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Toran Uchiha
Toran Uchiha
Stat Page : The Wily Amusing Uchiha
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 62500

The Soft Breezes of Winter Empty The Soft Breezes of Winter

Wed Dec 15, 2021 10:32 pm
Toran was rather perplexed by all of the things that he kept on seeing at the Town square. Him being a new genin and all allowed him some new privileges that he could use if necessary. One time he remembered being able to go into the backroom of some shop in order to see if anyone had come by due to the noises that there were. Turns out it was simply a cat and dog trying to duke it out on the snowy floor. Toran was amused at first, finding that the cat was somehow outpacing the dog rather amusingly. But he stopped the fight when he saw the Dog about to actually try and take a chunk out of the cat. Grabbing the dog and scaring it off with a simple push. His eyes followed it's movements as it ran into the icy streets illuminated by the lamps.

He found the chilly winter breeze to be refreshing. It had been awhile since he was able to go out into a winter like this and just think to himself. He was actually growing up. His mother was terrified of watching her baby finally grow into something much more. His thoughts always came back to his family and team when it came to the Winter Holidays. Especially that of Isemori Uchiha. It was funny how well he had gotten along with the boy. Wishing to potentially see him again soon despite probably being on a mission of sorts. That or he was busy trying to be a good sport to his mother. Wishing to also meet Ise's mother. Curious if his own mother knew about the other Uchiha hens' existence.

“I wonder how everyone else’s holidays are going? I mean Morio’s probably getting a lot of gifts this year along with Hotaru. I mean she’s like a princess for crying out loud.”

His thoughts on Hotaru were a little mixed at the moment. He did greatly respect her as a fighter. But honestly he didn’t know if he wanted to speak to her much outside of combat, it was like he’d be talking to a cranky drill instructor all the time. At least that’s what Toran felt like during his brief conversations with her. Typhon was someone else that felt like an enigma to him. Especially with how the other man carried himself and the mask that he always wore. It gave Toran the slight creeps as to who the guy was. Was he infected with something? Maybe it was some kind of curse seal that he had to wear? Toran liked that idea more than it being some sickness that he had to constantly hide by wearing that mask.

Toran Uchiha
Toran Uchiha
Stat Page : The Wily Amusing Uchiha
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 62500

The Soft Breezes of Winter Empty Re: The Soft Breezes of Winter

Thu Dec 16, 2021 8:04 pm
Toran felt slightly different then the day beforehand. His own sort of warmth was beginning to grow. He had actually found a gift for his mother and father. His mother was going to get a ring that had a Blue diamond inside of it. He had been paid a pretty decent amount for some small little job that he had to do. His eyes held a warmth and fire that couldn’t be replicated for a boy of his age. As he wanted to make things feel a bit better for himself. As such Toran felt it was right to do some small little action every day. Even if it meant it would take time out of said day to actively help someone. He wanted to give back to the community that had helped him and his family get out of an apparent bad situation. He was planning on being forceful with his father about why exactly they had immigrated into this village. Of all the things he was curious about it was why exactly his family was inside of the good lands hidden in the starlight.

“Konoha was probably not good for them…. If that’s the case then how the hell is Konoha even around if they have such bad trends?” Toran thought to himself while walking down the icy road. Seeing a few of the smaller kids rolling around in the snow. The radiant light of the lamps allowed him to also see one kid about to slip and slide onto the ground. Toran vanished for a moment. Now holding the kid with his arm, Toran gave a small chuckle before walking with the kid still held in his arm. Placing him on a non-icy part of the sidewalk, He weaved the hand signs for the fire release:Great Fireball technique.

He held back a lot so as to not scare anyone from backing off of the potentially volatile genin. But Toran actually wanted to simply melt the ice away so that no one could slip off of the messy terrain. His small amounts of flames were able to melt the sidewalk and road ice. Allowing the kids to play free on the streets, He flicked his hands back with a small smile. Toran decided it was a job well done as the kids continued to play on the sidewalk now. Allowing the boyu to give a sigh of relief that he didn’t do anything wrong.
Toran Uchiha
Toran Uchiha
Stat Page : The Wily Amusing Uchiha
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 62500

The Soft Breezes of Winter Empty Re: The Soft Breezes of Winter

Wed Dec 22, 2021 5:13 pm
Toran found it increasingly likely that he wouldn’t be able to find something for his friends at the moment for the Christmas holiday cheer. Everything was just going by too fast for the boy as is during this time. He was running around the icy ground when he slipped and nearly slammed head first into the ground below. However Toran was at least able to react rather quickly towards nearly face planting. His hands moved in front of him quickly. His hands skidded across the ground for a moment before he was able to flip himself to his feet on a non icy part of the sidewalk. It made things rather calming to him that he thought of something that could potentially make Isemori’s day great. That was potentially getting him some kind of lightning related jutsu or weapon even. Was Hoshi-san really that good at smithing? He did come from a family of blacksmiths after all.

