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Ryo : 134237

Ever Forward(Travel) Empty Ever Forward(Travel)

Tue Jun 07, 2022 8:53 pm
Being on the borders of Yuki's snowscape an never ending tundra blowing through the air had its perks. It was remote, rarely received any travelers. It seemed the village never really recovered fully enough to be seen as a place of travel and only those that had long lost connections to the village ever came to see the ruins. The outskirts of the country also sometimes saw a warmer climate at times allowing the hideout to experience both warm and cold weather but mainly cold. The downside however was also the same thing that made it desirable, it was remote. Getting to other locations was a hassle to say the least and travel often had to be done in two parts via sea and land. The map pointed to where they would have to make their first stop before continuing onwards, it wasn't anywhere grand but a stop none the less had to be made.

Youka's slow walk across the harbors entry led him to a small boat that was beginning its procedure to set sail across the Aisu Bay. As he strolled through he looked down once more at the forged documents Maku had given him. The information matched exactly what he looked like his age changed to that of an older man due to the damage to his body and face, the name, what he did, all of it was fake but it would be needed for entry into villages in order for both of them to do what needed to be done. Watching the slight waves hit the coastline from his vantage point before hitting the brow of the ship he turned to face his friend who would have been right beside or behind him. "Are you ready to set off Maku, There's still time for you to change your mind if you want." He looked at his friend sternly, his gaze attempting to meet Maku's eyes. "Our steps will be guided and up to fate once we reach the mainlands. No more time for what if thoughts."
Xuexing Yuki
Xuexing Yuki
Stat Page : Stats
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Ever Forward(Travel) Empty Re: Ever Forward(Travel)

Tue Jun 07, 2022 9:31 pm
He hated the cold.  If it hadn't been for all the cold, Yukigakure would have been such a nice place....o and also if it hadn't been blasted into a hole in the ground.  Still the remaining portions of the country had their pros and cons...but mostly cons.  Wearing his Takigakure regalia, as well as a knapsack over his shoulder, Maku pulled up a coat he had acquired around his face.  A hood over his head hid most of his face.  Violet eyes peeked out when the wind deemed to die down, if just a bit.  Patting his pockets through the jacket he could feel the majority of the items he kept on his person when he went out.  

Their footsteps hidden beneath the roar of wind as they padded across the harbor.  His friend questioning him.  "I change my mind about a great many things, sometimes even about changing my mind.  For now....and for the future, I think the only path is forward..."  He would take a step, "Even if it's just one step at a time.  Now come on, its too cold for dramatics."  He'd say continuing to move forward.  The small boat that had been commissioned wasn't much to look at, and in truth it wasn't much to be in either.  Sea travel had never bothered him, it was the icy wind coming off the bay that was the real son of a bitch.  Getting on the boat he would find himself sitting in the covered area below deck.  

Pulling his knapsack around he would check its contents.  He had opted to take the majority of everything he owned for the trip.  After all, there was always that slight chance that they would never come back.  A sad thought perhaps, but a realistic one.  That being the to be prepared.  On the table, he started to lay out a variety of books.  Each one a copy from the famous make out series that had been written supposedly an incredibly long time ago.  Choosing one at random, he would flip it open and begin to read, shaking his head to let the hood fall down.  The wind having splayed out his black hair in every which way covered most of his face, the Takigakure headband just barely sticking out to be shown.  How one strand of hair had fallen it almost appeared as though a scratch ran through the middle of the small metal plate.  

As he read, he picked up the conversation, assuming Youka had come down with him.  "Haven't been to Moon Country in a long time.  Remember Tengagakure, now that was a nice place.  That fella name Xyxer was a funny man.  Even if he did try and shoot me when I showed up in his office."  He would let out a little chuckle as though the clear attempt on his life was more of a funny and endearing handshake rather than the actions of a man nearly as crazy as himself.  "I miss him, what a guy."  He'd say turning the page.  His mind keeping up with conversation and reading all at the same time.  It wasn't the business that was dangerous, but rather the lack of stimulation.  

There were no other passengers so far on the chartered boat ride across the bay.  Something he wouldn't mind to keep that way.  For once he was not much in the mood for making conversations with strangers.  He was more of the mind to get the travel part done.  In the old days he had flitted from country to country nearly instantly.  Yet when he had attempted to do so the night before he had been painfully unable to do so.  He wasn't sure why that was the case.  Perhaps where they sought to go had placed defensive measures, or it had just been so long maybe he had forgotten the interdimensional path.   Another very real possibility was that after years of not using the jutsu, he'd simply forgotten the proper way to do it, and now they paid that price in ryo and time.  Regardless, it wasn't something they could worry about to much now.  Flipping another couple pages, he would skip to a particularly steamy part, just to keep the blood running hot to fight against the chill.

