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Otoko Senju
Otoko Senju
Stat Page : The Cowboy
Mission Record : Missions
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 3870

Patrol Training Empty Patrol Training

Fri Mar 31, 2023 11:54 pm
Patrol Training Mission

Otoko arrived at the patrol training session in Hoshi with a mix of excitement and nervousness. The nervousness had built up to what felt like a boiling point, as a member of the Senju clan, he was eager to prove himself and show his skills as a shinobi. He was also eager to prove to himself that he had what it takes to join the Nova Corps and he felt this was the first step towards that dream. The training session was being held in a large open field on the outskirts of the village with dozens of shinobi representing various clans already there, warming up and practicing their skills. As a potential new member of the village's patrol force, he was eager to learn the skills and techniques necessary to protect his home and fellow villagers.

The training session was led by a seasoned patrol officer who introduced himself as Kenji. Kenji began by emphasizing the importance of diligence and focus while on patrol, stressing that a moment of distraction could be the difference between life and death. He then led the group through a series of drills designed to sharpen their senses and reaction times. Otoko found the exercises challenging but invigorating, feeling himself becoming more alert and aware with each repetition. Next, Kenji demonstrated several techniques for restraining and subduing potential threats, emphasizing the importance of using minimal force whenever possible. Otoko watched intently, taking mental notes and asking questions whenever he had the opportunity. When Kenji was done he dispersed the group to interact with each other and practice different techniques.

Otoko took a deep breath and walked towards a group of shinobi who were practicing their shuriken throwing. "Excuse me, can I join you?" he asked, bowing respectfully. "Sure thing, kid," one of the shinobi replied, tossing him a shuriken. "Let's see what you've got." Otoko took the shuriken and stepped back a few paces. He focused his chakra and threw the shuriken with precision, hitting the target dead center. "Not bad," another shinobi commented. "Let's see if you can hit a moving target." The group set up a target on a rotating platform and started it spinning. Otoko took a deep breath and threw his shuriken. It missed the target by a hair. "Good effort," the first shinobi said. "You'll get it next time." Otoko nodded and stepped back to watch the other shinobi practice. As he watched, he noticed a group of shinobi practicing their taijutsu. He walked over to them and asked if he could join in. "Sure thing, kid," one of the shinobi said, grinning. "Let's see what you've got."

The shinobi started attacking Otoko, but he was able to dodge and counter with ease. His training that he had recently put himself through had taught him how to use his body as a weapon, and he was able to quickly take down his opponents. "Nice moves," one of the shinobi said, nodding approvingly. "You're a natural." Otoko grinned, feeling proud of himself. He had always known he was destined to be a shinobi, and he was glad to be proving himself in the training session. The rest of the training session flew by in a blur of activity. Otoko practiced his shuriken throwing, taijutsu, and even tried his hand at ninjutsu. As the training session came to a close, Kenji reminded the group that their job as patrol officers was not just to react to threats, but to be proactive in identifying potential dangers and preventing them from escalating. Otoko walked back to his quarters and knew he had made the right choice in becoming a shinobi. He was excited to see what adventures awaited him in Hoshigakure and beyond.

WC - 620

Stat Page : Gorilla Zo
Mission Record : Zokuro's Journal
Summoning Contract : Sarutobi Weapon Monkeys
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 15300

Patrol Training Empty Re: Patrol Training

Sat Apr 01, 2023 12:33 pm
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