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Stat Page : Senju, Shiroyasha
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 4000

That's Not Snake Oil (mission) Empty That's Not Snake Oil (mission)

Sun May 15, 2022 1:24 pm
E Rank Mission - That's Not Snake Oil
When Shiroyasha took this mission he truly had no idea what to expect. The fact that the sheep of Konoha were buying snake oil barely surprised him. The people did what people do, anything at all that strikes a whim of fancy. Shiro wasn't impressed with that, but the fact he had to submit to such an errand, a mission as the village knew it  was ridiculous. Shiro expected a mistake, he thought surely the salesman would be obstinate and threatening. 

Shiro even asked if there was a mistake grading the mission but the village assured him the salesman was no harm. 

Ever vigilant Shiro had walked up to the woman's cart with his kunai in hand, a serious look of determination plastered to his face. Shiro was not expecting a woman at all. 

The misogynistic ninja let his guard down, but still holding the kunai he was introduced to the woman. "Hiya! Have you tried the revitalizing hoshizora elixer yet?" The woman held her psuedo potion in hand. The vial contained a dark green liquid inside. Shiro knew it was fake and put his kunai away before speaking I'm return. 

"Ma'am I'm with Konoha. We're formally asking you to stop selling this. Reports have come in that there is no sales permit for this so call elixer; due to the fact its fake." Shiro was standing at the height of her small cart and speaking down to her; his voice was soft, but the way he adjusted his headband when he finished speaking hinted he might still be prepare get serious. 

The kunai hung in its holster while the woman sized the ninja up. She contemplated trying to sway or argue with Shiro but knew her time was up. She would travel to the next closest village on this night. 

The woman nodded her head silently and put the elixer down. Shiro picked it up. "I'll be taking this for evidence if anyone gets sick off this." The woman nodded again and flipped a sign above her head, it now read closed. Still standing there Shiro watched the woman begin picking up all of her things. There globes, and rugs she had on display. All of it seemed to be a lot and the kinder side of Shiro wanted to help her. He was under no such order however and Shiro liked to follow the law to a tee. 

As he stood there the Senju wondered what the woman was like. The village was right, she posed no fight to pack up. The fact she was a woman surprised him, but Shiroyasha pitted it into the back of his mind. Deep down he knew it was because he had a prejudice for traveling merchants. Most were men, and that was certain. Of course course the ninja couldn't help but wonder how deep his prejudice proved to be on this day. Watching the woman pack up was far from his mind. 

In reality if the genin had opened his eyes he would have known what truly bothered him. The fact he hadn't considered a woman a fighter was deep in his subconscious, but like toxic sludge Shiro was fine with letting that beast sleep. 

It took the woman a shocking three hours to pack up what looked like at least a days worth of 'valuables.' Shiro was incredibly bored by the end of it all and was happy to see the gal to Konohagakures village gates. He said no goodbye but wished her well. 

After dashing back to the desk for his reward Shiroyasha had practically buried the memory of the whole encounter. The priest was busy thinking about a nightly stroll. He usually lit shrines to forest spirits at night and in the morning, and tonight would be no different.

Wordcount: 631

Stat Allocation: +6 Vigor

Jutsu Training:
Previously -
Earth Style Wall 1,500/1,500

Suiton Nature (535/4,000)
Hayato Yuki
Hayato Yuki
Stat Page : Frigid Blade
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 21270

That's Not Snake Oil (mission) Empty Re: That's Not Snake Oil (mission)

Sun May 15, 2022 5:51 pm
Approved but in the future please include the rank of technique you are learning if the technique is multi rank.

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