On the table, if Youka had attempted he would see a signed copy of the Study of KKG by Denkitiki Hayato.  A book that was a staple amongst any shinobi's library, and that had been sold throughout the world.  The ink marks showed that this was not an automated press signature, but instead the real thing.  He had gotten it from his brother after all and had had him sign it just for the fun of it.  Besides he'd thought maybe one day he would have been able to sell it.  

Unclear if Youka would actually comment on this or not, the boat would slowly begin to move.  The shouting forms the crew hands up above indicating that they were setting off.  It wasn't an incredibly long journey, and hardly anything too exciting.  If it was part of some kind of story, this chapter would be one where you could easily skip ahead, nope nothing to see here thank you.  Closing the book for a moment, he would look around.  There were two other passengers located within the vessel.  An old man and what was presumably his wife who matched in age.  

Leaning forward he would whisper to Youka about a mission they had once undertaken, where he had knocked on the door of an old couple's house, proceeded to do terrible things, awesome and totally cool by Missing ninja standard things, but still terrible.  Still it had been one of the best kunai and paper bomb flicks he'd ever made.  All for some crappy piece of jewelry if he remembered right.  He would mime throwing up, as a reminder of Kiranomo's reaction to the whole thing.  The couple reminded him of that day, and as they moved out, reminiscing felt like the right thing to do.

Shortly after telling his story, he would begin to put away his book.  Having read all of the notable sections many times before, he wasn't as into the retelling as he had imagined he might have been.  No, instead he continued to look around the ship's interior.  It was a simple passenger vessel without much to distinguish itself from any other.  As previously stated only two other passengers, the elderly couple, made for a very quiet interior.  He would exchange whatever words were necessary with Youka, before he started to drift off.  He chuckled to himself....drift off.... on a baot.,....he cracked himself up

The time on the boat, was a boring one.  It almost gave one a little too much time to think and consider what was going on around them.  Within the recesses of his own mind, the wheels had already started to turn.  Cobwebs fell away as more memories resurfaced and he drifted off to forgotten places that he had not considered for a long time.  Just now his mind went back to Yukigakure, perhaps because of the very close proximity to the place that had caused all that, but as his eyes became a little heavy, the place seemed close enough to touch.  It seemed close enough that he could feel the cool breeze hitting his face.....which it was, the breeze came down through the mains stairwell.  Still, he didn't know that.  In these moments he remembered the 3 women who had helped him run Yukigakure.  There had been two ANBU and his deputy kage.  No doubt they had died by now, he'd assumed in fighting Youka when they had attacked the place so long ago.  It was a shame, he had many regrets, but few for specific people.  That trio however, that trio he missed and would ahve enjoyed having back around.

Another interesting figure from his past had been Kaede Uzumaki.  An interesting gentleman, one that he had had an impromptu flex off with in the streets lined with snow.  The resulting display of sheer masculinity had even melted the snow around them, he swore it had least, he remembered it happening.  That was another man that he had no recollection of where he had gone.  So many interesting people, and yet they all seemed to come and go ever so quickly.  These flashbacks continued for some time, faces would appear faces would go.  This was the way it was when you lived a life such as his.  Still, some had made more impressions than others.  His time as a leader, and a runner often gave him the chances for such things.  He'd already mentioned Xyxer, then there was Takeo, Den of course, Akihanna had her own impact, surely there were countless others.  The members of the Akatsuki had been an eclectic group as well.  Barely formed, he wasn't even sure if he had actually met everyone that Youka had indoctrinated into the little get together.  The thought of the group, made one thing cross his mind....what had happened to his ring.

The armor, robes, headband, and other items were now powerless.  The chakra that had supplied them with gifts running dry from stagnation, the majority were littered in the basement next to the stone pillar.  Something that likely annoyed Youka to no end.  Still, he couldn't remember his ring being among those possessions.  He should talk to the demon doctor and see if they could get the set remade.  Or at the very least his own.  He'd gotten accustomed to seeing it after all, and it had been displayed back at the restaurant along with the box of what he had managed to collect back.  Maybe it was still there, so hard to say, so hard to remember.  Either way, a task for another day.  A hard wave rocked the boat slightly bringing him out of his daze, and causing a small jump to escape his body.  Eyes flashed looking around the room for a moment, before realizing where he was and the situation, which was nothing to be concerned about.  No, still on the boat, still drifting through the bay, still likely a ways off from Moon Country, and it's endless plains.  A nice place...

