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Shion Kamizuru
Shion Kamizuru
Academy Student
Academy Student
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Clan Specialty : WIP
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 3750

Think of the Animals! Empty Think of the Animals!

Sat Jan 20, 2024 5:44 pm
The Adoption Center
Patrol Training
People Wanted

Shion caught up with his two new friends with a bundle of scrolls in his hands. One for each of them. "Hey guys I grabbed a few scrolls I found and decided we could spend the day cleaning up the E rank list. It looked like there was a ton of work that needs to be done around the village and no one is really touching the E ranks." He opened up his scroll and smiled. "This one involves the animal shelter. I thought that could be fun, The one I handed Atsuko is a poster hanging mission and the last one is another patrol training mission."

He pumped his fist in the air and looked determined. "I want to complete as many missions as I can so I can be better prepared. Thank goodness they let us do more than one at a time." He rolled up his scroll and looked at his companions trying to gauge their interest. He was not sure if they would want to do three missions back to back but he was antsy and wanted to do missions to get better and if he could do so with his new friends that was even better. They could practice teamwork and really become a monster of a team. He was smiling now in his own head thinking of the future.

WC- 225
Chokoku-Ji Kamizuru
Chokoku-Ji Kamizuru
Stat Page : Link
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 20750

Think of the Animals! Empty Re: Think of the Animals!

Sat Jan 20, 2024 7:12 pm
Now no longer an Academy Student, Cho has the sudden weight of the responsibilities of his job now on his shoulder. Still, his assignment was to monitor for the day a duo of new Students who had recently signed up. They were to start doing their first few missions, one had slightly more experience than the other. Cho tightened his headband around his arm once again, tidied up his hair and left his crappy apartment to head towards the mission centre, ready to pick up missions.

”Sorry sir - it appears these have all been cleaned out.” he shook his head, the associate looked awkward and seemingly just carried on with his paperwork. Cho starred for a moment, went to talk but decided against it. He had been beaten to the punch, what was he going to be taking these newbies on now? A walk through the park. He laughed to himself - how easy it would be to go back to picking up leaves in a park and becoming a defender of peoples picnics. Some of the other missions he could do now had high risk of actual combat, something he had to be very careful off. He had never fought in a real fight yet, perhaps he was putting it off.

”No problem thanks anyway. Have a good day!” he waved the guy goodbye and headed to the meeting point that he was instructed to meet with his students. He wondered who they would be for a good five minutes before he turned a corner and saw Shion and Atsuki. Cho thanked his Goodluck today and smiled.

They caught up momentarily before being handed a bunch of scrolls for different missions, the ones he was meant to pick up this morning - apparently Shion had the same idea as he. ”This is good work. I’m here in my Capacity as a Genin, I will be overseeing your missions today and making sure everything is ticked off correctly, I’l be reporting to the Academy of your progress. he made sure to get the official business out of the way first, before putting his fist out to the both of them.

”You two will take the lead - let’s see what you both can do. If you have any questions please ask away - I will be asking you relevant questions as we go through these missions.” he was still uncomfortable, but having spoken to them a few times he was starting to get used to there company.

WC: 418
Academy Student
Academy Student
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Think of the Animals! Empty Re: Think of the Animals!

Sun Jan 21, 2024 12:58 am
Atsuko headed toward the meet up point to meet with the people she'd be taking her first mission with. When she saw Shion and Chikoku, she was relieved. She was pretty glad her first mission was with people she already knew a little. Atsuko listened to Chikoku and bumps his fist and looks at the poster hanging scroll. She listens to what Shion has to say and when he says animal shelter, she perked up. "Animal shelter? That does sound like fun! I bet hanging posters will be easy. I am excited to learn about patrolling. I'm glad we can help clean up the village." She looks at the poster hanging scroll more and takes note all the details.

She looks over at Shion and giggles when he pumps his fist in the air. "Just don't overdo it, Shion. I feel like ya gotta pace yourself. Though it is good to be as prepared as possible. You never know what could happen." She said that last bit a little bitterly, thinking of what she does remember of her past.

She looked over at Chikoku, thinking if she had any questions at the moment. It was her first mission so she wasn't sure what to expect. "Since it's my first mission anything I need to know before we start?" She asks both of them.

She's a bit worried about messing up and wanted to make sure there wasn't anything she needed to know. She wished she had an actual lesson before starting her first mission but it is what it is.

WC: 260
Shion Kamizuru
Shion Kamizuru
Academy Student
Academy Student
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Summoning Contract : N/A
Living Clones : N/A
Familiar : N/A
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Clan Specialty : WIP
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 3750

Think of the Animals! Empty Re: Think of the Animals!

