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Yama Akimichi
Yama Akimichi
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Lion [IO] Empty Lion [IO]

Fri Apr 01, 2022 5:14 pm
Leaf's Lion - V.1


The day after tomorrow seemed to thrive as the young one looked up the ceiling towards him. Nevertheless, he woke up disgruntled as something was maiming the young leaf's lion. But no way was that going to hinder the individual's performance from reaching his true capability. He took a quick glance around his surroundings, pure white and merely filled with the artwork of the Akimichi clan. Yama eyed the fine piece of artwork, honoured to be part of his lineage. He adored his father, a man he would look up to for advice.

The Akimichi figured consuming was his natural diet. As three-thirty lbs, he was a huge individual. Yama realised he needed to add a couple of weights but thanks to his clan that can be reduced. The lion of the leaf exercised throughout the day or whenever he could. Tho, within weeks he would regain extra pounds. He made sure that if it were to happen again, he'd take his time with it. It was a natural habitat for him to do so. As the mind of the Akimichi raced, he thought of something that could help him with his future endeavours. A pill to chill.

WC: 201 - Day 1

Last edited by Yama Akimichi on Mon Apr 11, 2022 11:26 pm; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : Added Mission)
Yama Akimichi
Yama Akimichi
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Village : Kumogakure
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Lion [IO] Empty Re: Lion [IO]

Sat Apr 02, 2022 12:35 pm
Leafs Lion - V.1

The akimichi had no other intentions besides laying on his bed, woolgathering his thoughts in a different world of his. It seemed every thought of his we're just a dream that he could enter and exit when he wanted. As a large individual, he consumed tons of food daily. The akamichi pondered to his thoughts now thinking about his possible next move. He had other plans to do with himself, but he stayed focused. As if the big boy had other things he was undeniable a bigger man than any shinobi around him, no doubt that.

As a six feet nine who weighed about three-thirty lbs, red curly wools were placed on his cheek representing him to be part of the akamichi clan. Yama was like no other shinobi, he'd find ways to complete things even if the cost of his life. The akamichi was keen on meeting new individuals in his village. It wouldn't hurt to meet new friends and so. Hopefully, they weren't too shy or so. But it was understandable as he shook his head. Yama wondered about his thoughts again, wondering what would be taken the next time he made a choice.  

WC: 200 - Day 2
Yama Akimichi
Yama Akimichi
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Lion [IO] Empty Re: Lion [IO]

Sun Apr 03, 2022 8:47 pm
Leafs Lion - V.1

The Akamichi wasted no time to realise what he needed was to be worked on. As the village's lion, he was quite the large individual meaning he had other things to do besides eating. As a six feet nine, he was like no other. But as a shinobi, he treated others well only if they were to do the same. Yama was keen to make friends, something he always wanted. Of course, it wouldn't hurt especially doing some missions with them. Yama needed to grow as a shinobi, and expand his growth to the next level. You can say 

Yama knew the next important task would be doing missions. As a shinobi, it was about growth and development, something he adored. He planned to be the blossom of the leaf. No matter what the road took, he'd be the first man to do so. He wouldn't tolerate being a weakling but he did what he had to do. A young lion whose vision is to improve over time and not allow his feelings to get into play. It made clear to him there will be people who will try to mimic his weight, but Yama was far better than that.

WC: 200 - Day 3

E Rank Mission: 500/500
D -Rank Mission 100/1000

Last edited by Yama Akimichi on Fri Apr 15, 2022 1:11 am; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Adding missions)
Yama Akimichi
Yama Akimichi
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Village : Kumogakure
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Lion [IO] Empty Re: Lion [IO]

Mon Apr 04, 2022 8:35 pm
Leafs Lion V.1

The day was incredible and furthermore kids circling made the shinobi consider to begin on this mission. It sort of looked simple however that didn't make a difference he needed to begin at any rate. The sun was sparkling over the substance of Yama for him it was very typical and cool. As time proceeds onward he chose to begin his main goal, hauling out the letter which he got it from his kage.A lady would be heard shouting uproarious and it could be heard. "Offer assistance! These folks are perving on us." Reading it and understanding Yama needed to hit the nail on the head before he could begin on it. 

Along these lines, he began on it immediately going to the goal. After heading they're two or three young men would be gazing at these young ladies however Yama didn't observe. He held up and sat down and began to eat his most loved fresh parcel. Yama was like no other shinobi, built different and had ways. He would find ways to get the job done. It was time for him to enter into a different realm, somewhere nobody can enter besides him. It was a tough choice.

WC: 200 - Day 4
Yama Akimichi
Yama Akimichi
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Lion [IO] Empty Re: Lion [IO]

Tue Apr 05, 2022 6:21 pm
Leafs Lion V.1

Yama who stood about six feet nine and weighed roughly about three-thirty lbs stood at one location wondering what his next would be. The giant whose whole body is covered with a ronin clothing from top to bottom. He had a huge smile across his face as he knew he had a lot of things to do. The time was seen racing by as the eighteen-year-old was stubborn to know what he would be looking for. As a young man who desired to do things and make sure he did his best, he could do. He was grateful.

It was just another day in the makings as the lion of akimichi preferred to go out and make a handful of friends. He needed to explore the world and pick up a new hobby. He was dedicated to his craft and focused on doing what he loved. He wouldn't allow others to intervene in his problems. Yama realised with all the weight he had, he could transform it into something different. The akamichi needed to work on certain things and one of them would be his weights. It was understandable but he would get the job done soon enough.

