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Hafuma Pendragon
Hafuma Pendragon
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Clan Focus : Bukijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
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A Scientist and a Dragon? Empty A Scientist and a Dragon?

Mon Jan 03, 2022 9:48 am
It hasn't even been a year since he came to Kirigakure. There is a saying, "time flies by for those who maintain a busy lifestyle." Well Hafuma now had to agree..

It wasn't nighttime nor daytime but the point between night turning into day, small crackles of light snaking up into the horizon were the sun would soon rise, Hafuma stood proud and strong standing over the balcony of his new apartment that was much closer to the training facility for his utter training convenience and was easily affordable with the heightened income he got for being a Shinobi for a village, he wasn't filthy rich but yet he felt like he was on top of the world. 

The new apartment was mostly just a gift to himself for his promotion to Chunin, unfortunately despite the time in the village this far he couldn't say he made any strong or rather any connections to his fellow Shinobi but he was sure he would eventually. For him the honor of the promotion itself was precious as he felt the village now trusted him more to protect the village, from protecting oneself to protecting so much more, it was truly an odd but surreal feeling foreign to him, but he was getting used to it. 

Come to think of it he heard there was some type of exam but it seemed he lucked out on it? He was a bit relieved but wondered what he missed out on. Well it was too late now, but with the sun rising soon Hafuma wanted a headstart on the day by visiting the training grounds to practice some techniques he found in the library. Walking back in Hafuma had a steaming plate of salmon and rice, and a side of eggs waiting for him as he sat down and ate, washing down his drink with peace tea. 

After taking some time to wash his tableware Hafuma began getting dressed, looking at the mirror his muscles looked way over developed for his small body, he heard of a ninja pill that ages you up physically, he was starting to think to invest in that as well as a flak jacket, on second thought he probably stand out and that wasn't his style so nevermind on that idea. 

Anyway getting dressed in his lightweight mesh bodysuit, Hafuma loaded his pouches with his weapons, today Hafuma was going to try a lot of techniques he wanted to learn, recently he was taught that not only Ninjutsu exists but several other talents, although he had no idea but his skills with weaponry was considered one despite it being so natural for him as a Pendragon, but the real jewel was after doing a test to find out his new potential he learned he had what it took to learn space time style jutsu, part of his focus today along with a new way of harnessing energy called Kensai no Shudan he has been training. Today was going to be a busy day.

Ready for his day Hafuma just stepped outside again, leaping off his balcony as he made a B line towards the training facility 

WC: 530
Kita Hajime
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A Scientist and a Dragon? Empty Re: A Scientist and a Dragon?

Mon Jan 03, 2022 7:00 pm
Kita seemed particularly rattled as he made his way out of the village hospital. Droplets of sweat were beginning to form on his pale face, and a haunted look seemed to fill his face as he trekked absentmindedly towards the village training center. Several concerned passerby turned to look at the boy, many of whom asking what was wrong with him, whether he was sick or needed treatment. Yet the boy did not answer, instead pressing on ever forward towards the training centers.

As he was brought nearer and nearer towards his inevitable destination, memories of darker times plagued the boy's thoughts. His mind rapidly flashing through his imprisonment in the Village Hidden in the Stars, and his brief stint with the afterlife. All those painful recollections marked in physical form by the seal on his neck. The one granting him the power of the Jugo clan. And after long periods of study, Kita had finally discovered how to reverse engineer it.

Kita had known about the power that the cursed seal possessed for quite a while. He was all too familiar with the capabilities of the Jugo clan after all, so a cheap mockery of their abilities shouldn't be beyond him. Yet it wasn't until he began to examine the seal on his neck more closely that he realized just how it was made. It was simple really. By learning to replicate the enzymes that the Jugo naturally produced, one could easily use it to create these Juinjutsu seals. It had taken quite a while to find the mixture that Kita needed, taking his chakra, nature energy, and the artificial enzyme in equal measure. Though he believed he had finally discovered it. He had stayed up all night making sure that the consistency was right, and that the seal was perfect. He practically jumped with joy when he discovered that his test subjects, a couple of particularly large fish he had swiped from a nearby river, had survived the procedure. Of course though, the fish were far too stupid to actually utilize the seals. He'd needed to test the procedure on a living person.

