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Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Clan Specialty : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

Pinochio mission spree Empty Pinochio mission spree

Sun Aug 01, 2021 11:29 pm
mission details:

LET'S. DO. THIS!!!!! It was a bright day in kiri.... Or it was a long time ago. It was night now. STILL it was finally time for pinochio's first day on the job, and he'd found quite a doozy. The first bank of Kirikagure required some assistance with a hand full of tasks overnight at their main branch. This was a perfect opportunity to practice his calisthenics! Around his neck was a laniard with identification, a small notepad, and the keys required to check on the building. When he finally arrived, he slid quickly into the front door, heading into the central area where there was a large counter for check ins and..... Wait. He turned back, checking the keys around his neck. 

His memory was pretty good. Unlike his pupeteer--nope. No longer. Unlike his STUDENT, He was not so absent minded. That meant that someone had forgotten to lock the front door. At a rush he'd zoom through the front area to check on things. With luck he'd be able to finish all of his tasks and be out of here in just a few minutes if he really pushed himself. Then he noticed all the bank drawers were open. He checked the list he was given upon accepting this mission. There was nothing about band drawers being open, but there was a comment about them being locked at night. Huh.

Turning the corner he passed the open bank vault. His heels bit into the tile floor, causing him to slide a solid meter as he noticed that a. THe vault was open and it should not, and b. there was a tall man inside the vault holding several large bags. Perfect. 

"Now. I'm going to ask you to run. Please please run. Or try to fight me? Just don't give up! That would make this incredibly unfun for me. " Him mind played through the history of his training battles under Saya. He'd not gotten to truely fight since he finally got a real body, and as satisfying as pounding wooden fists into genin was, his blood burned for the chance to  test out this new form. 

The man looked up, his head turning to the side in confusion before he looked downward a bit and finally noticed pinochio. He was still only three and a half feet tall. His lack of focus on what Pinochio said would prove his downfall however, as he found the tiny man he considered no threat at all making his fist one with his glass jaw. 

Pinochio beat this man to a bloody pulp. There were spinning kicks, punches, at one point he jumped off a wall and axe kicked the thief, even as he laid twitching on the ground. When he was done, there was nothing he could do but groan in pain and twitch painfully. That was an incredibly satisfying feeling. 

Conveniently, there was a long length of rope sitting just outside of the bank vault, closed behind a glass case that said in case of thief, open. Do not break glass. 

He would leave the bank, now locked, with glass on the ground beside the unconscious body of the idiot who chose the wrong day to steal from the bank. 

(TWC 540 mission complete)
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

Pinochio mission spree Empty Re: Pinochio mission spree

Sun Aug 01, 2021 11:45 pm
mission details 2:

As always, pinochio was up bright and early. It was wierd sleeping in his own room. Even wierder when that room was an entire floor of a mansion. He'd always had his chair, and that was enough, but with this new human body it felt odd to sleep in a chair in Saya's room, and so they had both been given their own bedroom, meaning that pinochio had his own space to keep his stuff, and Saya and Ai got bunk beds. Instead of spending an hour trying to rouse the tiny terror, he'd headed off early. Down three side streets and across the village he'd found his first task. Seemed pretty simple. Spend like an hour cleaning sand out of the shop front of a fruit salesman and he'd get some money and be on to the next. Saya would probably have used some rediculous suiton jutsu to solve the problem, but today was Pinochio day, and he would do things in the pinochio way. 

He cracked his knuckles, looking at the drifting streams of rough sand. Then he shot forward like a bullet. His fists scraped quickly against the wood paneled entry way, kicking up a stream of granules with each strike. Yes. Yesterday he fought a bank robber, but today, he would fight the sand itself. The mission was slow going at first. He struggled to find the best angles of attack. Several times he considered if it would have just been better to grab a broom and do this eficiently, but while he wanted the money to buy whey protein and those cool plastic drink bottles with the rattley silver metal ball that shakes his drink for him, He also knew he needed to condition his body, and that meant doing double duty. Stike after strike kicked up bits of sand. Over and over he he tested the best angles to move a higher volume of sand, but slowly he was getting the work done. As he pushed a particularly large pile, his mind shifted to possibilities to make this easier. There was that one girl who had tried to kill saya. She'd seemed to shoot her fist out at the tiny terror. Not his actual fist, of course, but a condensed taijutsu blast, or maybe it was just air? This would require research. 

In a stroke of brilliance he tried a sweeping kick. He bent deep into a stance that allowed him to sweep his entire leg across the ground similarly to the broom he'd chosen specifically not to use. That moved alot of sand. Now that he had the technique, all he needed to do was keep going and finish this task through practice and atrition. It would take overall three hours, and his fists and calves were raw from the constant scraping against both the floor and the sand, but finally he'd finished his task. It wasn't exactly the neatest work. There were now sand dunes outside, BUT outside was the goal kind of. 

