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Stat Page : Uzumaki Botso
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 3200

Patrol Training Empty Patrol Training

Sat Aug 12, 2023 2:09 pm

Finally, the bad weather had left the skies above Konoha, and that morning, the sun had returned to shine, illuminating the streets and buildings of the village with its rays. Botso was walking towards the academy. "The teacher said that today we will do a practical exercise that will be useful when we become Genin... I'm really curious to find out what it is.Lately, the lessons have been very theoretical" the thought of doing something new stimulated the young Uzumaki, and his mind jumped from one idea to another like a monkey moving between branches. "It could be an obstacle course... or maybe we could practice live on the engagement tactics we studied last week... or perhaps the defense tactics from the week before."
When Botso arrived near the academy, he noticed that the teacher and some classmates had already arrived and were waiting in the courtyard. He joined them, thinking, "I wonder if the teacher has already explained something." Out loud, he said, "Good morning, teacher…good morning, everyone... has the lesson already started?"
"Good morning, Botso, no. When you are all here, I will explain today's lesson, and we will begin," the teacher replied.
A few minutes later, the whole class was gathered in the academy's courtyard, all eyes on the teacher in front of them. "Alright, I'll try to be brief! Today's lesson will be on patrolling. We'll start with a quick introduction on how it is organized, how it's carried out, and what the purposes of a patrol are. After that, each one of you will be assigned an area of the academy to monitor. When the lessons are over, you will come back here, to me, and give a report... is that all clear?" The students responded affirmatively in unison.
Botso listened attentively to the teacher's introduction, and at the end of the explanation, he headed towards the area he had been assigned: the ground floor of the academy. "I have been assigned the ground floor, where there are classes with the younger students. The teacher explained that the purpose of a patrol is to check an area proactively, to be prepared in case any problems arise, but it seems that for now, the situation is calm." The corridor was deserted, and by sharpening his hearing, he could hear the voices of the  other teachers coming from behind the doors. Botso walked from one end of the corridor to the other, sharpening his sight and opening his ears. "The purpose of a shinobi on patrol is also to strengthen the trust of the citizens, to make them feel safe when walking through the streets of the village, providing assistance when needed." He reached the end of the corridor where the bathrooms were located, and suddenly his attention was drawn to the sound of sobbing. "Someone is crying? Perhaps it's best to go and check what's happening," he thought, entering the bathrooms.
"Hey! What's going on here, is everything okay?" The young Uzumaki could clearly hear the crying of a child coming from behind the door of a stall. "What's happening, why are you crying? I'm here to help," Botso said. The child on the other side of the door, still crying, explained to Botso that he didn't want to go back to class because there was no toilet paper, and his classmates would make fun of him. Botso reassured the child, "Don't worry, you can stop crying. I'll pass you a roll of toilet paper so you can clean up."
"Hehehe, it seems a citizen of the Hidden Village of the Leaf needs assistance," he thought, mentally chuckling. The student who was patrolling the ground floor of the academy passed a roll of toilet paper to the young student, who could return to class, relieved that he wouldn't be the target of his classmates' jokes.
Botso spent the rest of the afternoon walking between the bathrooms and the entrances of the classrooms, waiting for the lessons to finish. If there were any other problems, he was on patrol, ready to intervene, but there was no need. So, once the lessons were over, he went to his teacher to give a report and conclude that day of practical exercise.

WC 703

1000 ryo
5 AP
7 Stat points in Vigor
250/250 WC to Fuinjutsu Lock at E-Rank
350/350 WC to Basical Medical Jutsu at E-Rank
178/250 WC to One Thousand Years of Death, previously 75/250
Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

Patrol Training Empty Re: Patrol Training

Sat Aug 12, 2023 8:43 pm
Botso wrote:WC 703

1000 ryo
5 AP
7 Stat points in Vigor
250/250 WC to Fuinjutsu Lock at E-Rank
350/350 WC to Basical Medical Jutsu at E-Rank
178/250 WC to One Thousand Years of Death, previously 75/250


Note: 103 Leftover WC from claims being added to previous 75 total. Added to create new total of 178.
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