“If only I could actually talk to him. Man I’m bone when it comes to friends aren’t I?” He chastised his own lack of trying really. He didn’t ask Isemori because he wanted to surprise him with a gift. But Toran realized you can’t just think that you know what someone wants. It made Toran feel like he had fucked himself over big time. Isemori was a good friend that he barely even talked to. Was he even allowed to call the boy his friend when they hadn’t really talked since that Morning training session. He wished he had some kind of weapon or even a simple scroll to give to the other Uchiha. Maybe eye drops would be good as well…. Eye drops were something that he found rather necessary after obtaining their mighty dojutsu and using it often. His eyes would lose their luster and dry out rather quickly if not taken care of.
Isemori Uchiha
Isemori Uchiha
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 232500

The Soft Breezes of Winter Empty Re: The Soft Breezes of Winter

Wed Dec 22, 2021 5:44 pm
Ise had felt a sneeze erupt from his nose, and he tried his absolute best to try and hold it in, however, with an obnoxiously loud ACHOO! It was expelled. Ise groaned in disgust, and said to himself, “This is why I hardly ever go outside around this time of year!” He said loudly. Even though Hoshigakure was in the middle of the desert, it still got pretty cold around this time of year. However, it was odd though. Ise hardly ever got sick. If he didn’t know any better, he’d think someone was talking or thinking about him. Wasn’t that how that whole urban legend thing went? At any rate, Ise’s Christmas shopping was almost done. He had gotten his mom a very pretty-looking necklace that he had custom-made for her. He made Yuuma Sensei a stag carving from that shop seminar that was in town earlier. Granted, Ise admitted that his carving skills were not … good, but hey, it was still something, and Yuuma Sensei would probably like it regardless.

Emilia’s present was the hardest to get, just for the simple fact … he didn’t really know what to get her. He had a feeling that she liked weapons a lot, so he had bought her a katana. It wasn’t the most ‘appealing’ Christmas present, but hopefully she liked it all the same. Then there was Itsuki, his mean older brother … Ise had decided to do him dirty and gather a bunch of coal that was recently dug up from the local mines right outside the village, shaving the pile of coal into a rucksack. Ise would more than likely regret making that decision, however, for the moment, he figured he’d enjoy it once he saw his older brother’s face when he opens the bag. “Serves you right, Nii-San!” The silver-haired Uchiha thought to himself rather smugly. There was also one last present Ise needed to get someone before heading home - a rather recent friend that he had made. “Speaking of which, I wonder how Toran’s doing? I haven’t been able to see or talk to him since that training day at the training grounds,” The young Uchiha thought to himself, however, there were a lot of things that had happened since then. Ise had his leg cut off the day after that, having to stay in the hospital for at least a few days. What’s more was that when he had finally woke up in the hospital, his Sharingan felt … different. It was only until a few days ago that Ise had realised that his Sharingan had once again evolved. There was now a third tomoe in his eyes whenever he had activated them. More importantly, he had also recently learned that his eyes were capable of doing Ocular Genjutsu. Then there’s also the forming of his Team. Team Summer. Hopefully Toran didn’t have any hard feelings about not seeing one another since then.

That was when Ise had looked up, only to see that the person he was thinking about was right there in front of him. Ise, with a grin, called out to him and said, “Oi, Toran!” Ise had said, swinging the ruck sack of Itsuki’s coal over his shoulder as he had begun to walk towards the other Uchiha. “It’s been a while! How’ve you been?” The silver-haired Uchiha said, grinning. It was nice to see him again after having not seen each other in a while.

WC: 577
Toran Uchiha
Toran Uchiha
Stat Page : The Wily Amusing Uchiha
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 62500

The Soft Breezes of Winter Empty Re: The Soft Breezes of Winter

Wed Dec 22, 2021 10:01 pm
Toran turned his head immediately to see Isemori in his line of sight. The raven haired boy immediately sat up. His face also now wearing a massive smile on his face as he ran towards his friend. Greeting him like he would any of his friends that he had not seen for such a long time. He gave a small smile as he could at least see that Ise was keeping himself good with presents and such. However the large rucksack that looked rather heavy had Toran confused. What exactly was Isemori doing with that Rucksack.

