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Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Stat Page : Moon Demon
Mission Record : Mission Parchment
Familiar : Naraku
Genjutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : S/T
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 49150

Relocation {Mission|Duo} Empty Relocation {Mission|Duo}

Sun May 01, 2022 4:22 pm
Mission Details:

Meika's hunter mission was a success but also very exhausting. She managed to take the man into custody and surrendered him to the ones that was going to decide the punishment he deserved. More likely the intruder would spend his life rotting in the dungeons of Kumogakure, if his fate didn't lead to an execution. It was a cruel outcome, but what he did had to be met with the same cruelty he displayed by massacuring the village within their walls.

Meika recalled the shower she took after returning from that mission. The hot water washed away the ashes that powdered her skin. The ashes belonged to what remained of the unfortunate villagers that didn't make the evacuation.

It was only a few days that followed after, that the Kamigawa sought out her next assignment. She moved past the distasteful events and went for something that was a little less disturbing. There was a little more bear activity occurring within the proximity of the training grounds. The warming of the weather was bringing the fuzzy beasts out of their state of hibernation, and they was getting daring. Moving through the trash and causing quite a mess. Some of the genin was uncomfortable with how close the training bears was getting. There was no telling if or when one of the four legged fuzzballs would end up attacking someone.

Meika got her stuff ready and headed into the direction of the training grounds. Relocating one of the bears shouldn't be too much of an issue, as long as they didn't provoke the animal too much that would encourage it to be more aggressive. Even though there was a possible chance of her having to wrestle one of the grizzlies, Meika didn't find it necessary to bring along her ronin robes. Instead she wore a pair of black leggings with a loose, oversized grey shirt. Her black hair was free and styled in a messy bedhead way, the strand of her natural white was twisted into a small, loose braid.

Meika was also instructed that she wasn't the only one that took up the mission offer. Her partner would also be there to help the relocation of the bear.

{WC: 367}

Last edited by Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa on Sun May 01, 2022 5:51 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : So many cringy smelling errors)
Yurei Shinkou
Yurei Shinkou
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : Portfolio of a Phantom
Mission Record : -
Living Clones : Mementos of Dawn - Hiro Shimada

Mementos of Dusk - Ki Shimada
Familiar : -
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Puppetry Remove Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Relocation {Mission|Duo} Empty Re: Relocation {Mission|Duo}

Sun May 01, 2022 4:57 pm
Another day, another mission.

Such was the life of Hiroki Shimada. While his last one was a tremendous success for the newly turned 18 year old, it still left him a bit shaken. It was the first time in which the blue eyed genin had engaged in actual combat where the stakes were between either life or death. Obviously, the will to live remained strong within himself. The man in which he went up against, a bandit known as the Dragon had fought hard and well, but it still wasn’t enough to match the Kumogakuren’s own resolve and power. From here, said two things in question were only rising; at an exponential rate too. Nowadays, the trainings in which he undertook were certainly starting to pay off. Hell, the young adult didn’t want to toot his own horn or anything, but he was definitely seeing the potential to further move up amongst the ranks within the village because of it. He was hoping for that day to arrive soon, but alas, until then it was pretty much just gonna be the same old thing.

Today in particular was rather nice. Rising up over the peaks of the mountains was the bright golden rays of the sun, shining down upon the region with a beautiful grace matching that of the time of the season. Spring had certainly arrived within the country. The weather had begun to cheer up, what little flora which dotted the landscape was awakening into their vivid colors of pastel pinks and greens; hues of yellows, blues, reds, and lavenders could also be seen blossoming into their full lives as well. With this coming of glorious days, also had brought out the civilians and shinobi, many of whom were out and about on days just like this one. This fact alone brings Hiroki to his mission.

The Raikage had been receiving words from a numerous amount of concerned citizens and ninjas alike that one of the many bears used for training sessions had somehow managed to escape from it’s area. This in turn, caused for the situation to be taken care of in a nonlethal and ethical manner. Something that Hiroki was rather akin to anyways, as most of the techniques in which he knew revolved around the immobilization of the enemy, rather than tearing through them. Another detail which was noted at the time of receiving this call was that the Shimadan heir wouldn’t be alone in undertaking it. They would be joined by another person looking to help out.