Another flashback of walking through the skyscraper forest that was a village.  He had not spent a lot of time there, but it had been interesting none the less.  He'd bought a pretty basket, met Xyxer, and delt with some emotional issues.....maybe that was why he was remembering it now.  Facing the same kind of inner turmoil that he had back then.  Each country seemed to offer its own little bit of trauma within his mind, which was likely fair considering the majority of countries he visited he had instilled a little trauma on as well.  Now that he thought on it, the only country he had visited and never done anything bad in was....the island country.  Back then it had been a different name, though now it was the resurrection of Kirigakure.  Some people just couldn't let the old world die when they had a good thing going.  He considered if he should leave the place alone all together out of one redeeming place, but then again it seemed unfair to never cause at least a little chaos within its boarders.  His mind moved between guilt and joy seamlessly making no sense.  It didn't make any sense to him either in truth, but he was getting tired of questioning it.

All in all these flashbacks did little to provide him any clarity into the situations that were occurring all around him.  Instead they likely represented a bit of filler between the main plot and what he was doing now in these moments.  If someone was reading or watching a show they likely would be tired of seeing the same things occur over and over on text or screen.  Even he was getting tired of reliving the hits again and again.  Still, it was necessary sometimes to revisit the things we have done, so that we may write new stories.  His mind was starting to make even less sense now, as his eyes closed in earnest.  The gentle lull of the waves guiding him back into sleep.  He couldn't tell if Youka was also taking advantage of the time to rest, or if he was deep in some contemplation.  In truth it likely didn't matter, they were well and truly out to sea now.  The odds of an attack seemed non-existent for the time being.   Surely it was best to get rest while it could be gotten right?  That was his rational anyway....

The pain behind his eyes had started once again.  No not was like growing pains one experienced as a child.  Again, he wondered about his eyes, and what was happening.  For possessing the dojutsu that was heavily sought after, he had rarely looked into their history, or attempted to understand them in anyway.  Instead, they were nothing but tools.  They stacked up better than the kunai in his pocket perhaps for utility, but still...just tools to be used whenever they were useful If they were going to be compromised, he would need to know sooner rather than later.  The dull ache had woken him back up just as he had remembered Kyson attempting to haphazardly play a musical instrument that on a whim, he had told him he needed to learn.  

Shaking his head, he would look at Youka, clearing his throat to get the man's attention.  Should he have been asleep, or otherwise engaged, a swift kick to the shin would remedy it quickly.  "Sooooo about your peepers.....I don't think I ever asked......why do they do that?"  He'd say in a conspiratorial whisper.  The elderly couple had both fallen asleep as far as he could tell, but still one never did know.  It wouldn't do to blow covers this early in the voyage.  He would sit and listen to whatever Youka had to tell him about the eyes he now possessed.  He hadn't seen him use the sharingan in sometime now that he thought on it, and the idea that a tool had surpassed what they were capable of doing seemed almost impossible.  

He would press for more details at certain points, mostly about their activation and how he had come to get them.  He'd also be interested in any special abilities or techniques that they had granted him.  For his own, he had developed the genjutsu and black flames, not to mention the very tall golden spectral warrior besto friendo that he had used many times before.  So good that Youka could make himself useful today.......not counting the chartering of the ship, paying for the ship, scheduling, the map, the plan, the ideas, but that was all small potato things.  Reaching into his bag he pulled out a bag of potato chips...see at least he had brought snacks.  Equal partners.