“It’s so nice to see you again! I can’t believe it’s been so long since we’ve seen each other! I’ve even grown stronger than during the Morning training we did together!” Toran said, grinning all the while. He immediately showed off his brand new Sharingan that he had. The two tomoe spinning into place only moments later. Toran was so elated to see the other Uchiha that he didn’t even know what to say to the other man. The first question was something that made Toran embarrassed to ask.

“Heyy…. Sorry if this is a bit weird… But what would you like for Christmas? I know the holidays are usually fun but I’ve never had to buy so many people gifts and such. Speaking of people, what team did you get on Ise?”

Toran’s curiosity got the better of him. Wanting to know who exactly was on his friends team. If anything it was more so that he was kinda wondering if the other teams were named after the four seasons that everyone thinks. Maybe that is why team winter is doing so well by themselves. Since the winter is their calling card if anything. He wondered if Isemori would be happy to know that Toran was potentially doing well given his demeanor. But also that Toran could notice how Ise seems to be a bit more on the mischievous side with that giant sack he’s carrying around.

Isemori Uchiha
Isemori Uchiha
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 232500

The Soft Breezes of Winter Empty Re: The Soft Breezes of Winter

Wed Dec 22, 2021 11:01 pm
Ise was glad to know that there were no hard feelings between them, after having not seen one another in a while. The moisture in the air was bothering the leg that had been reattached, but other than that, was nothing but a minor annoyance if anything. Ise was glad knowing that he and the other Uchiha could once again talk like they had when they had first met. He had noticed that Toran made a confused look when he saw Ise carrying the rucksack filled with his older brother’s ‘present’. “It’s a long story,” Ise had said in regards to the rucksack. However in the back of his mind, his inner being held a smug grin, as the silver-haired Uchiha still had imagined Itsuki’s face when he opened the rucksack - a priceless moment nonetheless. “It’s so nice to see you again! I can’t believe it’s been so long since we’ve seen each other! I’ve even grown stronger than during the Morning training we did together!” Toran had exclaimed, which made Ise grin.

“It sure has! If it weren’t for the fact that I was in the hospital, we’d probably see each other a lot more often!” Ise had said instinctually, not realizing that him being in the hospital would probably make Toran worry. After all, if Toran had known what had happened to him, chances are he probably would be. However, what truly mattered was that Ise’s leg was able to be reattached and that his days as a shinobi wouldn’t be over any time soon. However, just to get it out of the way, Ise had decided to show Toran the scarring that had formed where the stitches once were, while explaining to him everything that happened. Kurayami and him going nuts and cutting off his leg, to his time being in the hospital. He also told him how he had gotten a check with 40,000 ryo for turning in his mom’s donation. He still didn’t know how that pouch with the squishy stuff got in his house, but turning it into the hospital was definitely worth it!

Ise had also noticed that Toran’s eyes, mainly his sharingan, had changed, seeing the two tomoe were there in each eye. Ise grinned and said, “That’s impressive! You’ll be able to pick up one’s movements even better. However,” Ise said, revealing own sharingan that had three tomoe within each eye. “You still have a ways away to go if you wanna catch up to me,” Ise had finished, letting the sanguine hue of his eyes turn back to their normal emerald green. Ise’s expression had gone from a smile to a confused look when Toran seemed embarrassed while starting to ask him a question. “Heyy…. Sorry if this is a bit weird… But what would you like for Christmas? I know the holidays are usually fun but I’ve never had to buy so many people gifts and such.” Toran had explained. Ise honestly felt the same way. Normally, he would only worry about getting his mom and his older brother, (even though Ise felt like he didn’t deserve anything usually because he was big fat jerk most of the time) but now, he was part of a Genin squad - people whom which he’d be partnered up with for a while. It was definitely nerve-wracking, however, Ise also found a sense of joy in doing so, believe it or not. Ise smiled softly, closing his eyes while thinking of something that he wanted as a Christmas present. That was when Ise had thought of something. It was probably the stupidest thing ever but he didn’t care!