With all of this in mind, his eyes were immediately set on getting things started, so the black and white haired dude had begun the process of sauntering on over towards the training grounds in which the bear had made an appearance at. Sporting a matching set of clothes; a pair of pink and green tie dyed shorts, and shirt that was also in the same pattern of swirling colors, the only other things in which Roki had brought were his simple ninja tools. They weren’t necessarily for use on the bear, but moreso in case the worst case scenario of someone else attacking them were to happen. Once could never be overly ready for those types of situations. It was much preferred in his mind to be overly precautious. Although he didn’t feel the need to bring any armor or his katana.

Upon arrival at the designated spot, he was greeted with a familiar face; he Kamigawa kunoichi, Meika. The raven haired girl had a piece of it tied together in a braid, but besides that it would seem as if she had just gotten out of bed. Grinning, Hiroki would call out to her ”Hey stranger. It looks like we’ll get to do a mission together after all.” He would remark, the comment directed at the exchange of words the two made in their last meeting together. After saying this, he’d continue on, voice filled with a joyous tone matching that of how the day was going so far ”How have you been by the way? It’s been a minute since we’ve last since each other.”

WC: 691
Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Stat Page : Moon Demon
Mission Record : Mission Parchment
Familiar : Naraku
Genjutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : S/T
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 49150

Relocation {Mission|Duo} Empty Re: Relocation {Mission|Duo}

Sun May 01, 2022 6:39 pm
Meika joined the target location to find none other than Hiroki himself. It had been a while, since the time the two of the shinobi blessed each other's company. The day they first met at Kumogakure's training facility and entertained themselves with a simple sparring match. During that spar, Meika was well aware that Hiroki had much more experience than her own self. She wondered where each of them stood now, since the long passing of time.

Meika's silver eyes, still as ghostly as ever, looked the man over as he encouraged conversation. His brightly colored attire matched with the changed season. The warmer weather brought back many different colors. From flowers to brilliant butterflies. It wasn't often that the kunoichi realized how shadowing her choice of clothing could seem. It was only when she wore dresses and gowns that the lass would seek more vibrancy. Which didn't happen that often.

"Hmm indeed. This mission shouldn't be a problem at all with the two of us handling it." The Kamigawa would offer him a cheesy grin. His tone was much different from the time she first met him up in the training facility. It was lace with more positivity, perhaps even a little more courage. Meika always found herself trying to read into the changes of others, wondering if it was still some act or if it was genuine and real. "I would be lying if I said that everything was wonderous, but things aren't too terrible." It was hard to look past her fight, and the way that intruder danced through the ashes of his victims. Little to no regard for the things he's done.

She was always surrounded by death, no matter where she ran.

"I have a feeling that good things will happen soon though, and I am looking forward to it." Her grin remained as she looked out onto the direction of the training grounds. "What of you?"
[WC: 322 | TWC: 689}
Yurei Shinkou
Yurei Shinkou
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : Portfolio of a Phantom
Mission Record : -
Living Clones : Mementos of Dawn - Hiro Shimada

Mementos of Dusk - Ki Shimada
Familiar : -
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Puppetry Remove Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Relocation {Mission|Duo} Empty Re: Relocation {Mission|Duo}

Sun May 01, 2022 7:53 pm
Ah yes, one of the thing’s in particular which Hiroki was drawn towards, was the silvery eyes of the mysterious Kumo nin. The two orbs only added to the more ominous air about her. While she was dressed in a much more gothic-esque style, it was one of the things in which he liked about the girl. The fact that she too, seemed as if she’s seen multiple horrors of the world. It gave a sense of relatability almost, so to speak. The two of them perhaps shared, if not the same, then similar experiences strewn about their life. However, for Hiroki at least, these moments were in the past now. With that last battle, a lot of growth had occurred internally. The death of his family wasn’t so much of a bother now. It obviously still did linger a bit, but not as much as it once did.

As she was speaking, his smile grew a little bit more, especially when Meika gave perhaps the cheesiest grin the prankster has ever seen. Mix that with them being on the same exact wave length when it came to their process of thinking, and he could say that his delight extremely increased. It was good to do a mission with a friend for once. After she finished what she was saying, Roki would chime back in, responding with ”Indeed, it won’t be a problem at all. And I’ve been doing better to say the least. But I now have red in my ledger, so there’s always that.” These words were offered with a shrug at the end, implying the fact that someone had kicked the bullet because of him. Yet still, there wasn’t really a worry upon saying this; he knew that it was a moment were it was either himself or the other guy. A moment after this pause, the smiley teen would speak once more ”And I also, have the same feelings as you. I do think there might be a possible rank up to Chunin for me so long as I played my cards right in my last fight.”

