off and Lynn is left standing there, dumbfounded as she watches their hounds begin to comb through the area like there was no tomorrow. You could almost feel the awkward ellipses hovering above her head at the scene.

Hearing her comment on history breaks her out of this stare, and she just rolls her eyes and squeezes Nagisa to her side, proceeding with then interlinking their arms together, alongside a close handholding, as she's led over to the Leaf Village plaque. "Gods, you're too flattering... and adorable," she murmurs, purposely loud enough for the little lady to hear, as they stand right in front of the bulletin board, disgruntled by the passage of time, mischievous vandalism, and general chaos caused by the possibility of sparring in the nearby vicinity of this stand. Sighing wistfully, she brings the hand she's holding up to her lips to plant a small smooch on it, before fully letting go, and pulling some materials out of her satchel, which were some of the materials given to them by HQ to fix up the problem areas. A lot of what she sifts through is stuff she knows, so as she goes about cleaning, removing overgrown vines and weeds, and of course pinning various information onto the board itself, she goes into exposition mode, occasionally adjusting her cute librarian style glasses to further emphasize the role she's taking to entertain the excitable Uchiha in her midst. Strange to be calling them a Uchiha now, but that was the reality they live in.

"Alright muffin, I'll go down the list. The most important thing to keep in mind is that we're in Fire Park... a riveting name, I know, but straight and to the point. While there is a few paths for occasional strolling, and a few streams and lakes to marvel at the freshwater aquaculture Fire Country has to offer, this place is first and foremost a zoo. There's many exhibits around here that we mostly skipped, whereas the animals that frolic in these parts are the most common, and least dangerous." She points towards the trees, then hand waves to motion towards a nearby body of water, before continuing with her dialogue, a small smile on her face. "This did not get introduced until about a decade after the Third Great Ninja War. After all, for a majority of the time before that, war in of itself was way too common, and the lands too dangerous, to catalog and breed wildlife inside of our own walls for recreational reasons. And yes, all of the local fauna and flora they put here are both cultivated and bred personally by the park staff, in order to not interfere with the local wildlife on the outside. That's because the Forest of Death is rather fickle, and personally, I don't blame our ancestors for keeping that in mind. As for the rest of what we're fixing up, lets see..." Quirking her brow, she places tow more pamphlets on either side of the bigger plaque, all of which is kept nice and tidy by now.

"Ah, how could I forget? Ichiraku Ramen is a few blocks west of Fire Park. There's certainly a storied history there. It was first established around seven years before the one and only Naruto Uzumaki was born. Right up until the end of the Fourth Great Ninja War, its most popular topping for their ramen happened to be seaweed... that changed to 'naruto' - which is cured fish paste - I assume for most the most obvious of reasons. Other than that, the only other fun fact I can give you is that Naruto's eventual wife, Hinata, actually holds the store record for most meals eaten in one sitting, at a staggering fourty-six servings. Somehow, no one since then has surpassed it, despite over two hundred years having passed... who knows, maybe we will one day?" Lynn asks with a cheeky wink, before shaking her head and pointing her finger at the last voucher, which depicted a picture of another park. "That right there is Senju Park, to the east. As the name suggests, the Senju Clan are responsible for its creation, and its most famous for the gigantic tree, of which it is surrounded by a pond and a popular playground. Fortunately, the squirrel is here, otherwise we'd have our work cut out for us, cause that place is MUCH bigger." Rustling through her satchel, she realizes there's a third picture inside, and her eyes widen a little upon seeing it. "What's this... ?"

Animals, History, and Duty Police10

There's not a lot of information on what she's holding at all, and it speaks to the fact she's completely unaware of what this is that it must be a relic of a bygone era. "Konoha Military Police Force...? Apparently, there used to be a police system, which was originally governed by the Uchiha Clan itself... and was eventually handed over to the Fuma Clan, one of our distance relatives. But, not a whole lot else is on here, other than that it's entirely disbanded..." Putting it firmly on the board, she stares directly at it for a moment or so, seeming quite perplexed, and yet very much interested, getting that glimmer in her eye that she always got around Nagisa when she's thinking of something important. A bit of history Lynn doesn't know must mean mystery, especially if the village itself is keeping its information on it safer than the rest. It made sense, though. It has 'military' in the name for a reason. "It says its to the south of here... I kind of want to check it out. What do you think, sweetie? Should we investigate on our own free time later? After all, since you're apparently a Uchiha, it's a part of your heritage... you might as well learn about it." It's apparent that she's trying to keep her cool, but the shaking in her hand and the sweat beading down her forehead indicates that this is a lot more important to her than she's letting off.

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Ryo : 4000

Animals, History, and Duty Empty Re: Animals, History, and Duty

Sun Jul 03, 2022 8:52 pm
Nagisa listened closely as Lynn gave her treatise on the park. It was interesting that the place was a zoo. Nagisa hadn't been to this park before. Maybe we can wander around here for a little while and find some cute friends.. Nagisa just loved the idea of seeing all the local wildlife had to offer. Maybe if they had time they could wander around the not so local wildlife as well? No, not today they were running a tight schedule. Nagisa's eyes widen when she heard "The forest of death" It was suppose to be filled with many different animals and plant species. Even though she heard it was dangerous she couldn't help put want to wander in there and check it out. Perhaps when she was just a little stronger she would. 