“An Archimedes Plush from Yuuma Sensei’s shop!” Ise had said proudly with a glint in his eyes. It was the cutest thing ever and he. Had. To. Have. It.shortly after Ise had given him his answer, Toran had asked the silver-haired Uchiha another question. “Speaking of people, what team did you get on Ise?” Ise had grinned and said, “I’m an official member of Team Summer! But …” Ise had paused, remembering the fact that they were down by two members. “We kinda hit a snag. But that’s okay!” Ise had said, changing from gloom-and-doom to an emphatic sense of passion and eagerness. “Because, we’re still gonna be an awesome team! I just know we will!” Ise had said, holding on to his toothy grin as the cold air had begun to pass by them. “How about you? What team did you get assigned to?” Ise had asked Toran, still having his sense of emphatic eagerness.

WC: 758
TWC: 1333
Toran Uchiha
Toran Uchiha
Stat Page : The Wily Amusing Uchiha
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 62500

The Soft Breezes of Winter Empty Re: The Soft Breezes of Winter

Tue Dec 28, 2021 5:12 pm
“You were in the hospital Ise? What for?” The other Uchiha exclaimed as now he felt a bit worse that he never tried to check up on his potential cousin’s condition at all when he was with Team winter. It made him feel as though he had failed somewhat as a friend. His eyes cast to the side as he was surprised Ise wasn’t mad at him at all for not seeking him out beforehand. Especially when it was said he was in the hospital, Toran's eyes were a bit more sharp than usual. It was almost as if when he felt bad the uchiha in him came out in his eyes. However when Ise showed Toran the massive scarring on his leg Toran wanted to give the other Uchiha a massive hug all things considered. Now he felt as though that Ise shouldn;t even be a ninja if something like that could happen to him so easily. Especially when the other Uchiha played it off so casually with Toran. It was as though Ise was even more fun loving then he was. Toran however lightened up as he explained why exactly his leg had been cut off. Leading to Toran comedically bonking Ise right on his head.

“You idiot! Imagine what your mother would think when it comes to stuff like that! You probably gave her a heart attack!” He said with a comedic flare as the other Uchiha was a lot more jolly all things considered. Everything was going great with his team all things considered. It was almost as if he didn’t have to worry about them or anyone. That he could advance on his own time as things continued. However when Toran saw Ise’s now spiralling three tomoe eyes spring to life. It made him slightly jealous. But also realizing he still had a long way to go until he was considered a powerhouse by any stretch. His own Blood Red eyes came into contact with Ise’s for a moment before he gave a small laugh. Placing an arm right on Ise’s shoulder. If only because he wanted to show that he cared enough for this.

“A plushie? Really? Alright! I’ll see what I can do. My missions were really easy all things considered. Allow me to actually get some coins for myself!” He said with a chuckle. The small amount of chortles made his hair a slight wave in the cold winds of the desert location. His eyes reverted back to normal when he heard about Ise being a part of team summer. They really were opposites weren’t they? It made Toran give a small smug smile as he brandished a small little necklace that showed a small snowflake.

“I’m a part of Team Winter actually. So that means we're on opposite sides of the season. Have you been able to do any missions with your teammates? And also two of my teammates are a bit well known all things considered. ONe’s Morio and the other is Hotaru, it's the girl from the morning routine that picked a little spat with Ayato’s brother.”
Isemori Uchiha
Isemori Uchiha
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 232500

The Soft Breezes of Winter Empty Re: The Soft Breezes of Winter

Tue Dec 28, 2021 9:55 pm
The silver-haired Uchiha seemed rather nonchalant about the matter as he spoke to Toran about how his leg got cut off. However, despite that, In the back of Ise’s mind, he knew how serious it was. Not only because of the fact that he would have lost his ability to carry out duties as a shinobi, but because of putting his mom through the pain of worrying about him. Ise just wasn’t the type to be serious all time, regardless of the subject. However, that didn’t mean he didn’t have the ability to become serious. He saved that for when there was a reason to be, but since he was healed and had his leg back on, he felt there was no need to be serious about it. Despite that though, it made the Uchiha aware of just how dangerous being a shinobi was, thus stepping up his game in the training department. Just as Ise had finished though, He felt Toran’s hand bonk him on the head, which surprised him.

“You idiot! Imagine what your mother would think when it comes to stuff like that! You probably gave her a heart attack!” Toran had said, after bonking the older Uchiha on the head, which made him relive the moment his mom did come to see him in the hospital. Ise’s mom was angry when she heard; not because of the fact that it happened to him, but because he didn’t run away. Instead, he put himself in danger. However, the words he told his mother that day rang true too. “A Shinobi always puts themselves in danger in order to see what’s right needs to be done,” “Hehehe, trust me, my mom did the same thing you did,” Ise said as he took in the cold breeze that blew by the both of them; his silver spiky hair moving along with it.

