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Akagi Yoshiro
Akagi Yoshiro
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Clan Focus : N/A
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 16000

Patrol Training [private] Empty Patrol Training [private]

Fri Apr 15, 2022 12:38 am

Akagi was preparing once again to face another mission, but luckily for him this time it was simply a training mission with no actual possibility of danger coming upon his own person. It sounded like a simple task to him. A short time answering questions followed by the actual task of light outside work to show that he could act while actually on a mission. It wasn't a long time before he had already left his home and made his way down the busy streets of Konoha to the testing center, a large building with a standard sliding door to enter, which now lay before him. Akagi himself hadn't chosen this mission, but it seemed like a standard for many genin to learn and train for the reality of being a shinobi and guarding while patrolling their village to protect from any threats, warranted or not. He entered the room which proved to be similar to an academy student room, it wouldn't have surprised Akagi if it was one that they just hadn't been able to fill in recent years. A tall shinobi stood at the front of the room and awaited for the about five genin to enter into the facility and find their seats. 

Akagi Yoshiro
Akagi Yoshiro
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Clan Focus : N/A
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 16000

Patrol Training [private] Empty Re: Patrol Training [private]

Fri Apr 15, 2022 11:59 pm
In a short time, all the genin had found where they were going to sit, staying a mandatory three seats apart to prevent any exchanging of answers between each of them. The proctor of the training began shortly, "Today you will all be evaluated through this short paper quiz and then trained in the art of patrolling." He spoke in a soft yet loud voice which was easily heard by each of the ninja which occupied the room. The trainer moved towards a pile of papers which sat upon the table that had been directly in front of him. As he passed them around the room he continued to speak to the group of genin, "This is a short free response questionnaire which is made to anonymously gauge the abilities of ninja before and after the training. Your answers will not reflect upon you in any way." Additionally, he handed out pencils to each of the ninja as he passed in case they had forgot their own. 

The trainer gave one final note before sitting back at his desk, "Begin whenever your ready. Once you are done, bring them back to me.

Akagi looked down upon the paper and started answering the questions.

Akagi Yoshiro
Akagi Yoshiro
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Clan Focus : N/A
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 16000

Patrol Training [private] Empty Re: Patrol Training [private]

Wed Apr 20, 2022 5:23 pm
1. Least each of the three patrol types and explain what each of the three patrol types are.
Akagi did not have the slightest idea what any of the three patrol types were. He had never read anything about them in his studies; although, they did mostly focus on studying jutsu and combat instead of studying patrols.

2. How long is the wall around Konoha?
Finally, a question which Akagi was able to answer. He had for a short time studied the layout of the village, a thing which he believed to be regularly taught in academy classes to become a ninja. He quickly scribbled down the number onto the page in hopes that he had remembered the correct quantity

3. How many gates allow entry into and exit from the village through the wall?
After a short time of thinking, he wrote down that there were two gates which made holes in the wall for all who wanted to enter or exit. 

To his surprise that was all of the questions which were listed upon the paper, so he walked back up to the man at the desk and handed him the paper. After this, he waited at his seat for the remaining students to finish their questions and return them to the front desk.

Akagi Yoshiro
Akagi Yoshiro
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Clan Focus : N/A
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 16000

Patrol Training [private] Empty Re: Patrol Training [private]

Thu Apr 21, 2022 10:04 pm
Akagi waited for a short time while sitting in the chair at his desk while the rest of the recruits finished their writing and thinking until they finally had turned in their papers. The man sitting at the front of the room was half asleep by now, but he quickly roused himself and rose from his seat while pushing out his chair from the desk with his legs. He began to speak to the new recruits for the patrol job, "now that we have finally finished the boring part, I can actually teach you why you are here." He made his way out of the room while he expected the rest of them to follow him. Akagi slowly rose from his seat and followed the man out of the room with the rest of the recruits and into the small yard which lay just outside of the same building itself. Akagi watched the man as he pulled one of the small sheets of paper out from inside his jacket, which seemed to be made out of blackened leather as well as a zipper in order to seal the front. He began to explain to the students, "First I am going to explain the correct answers to the three questions, then we will take a short trip around the village and be done." He examined the paper in front of him as he began to formulate his thoughts.

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