TWC - 2501

[travel to Moon country - clock starts 2131 6/7]
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Ryo : 134237

Ever Forward(Travel) Empty Re: Ever Forward(Travel)

Wed Jun 08, 2022 10:23 am
"You're right my friend, I apologize for bringing it up. You won't hear anymore questions from me about it, I trust your judgment and we'll both move forward for better or worse."Walking onto the ship after stepping off the brow he followed Maku as they both made their way underneath the deck into the hull of the ship. It was interesting to see the parallels between how they packed and what they thought was 'necessary' to bring along for the journey they were about to take part in. Where it seemed that Maku had indeed brought along his entire life in a pack, from books to everything else he could think of. Maybe it was to provide some form of comfort allowing him to center his mind on things that would bring him peace during this journey. There was also the chance that he was still thinking of time past where things weren't about to become chaotic, and full of multiple choice decisions that more than likely would spell the death of many people them included. On the other hand Youka had brought little to nothing with him, at the end of it all he didn't need anything extra. There were no connections that he had to bring with him that comforted him except for one. Both of them sitting down his back turned to Maku for a moment he pulled out the half burned picture of Akihana and himself giving it a brief look before sliding it back into his cloak and turning back to his friend as Maku was reading a book from his collection.

Once the conversation on their first stop picked up Youka listened to Maku as he spoke on Tenga and the violent man that was Xyxer their interaction with the man all stemming from a lose Youka had experienced to him. The man was a very strange individual but also powerful and at the end of it they all had become somewhat close in their shared goals of releasing everyone from their shackles of individuality and bringing equality to the world."Ah...yes, Xyxer, I'd be interested to see if the man still lived in this era, I believe attacking individuals he first meets was a form of greeting to him, he dealt in pure power and I don't think he would accept anyone that couldn't rival that." Standing up once more Youka would take a few steps over to the table to take a look at the books his friend had left on the table. It was easy for him to leave his things strewn about because besides the crew and two elderly they were the only ones aboard the vessel. On the table a clear book stood out to him, it was one he had read a long time ago when he first started his venture into understanding what made certain bodies special and exactly what those blood lines entailed. Denkiteki in a way had helped Youka change his world view and started him on a path of self modification and practice. "Maku, this book..." He'd lift it up from the table showing it to his friend before placing it back down if Maku had looked up. "Is he still alive, I'd find it interesting to speak to him again and run some things by him. Or is he another that has been lost to time?" Whatever the answer that he was given he'd place the book back down and take his seat again next to his friend just in time for him to lean in and whisper something to him. He spoke on one of their earliest missions when they both were still green, going above and beyond to perform unnecessarily evil actions for the sake of being feared. They had grown and learned since that time and that was one of the reasons they were still here today understanding that sometimes subtle tactics worked just as well as overt ones.

Maku had drifted off into his own mind once again as his eyes shut and he entered the realm of sleep. How nice it must have been to fall asleep so easily, Youka hadn't known easy sleep for a long time often staying up multiple days in a row his body running on chemicals injected into it to keep the alertness needed to still function. While his friend slept he used this time to focus his chakra and meditate on its growth. Molding all five elements was not an easy task and it required perfect concentration especially for his body when it wasn't used to outwardly manifesting chakra constructs as it's years had been spent hitting things hard or healing himself. He would allow the chakra to mold in his stomach and he focused the feeling of each element running it course, how wind made him feel empty just as a breeze, water chilled him as it swirled, fire always felt warm and uncontained, earth, his natural element felt heavy but stable..grounded. As he molded the lighting element the hairs on his arm stood up slightly as the chakra corced through him, each one different, each one necessary to what would need to be accomplished in the near future all playing their part. He couldn't let his chakra flare, or rise in any way, you never knew who was aboard these ships and who was hiding their own intentions so he always ensured to keep the chakra manipulation under control allowing the feeling to dissipate if he felt himself no longer able to control the elements to a fine point.

Being taken out of his own form of solace within himself by Maku's voice once more the doctor slowly opened his eyes while lifting his head up  to listen to whatever it was that was being asked fully. The questions took him by surprise if even for just a moment, it was true that he had never told Maku about the rinnegan . The only thing Maku knew was that his eyes were different from that of Youka's when they had been the same for so long. Why hadn't he brought it up before, had he simply forgotten to, had there never been any free time for them to have the conversation? "I suppose I've never actually told you now that I think about it, an oversight." Leaning his head back against the wall behind them he'd sigh before speaking to Maku while looking at they ceiling above them at the swaying light moving back and forth." The Rinnegan...I don't even remember anymore when this came to was during my time of self modifications..we had both already unlocked the eternal sharingan." Leaning his head to look at Maku directly he'd continue "If I remember correctly I had taken the body of a boy who was a Senju, his ability to manipulate the earth into giving life and growing various living things had sparked my interest in my own plight of my life continuously in decline and health. I took his life and the ability for my own when I implanted his body into mine." Thinking on it, his entire existence was a combination of others from his hearts to the many people lived inside of him. "Once I had completed that and trained the abilities of the sharingan till they couldn't be pushed any further I experienced migraines and intense pain behind my eyes for some time, I honestly thought I was going to go blind. When I was practicing an old technique revolving around those eyes you have now I found that I couldn't but the pain was gone and I had a better connection to chakra than I had previously and looking into my mirror they had taken a different shape all together..." He'd pause for effect before continuing his speech, hopefully his friend left all questions for the end. "You remember all those bodies I had follow me around correct, with the rods in their bodies....just another technique of these. Unlocking it is exhausting but not without merit...why are you asking about this now of all times?"


