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Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

Uninhibited Frustration [Hunter] Empty Uninhibited Frustration [Hunter]

Tue Nov 23, 2021 11:12 am
Them's Fighting Words:


The evening had gone away and from his group, he was the last person still standing. Hearty meals, plenty of water, and a tolerance for alcohol that rivalled his tolerance for pain, had allowed the Raikage of Kumogakure to outlast his peers, yet many had come in from the time he had started, and as such he had the pleasure of being accompanied by the lowest forms of Kumogakurian life, those who came out at night for the easier pickings. While he bore his armor and eyepatch, with a gourd of sake dangling by his belt, the white robe and pyramidical hat were long gone in his storage displacement. Perhaps in a stroke of bad luck, it was the Raikage’s day off on the morrow, and he decided to stay longer out, getting drunker and drunker. From the blur of the world to the slurring of words, he barely understood what was going on. But a drunken fist master was always at the top of their game, whether sober or drunk. It was when they were hungover that issues arose.

Inside the Drunken Kage, a fitting name for the bar on this cold night, the Raikage had just downed another glass of sake, and made his way out of the bar to the wide twenty five meter semi circle outside with another glass in hand, and he almost bumped into someone just outside the ten meter facade of the Drunken Kage. “Watch it, you fucking degenerate”, he blurted out as he walked two meters away from whomever he insulted, downing the drink and slamming the glass onto the ground out of frustration.
WC: 272
Guren Chinoike
Guren Chinoike
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : The Big Blood
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 25000

Uninhibited Frustration [Hunter] Empty Re: Uninhibited Frustration [Hunter]

Fri Dec 17, 2021 1:49 pm
Your Opponent:

Having just come back from one of his shoots Johnny Sins was still in his casting clothes, a pair of baby blue scrubs and a flak jacket. It was a difficult set, as he been casted to play the role of a shinobi doctor treating and satisfying a room full of patients. The shot took at least 10 hours and 3 takes just to yield 45 minutes of useable footage. And truthfully, Johnny Sins was tired. He had only gotten into this gig a couple of months ago when he was spotted by a notable adult film talent agent while in a gym locker room. The agent had noticed his chiseled physique, handsome face, and...horn he was blessed with from his clan. Unlike other members from his clan, he only had one and it wasn't located atop his head. Nor was it pointed. Nevertheless the agent had offered him a job, and Johnny Sins had been performing ever since. But the long hours were gruesome, and the job was quite strenuous. On the job, it forced Johnny Sins into taking supplements just to get his performance to a level that was film worthy. Off the job, Johnny Sins would spend his time drinking himself pissy until he stumbled his way back home. Oh how difficult it was to be an international actor.

Tonight's bar of choice, was one highly regarded in Kumogakure: The Drunken Kage. And Johnny Sins had been downing shots of sake ever since he got off work. Rising from his table, he'd head outside to get some fresh air as his mind was nothing short of inebriated. Shortly outside the front of the bar, he would nearly bump collide with another drunken lad who bore a face of striking familiarity. Thinking nothing of it, Johnny Sins would continue until he heard the man call him a degenerate and subsequently spike his drink into the ground. "Hey, you don't say that!" Johnny Sins would cry out while turning around in place once 4 meters from the man. "I don't call you a degeranate for whatever your occupationalism is!" the man would slur while now facing the direction of the Raikage.

WC = 361
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

Uninhibited Frustration [Hunter] Empty Re: Uninhibited Frustration [Hunter]

Tue Jan 18, 2022 7:32 am
The voice boomed behind him, and the Raikage’s spirits inflamed. How dare they talk back to him, the mighty Raikage, in such a tone after being insulted by the man? Turning around, the Raikage tried to figure out what the slurred ocupationalism meant. “What did you say to me?” Yet, as the moonlight reflected off the head of the man, a sense of familiarity washed over the redhead, abating the flames of rage. “...Johnny?”, he questioned if his unfocused vision played tricks on the matured black eye, the Byakugan still hidden by the half-face patch that kept it a mystery. “Johnny Sins?” Of course, that was his new stage name, for his original name was lost to the redhead. Yet he knew the man for a long time, having just recently received his letter for early retirement to pursue a career in film which proved to be quite the joke. A pornographer he was, and he had even made a parody of his own chunin exams where he defeated two kunochi, one on her knees and another in a wooded area. Noboru wasn’t sure if he felt flattered or disgusted.