The ramen place was much less interesting to her but the story of Naruto Uzumaki and his wife Hinata had been an interesting one she'd heard a few times growing up in the village. She was totally unaware that the ancient Hyuuga held the record for most ramen orders eaten in a single sitting. The record was staggering and somewhat off putting. Nagisa's face turn into one shocked with horror as she heard it. Was she some kind of giant or something?! Nagisa didn't know, but she would maybe look into it later. She mad a mental not to ask Lynn about her at another time. I will never be breaking that record, I'm not too concerned with my figure but that much ramen makes me want to throw up just hearing about it... She mad a pucking noise and laughed a bit then let Lynn continue to her next point.

She'd been to Senju park a few times. Her mother use to take her there to play hide and seek on the rare occasions that they were free from working at the family business. Nagisa nodded along until Lynn seemed to get stuck. hmm? What is it babe? Nagisa walked around and peered over her shoulder to see what the other Uchiha was holding. The next statement was about a police force made up of the clan she just learned she belonged to. The Uchiha police force. Nagisa's history was hazy, and she wasn't too sure she'd ever heard of them or the Fuma clan either for that matter. Nagisa's curiosity was piqued, but whatever she felt about the topic paled in comparison to Lynn. 

Nagisa could see she was getting antsy and the way she asked might have sounded cool and calm, but to Nagisa it was essentially the same as Uno begging for attention. Sure love let's look into it, but we have a couple more things to do today~ I think the pups should find it soon..Ah speak of the devil. She clapped her hands together bringing them up to her cheek as Uno and the rest of the dogs came over to the pair. Four of the dogs held a squirrel in their mouth, but Uno's was the most grotesquely large one. It seemed muscly even. Uno struggled with it a lot. Oh gosh! You really worked hard Uno~ Who's a good boy? hmm? Uno let out a muffled yip and the rest of the canines barked back at her in a joyous chorus. Everything had gone according to Lynn's plan. Nagisa knelt down and grabbed the squirrel by the scruff of his neck it tried to wrestle free or even bite at Naigsa, but she held it carefully not allowing it to happen.

The rest of you did good to, but this was the one we're looking for! I'll give you all TREATS when we get back okay? Let's go! Nagisa knelt down grabbing her half of the leashes as  the dogs started trotting off to the shelter. Come on pine tree, let's not be late for our appointment~ She beamed a huge smile happy with a few jobs done well. 

Lynn Uchiha
Lynn Uchiha
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Village : Konohagakure
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Animals, History, and Duty Empty Re: Animals, History, and Duty

Mon Jul 04, 2022 12:14 am
While Lynn had found Nagisa's reaction to the ramen eating record amusing, she was mostly preoccupied by the fact she was essentially given 'permission' to look into the mysteries of the Konoha Military Police force once they were finished with their duties. While wanting to break into tears of joy at having such an interesting task to undergo, she instead lets out a sigh of relief, focusing her emotions on the important mission they're on instead. What use was she if she was stumbling around and sobbing like an idiot? No use at all, that's what. Happily, she finishes the rest of the plaque without any issues whatsoever, content in knowing that even she had more to learn about the history of the Hidden Leaf. How naïve she was to think she had all the answers. The truth had yet to be revealed, when she's only taken her first steps to clear the fog that covers her so, as well as the rest of her kin...

Enough of that melodramatic bologna, the pups are back! All ten, the rambunctious Uno included, return to the duo with lots of struggling, very uncomfortable rodents for them to inspect. There's obviously a disparity in the size and strength of their target once they see the squirrel tucked away in Uno's maw however, the specimen seeming to have a muscley frame and being about five times the size of their usual average. Honestly, it's a tad disturbing to dear Lynn, but she shakes off the feeling of discontent she's feeling and pulls out a small, sealable capsule, which was provided to them by HQ for their capturing purposes. Having Nagisa's help, she's very easily able to insert the critter into its compartment - which of course had air holes - and then its sealed shut, the hapless creature unable to break out of the reinforced glass. That's followed by a high five from Lynn, before she grabs her portion of the leashes, giving each doggie in their party a pat on the head for a job well done, deciding to be non-verbal with her praise. Smiling softly, she nods towards her lover and leads the dogs back to their homes with her. "Really should have thought Uno would be the one..."

Thirty minutes later...