Though Kita's hospital visit wasn't for that purpose. No, instead it was to see his dear friend Bobo and share with him the good news. Though much to his chagrin, it seemed as though his companion wasn't nearly as fond of the idea as him. Kita could still hear the recovering monkey's words. The fear... the sheer disappointment when he spoke to Kita had cut him deeper than he had thought possible.

"The hell are you doing kid?! You nearly died getting that damn seal there, and now you go ahead and try to learn to use it on others?! If you were smart about this, you'd up and get rid of the one you have on you now, not try to put more of them into the world."

On some level it did make sense. Kita agreed with the recovering simian before leaving the hospital, satisfying his wounded companion. He apologized for treating Kita so harshly, claiming that he just wanted what was best for the young boy. None of that mattered much to Kita. As he left that hospital, he just had to wonder, just had to believe that he was wrong. Kita had felt the power that seal offered. A boon like that for his village was just too valuable to pass up.

Still, Kita couldn't help but feel rattled by the encounter, how staunchly his friend had opposed his decision. He needed something to take his mind off things, something to cool down. Training would suit that purpose nicely. Kita walked through the familiar doors of the facility and made his way over to the receptionists desk, where he forced a smile onto his face.

"Hello! Are there any empty training rooms for today?"

Word Count - 643
Hafuma Pendragon
Hafuma Pendragon
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Clan Focus : Bukijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58400

A Scientist and a Dragon? Empty Re: A Scientist and a Dragon?

Tue Jan 04, 2022 10:32 am
Traveling through the scenic route to the facilities for once since he had more time Hafuma thought about all the scrolls he had been reading and his expanding arsenals of moves he could exploit. Kensai no Shuden, a scroll he found that was all but almost tattered in the state he found it in, yet even then the words and methods held a certain appeal that called to him to learn it, a style of weapon handling and combat fighting going beyond just the physical aspects of the body and allowing the user to harness internal energy. At first Hafuma thought it was a joke but dedicating two months into it he now felt the internal energy flowing through his body ready to released in the way he pleased, the scrolls speaking of just a few ways someone with the ability to harness this energy could use it. Again this all appealed to him. 

Arriving to the facilities per usual he had actually made friends of the receptionist workers, unfortunely they didn't get paid all to good so in exchange for some information such as any big figures coming or things that wouldn't get them in trouble Hafuma tipped them cash, he was getting paid more than enough and information paid it's weight in gold. This also just allowed him to become good friends with them at least on a business level. From the distance he could see Miyumi talking to a jet black hair guy probably about his age judging from the back at the counter. "Hey Miyumi." Hafuma said approaching the counter and nodding towards the guy next to him, "Hey Hafuma, here again? That's the 20th day in the row, if you train so hard your muscles will fall off~!"Turing to Kita, "As for you're request sir, sorry all the rooms are taken since it's a busy day and the only rooms left are the reserved rooms for higher up shinobi." Hafuma looked at the guy, "Here for training huh?" Hafuma sized up the guy beside him and gave a small chuckle, "If you want to train you can come with me and share my training room, I reserved the deluxe room, so plenty of rooms for the both of us, and if you have any new jutsu or things you want to test out ill be happy to be your sparring partner or something, if your comfortable with that offer

If the guy was cool with that Hafuma would simply lead him to his reserved training room, "Pendragon, Hafuma Pendragon, nice to meet you." Being in the village for awhile Hafuma realized it was better to not ask someone's name and better to state your own first to appear as the more friendly sort, but in case the guy didn't respond he wouldn't stress it anyway as he kept walking down the facilities hall to a double door, pushing them open to reveal a Fifty meter long and fifty meter wide square room, Hafuma walking inside to the right corner, "If you need anything let me know otherwise good training~

TWC: 1.046
Kita Hajime
Kita Hajime
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A Scientist and a Dragon? Empty Re: A Scientist and a Dragon?

Tue Jan 04, 2022 7:05 pm
Just as the receptionist was about to answer the young shinobi, a voice called out from behind him for her. Kita turned to the side just in time to see the figure step up to the counter. They gave a casual nod and the receptionist began to greet the new individual. Though quickly after she turned to Kita and explained that the rooms are taken for all lower level training, and those left were the ones that had been reserved ahead of time. Kita blinked. Guess everyone else had also decided that today was a good day for training. He supposed that he should probably look into renting a room proper, but who really has the time? He was just about to turn around and leave when the individual next to him began to speak. They offered Kita an opportunity to come into their training room with them, something the boy hadn't expected. They even offered a chance to test any new techniques that he might have on them. That one... that one was tempting. Kita's mind flashed to the fish in his apartment, and to the seal placed on his own neck. And it was indeed a pretty great power boost to those who were willing. Kita gave a short if not nervous smile to the individual offering up a chance to train with them.