Sun Jan 21, 2024 1:51 am
Grinning he bumps fists with Cho and thinks back to their first two missions. There was some combat but ultimately it was a lot of nothing. He was hoping these would be calm missions but something deep down in him wanted to actually test himself more. He felt a surge of adrenaline as he thought of that fight against the civilians. He wondered if that was what it felt like to be in a real fight. Except these opponents were not very strong compared to his minor training with hand-to-hand. He learned how to get people to the ground, how to roll, and how to land a proper punch, and apparently, that was more than most people who were not ninjas along with some jutsu he had been training he was much stronger than he was a week ago.

He heard Cho tell them they were in charge this time around and he felt a little uncomfortable with it but ultimately he knew he would have to start making decisions on his own. He could not just rely on Cho to give him orders. He wondered where they should start. There were three missions and one of them overlapped the other two, just keeping our eyes peeled while doing the other two. He figured the paper one would take the longest but with the three of them on the job he figured spreading the papers out around the village would be a cakewalk. After that, they could tend to the animal shelter do a few laps around the village, and call it a day. Looking to Atsuko he raised his hand to bump her fist as well to complete the circle.

"Don't worry Atsuko I might rush this but know I will be giving my all this entire time. I don't slack and I don't force things. I will become a useful shinobi one day so you don't have to worry one bit!" He said that as he tried to act cool but ultimately looked kinda goofy. He rubbed his nose at how cool he thought he was with that and continued on to the objective at hand.

"Alright, I think I have a plan for how we handle this. Since there are three of us I figured we could tackle the paper job first. Getting these papers on the posts and approved buildings should not take too long. We can make the animal shelter our meetup point. The scroll has a map on it so we can memorize that to know where to meet up. The paper route also has a list of places we can put the flyers so that should not be a problem. I figure after we finish those two we can do a couple of laps around the village just to make sure we prove to any watching superiors that we are, in fact, not slacking on our patrols."

He enjoyed this concept of directing people he felt like it was a good plan but he also learned in class that a good leader does not just give commands but also makes sure the squad mates understand and are allowed to voice concerns and ideas. He looked at them both and smiled before taking a deep breath in after that monologue.

"Do you guys have any objections or ideas outside of what I have said that might make these jobs easier?" He was excited to hear from them and more excited that he had his friends to work with. He knew grabbing these E Rank missions would have come in handy. They were going to make some decent income and also help the village out a bit. He may not be from the village and he may have already made up his mind about wanting to see Iwa rebuilt but that did not stop the fact that he was going to learn more about this village so he could understand what made a village strong so he could implement those ideas into the next Iwagakure.

WC 670
Total WC- 895

Chokoku-Ji Kamizuru
Chokoku-Ji Kamizuru
Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Link
Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 20750

Think of the Animals! Empty Re: Think of the Animals!

Sun Jan 21, 2024 4:57 am
With his arms crossed he listened to the two of them discuss the mission details and what they would focus on first. Atsuko seemed to be mixture of nervous and excited, Shion was confident and wanting to get right into the missions. A good combination. These three missions would bring his total E-Rank missions up to 20. By now he was very experienced with these kind of missions, his aim was to be the most accomplished Ninja in Konoha. To win the hearts of the people through missions, this would help him on his long term plans.

Shion’s plan was sound, they could separate and get the papers up within moments between the three of them, it was also good to cover much more ground with there patrol training, Shion had the right idea. - though Cho was the one who would be ensuring the patrol went okay.

”Good, great work both. And good question Atsuko, Shion - care to explain key details of a Patrol, and why do we start with these basic jobs that any unskilled person could complete?” Cho would find no benefit to explain himself, by using Shion’s small experience they could start to share the learning - and by discussing it they could test each other’s understanding too, which was just as important.

Once he answered the question he would rally up the team and split out the posters for them to complete, ”Alright we ready?”

WC: 241
TWC: 659
Academy Student
Academy Student
Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Link
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Think of the Animals! Empty Re: Think of the Animals!

Sun Jan 21, 2024 7:56 am
Atsuko fist bumps Shion and listens to what he has to say. When he is all goofy trying to act cool, she giggles. "Alright, it's good to hear you won't slack off. I'll be giving my all as well!" She hopes her all is enough.

When Shion starts talking about the plan she listens intently, making sure not to miss enough. His plan is very good to quickly get all the posters done and even do patrol easier. She's excited to see the animal shelter. She can't think of anything else that would make it even easier.

"That sounds like a solid plan. I can't think of anything to add to it. I don't have any objections, either."

She was interested to learn more of the layout and in general about the village. Maybe it'll help her figure out her past a but better. It makes her happy to help provide to the village that took her in and gave her a home.

She listens to what Cho has to say and looks at Shion, interested to learn what Patrols entail. She waits for what he has to say, always willing to learn. Atsuko does hope it goes well, considering she doesn't even know much jutsus and only knows basic taijutsu.