“Johnny, you son of a bitch!” He point a finger at the man, and his arm waddled as it tried to find the head of the ogre. “You quit working just to go fuck hot chicks? You were one of my best fighters, damn you!” He took a step back as his balance was challenged, but he managed to stand regardless. “Fuck it, we’re throwing hands right now, you will come back to work. You can take fucking as a part time job, I don’t care.” Chakra beamed through his body and eyes, the sight becoming more focused as the alcohol would not impair the white or crimson eyes. He threw two preparation punches as he got into a waddling fighting stance, preparing to fight his distant friend and former ninja.
Byakugan -10AP
Sharingan -10AP
New total: 1380 AP
Guren Chinoike
Guren Chinoike
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : The Big Blood
Living Clones : Zidane
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 25000

Uninhibited Frustration [Hunter] Empty Re: Uninhibited Frustration [Hunter]

Wed Jan 19, 2022 1:29 pm
As his vision blurred, Johnny Sins' eyes would slowly refocus until they were centered onto the man's frame. Low and behold, it was the Raikage. It hurt his soul to see one of his number one fans refer to him as a degenerate. The ratings, reviews, and good reception that Johnny Sins' scenes had invoked were largely due to the Raikage's supposed burner email being leaked, which contained a membership to Johnny Sins' own personal website. The adult film industry world interpreted this as an endorsement from the Raikage's office, and it meant the world to Johnny Sins. But this interaction had rubbed him the wrong way. Or perhaps it was the sake.

In any case, upon receiving the Raikage's challenge, Johnny Sins internally embraced it. Part of him was wishing to be freed from his blessed curse of filming with different actresses every night. But his external front, would reject the idea of returning as a shinobi. "That's the last thing I would want! Fucking is a full time job..." he'd say as his voice trailed off. In an abrupt dismissal of his thoughts, he'd shake his head and take on the challenge. "Fuck it! Let's fuck!" he'd exclaim. Unbeknownst to Noboru, "let's fuck" was Johnny Sins' signature catchphrase back when he was a shinobi. Not to be taken in the literal sense. 

And as he exclaimed such a thing, the surge of alcoholism resounded through his body, naturally enhancing his physical capabilities (+50/+50 to Speed & Strength). Simultaneously his eyes would bear the same, furious intensity as his stature would radiate, producing a 10m invisible wave of fear that would impart itself onto Noboru. Following this, Johnny Sins would seemingly lose his footing and lean backwards as if he were going to fall. But in a swift motion energy would surge through his left arm, he'd clench that fist shut, then violently swing it forward; unleashing a piercing bolt of energy heading straight towards Noboru.

WC = 325. TWC = 686

Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

Uninhibited Frustration [Hunter] Empty Re: Uninhibited Frustration [Hunter]

Sun Jan 23, 2022 6:18 am
Drunken mastery and crashing thunder possessed Noboru as Johnny exclaimed for the two to fuck, a catchphrase likely developed through the months of degenerative occupation of the man, and when the pornographer shot him with a deadly look, Noboru mimicked it with his own to let them know that he too was a killer and wouldn’t back down. As the bald ogre leaned back, Noboru extended his left hand as he pulled the right one back, and just as Johnny lunged his arm forwards Noboru impacted the back of his left extended hand with his closed right fist, producing a massive wave of energy that would rock the environment before them as a massive tiger skull formed, devouring the puncture and aiming at consuming Johnny in its jaws.