(Traveling to Moon country....still)
Xuexing Yuki
Xuexing Yuki
Stat Page : Stats
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Ever Forward(Travel) Empty Re: Ever Forward(Travel)

Wed Jun 08, 2022 10:59 am
“Den?”  Maku would say in answer to Youka’s question.  His eyes narrowed slightly, and for a brief moment a feeling that Maku hid something was felt by his friend.  A rarity, given that normally he revealed anything and everything his kind had to offer. Den held a special place in his heart, he was blood, more than that he represented something Maku didn’t.  Where Maku as chaos and often caused wounds, Den was a sanctuary that healed them.  Further he had worked to better the lives of others, he had shared his knowledge with the world, and in doing so made it a better place.  As for Maku with his gift for genjutsu and space time manipulation he had crafter and lost more jutsu than he knew.  Not sharing, not bettering, merely keeping it for himself.  It had never been intended to be a selfish action, but he’d also not met anyone he wished to share his exploits with.  Another bit that showed their dichotomy as brothers.  Plus Den was a foot taller and it irked him to not end, some people.  

Considering a bit longer, he’d finally answer.  “He is alive, but he is best not to be bothered.  I lived with him, for a time when you were sleeping.  He’s a good man, and honestly one of the few I wont let anything happen too.  I know where he lives, but….even for you I wont say it.  I’ll keep us away from that place, it’s tiny and of no concern to the great work.”  He’d finish a bit more solemnly than normal.  The seriousness in his voice showing the conviction for the matter.  He did not share that the brothers Hayato consisted of Maku and Denkitiki, a bit of understanding that perhaps only 3 people alive knew.  There was no reason to tarnish the man’s name, to bring him in.  He’d enjoyed those bounties in his head, and the main guilt being how close they may have gotten to his now blinded brother.  Should Den ever wish to rejoin the world stage he would aid him, but if he preferred a supporting role on the sidelines…..he’d also protect that with everything he had.  It was the very least he could do for the dark haired snake doctor.  Case closed.  

At the question, he shook Youka from his sleep.  The man started off with a joke.  Reaching over he’d give his arm a gentle punch.  “An over….sight. That’s a good one.”  He’d still with a wink.  Maybe he was rubbing off on the gloomy Gus after all.  Uncharacteristically he would not interrupt again, instead letting Youka finish his train of thought.  He liked to press his buttons, but this was something he genuinely wanted to know, so it seemed to behoove him to behave, at least for a little while.  The symptoms he described, all were so familiar.  They where his own issues that had grown more and more severe.  Nothing that actually debilitated him, but annoying to say the least.  His own concerns of blindness were even echoed by Youka.  Yet in the end, it had indeed been growing pains, rather than tire damage.  His tongue moving over his teeth, he considered everything that was said.  The whole bodies with black rods seemed a bit extreme to him, but still he didn’t have to follow the same path, he had never done so in the past anyway.  The increase in power for the tool however did have its desires.  

“Well, my eyes have been feeling….off lately.  I guess you could say… just wondering.”  He’d think back on it all.  He wasn’t sure how else to say it.  “Not pain I guess, just off.  You saw I can still do everything so I don’t know what to think.”  He’d sit for a little longer before standing.  “I haven’t taken anyone else’s powers though, that I remember.  But…..I want to explore the boat, why don’t you come?”  With that he’d begin to walk away, the boat now moving easily as they were true and proper within the bay.  

