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Yama Akimichi
Yama Akimichi
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Lion [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: Lion [IO]

Mon Apr 11, 2022 8:44 pm
Leafs Lion V.1

The akimichi had other plans to do so as he was mostly interested in finding ways to find his path. He focused hard on the days when he needed to train to find the akimichi solutions to certain things. He was far ahead in the game as he planned to get a couple of missions done. He was hungry to complete a couple of missions as he was eager to get the job done. He needed the raw power to advance to the next level. As an Akimichi he pushed himself to the next level. He realised nothing was going to stop him from achieving his goals.

What would be the next best step for the akimichi if he needed to fulfil his destiny. It was about perseverance and hunger. Finding his ways to make money and achieve his ultimate goal of being the best shinobi. He was far greater than the rest of them. He was working towards being a better shinobi. In fact, he made sure he worked hard to achieve what he needed. His full potential to be the best, he was yama akimichi of the leaf, promising leafs lion.

WC: 201 - Day 11
Yama Akimichi
Yama Akimichi
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Lion [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: Lion [IO]

Tue Apr 12, 2022 9:08 pm
Lions Leaf V.1

The akamichi felt tired as he woke up numb relising that it was another day. He needed to up his game and make the best out of it. As the akamichi knew his worth, there was a lot to take into consideration. He knew his worth and ate a when bunch of calories. He was ahead of the game and had himself in top of the food chain. He woke up and shook his head. It means he was going to be the one to pull through. As an akamichi it was rise and shine.

Being the twelve day it was tough, but I
Worth it. He made sure whatever the problem was he'd be the one to do it. The writing was his passion and his hunger to succeed. The numbers didn't lie and himself is a different breed. He was tired and mostly a hard worker. He needed rivals to make the best out of him. Nevertheless, had other options even if it costed his life. One seven four and four ways of eating the food as he pleased. As a hard worker he planned to push through it with ease. He was yama akimichi

Wc: - 203 Day 12
Yama Akimichi
Yama Akimichi
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Lion [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: Lion [IO]

Wed Apr 13, 2022 9:39 pm
Lions Leaf V.1

The Akimichi woke up as if it was no other day, he had plans and solutions to do. It was the most difficult task to endure.  But he would make sure he'd be on top forms, like nobody else he had other plans to do so. As an Akimichi things were going through his mind. What made him think that realised he had a lot of potentials to do certain things. He would be in front of the food chain, making sure he'd be the one to complete certain things. The fat boy had other plans and solutions and this would be the first time he'd get the job done.

Or would it be the first time he would do so? He had to focus on making money since that was his main goal. It meant he had perfect reasons to fulfil the needs. As a certain person, there were needs and dreams to do so. Especially how he was around himself those who were gonna push him. One and seventh fifth meant only he could do what he pleased. Time would be going quicker than he expected, life was moving quicker than he thought.

Wc: - 202 Day 13
Yama Akimichi
Yama Akimichi
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Lion [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: Lion [IO]

Thu Apr 14, 2022 8:16 pm
Lions Leaf V.1

The Akimichi aroused as if it lived no additional day, he gave birth to agendas and explanations to do. It existed the vastly impossible assignment to withstand.  However he would give rise to sure he'd be on prime forms, like zero else he had additional agendas to do so. As an Akimichi junk was taking off through his sense. What earned him a guess was that realised he gave birth to a lot of capacities to do particular aspects. He would have stood in a cloak of the diet necklace, giving rise to the confidence he'd be the one to complete certain stuff. The thick lad had different blueprints and explanations and this would exist the initial moment he'd learn the employment accomplished.

However, does it prevail the outstanding moment he would do so? He retained to concentrate on giving rise to the capital since that prevailed as his fundamental goal. It signified he had exact explanations to fulfil the needs. As a distinct individuals, there breathed needs and dreams to do so. Very how he breathed around his those who are prevailed gonna impetus his. Clam and assists ty-fifths meant merely he could perform what he gratified. The moment would be taking off quicker than he anticipated, being was running shorter than he understood.

WC: - 222 Day 14

E- Rank Mission 323/500

Last edited by Yama Akimichi on Mon Apr 25, 2022 9:45 pm; edited 2 times in total
Yama Akimichi
Yama Akimichi
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Lion [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: Lion [IO]

Sun Apr 17, 2022 11:46 pm
Leafs Lion V.1

The Akimichi entered the world as he thought there were ways to make his bread. It simply meant no matter the cost he'd do whatever it takes to get it. The time would be on his side but there was nothing that could stop his potential. The true and truth about him is he didn't give a whole damn what it was. You give him time and watch him succeed with ease. Eventually, there were questions about what he preferred. We'll there was a lot on his mind. It simply meant whoever was the furthest then he'd do what pleases.

Tho, if he needed to get what he needed, he needed to put in the work. It was self-explanatory because that's how it was. If the Akimichi just simply ate all day and not simply work. That would be bad for his health as he quite clearly understood the assignment. It wasn't going to be tough as he knew the outcome. He had his head focused and money coming in as he was the boss. Nothing was gonna stop the individual from processing his meals from time to time. Even tho he was a different breed, he was a greater one in need.

WC: 203 - Day 17
E-Rank Mission - 500/500

TWC: 3061



Tsuri-goshi [500/500]
Throat Chop [500/500]
Leaf Whirlwind [500/500]
Feint [500/500]
Stone Pistol Jutsu [500/500]
Temporary Paralysis [500/500]

61 words no needed

Reward: 1,000 Ryō / 5 AP  [E-Rank]
Reward: 4,000 Ryō / 20 AP [ C - Rank]

Reward: 1,000 Ryō / 5 AP [ E - Rank]
Hayato Yuki
Hayato Yuki
Stat Page : Frigid Blade
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 21270

Lion [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: Lion [IO]

Sat Apr 23, 2022 2:53 am
Hi there! Unfortunately the mission A dollar short is a mission ninja only mission as listed in the requirement section of the mission so I cannot allow you to claim those rewards please make this adjustment and I can approve this thread!
Yama Akimichi
Yama Akimichi
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Lion [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: Lion [IO]

Mon Apr 25, 2022 9:45 pm
Ok edited.
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