Once Ise had told him about the plushie that he wanted from his own Sensei’s shop, Toran had said, “A plushie? Really? Alright! I’ll see what I can do. My missions were really easy all things considered. Allow me to actually get some coins for myself!” This made that glint in Ise’s eyes appear within them once more, as he quickly wrapped Toran in a bear hug that could practically crush a boulder and said, “Thank you so much! You're the best cousin anyone in the world could ask for!” Ise had said while continuing to smother the young Uchiha in his unbearable bear hug. Not that they were actually cousins, however, Ise was obviously grateful (perhaps, a little too grateful), nonetheless.

Then, after that was all said and done, came the subject of Toran’s own squad. The moment the words ‘Team Winter’ escaped the younger Uchiha’s lips, Ise’s face went from eager to once with absolute dread, as he had instant flashbacks of Yamato flirting with Madara, who Ise had come to find out that like him and Toran, she too was also a member of the Uchiha Clan. After a moment, Ise’s cringe-like expression from remembering what had happened that apparent dream (which somehow felt real, considering that he remembered everything that had happened) had then turned into a serious-looking one. Ise gave a cough as he spoke once more and said, “Yeah, I met you Sensei… don’t ask me how because it still hardly even makes sense to me but … he was flirting with a girl while we were doing a mission together …” The silver-haired Uchiha said, sounding as if he were exhausted, while his left eyebrow twitched slightly. As hard as he tried to not remember that specific event, it still somehow kept popping back up in the Uchiha’s mind like an overgrown weed continuously sprouting after just being mowed over by a lawnmower.

"Hmm, I don't think I've heard of this Morio guy, but I definitely do remember Hotaru. Aside from her and Yamato, I don't think I know who the other two members of your team," Ise said, while having hand placed underneath his chin. In a way though, Ise was kind of jealous. Team Summer's numbers had went drastically down from five, to three after only just being assembled. Ise wondered what that meant for the rest of Team Summer. Would they just have to deal with the lack of members within the group and work just as hard, or would new people be filled in to take the empty slots? “I don’t think you’ve met Emilia, or Yuuma Sensei, now that I think about it. They’re both pretty nice people though! If you ever meet them, I’m sure you’ll get along just fine!” Ise grinned at Toran. Shortly after that, Ise remembered something rather important. “Oh! I almost forgot to ask you this myself! I need to know what you want for Christmas! And don’t tell me that you don’t want anything, because I’m definitely getting you something!” Ise had said, forming his signature goofy grin to the younger Uchiha.

WC: 830
TWC: 2163
Toran Uchiha
Toran Uchiha
Stat Page : The Wily Amusing Uchiha
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 62500

The Soft Breezes of Winter Empty Re: The Soft Breezes of Winter

Tue Jan 11, 2022 4:23 pm
“Good thing she did! Or else I would have to smack ya a second time!” The younger Uchiha said with a playfully annoyed expression as he knew that he was just joking with his cousin. But if anything. It only made him wish they were brothers even more. Which made him think about potentially how to embarrass the other Uchiha by referring to him as a brother. But he’d wait for another opportunity to call Ise his brother. His own mind now thinking back to what he was thinking about for a while. Wondering if perhaps Ise had anything else he wanted for Christmas besides the plushie. However, that bear hug nearly crushed Toran in an instant. Making Toran also return the favor with his almost as strong bear hug grip as well. That glint in Ise’s eyes should have been the first thing the other Uchiha had noticed when he had said he’d get the plushie for Ise.

“Alright alright! You won’t get the plushie if you kill me!” Toran said in slight annoyance as he had been hoping not to be killed in just his first months of being a part of a squad. To his teammate no less! That would be truly embarrassing of a story, and the fact that Toran would be ashamed for all of his life and then some. He however did actually enjoy the hug greatly. It definitely felt like they were brothers. Surely more than Ise’s own brother. Who he hadn’t heard if he even visited his younger brother when he lost a limb. He put two and two together as he took another small glimpse at the bag. Shaking his head towards Ise for a brief moment as he understood where the older Uchiha could be coming from. But it still seemed a bit harsh. It made him nearly lose his focus as Ise brought up Yamato and flirting with someone else?!! That got Toran rolling on the floor from the thought of seeing his sour puss of a sensei actually trying to flirt with someone. His echoes of laughter got a few little glimpses from others before walking along the ice roads. However the smaller Uchiha simply couldn’t help himself. The sudden thoughts of his teacher trying to get a girl made Toran want to laugh endlessly.