Before the two could continue with anymore pleasantries though, a sound ripped through the clear sky. A snarl, followed by a scream. Blue eyes peering towards the kunoichi, he would quickly say ”Well, I guess we have to get this started now.” After which, he would then proceed to head in the direction of these noises. Once there, the pair would be immediately met by a grizzly sight, pun intended. A woman was seen, cowering helplessly upon a balcony. Her hands tightly wrapped around the guards, hanging on for dear life. Right underneath her, was the bear. It probably stood at least 8 feet tall if it stood upright, but the animal was busy digging through the trash pile. Thankfully, it only seemed to have given the woman a terrible fright for at this distance no injuries were seen on her. Turning to his friend, he'd say to her ”If you can keep the bear from running, I’ll be able to get a hold of it. But for now, I’ll help the woman out.”

A nod was offered to Meika before Hiroki would leap over, and onto the one wall. He would then run up it using the surface walking technique, making his way over to the ledge onto which the lady was dangling from as fast as he could. Reaching there, he would then hop over the rail, planting his feet upon the flat surface. ”Take my hand!” He’d call out to the unnamed citizen, extending down towards her his right hand. The speech was rapid, but still done with confidence to reassure her that everything would be alright. Grabbing on, she would then be pulled up to the landing, and away from the bear. Giving the opportunity now to Meika, to somehow get the bear locked down.

WC: 652
TWC: 1343
Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Stat Page : Moon Demon
Mission Record : Mission Parchment
Familiar : Naraku
Genjutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : S/T
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 49150

Relocation {Mission|Duo} Empty Re: Relocation {Mission|Duo}

Sun May 08, 2022 2:15 pm
What was kinda unique, was that both the shinobi currently possessed peppered hair. The man before her has a mixture of black and white within his strands. Meika's hair was black with the strand of white hair that was braided together. Although like usual, the Kamigawa's black hair wasn't naturally her true hair color. It was actually the white that shown through the braid, that was her actual shade. It seemed as if the woman was allowing a piece of her past to finally shine through, doing her best to not run from it any longer.

The two pair seemed to have had their own battles within them, that they both were slowly overcoming. Hiroki spoke, confident of their abilities to execute the mission as accordingly without much of a problem, but he also mentioned of something that might have been disturbing to him. The admitment of ending a life. "As a shinobi, there will be a time that we all, each and every one of us, will have to write our names with red." Meika spoke calmly, and hoped to have sounded a little reassuring. Even though she was able to being her target back alive, Meika felt that he deserved to meet the same fate of all the villagers that the man turned to ash. Even though, yes, it was much easier that she didn't have to be the one doing that deed.

There was no guarantee that in the future that the woman will always be given that choice.

"I congratulate you, Hiroki, it is reassuring to know that my comrades are getting stronger."

Their reunion was cut short as the sounds of their target interrupted their conversation, along with a terrified scream. Startled birds took flight to the sky, evacuating the scene in which the two shinobi witnessed the frightened woman upon her balcony, and a large grizzily. Their job was to safely relocate the bear back to the woods, away from the civilization. Doing it safely would be the fun part.

Meika was aware that Grizzlies are known for their sudden, aggressive nature. They was very unpredictable, and can be quite territorial. So the chances of the bear being unprovoked during the operation was sorta unlikely. Even when it was nose deep in a thing of garbage.

Hiroki introduced a plan to the Kamigawa, then offered a nor towards her general direction before he proceeded to help the frightened woman. Meika one the other hand, was to find a way to keep the bear from approaching them or running away. She had an awful feeling about this. Not anyone was expdcted to be eager with the idea of getting within the perimeter of that grizzly.

"Well. . here goes nothing. ." Meika's eyes trained on the currently occupied bear. It's body was massive, easily level with the height of her shoulder. She continued by approaching the bear from the side flank, careful not to cause any way of provoking or alerting the animal. But sneaking up on a bear was a very dangerous task. As she neared the five meter range of the animal, the bear's head would pop out from the trash can. A banana peel draped acrossed its massive head, as the quiver of it's snout allowed Meika to know that she was already found out.

Her hands wove a few hand seals quickly as her teeth bit down onto the bottom of her lip. It was becoming a habit of her's. The bear jerked its fuzzy head to the direction of where she was standing, luckily it was still obviously of the woman on the balcony. Or perhaps just too distracted by the kunoichi that was intruding its space. A grunt sounded from the bear's mouth as it started into her direction, but not being able to make much distance before her jutsu finally took effect.