(TWC 1041 mwc: 501 second mission done)
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

Pinochio mission spree Empty Re: Pinochio mission spree

Mon Aug 02, 2021 12:34 am
mission details 3:

So. His first couple missions were completed with varying levels of success. He'd aced the bank mission like it was a joke, but found that cleaning sand using taijutsu was not exactly an easy feat. This was no cause for alarm however. It just meant he needed to train harder. That brings us to the next challenge. There was no way he could possibly struggle with this mission. The local shelter needed to clean the dog cages, so all he needed to do was take a few small pups for a walk while they did their work, and it was good bye mission three, hello 500 ryo. Yes. This would be the perfect cool down mission for our small fighter. All he had to do was grab the leashes, go on a nice chill jog, and everything would be all--WHY ARE THOSE DOGS SO BIG?! It seemed to be a consistent theme with team puppet that whenever they think they're going to get a nice easy mission something goes horribly wrong. This was no exception. 

Before him, stood six of the biggest rottweilers he'd ever seen. They stood at least a foot taller than Pinochio when on all fours, which generally wasn't that surprising of a thing given Pinochio only stood at three and a half feet, but still, this was not exactly as the mission details suggested. For most, this would probably be a small walk around the block. Small, in this case, reffered to the distance not the dogs. Still, it was kind of cruel to have set up the biggest horse hybrid creatures possible for the tiny tike. Taking the leashes from the worker, he'd turn to the dogs and prepare to assert dominance. 

"Alright. We can do this. Listen up team. I'm your leader now and you're going to do what I say! No quick movements, no running ahead, and absolutely no pulling on the LEEE--" With that they were off. The six mamoth puppers half walked, half drug Pinochio down the streets of kiri. At several points he could be seen flying in the wind like a flag as the dogs picked up speed. With his strength it wasn't to dificult to hold on, but he weighted less than any one of the animals he was trying to hold onto, so any time he could get his feet down to try and get leverage to stop this not so metaphorical running of the bulls, one would jerk his head, and Pinochio once again went flying. 

A ten minute walk took about an hour and a half, but they did eventually tire. He tired the dogs to a very sturdy lamp post, and as they laid down to take a nap he lifted and carried each one at at time. Technically he completed his goal. The dogs were walked, he got a good run in when he wasn't flying in the wind, and then he got some weight training carrying one hundred and twenty pound dogs down the street. OVerall mission complete. 

(TWC 1547 MWC:506 3rd mission done)
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

Pinochio mission spree Empty Re: Pinochio mission spree

Mon Aug 02, 2021 11:12 pm
mission details 4:

WHEW! This has been a day. It was difficult for Pinochio to fight past the deja vu of this particular mission. It's like he'd done all of this before. So this mission was pretty simple. There was a rich lady in the village who had a horrible habit of leaving the front doors of her mansion open so that people passing could barely see just how massive the foyer was as they passed the intricate gates that would bar them entry. She also had a cat. The trouble with this, came when cats really liked to cause trouble, and too often weren't a big fan of just sitting inside, and there was consistently a large opening for which the cat could just walts out to go fraternize with the "lesser people". Maybe he was reading into this a bit too much though. 

It was interesting to note that doing missions in his puppet body was significantly less dificult than in this new one. Part of it was simply becaue the puppet body was stronger from having practiced for so long, but mostly it was inthe difference physiologically between the two. See, Puppets seemed to have muscles, but it was all for show. His now human muscles burned from having pushed far past the point where he should have stopped. No pain, no gain. 

He rushed down the streets of the village hidden in the mist, glancing to and fro for the offending cat. Thinking back, he remembered a hedge maze out behind the mansion that they may or may not have found the cat in the first time. At full speed he'd cross the grass around the left side of the mansion. This brought a chorus of voices from the guards who seemed to be quite irate at the idea that he would walk on their perfectly cut grass. it was grass.. What did you even do with grass if not walk on it?!

He found the maze, and sure enough, sitting on top of a large statue at the entrance to the maze was a large black cat. Perfect. THis would be finished faster than he'd thought. With absolutely zero recognization of respect for the space of animals he simply ran towards the statue, prompting the kitty to leap off, disappearing over one of the large hedges. Shit.

He could rush through the maze, taking the time to figure out which ways ended early and which actually allowed him to advanced, and then slowly find his way to the left hand side where he knew the cat was with the hope that he would eventually catch up to his target and get him back home, but that seemed idk. inefficient? Instead he'd leap over the hedge, clip on the top edge, topple ass over tea kettle, and fall face first onto the ground just in front of the small kitty. He did not seem amused, but he'd also decided to lock himself in a corner. From her it was no trouble to grasp the tike and the mission was done. 

(TWc 2058 MWC 512)
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

Pinochio mission spree Empty Re: Pinochio mission spree

Mon Aug 02, 2021 11:27 pm
mission details 5:

ALRIGHT! So, since his creations....birth? No that's weird. Since his creation, Pinochio has been a busy once puppet now boy. He'd been racing all around Kiri, performing tasks at the requests of the mission board, and really cleaning up in the money department, but goodness was he feeling tired. There were a few options for his next mission, but as much as he liked the idea of working on his fitness for the rest of the day, He felt like a bit of rest would do him good. This mission was simple: All he had to do was take over for a teacher who was out sick and teach the next generation of ninja. IN theory, this was a breeze. He'd been teaching Saya for a couple years, and there was no way even a class of twenty could be more of a headache than his dear student. In case it wasn't already abundantly clear, it was this specific thought that ensured this would end incredibly badly. 