Having not only dropped off their furry companions, but also depositing their bushy tailed target to HQ to complete the third portion of their day, it's now time for arguably the most 'difficult' section of it all; being a patrol intern. Not a single person or creature held them back, so now Lynn is free to hold hands with Nagisa without having to worry about possibly tugging on a bunch of leashes, giving her much needed comfort for their next task. Really, she didn't see how it'd actually be anywhere near as hard as what they just went through. That didn't stop her from staying on guard, despite the romantic displays of affection at hand, her protective nature most definitely pouring out of her as they go about their day at the shinobi HQ, making sure no suspicious activity is occurring, and following the basic set of rules their commanding officer gave before setting them off on their own. They were a practitioner of hands on learning, so they wouldn't have anyone leering down at them while they hung out and talked to each other like the love birds they are. "S-so... I haven't had the time to ask this yet, but... do you think maybe we could have a date at my apartment sometime? We'd have a lot more freedom, and no one bothering us. I'd cook for you, too..." Lynn blushes at the thought, but her voice is a timid as well, as she bashfully awaits a response, momentarily not focusing on their mission at all.

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Nagisa Honemushi
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Animals, History, and Duty Empty Re: Animals, History, and Duty

Mon Jul 04, 2022 5:47 pm
Dropping off the dogs was a simple task and now all that was left was to patrol HQ. Nagisa thought it was going to be a strict mission with lots of yelling and a chaperone, but that wasn't it at all. HQ had let them go off on their own to do the patrol that was necessary. A rather hands off approach. Should have figured with low number of personnel they wouldn't be able to spare a chunin or higher to watch us walk around the leaf's headquarters...Oh well it's probably better this way!

Nagisa was all smiles as they made their way around the headquarters holding hands. It was a little bit embarrassing to walk around such a crowded space displaying affection. She was a little reddened when she caught people looking at them and whispering, but she did her best to shrug it off and just enjoy her time with Lynn even while they were on duty. They spoke about a few different things plans for later, how the work at the family business was going, the crazy size of the squirrel, among other things.

The topic that came up next was a date at Lynn's apartment. Nagisa hadn't had the pleasure of going over there yet, but she did want to see what Lynn's life was like at home. Though Nagisa tried not to show it she was worried about Lynn feeding herself and taking care of herself properly. She knew that Lynn lived all alone. It would be good to see exactly what her life away from the Honemushi home was like.

That sounds great babe! We can do it next time both of use are free from duty. I really do want to get a good look at your living space! Make sure to clean up for me hehe~ Nagisa teased. She didn't think Lynn was a messy person, but who knew maybe she really did need the reminder. 

While the two finished their lap around the place Nagisa kept her eyes peeled for suspicious activity. She wasn't surprised they didn't run into anything particularly interesting. This should be one of the most secured places in the whole village. It made sense to start new genin off here, but it certainly wasn't a difficult task. Looks like I got my hopes up for nothing~ This would have been a very dull patrol if I hadn't spent it with you~ Nagisa winked at Lynn doing her best to melt her heart. Guess we're done here today Pine Tree, do you wanna go write up the report together? What should we do after?~ Nagisa asked with a smile.

Lynn Uchiha
Lynn Uchiha
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Animals, History, and Duty Empty Re: Animals, History, and Duty

Tue Jul 05, 2022 12:15 am
Despite her bouts of social anxiety throughout the years, it was like she was blissfully unaware of the people who may or may not be noticing their physical displays of affection. It wasn't really that she didn't care enough to pay them any mind, and more that she was so transfixed on her time with Nagisa that it honestly didn't really matter what anyone else thought. They were in quite possibly the safest area in all of Konohagakure, and frankly, she'd had her true patrolling fill when she was stuck outside the village walls with that Zunair kid. There's no way she was going to make this date of theirs feel like work when they could simply spend time together. Maybe the slacking part of her personality was shining too much as a result of that, but yet again she wouldn't care if that was pointed out to her. The woman she's holding the hand of is the most important part of everything that ever will and can exist. Screw the mission! At least they're almost done. Gives them enough time for Lynn to continue flushing like an idiot at the fact she gets to take her love home one day. That'll be a special night for her, indeed. "D-don't worry, it'll be perfect, darling~ You can count on that, that's a promise," she says, giggling like a schoolgirl and maybe garnering a dirty look or two. Ignored they will be.

The end of their shift arrives, and they've been released from duty, where they can make their reports either separately or together. Nagisa's teasing causes her to fidget a little, and quickly she replies, "I feel the same way, honey bun~ Patrol duty is... super boring, even when you're in a dangerous location, to be honest. I'm sure we'll have our work cut out for us eventually, when we get higher ranking assignments..." After that, she nods at the prospect of going to file their report together, and because she feels like being a smidgeon cheeky, she chooses to scoop Nagisa up in her arms bridal style, leaning in and planting a little smooch on their forehead. She'd been waiting ages to swoop her off her feet like this, and in her mind she thought this would be the best way to end off their day working for the first time together. Enjoying the feeling of their heat against her own, she smiles goofily down at Nagisa and shoots her a sly wink. "Y-you let me carry you there, okay? I'm sure your feet are tuckered out from everything that's happened today... would you mind me taking care of you at home when we're free?" Whether or not she decides to stay in her arms is up to them, but whatever the case, they'll end up heading off to the deposit box for filing out. Truly, a job well done... and maybe some relaxing quality time to spend thereafter. Lynn had a few ideas that she couldn't wait to share with her dearest~


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