"Alright, some of the hard part is over. Now I'm curious as to how you plan on moving this thing."

{WC: 662 | TWC: 1,351}
Notes: Temporary Paralysis Acivation; 20 AP

Yurei Shinkou
Yurei Shinkou
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : Portfolio of a Phantom
Mission Record : -
Living Clones : Mementos of Dawn - Hiro Shimada

Mementos of Dusk - Ki Shimada
Familiar : -
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Puppetry Remove Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Relocation {Mission|Duo} Empty Re: Relocation {Mission|Duo}

Sun May 08, 2022 6:26 pm
Now that the distressing damsel, or damsel in distress rather, had been safely pulled up and tucked herself away into the confines of the balcony, all that there was to do now was wait for Meika to complete her part. Keeping a close watch to make sure that the bear didn’t attempt to lunge at the kunoichi, Hiroki would sit there perched atop the landing, waiting ever so patiently. He would notice that the grizzly would look up from it’s current feast, being made aware of the fact that others were nearby and trying to interrupt it from hungrily munching through the thrown out scraps. Widened eyes, Roki was just about to make an attempt to intervene as he saw that the bear would make a rather feeble attempt to go for the raven haired girl who was still on the ground. Just as he was about to though, she had begun to weave some signs which the shinobi was immediately able to recognize since he had said technique within his repertoire as well. Before the bear could then get closer to the Kamigawa, it would halt within it’s tracks, signifying that the paralysis technique had worked.

Calling down the lady in a response to what she had stated, Hiroki would smirk before mentioning ”It’s rather simple in all honesty.” Still remaining up upon the higher ground, one hand would reach back into the ninja pack which was strapped along his waist; whilst simultaneously his other would go through a series of signs. Once these contortions of the left hand had been completed, the right hand would quickly snap out, a 4 meter roll of wire flicking away but the hand still had a grasp of one end. Then swiftly, yet with a limited amount of power to not deal any damage to the bear, it would proceed to furl forth and wrap it’s way along the giant’s body; essentially creating a leash for the animal. ”That should do the trick. Help me move this thing, will ya?” The 18 year old would ask of his friend while leaping from his perch, landing gracefully upon the floor beneath him.

The bear still had some qualms of the situation, and it would snarl a retort as the man landed 2 meters away from it. However, no fear reverberated because of this. He was confident within Meika’s ability that she stabilized the beast from making any sudden movements. ”We just wanna get ya home, big guy.” Both hands would then raise to show that no harm was meant in an attempt to further calm down the furry fellow. After saying this, his attention would be directed back towards his mission partner, speaking to her ”I’ll lead the bear back, just stay close by and ready in the off chance it would try to make a break for it.” Another smile was offered to her as he would begin to slowly walk in the direction of it’s habitat. Hiroki wouldn’t bother to turn back to check on the bear knowing that Meika would be following close behind keeping an eye on it. And upon a bit of a walk, assuming nothing too major would occur, they would eventually find themselves at where they were directed to take the bear too.

Arriving there, Roki would release the technique, the wire retracting slowly from the body of the giant softie. Making sure that it would actually go back towards the area, he would then remark ”Well this was quite the adventure. From what it seems, I wasn’t the only one who’s been training hard. Keep up the good work, my friend. And as always, it was an absolute pleasure seeing you. Peace!” The genin would copy the word’s that left his lips with a peace sign, and then be on his way.

WC: 598
TWC: 1981


4000 Ryo
20 AP
Thread Exit

Putting all 1981 towards Medical specialty (1981/3000 using 25% max stat discount, will be completed with the same or equivalent discount)
Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Stat Page : Moon Demon
Mission Record : Mission Parchment
Familiar : Naraku
Genjutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : S/T
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 49150

Relocation {Mission|Duo} Empty Re: Relocation {Mission|Duo}

Sun May 08, 2022 6:43 pm
- Exiting thread with mission completion -
{Mission Claims} 4,000 ryo + 500 genin ryo + 20 AP
{WC Claims} 13 stats for Familiar; 6 Chakra | 7 Vigor
Hozuki transplant adjustment (2,000/2,000) 1,068 from here
Seigan Stage 1 (419/2,000)
Yagi Raitenno
Yagi Raitenno
Stat Page : Yagi
Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 12500

Relocation {Mission|Duo} Empty Re: Relocation {Mission|Duo}

Mon May 09, 2022 11:21 am
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