“Oh my god!! Please tell me if it was someone else from our clan?!!” He said through howls of laughter. Knowing full well that if his sensei was watching he’d get his ass kicked. But that simply didn’t matter to the boy at hand. It was the entertainment that he had at his sensei’s expense. His small body covered in black and blue rolling around on the sandy roads was something that would have made his mother a bit annoyed. But his black eyes almost turned red from the lack of concentration. Toran slowly picked himself back up. Still giggling as he responded to the question about Morio and his team along with meeting with Ise’s team.

“Yeah! I’d love to meet with them! Maybe we could go on a group mission together?” He asked as idea’s flooded through him of what to do. Or if he should go meet them sooner or with Isemori. The uchiha was in deep thought now. His index finger and thumb making a checkmark as he held his chin.

Isemori Uchiha
Isemori Uchiha
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 232500

The Soft Breezes of Winter Empty Re: The Soft Breezes of Winter

Tue Jan 18, 2022 5:42 pm
It was abundantly clear that Ise was happy that Toran was gonna get him a present; especially something that he wanted. Itsuki had never done that for him, or at least ... not for a very long time. It was probably a good thing Toran wasn't there to see Ise's tear-up episode at that vacant bench earlier. Ise wasn't the one to cry about something, but he couldn't help but feel the hurt whenever it crept out from deep within himself. However, Ise also wasn’t the type to keep all of it bottled up inside either. That’s why he was filled with so much energy - always training, running around the village. If there was anything he could do to make that pain subside, he’d do it within a heartbeat. It was, for him, a natural coping mechanism, and he believed that it works quite well for him. At least, most of the time.

Like right now even. Just talking to Toran put him in high spirits once again. Whether Toran realized it or not though, Ise had no clue. After all, Toran wasn’t a mind-reader. “Alright alright! You won’t get the plushie if you kill me!” Toran had said as Ise had continued to crush him with his bear hug, which had made Ise immediately ease up, taking a step back to let his younger cousin breathe. “For someone a few years younger, you sure do act older than me. Are you sure you’re not older than I am?” Ise jokingly questioned, nudging Toran playfully. Ise may act like a total goofball most of the time, but then again, he didn’t like the always-serious-and-brooding attitude most Uchiha’s carried, sort of how Itsuki typically carried himself. That, and his arrogance.

“Unfortunately … she was,” Ise had said, telling Toran about Madara and his Sensei. Of course, it was natural for people to find romance and what not. However … Ise believed that Yamato could have done a completely different approach on the whole entire thing. Not only that, but they were technically on a mission together … even though it was a dream? Honestly, the whole dream itself was crazy altogether - having been teleported to Moon Country - Meeting the people of Yoi; seeing how small they were. Even though it was all a dream, Ise remembered every last bit of it and unfortunately, there were some things that he wanted to forget about, but couldn’t and watching Toran’s sensei flirt with a girl from his own clan just loosened the wrong screw so to speak.

As Toran had gone deep into his own thoughts, Ise couldn’t help but think about how the rest of his team were doing. The last time they all saw each other was when they had first met one another, aside from Yuuma of course. In all honesty, it made the silver-haired Uchiha worry. However, the slightly older Uchiha had hid his concerns with his normal grin, hoping that Toran wouldn’t notice and said, “Yeah! I’m pretty sure Yuuma Sensei and the others would love to meet you and the rest of your team!” Ise said, trying his best to hold his grin. He wasn’t sure, but the chances of Yuuma knowing Yamato Sensei were pretty fair. After all, they were both Chuunin. Ise wasn’t completely sure, but chances of them two already knowing one another was already very likely. That was when Ise had changed the subject and said, “Hey, so I was wondering, did you wanna go walking around town together for a bit? I don’t have to be home right away any time soon.” Ise had asked him. He wasn’t sure if Toran had any other plans that needed tending to or not, but he figured it’d be nice for the both of them to spend time together. In fact, Ise didn’t feel like going home right away just yet. He knew that Itsuki would be home and Ise didn’t want to drag Toran into their normal squabbles. Not only that, but it would upset his mother who would also be home too.

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