"S-Sure! I actually have a Fuinjutsu seal I've been hoping to test out."

Kita followed behind the individual as they began leading them deeper into the facility, towards their private training room. They introduced themself as Hafuma Pendragon, and Kita gave a brief nod and smile.

"I'm Kita Hajime. Pleasure to meet you. Actually, pleasure to meet you again I guess. If you recall, we've met once before. When the one called Koutaku was showing you his techniques."

It was true. It was a while back by this point, and Kita had left very shortly after showing up, but this individual wasn't entirely a stranger to the boy. He wasn't sure if what he was planning to ask of him made that easier or harder. They pushed through a set of double doors into a massive chamber, fifty by fifty meters for them to train in. Kita gave a single "Whoa" under his breath as he took in the sight. Truly, it was impressive to see the entire scope of the thing, even if Kita wouldn't actually need to use most of it. Hafuma began walking off into the right corner, telling Kita to call him if he needed anything, otherwise he should have a good training, but the young lad stopped him.

"Hey wait, hold up a second!"

If the individual stopped, Kita would close his eyes and give a small exhale. What he was about to ask was for the good of the village. He needed to know if his seal worked.

"I actually have a favor to ask you. Do you remember that Fuinjutsu Seal I told you I was wanting to test out? I kind of need to test it on another person."

A small, sad grin appeared on Kita's face as he activated his own variant of the seal. It grew red around his neck, and a fiery aura appeared around his flesh as it spread. It quickly enveloped his entire body, causing a stark change in appearance as it did. His once pale skin turned a dark, unnatural grayish color. His teeth were sharper, and his nails were as well. His short black hair had grown a strange bluish color, and had grown significantly in length. The back of his kimono was ripped open as well, as two new arms sprouted from his back. And lastly his eyes, once a stormy gray color, turned a deep yellow, and the sclera inside turned black. It was a monstrous sight to behold, though the growth in power he developed was evident.

"I was hoping to give this power to someone."

Kita smiled and rubbed at the back of his neck. This form was still strange to him, but it did feel pleasant to use. If he was right, and he could give this power to other people, that would be a serious weapon in Kirigakure's pocket.

"It's a technique based off of a clan that gathers natural energy. I won't get into the nitty gritty, but essentially if you train the seal you can become several times stronger. You can choose when it's active as well, so you don't need to worry about looking like this all of the time. I think I've finally got the seal down after months of learning, so I'm really hoping that you'll be willing to give this seal a shot. What do you say?"

Word Count - 790

Total Word Count - 1433
Hafuma Pendragon
Hafuma Pendragon
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A Scientist and a Dragon? Empty Re: A Scientist and a Dragon?

Tue Jan 04, 2022 11:12 pm
Perhaps it was his time of the village but his wariness of strangers was far less than it used to be, the old him would have held a blade in his arm sleeve hidden from view yet he would strike at the slightest provocation of he so felt threatened, but no. Hafuma time of the village allowing him to see not everyone was out to get someone, his senses sharper than before yet he would keep his hand ready but still at his side as he watched the man ask the women about the room.

Miyumi replying to him being they had none. The fellow male was about to leave and Hafuma could of but he called out to him anyway because a sparring partner or someone to watch and observe was still valuable towards his training, watching another person move did provide a way to evolve shadow combat, his clones might be able to even offer a threat to him because they would know it too. Sweetening the deal with simple words Hafuma offered the male a chance to try out new things, that being the sinker as he asked if he could try out his Fuinjutsu seal on him, "Hmm? Yeah, that sounds cool. Come along then" Hafuma said thinking it was simple, he had only just learn about this one too and although it did interest him he couldn't use it himself but his arsenals was perfect for him 