With quickness, Noboru picked up the sake bottle at his side, and pushing the cork with his thumb, he allowed the sake to spill into a fiery blade, which he aimed at the man’s chest before allowing it to shoot out for fifteen meters in a drunken rage.

Guren Chinoike
Guren Chinoike
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : The Big Blood
Living Clones : Zidane
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 25000

Uninhibited Frustration [Hunter] Empty Re: Uninhibited Frustration [Hunter]

Thu Feb 03, 2022 9:22 am
(sorry for the wait bruh)
With the exchange of furious glares at each other, Johnny would feel his chakra potency and natural speed be slowed a bit. And although his had also impacted the Raikage, it would seem as if it were futile. Noboru still was moving at incredible speeds. Perhaps this was the wrong fight for Johnny to pick. Still though, he needed to respond. 

Having thrown the bolt of energy towards Noboru, once it had left his hand Johnny would quickly swing his right arm upwards a quarter of a meter so it was parallel with his left arm. Resultantly, a disruption of air would formulate centered on Johnny's body and expand outwards. Recognizing that the Raikage's sheer power should exceed his own, Johnny anticipated the puncture he had thrown to be overpowered (based on speeds, this is about 1.5m from Johnny, 2.5 from Nobo). Thus, the ever expanding air disruption would come into effect. After the consumption of the first puncture, the incoming tiger head would lose stability once colliding with the air disruption (-50 power to Daytime Tiger, now at 150 power). In preparation of the debuff successfully applying to the tiger, at the same time that he initiated the air disruption his clinched left fist would hurl another quick punch at the air sending another bolt of energy (170 power, 130 speed) to collide with the incoming tiger head. This collision would occur about .6 meters away from Johnny, and with the puncture exceeding the power of the tiger it would destroy it and proceed onwards towards Noboru.

Johnny wasn't done though, for as he was sending the second bolt towards the tiger he would see Noboru fiddling with a sake bottle. His speed, nearly twice that of Johnny's was commendable. So Johnny would take more subtle actions to respond to the beginning of the fiery blade's construction. Moving laterally and to the right two meters, Johnny would flex all muscles in his body and omit a wave of energy that would surge outwards. It was a testament to his superior strength. His body's muscularity would be accentuated and the force it released was enough to shake anything and everything around it including the fiery blade (debuff of 50 to power). And as he begun his movement to his right, he would swing his left arm three times and forward to send a total of three more bolts of energy (170 power, 130 speed). The first towards the kage's immediate location, and the next two aimed slightly (1 meter) to the right and slightly (1 meter) to the left to catch the man if he moved to dodge the attacks.

As the last puncture was fired, Johnny would unclinch his left hand and once he traveled two meters to the right his trajectory would change so he ran forward and to the right. And as he started to run in this direction, his now freed hands combined to rifle through three hand seals and finally a clap. Johnny's body would electrically invigorate, and he would keep moving while maintaining his view on Noboru. He intended to see how the kage responded to the energy bolts, and to see how he would utilize the fiery blade now that it should be weaker from the debuff. Additionally Johnny was no longer in its previously mentioned path. Yet even if the blade did hit him, since it was debuffed its impacts would be minimal to Johnny's natural DR reserves. When his hands would conclude their seals his right would rapidly retrieve a Viagra pill from his pocket and raise it to his mouth for consumption. Johnny was trying to feel a little hornier than usual.

WC = 610. TWC = 1296

Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
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The daughter
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

Uninhibited Frustration [Hunter] Empty Re: Uninhibited Frustration [Hunter]

Thu May 05, 2022 2:20 pm
The Uchiha were among the most feared clans due to their prowess in battle, and their secrets were known to the Storm Lord. In a flick of his wrist, the blade would adapt to every twitch and jerk of the musculature of the ogre before him. Even as the ogre dispatched the punctures, he had moved towards Noboro’s left, and the Raikage watched with his Sharingan and Byakugan together the trajectory of the projectiles as they were fired. One too high to bother the Raikage, as it destroyed his Daytime Tiger, the other aimed at his chest, while the other aimed give or take one meter to either side. Noboru circled his left foot towards his back in a half step so the punctures would travel by his sides neatly.

