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Dana Senju
Dana Senju
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 12020

Short kings rise up [P/Pinochio] Empty Short kings rise up [P/Pinochio]

Mon Jan 17, 2022 7:38 pm
It was a fairly nice day in Kirigakure, like many of the other days. Nothing too special, or out-of-the-ordinary. Except for a small white-haired Senju who was stood in the middle of the village-square shouting about her very own brand of 'petrol-based tea'. The fact that this wasn't even considered that odd was perhaps a testament to just how desensitized Kirigakure's civilians were becoming to the village's ninjas innate weirdness; it seemed they couldn't go a day without someone causing a scene, whether it be spontaneous musical numbers or people peddling possibly poisonous tea.

After about an hour of shouting at the civilians, Dana was beginning to feel a bit down. That didn't keep her too long. and the Senju quickly found another way to occupy her time: that being, Dana's favorite pastime of dossing around the Training Facility until someone or something interesting happened to find its way to her. Truly, the universe had a way of working out like that sometimes.

So, garbed in a ratty grey robe like she always used to, Dana skipped out of the village square and arrived at the Training Facility soon after. She then used one of the first techniques Saya had ever taught her to make a chair right in front of the entrance, plonked herself down on it, and waited for someone to show up.

WC: 223
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Ryo : 58600

Short kings rise up [P/Pinochio] Empty Re: Short kings rise up [P/Pinochio]

Tue Jan 18, 2022 9:13 pm
It really was a fairly nice day in Kirigakure. The more he thought about it, he realized that it often was to be fair. He especially liked how unremarkable the morning had starte--Hold on. I feel like this has been said before. (There is a ruffling of paper as somewhere distant the humble third person narrator checks the script for this particular side story).....

My dear listeners. I appologize profusely. It would seem that I have taken the Dana side of the script and simply rewritten it, giving the feeling of dejavu. Fortunately I have the power to simply pretend none of this has happened and move on with the proper story. Pino had set out early, crossing the village at a run to get the blood flowing on his way to what was quickly becoming his favorite place in the village: The cross fit gym across the street from the training facility. With his features completely obscured by an oversized cloak, the small weapon master entered. An hour later, after having gotten a good workout in he found the cool afternoon air refreshing. He was thankful for the large cloak. If anyone within the martial arts community realized he regularly attended crossfit well... He would never hear the end of it, but with his features hidden there was no way the bustling village would realize it was actually the four and a half foot tough guy who'd just exited to the street. Yes. THis is specifically the story being spun. Theres totally no way to tell it's him with his face covered. Just go with it. 

As he walked into the training facility there was one thing on his mind: Studying powerful techniques specifically all by himself with no distractions. Today would be the most epic day of the week--no. The month. THe only thing that could possibly ruin this totally awesome gym day would be a small wite haired senju who, for the sake of arguement lets say had spent the early part of the afternoon in the middle of the quare shouting about some absurd tea that was based off petrol. Yes. As much as he enjoyed his new friend Dana, he was certain there was no way his focused training plan would be interupted by her random existence in the space, and that gave him the confidence to enter the double doors to the training facility--

That gave him the confidence to enter the double doors to the training facility and immediately realize that there was in fact a small white haired senju girl dossing around the training facility--or in the current case sitting in a chair directly in front of him. 

Damn it.

"Hey! Dana. What brings you to the house of pain as it were. I'm trying out new nicnames for the training facility. I really feel like this one is how they say....The dog's bullocks." He immediately studied her eyes as he tried out his new phrase, searching for any hint that he'd finally gotten a phrase she would generally use correct. No way he could be o for seven right?

(TWC 518)
Dana Senju
Dana Senju
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 12020

Short kings rise up [P/Pinochio] Empty Re: Short kings rise up [P/Pinochio]

Sat May 28, 2022 2:49 pm
Dana realized she had other places to be and had to cut the meeting short. She waved goodbye to her small friend and ran off.


WC: 223

190 words to finish 2nd mastery of Earth Flow Spears, other words done Here
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 6500

Short kings rise up [P/Pinochio] Empty Re: Short kings rise up [P/Pinochio]

Sat May 28, 2022 4:40 pm
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