Introducing himself as they walked the guy nodded and now Hafuma knew to call him Kita, Kita Hajime. Apparently they meant before, "Right, we did didn't we? I didn't get to speak to you back then, I was a bit new to the village so forgive me if I was rude. Hafuma said opening the doors to his large deluxe training room, he liked to go a bit hardcore so he needed a lot of space. Naturally trying to respect Kita boundaries he said he fuck off unless he needed something but turning around he was immediately stopped as Kita did in fact want something. Kita referring to his Fuinjutsu seal he spoke of and he needed to test it on another person. Hafuma coinsidered himself a man of his word, he had already agreed to allowing Kita to use his Fuinjutsu seal so he intended to keep that promise but he definitely hesitated when from the fellow shinobi neck a mark he had barely noticed flared red, this same red growing upon Kita skin, soon his entire body began to change into..Hafuma couldn't even tell you but it was kind of cool and scary. "That's kind of cool and scary, you want to give me that ability?" Hafuma just asked, but upon doing so he kind of got his own answer as his pale green eyes lite up to pure emeralds, along with his regular pupils he had two block dots that formed randomly in his eyes but for Hafuma he could see Kita Chakra colors mixed along with a dark purple color, "That's interesting, the way the chakra is coursing through you I say if my body rejects it I could die or something right? Is that why you're so excited to get a test subject? Nevermind actually, just go ahead and try it on me. If I die it be your ass on the fire, but if I live I get some power right? Bring it Kita, Hajime. "


Last edited by Hafuma Pendragon on Wed Jan 05, 2022 3:23 pm; edited 1 time in total
Kita Hajime
Kita Hajime
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A Scientist and a Dragon? Empty Re: A Scientist and a Dragon?

Tue Jan 04, 2022 11:50 pm
The other shinobi's eyes changed in response to seeing Kita's transformation. Was it a dojutsu of some kind? Probably, though Kita wasn't entirely sure. Though that assumption grew stronger when the shinobi hinted that he could see Kita's chakra. A shinobi with a bloodline being his first test subject. How... interesting. The idea left a bit of a bitter taste in Kita's mouth, though beggars can't be choosers.

Hafuma correctly guessed that if his body rejected it he would likely die in the process, though he quickly insisted that Kita not inform him if that was or was not the case. Kita nodded calmly, his fears now having been erased. If this shinobi with the bloodline died... so be it. Though that wouldn't happen, Kita assured himself. He'd worked tirelessly to ensure his technique was flawless. There was no way it could fail... could it?

With his top set of hands, Kita weaved a single seal. Tiger. With his bottom, he weaved the seals of the Fuinjutsu Amplifier. He supposed that a seal of such strength wasn't necessary, but having one so close to maximum strength would no doubt make things easier on his subject should anyone attempt to remove it. With the seals complete, his bottom right arm reached out and grabbed one of Hafuma's, the other bottom arm pulling whatever sleeves or cloth coverings he might have up to expose the flesh. His top arms worked in tandem, one of of them supporting and stabilizing the limb, while the other worked to place the seal itself.

Simple really. Kita just mixed in some of his nature chakra with his own chakra, as well as the artificial fluid. Then just inject it into the host body. As Kita burned the seal into the other shinobi's form, he just had to hope that the procedure went well, and that they pulled through.

Word Count - 312

Total Word Count - 1745

Jutsu Used:

(Side note: Good luck Hafuma!)

Requesting Staff Dice Roll for Orochimaru's Juinjutsu to determine Hafuma's Survival!
Niko Kazan
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A Scientist and a Dragon? Empty Re: A Scientist and a Dragon?

Wed Jan 05, 2022 4:32 am
D6 for seal application
Hafuma Pendragon Avg chakra Vigor 53
1-4 required for success
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A Scientist and a Dragon? Empty Re: A Scientist and a Dragon?

Wed Jan 05, 2022 4:32 am
The member 'Niko Kazan' has done the following action : Roll Dice/Flip Coin

'6 Sided Dice' : 2
Hafuma Pendragon
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A Scientist and a Dragon? Empty Re: A Scientist and a Dragon?

Wed Jan 05, 2022 12:57 pm
Hafuma had brushed with death many times before coming to the village, narrowing avoiding it to just be able to live another day, always fighting for a new tomorrow, the right to live on the planet he shared with a world full of people with there own interests, dreams and ideas. In such a place if one feared death they would be surely crippled by the weight of it, death was ever looming, it seemed so far yet it was neve far enough not to catch everyone, eventually in the end. So, when Hafuma was faced with a situation he could die from a seal that would ultimately give him a boost of power, well he wasn't old enough to see the downside and he after all was a man of his word, promising to be the test subject of the seal before knowing it. 

