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Zeo Kamigawa
Zeo Kamigawa
Stat Page : Zeo Kamigawa's Stat & Jutsu List

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Clan Specialty : Space-Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 35400

An Apple A Day; D rank mission Empty An Apple A Day; D rank mission

Wed Mar 09, 2022 11:44 pm
An Apple A Day : D rank mission

Zeo felt miserable. NOt because he felt in any way sick. He was very careful about his health outside the occasional sweet snack. Still, his mentor, Yasha insisted as he was led down the street to the nearby clinic attached to the hospital and academy. "Master... Do I Really have to do this? This feels unnecessary. I'm completely fine. he insisted as he followed the mask shinobi to the clinic.

Naturally, he didn't turn or show any emotion as Yasha had his mask on, but walked on in calm stride. He didn't flinch as he spoke back. "This isn't a simple musing to have you checked out. Despite your trip to the hospital after the Chunin Exams." Yasha explained as he led the way. "The village is interested in the extent of your kekkei genkai. Both the elders and the seniors. The idea of this trip is to better understand the nature of it. " he explained.

Zeo's face twisted with a bit of concerned and a tilt of his head. "So I'm being made into a gunei pig? To be experimented on?" Zeo asked, a bit taken aback by the news.

A laugh escaped Yasha as he continued forward. "No. Of course not. It's just common tests," he said, " You're one of the very few to awaken the power of your bloodline. Who knows. There may not be any others around. The village is naturally curious, so they want to document it. Learn what they can. They of course won't make you do anything you don't want to. That's why I'm here as well. "

Zeo glanced away as they walked. "So... they just want to see what I can do? I mean what kind of tests are they going to do?" he asked.

"Just routine medical tests. Blood, pulse, vision, at most a c hakra analysis to read your chakra's compisiton. Technical things like that." he said kindly, "Trust me. all your bits and limbs will be in tact."

"Gee-- thanks a lot. I feel so much better," Zeo responded sarcastically. he was well aware of ninja science and the things they would do. Some people t tried to experiment with jutsu while others tried to reproduce rare bloodlines by clones or other things Zeo considered 'illegal experimentiation'. The use of such things in Hoshi was almost taboo due to the nation's religious background. Whether or not he these tests wouldn't hurt him, he was still apprehensive what the village would DO with what they learned. Was it out of concern for his well being, or out of curiousity for what powers he had and how they could benefit? Or Worse, they saw him as a danger and felt the need to examine his powers to a better understanding.

it wasn't out of the realm of possibility. Enishi's sage bloodline caused him to go absolutely berserk when he took on too much nature energy. Even Zeo wasn't fully aware of the extent of his powers, even after getting a handle on his eyes.

They soon arrived at the medical building and the two went inside. After reaching a room Yasha opened the door, inviting Zeo in. Zeo gave him a grumpy look and entered. The medical room was exceptionally clean, showing a few medical tools seen in most doctor's offices, but some devices like a computer, some odd sealing gear and other tools along with a clearly obvious one-way mirror to allow observers to see. Zeo had good sense to feel someone was watching in on this. However the surprise was the doctor.

"Good morning. We been expecting you, Mr. Kamigawa." A sweet violet haired woman said. Her demeanor was proper, kind and sweet. She had long violet hair and violet eyes that made her look mythical. her very aura with her words showed a cheerful, benevolent personality. She clearly had upheld any expectation of proper bedside manner that surprised Zeo oppose to some mad doctor. "Thank you for coming in."

Despite the kind reception, Zeo couldn't help but suspect things were as he feared. "I was under the impression I didn't have a choice. " He grumbled.

The woman, gave a kind smile as she held a clipboard. "I understand you been dreading this, but rest assured your well being is one of our top priorities. It's just a couple of simple medical tests and a chakra reading. Nothing more. " she said.

Zeo paused at that as he listened and could see the kindness in the woman's face and hear it in her words. The fact that Yasha was there, he trusted so his concern came down. "Is someone observing us?" Zeo bothered to ask, glancing at the mirror.

"A representative of the Hokage. But I assure you your safety is promised here. But you can understand, your abilities are quite rare and powerful, thus it requires proper analysis to understand the hurdles you may face. For all we know, they can put a strong burdon on your body. So we want to document it thourally." the woman docotor said.

After a moment, Zeo took a deep breath. "Alright. Fine... let's just get this over with." he agreed.

"Please, have a seat here." the woman doctor asked.

As Zeo sat at the exam bench, the doctor did her exam while Yasha watched in silent guard and observation. The exam was simple. She tested his reflexes, felt his muscle mass, commented his need to eat more, and checked his faculties. She even took a sample of his blood for testing. Zeo tried to ignore the feeling of being watched, but the doctor was very professional.

What happened later would explain the next event of things for Zeo as he sat there, his shirt discarded as she ran the tests on a list and nearby computer. IN the end, while Zeo got a bit more control of his kekkei genkai, learning how it worked and what it entailed-- he still knew so little. Perhaps this very exam would give him better insight how to learn about his new abilities.


WC: 1018
Rewards: 2,000 Ryo / 10 AP
Learned: for 1000 wc.
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

An Apple A Day; D rank mission Empty Re: An Apple A Day; D rank mission

Thu Mar 10, 2022 3:22 pm
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