Exploring the vessel as they sailed through the sea, Maku found himself above board conversing with the crew.  An unsightly group of miscreants truth be told.  Men who were not shinobi, instead the normal individuals that littered the world.  The ones who actually kept the world moving and grooving.  In theory they were the ones the shinobi fought for, the ones they bled for.  Shinobi at their core were the military of a country, designed to protect, and bring in revenue and safety to its people.  Watching these men work, that was one of the triggers in Maku’s mind as to why they were doing what they were doing.  Perhaps that was his penance.  Following through on Youka’s mission, but with his own side gauge as well.  Seeing who truly gave back to their community, and made their people stronger, and those who hoarded their knowledge and power simply for their own and their own inner circle.  A noble ideal perhaps but was it really why he did what he did?  In truth he didn’t know, but it seemed like a reasonable place to start.  A smile grew across his face at his own level of cleverness, and now at least on a small level….a mission.

“Hullo lads!”  He’d say with a slight accent.  Not one that was real, just something he made up for fun.  Moving across the ship he’d sit and begin talking to some of the sailors that were taking a break.  In true hospitality form, they offered him a bit of the rum they were using to keep the cold of the sea away.  Well, if he had liked his idea before, now he was really keen on it.  Clearly these were the type of people worth protecting.  Sure ole Harold over there had murdered a guy, but the man had insulted his honor he deserved it.  So why if Thomas had robbed a couple stores, man was hungry, gotta eat after all.  Yes yes Zachary over there never said what he’d done  and was wanted in four countries, but he probably had a good reason.  They’d shared their rum and that was all he needed to know, good folks that had gone through some hard times.  There was likely someone else to blame .  He spent some time above deck talking and laughing with the men, each swapping stories of their past Maku’s heavily doctored and the majority just made up on the fly, he liked the blokes but you couldn’t be too careful.

TWC - 3598
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Ever Forward(Travel) Empty Re: Ever Forward(Travel)

Wed Jun 08, 2022 11:41 am
For the rest of the time Youka would just listen to Maku speak his peace on all things, as was usually the situation no real speech back and forth was needed from him. Maku did well enough speaking on things and answering them on his own without the need for him to jump in with any real addition to the conversation. He'd note the slight bitterness in his voice and on his face when Den was brought up and he would have to bite back the urge to push the subject further. For whatever reason the bond those two had built meant a lot to Maku and Youka would be the last to trample on that mound if he could help it. In regards to the rinnegan again Maku went on a spew of dialogue by himself simply agreeing and reaffirming that the things that were mentioned were also things that he had experienced or was going through at the time in the moment. He didn't need to speak if the man knew where his next target point was, and from how it sounded he was well on his way to obtaining new power in his own right.

When asked if he would like to join his friend on his exploration Youka shook his head."I don't think I will, I need time to gather myself and rest. I haven't slept in three days and it's starting to wear on me. Wake me when we hit port." With that he'd lower his head into his knees, his hood covering his face once more as he would attempt to fall into at least a sub sleep space where his mind would calm, he'd need it at it's best just like his body for the coming journey. So many things that needed to be done. For now he would let those thoughts rest, if just for a moment.

TWC 2005
+40AP training elements
(Exit Time Elapsed, arriving at Moon country borders)

Xuexing Yuki
Xuexing Yuki
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Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Ever Forward(Travel) Empty Re: Ever Forward(Travel)

Wed Jun 08, 2022 1:37 pm
Youka had opted to stay behind, something that was not unexpected.  With the deep ness that had occurred, it made the time with the common folks even more sweet.  It was simple to laugh and joke while in the company of fine rum as well.  They didn’t need to know the truth, they simply wanted to live.  No doubt they wish they had more than what they did, but that was such a common thing to desire.  It was what it was as they say.  Soon the rum would run dry, and the captain would run rampant.  Angry at the break that had occurred.  As they scuttled off roaches in the light.  He watched them for a time do their duties before he stood and simply watched over the side of the ship.  He felt himself gently bounce up and down with the lapping of waves on the bat.  In the distance he could begin to make out the landfall that would take them to their next destination.  He wasn’t sure what had become of Tengagakure.  He was interested to see the place, he knew that it wasn’t what it had been, so the mystery gave him a slight tingle.  

The boat continued to near the docks, though he guessed they had about thirty minutes until they would be properly tied off allowing for them to disembark.  He thought back further in what Youka had said about his eyes.  The senju, did something with wood release, a skill that he had, though he wasn’t sure if Youka knew that small fact.  It had been an awakening thag had occurred after they had split up.  Something he’d discovered around the same time that he had begun living with Den, who also possessed the same abilities.  The brothers lineage was an odd thing, Den knowing more of it than himself.  Both of his parents as far as he knew were nothing special in the shinobi world.  Ordinary people who had birthed two sons that would go on and for better or worse make their marks in whatever they touched.  Still, lineage, powers passed down, these things were treasured and mysterious within the shinobi world.  The eyes he had taken, the senju was also likely a stolen power, though it held more of an air of mystery to him than the eyes which he had the utmost clarity of how, when, and where he had gained such things.  