He walked into the class in a finely tailored suit, checking his fit outside the door before  finally adressing the class from his desk. 
"Alright team. Your teacher is out for the day, so I'll be the one in charge of your training. That means we'll be studying the inner workings of Taijutsu, and practicing through friendly spars with your fellow students. " Before he could even finish, something cold and wet hit his face. It was, of course, a spit ball. Game freaking on. 

(TWC 2301 wc 251)
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Saya
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Clan Specialty : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

Pinochio mission spree Empty Re: Pinochio mission spree

Mon Aug 02, 2021 11:36 pm
Pinochio was uncharacteristically calm. Wether it was because these were just kids and some mischief was expected, or because he was too physically exhausted to actually blow up at an entire class. He wiped his face, flinging the small pellet of paper onto the ground, and looked up. His eyes scanned the classroom to figure out who had shot the offending ball, but what he saw was quite unfortunate. The entire class of twenty was leveling a straw filled with disgusting chewed paper at the man's face. 

'Listen. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. I can be pretty easy to deal with, and I can even forgive the first shot, but if any of you think you can fire those at me and avoid punishment you are sorely mista--" His voice was cut off a the sound of amunition whizzing through the air drowned out anything else. Small arms pulled up across his face as he braced for impact. This was not going to be a good day. "NO STOP! CUT IT OUT. HOW ARE THEY EVEN STILL COMING?! ARE YOU HONESTLY RELOADING IN SHIFTS TO KEEP A STEADY FLOW ON YOUR TARGET?!" If he were being honest, he would be a bit impressed. for a group of kids who had yet to learn the starter jutsu taught and then never actually used by ninja after leaving the academy, they were impressively coordinated. THere was no longer a question how the teacher mysteriously got sick. 

(TWC 2551 MWC 501)
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

Pinochio mission spree Empty Re: Pinochio mission spree

Mon Aug 02, 2021 11:41 pm
It was a solid five minutes before the onslaught finally finished. The entirety of his body felt squishy and generally unclean, but it seemed that either the students were out of ammo or  breath. Causally he opened his eyes, straitening his stance and wiping the sea of chewed paper from his suit. It was a really expensive suit that he would never be able to wear again. 

"Alright. While this was a bit impressive, please understand that if this is how you think this class is going to work, you are sadly mistaken. If any of you think i'm unqualified to teach this class, please step forward and we can handle this like ninja. Fist to fist. Winner teaches the rest of the class. If you beat me, honestly you can do whatever you'd like, but I don't think any of you are actually arrogant enough to--" It was poetic that he would be in the midle of suggesting that it would be stupid for any of them to actually challenge him, only for every student in the class to step foward in unison. Thats fine. He would take on every single one of these little jerks. Once again he was met with a sea of attacks, but this time it was fists instead of paper. SHifting backwards he'd flip the desk up to protect himself, shoving it into a group of seven students. They hit the floor, sliding several feet before finally considering if their decisions were the right one. 

(TWC 2802 MWC 752)
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

Pinochio mission spree Empty Re: Pinochio mission spree

Mon Aug 02, 2021 11:50 pm
What would come next could only be described as a metaphorical blood bath. It took him a few minutes to wade through a sea of academy students, but each found their attacks parried, and their bodies thrust through the air and back into their seats. Twenty became ten, ten became five, His fists were a blur of speed as he struck each in turn, and finally it was two on one. The group of students seemed pretty convinced that they had the advantage at first, but as only two stood in defiance against the taijutsu user, It was clear in their eyes that maybe they were wrong. Once again they decided to attack as a team. The first shifted to the left, trying to surround pinochio, but the second rushed head on. There was regret in their eyes as they realized they too were outmatched, and in a moment they were flung bodily into their own seats. 

"Excelent. So. It wasn't exactly how I was intending, but technically we did end up having a sparring lesson. If there are no other objections, Let us all make the unity seal to confirm the fight is over and show respect to our opponents. UNITY. NOW. " None of the beaten students dared disagree with the request. For the rest of the class, each sat in silence, studying their notes and writing in notebooks what they'd learned today. As class ended, he assigned an excessive ammount of homework, and shuffled each of his new students on their way. 

(TWC 3056 MWC 1006 claiming 5 vigor and 25 spe, putting 2k towards swapping pup to taijutsu(2k/2k) and 1k towards wep as second spec 1k/2k also claiming 1k ryo and 5ap X4 for 4 e ranks done and 2k ryo 10 ap from the d rank mission. exit and topic closed )
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Pinochio mission spree Empty Re: Pinochio mission spree

Tue Aug 03, 2021 11:58 pm
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