WC: 201 - Day 5
Yama Akimichi
Yama Akimichi
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Ryo : 500

Lion [IO] Empty Re: Lion [IO]

Wed Apr 06, 2022 5:50 pm
Lions Leaf V.1

The beating was hard. Everything was going not as he expected. Why couldn't he fight back He didn't know considerably counter to these genins. Was he slight or was he didn't hope to hurt others. Nevertheless, then everything happened whatever he could see was this individual squashing the ones who were tormenting Yama. Not only that they even fled! Was this individual a strong ninja in light of present circumstances? In the wake of having a couple of examinations, he stood up before he did the young shinobi appeared to be giving him a turn in order to lift him up. He even said his name Fafuenna of the Nara clan his name sounds cool however something was bugging Yama.
 “Yama Akimichi is my name.” He replied.

Furthermore, after that Yama continued in a mollusk tone.“Why may you do such thing? Putting your life for me even yet you are to know me.” Yama was in a different world whilst sleeping as something wasn't right. He wasn't in a state of mind, but he needed to get the job done. A different world meant different solutions. He was on his way for something new and a different path.

WC: 203 - Day 6
Yama Akimichi
Yama Akimichi
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Lion [IO] Empty Re: Lion [IO]

Thu Apr 07, 2022 8:28 pm
Leafs Lion V.1

The akimichi woke up to a new present-day of the world. Not like any other day as this was to be the best to exist. He was a different breed to orders, his mindset different to others. He felt even greater than before it would be as the shinobi had other plans besides thinking of it. He was far more extraordinary than he thought he was. The shinobi was bigger than what he was. He was more compelling than what was around him. Yama was more focused than everything in front of him.

Yama being the Akimichi who weighed more than he expected. The youth was more plausible four hundred pounds, he needed to hit the gym. The time was running out for the young individual. He wouldn't want to be picked apart for his weight. He was the leaf's lion meaning he was far greater than or equal to anyone who challenged him to a food contest. Yama has levelled ahead of it and needed to find the way. It wasn't hard being the latest schmuck of the village, there was not a lot he could ask for. It only came down to one thing and that would be his weight.

WC: 205 - Day 7
Yama Akimichi
Yama Akimichi
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Lion [IO] Empty Re: Lion [IO]

Fri Apr 08, 2022 6:09 pm
Leafs Lion V.1

The Akamichi skated away with his Jay and Lale and eight then focused on his movements which were far away. As a big lad, he made sure food was his priority. Tho, within weeks he would regain extra muscles. He made sure that if it were to transpire again, he'd take his duration with it. It was a biological environment for him to do so. No consequence of what the street took, he'd be the main man to accomplish so. He wouldn't condone existing as a coward but he did what he had to do. No question what the highway took, he'd be the early man to do so. He wouldn't resist being a pushover but he committed to what he brought into the world to do.

Yama realised with all the baggage he had, he could remake it into something unique. The akamichi was expected to work on particular creatures and one of them would occur his strengths. It was reasonable but he would receive the business performed rapidly adequate. He existed the coating's lion significance he prevailed removed enormous than or amount to to anyone who questioned him to a nutrition tournament. Yama has balanced forward of it and desired to learn the path. 

WC: 210 - Day 8

D- Rank Mission 1000/1000
C rank Mission 100/1000

Last edited by Yama Akimichi on Fri Apr 15, 2022 1:13 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Adding mission)
Yama Akimichi
Yama Akimichi
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Ryo : 500

Lion [IO] Empty Re: Lion [IO]

Sat Apr 09, 2022 10:14 pm
Leafs Lion V.1

He put up with a timely glimpse around his surroundings, real white and barely replenished with the painting of the Akimichi family. Yama glanced at the excellent piece of painting, honoured to be a portion of his heritage. He admired his papa, a man he would buck up to for information. He adored his father, a man he would buck up to for advice. Yama was keen to make colleagues, something he constantly needed. Of course, it wouldn't damage particularly accomplishing some careers with them. Yama desired to accumulate as a shinobi, and improve his development to the second status. He took a sharp glimpse around his surroundings, pure white and restored with the painting of the Akimichi house. Yama eyed the fine piece of artwork, honoured to be part of his lineage. As time begins ahead he wanted to start up his main objective, hauling out the information which he got from his kage. A woman would be listened to screaming vociferous and it could be listened to. The time was breaking out for the inexperienced someone. He wouldn't want to be picked apart for his weight. He was the leaf's lion importance he was far more tremendous than or parallel to anyone who questioned him in a food contest.

WC: 209 - Day 9
Yama Akimichi
Yama Akimichi
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Lion [IO] Empty Re: Lion [IO]

Sun Apr 10, 2022 9:54 pm
Leafs Lion V.1

The akimichi weighed approximately three hundred and fifteen lbs. The man had other options to go but he found his way. The lion of the leaf had other agendas in his mind, but didn't mind the options. Tho he'd made sure what he wanted he would get it done. The akimichi looked up as high as he could, certainly there was ways. He made sure he would respect his peers and not allow his emotions in front of him. He had a dream and a goals. Nothing was going to stop him achieving from it. He was Yama of the akimichi clan.

As a fellow citizen of konohagakure he had to make sure whatever his nation was going through, he'd do it too. He would help them with ease without a doubt supporting them. The akimichi had other plans which were to support his needs. He needed to eat more and keep the bloodline going. It was whatever or however it took, he'd get it done. But that was the best solution after all. Nothing wouldn't best the akimichi as he would mark his way to become the greatest shinobi to ever live in food contest and ways. Yama of the leaf.

WC: 201 - Day 10
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