WC: 211
Total WC: 471
Shion Kamizuru
Shion Kamizuru
Academy Student
Academy Student
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : N/A
Living Clones : N/A
Familiar : N/A
Legendary Equipment : N/A
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Clan Specialty : WIP
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 3750

Think of the Animals! Empty Re: Think of the Animals!

Sun Jan 21, 2024 9:34 pm
Shion thinks about the necessity of the missions and how they could impact the village. They were simple missions like Cho had said very minor seemingly unimportant missions but they had to be useful somehow. He thought long and hard about what the purpose is.

"These missions could be important for the mindset of the ninja in training I believe. They get us prepared to go full force into harder missions as we mature and they teach us the basic structure of missions. No matter how small the mission is, it should be taken with a serious tone. I think it also help the village out by showing the villagers that we ninjas are not just weapons of war but also defenders and helpers of the common people."

He wondered if that was all there was to it or if there was more. He smiled and looked to them both.

"If that is everything I think we should begin the mission." He waited for a moment in case anyone else had anything else to input and if not he would begin heading in his designated area and begin distributing papers.

WC 190
Total WC- 1085
Chokoku-Ji Kamizuru
Chokoku-Ji Kamizuru
Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Link
Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 20750

Think of the Animals! Empty Re: Think of the Animals!

Tue Jan 23, 2024 9:49 am
”Great work Shion, you’ve caught on quick. Now, let’s go.” Cho would take his stack and head off in this direction, taking a moment at each intersection and place where a civilian may stop to start putting up a poster. He knew the temptation that all likely faced which was just to dump the posters and say they were all done, he was a Genin now and this kind of task was beneath him in his eyes, not because he was better ofcourse - but just because there were tasks that he could be doing for the good of the village. He smiled to himself, the man knew how to cause a huge dragon of earth and rock to come crawling out of the ground and yet he was busy here.

But it was good, he was here to teach and without realising he would learn himself. Just how important it was to be a team leader and to develop those who worked with him. Before long he was already on his way to the animal shelter, ofcourse he was the first there so he climbed a wall and kept a eye out for his companions - aswell as for any suspicious activity.

”I can’t wait to get out of here and see the world. So much to learn.” he stared at the boundaries to the wilds, it felt like it would be years before he would be able to leave the village and see it. He wasn’t a prisoner to the Aburame anymore, now just the villager. He gulped once, his dream of a rebuild Iwagakure felt further than ever.

WC: 271
TWC: 930
Academy Student
Academy Student
Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Link
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Think of the Animals! Empty Re: Think of the Animals!

Thu Jan 25, 2024 12:13 am
Atsuko listened intently as Shion explained the purpose of little missions and how they work. She let her mind absorb what he said and nods, understanding it all.

"That makes sense. It's cool we get to show the villagers that we aren't just defenders in war time. I will make sure to always be serious about my missions."

She picks up her stack of fliers and heads to her designated spot. She starts putting them up and smiles at the other villagers, making sure to be friendly. Once she was done she started heading to the animal shelter, excited about helping out. She thinks animals are very useful and of course cute. She's heard some animals can help you on missions but she wasn't sure what kind.

Atsuko takes a look around at the poor animal shelter and finds a spot to wait, making sure to keep a look out for anything suspicious.

WC: 153
Total WC: 624
Shion Kamizuru
Shion Kamizuru
Academy Student
Academy Student
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : N/A
Living Clones : N/A
Familiar : N/A
Legendary Equipment : N/A
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Clan Specialty : WIP
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 3750

Think of the Animals! Empty Re: Think of the Animals!

Sun Jan 28, 2024 3:27 am
Nodding to his two companions he dashes out and begins heading to his location. He hands out flyers while hanging them in the designated areas. Some people seem a little uncomfortable with the flyers while others throw them away right away. It bothered Shion a little and he studied the flyers closer. There seemed to be an advertisement to join a new local group it did not seem all that impressive but he did get a weird feeling looking at the image on the flyer. It did not look out of the ordinary but for some reason, the image gave a weird pull in his mind. He wondered what could be causing that. It did not take long before he was finished with his part of the first mission. he decided to take his time to get to the meeting area. He wanted to see how other people reacted to the flyers as they passed by and he noticed the same thing. An uncomfortable physical movement from people who stared at the flyers for too long.

"Whatever they were thinking I don't think they will get many people." as he said that under his breath he noticed someone staring at the poster longer than anyone else. they seemed fascinated by the poster. He was confused why that person was doing that but he continued on the longer he took the more he saw individuals looking at posters by themselves.

He made it to the meeting spot. Looking around to see if anyone else was around yet.

WC 256
Total WC- 1341
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