He enjoyed the Mokuton release.  Perhaps more than any other element that he could call.  It felt the most natural, the strongest.  It had come at the same time as he had learned how to be more still.  Calming the chaos in his mind wasn’t an easy thing, and in truth his sense of calmness and stillness was likely very different from what others felt when they performed the exact same ability.  Still whatever worked he supposed.  Perhaps he was undergoing the same thing that Youka had, and yet if he was a single thought irked him.  Why had it happened so much quicker for his friend than it had for him.  He was the more adept in the ways of chakra control and usage; at least back then.  He assumed so now as well, though they felt more even than they have had before.  So why would the power awaken so quickly for one and not the other.  The question are away at his ego more than anything.  It didn’t mattter, he’d never had it before so what difference did it make if he had it now or not.  He felt and saw both ways about the situation.  

Still, ego as it often did would win out in this battle.  He now found a desire to posses the power, the ability, just to see what it was truly capable of, what he was capable of.  One more tool to add to his arsenal to perfect his craft upon the worlds canvas.  He flickered his eyes between the Sharingan and normal, seeing the colors and stillness that were granted.  Still the full ache and feint headache were there.  Nothing crippling; but something annoying to say the least.  A bit of frustration welled you, a normal feeling for someone as impatient as Maku often found himself.  Wanting to force the transition through, but still….nothing new came about.  The same as it was, the same as it had been.  Sighing he’d let his head drop to the railing, continuing to rock with the boat for a little longer.  Looking up, they were now halfway from the last time he had guessed how long their journey would continue for.  Close enough now he opted to go below deck and inform Youka that their journey, the first leg of their journey, was about to be concluded.  Waking the man, they’d wait a little longer before setting off.  

20 some minutes later the boat would dock, be tied off, the remainder of payments given, and off they went.  One with a large knapsack over his shoulder, the other barely burdened by anything.  Making their way through the moon country dock, they’d set forth into the country in earnest.  A place full of plains, a place where the sun was warm, and in this season even hot.  A stark difference from where they had just came from.  Shrugging off  his coat, he left it lay on a. Sign post in the small coastal village.  Some other person may find use for it.  Starting to whistle as they walked, the journey was calm.  He’d wave to individuals, their papers checked and they’d been seen on through.  In truth perhaps a little too simple.  During this time Maku would chat the locals, insisting that they stop for at least one seafood meal before they continued any further into the country.  A small pub would be more than accommodating, and supposedly had the best salt water fish in town.  Plus it was on the sign, so it had to be true, you can’t just put things like that on a sign if it’s not true, everyone knows.

Over dinner at the bar, and a couple more rums, they’d start to learn a bit about what had been going on within the Moon country.  It turns out that Xyxer had moved the majority of Tengagakure’s forces to create the new Kirigakure as it was known now.  The majority of villagers, and all of its military might had gone with him under fear of his displeasure.  Youka had been right, the man was strong and he rules with that strength.  Regardless if people liked it or didn’t, that was the kind of person that often inspired loyalty one way or another.  With all of them gone the country had gone through quite a bit of a recession.  The massive amount of financial power that had been removed almost overnight had decimated the majority of the smaller villages.  As far as Tengagakure, it still was around, though racked from everything that had happened.  He had done a large amount of damage but those that had snuck away or moved in had fixed the place up as best as they could.  This didn’t bring it all back of course.

The city was still too large for the amount of people that stayed behind.  Which gave the place the feel of a ghost town.  No shinobi village hierarchy had returned, and best he could tell no real efforts had been pushed to create anything new.  The Daimyo, had been forced out from social upheaval.  What it really meant was, this place wasn’t a worthwhile target.  There were no secrets here, no leaders forcing hierarchy, it was just a place of people doing the best they could.  

Finishing the meal, they’d pack up, and set off for the road.  Their travels had just started, and the road ahead still had many miles on it.  

TWC - 4912


Travel complete from time


+ 98ap from max stats

+4912 towards activating rinnegan, thus subtracting another month of time.

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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Ever Forward(Travel) Empty Re: Ever Forward(Travel)

Thu Jun 09, 2022 2:16 am
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