But Hafuma didn't shy away from it, further giving verbal permission to allow Kita to put it on him, Hafuma choosing his forearm as the location of this fuinjutsu seal, as Kita worked on the process Hafuma grew silent simply allowing himself to breathe in and out, using his families dojutsu Hafuma when his eyes were closed could feel and see his own chakra. Feeling a injection Hafuma felt fine, but then a sudden heat crashed into him and immediately he fell to the floor, "Guah!! It burns..!" Hafuma said with his eyes still closed clutching his own body as from the point of the injection he felt Kita dark purple like chakra work its way into his body.

Suddenly he stopped breathing as the chakra continued to work his way into his body, despite not breathing his body was feverishly hot as the foreign chakra continued to work into his body, he thought for sure he was about to die, and he was almost willing to accept it happened. Suddenly the pain faded as the foreign chakra mixed with his own creating a white burst of chakra to flow from his entire body, hues of black mixed into the outer edge as Hafuma reopened his eyes as the mark from his forearm began to heat up and spread through his entire body. creating arrow head like markings that spread from his right side to near the center of his body, his eyes glowing a shiny green emerald as his eyes were slitted like a dragons from the effect of his clans dojutsu. "So this is it huh? I feel a surge of chakra coursing through me mixed with my own..I think I can control it even..

Hafuma said testing it as the mark continued to spread as he intended to his whole body. His skin turning a almost crimson color as his hair lost all color turning white, his scela darkening into a black color as his dragon eyes remained, from the top of his head a singular horn grew on the right side, from the horn a almost metal like flesh formed covering Hafuma right side, expanding to cover his back with the same material as it stretched out forming some type of reptilian like tail, a dragon to be specific as his finger nails lengthened to become claws, the same type of flesh extending to both arms and covering his hand like fingerless gloves leaving them free. 

Kita Hajime
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A Scientist and a Dragon? Empty Re: A Scientist and a Dragon?

Sat Jan 08, 2022 10:43 pm
Kita placed the seal onto the opposing shinobi's forearm. They immediately cried out in pain before collapsing to the ground below. Kita winced. He knew the pain of the procedure well, having gone through it himself before. Unfortunately for him, that procedure had cost him his life. He had to wonder if Hafuma was experiencing the same agony he had? Or did Kita perish before he reached its climax? He supposed he wouldn't know.

Kita deactivated his curse mark as he watched his subject cease breathing. Kita's eyes grew wide as a sharp intake of breath could be audible around the chamber. Did... did he kill him? No, that couldn't be the case! Kita had made sure the mixture was right, he should absolutely still be alive! But... his breathing had ceased. Hadn't it? The young shinobi quickly made his way over towards his prone figure on the floor and checked for his pulse.

"Come on... you're still alive! Aren't you?"

A sigh of relief emitted from Kita's lips when he felt Hafuma's pulse. It was erratic and unstable, but it was clearly there. Kita hoped that was a good sign. If it wasn't... well he didn't want to think about the consequences. Kita had begun to stand up straight and back off from his unconscious body when Hafuma opened their eyes.The curse mark was clearly active, spreading throughout their form and filling them with senjutsu power. Kita grinned.

"There we go! I knew the mixture was perfect!"

Kita watched silently as the mark altered his form, nodding slowly when asked if that was the power it offered. Kita could tell that the mark had taken very well to him, much more efficiently than he had adapted to his own mark. It seemed as though Stage Two had come particularly naturally from this fellow shinobi. Though whether that was from the mixture Kita had produced or from some instinctive knowledge of how to utilize the mark, Kita wasn't sure. Either way, the thing was a mark of beauty, and a clear sign of Kita's success with the application technique. Though he felt somewhat... off somehow. Like a part of himself was somehow now... inside the marking he had placed on Hafuma. It wasn't an uncomfortable feeling though. Just... off. Whatever the case, Kita had to be sure that the mark was taking effectively. He couldn't let this individual go free, or replicate this process on others unless he was positive that the procedure was both safe and effective.

"How are you feeling? Is the mark working effectively? Do you feel any differences like feeling stronger or weaker?"

Word Count - 437

Total Word Count - 2182
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