Yet, a flick of his wrist, while minimal at his range, would create a vast difference in the angle of the flaming spear aimed at the pornographer. However, as it had been thrusted, the beam of fire would need to retract before the Raikage could swing it; as it reached the limit of it's activation, the Raikage withdrew the flaming sword back until it was but an ember at the mouth of the gourd, before letting it off again in an arch. Utilizing the Sharingan’s optical tracking, the Raikage easily tracked the motions of the ogre even before they physically manifested, and with little to no delay he adjusted the spear to aim at the bald fucker’s midsection. Even if debuffed, the spear would have enough bite to cause a deep cut to his side, past the capacity of martial artists to reduce incoming damage.

If the strike was successful, the blade would cause considerable damage but move on as the ethereal flame it was; at that point, Noboru would bring the blade back for a second lick of flame across the ogre’s midsection, the attentive Sharingan ready to analyze motion and adjust the angle of the moving wrist accordingly.
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

Uninhibited Frustration [Hunter] Empty Re: Uninhibited Frustration [Hunter]

Fri May 20, 2022 1:47 pm
It ended as fast as it started. Sidestepping the flanking punctures, the swing of the flaming sword dug onto the side of the Ushitora as he circled around to flank Noboru himself, eating away at the damage reduction afforded by the Taijutsu master. In no time, the inflamed sake sliced at the torso of the ogre, damaging his internal organs as it pushed him to the side.

It was a sobering moment; in his furious haze, Noboru had not held back against his own former ninja, and as he retracted the flaming blame, an additional cut was made on the flank of the bald pornographer. As the man toppled, the redhead cursed as he rushed towards him. “Fuck fuck fuck fuck, Raijin and Fuijin, fuck!” Grabbing onto the body of the Ushitora, Noboru watched as the blood spilled and soaked onto his armor. “Shit, stay with me!”

Noboru lifted the pornographer, and took off as fast as the 7th Gate allowed him to move, towards the hospital.
72h'ing Guren as per our Discord convo
Claiming victory on Hunter
WC: 167
TWC: 1266
Claiming 8,200 Ryo, 40 AP, C-Rank Bounty [1500 WC]
2500 towards Arms Duplication Technique, for half handseals removal
266 towards second mastery, making new total for second handseal mastery 266/2500
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
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Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Uninhibited Frustration [Hunter] Empty Re: Uninhibited Frustration [Hunter]

Fri May 20, 2022 2:54 pm
Guren Chinoike
Guren Chinoike
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : The Big Blood
Living Clones : Zidane
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 25000

Uninhibited Frustration [Hunter] Empty Re: Uninhibited Frustration [Hunter]

Tue May 24, 2022 2:35 pm
Johnny Sins, as horny as he was, had committed the worst sin of all time: getting houred. No matter how hard he tried, the might of the Raikage was too great. He was a fool to think that such a shinobi like himself could ever erect a fighting chance against the Raikage. As his bleeding body was slung overtop of the shoulder of Noboru, he couldn't help but smile. Not because he was alive. But because Noboru's strong hand firmly gripped his body and held him securely in place, by the buttocks. He knew the Raikage had a thing for his videos.

- Exit -

WC = 102. TWC = 1398

Rewards to Guren Chinoike
Mission Rewards: 8,000 Ryo / 40 AP -> Max AP so 40*50 = 2,000 Ryo; 
Kage Rank Mission Completion: 15,000 Ryo
All words going towards Ketsuryugan (Stage 2, 2871/3000); rest trained here (waiting to submit claims until app approved)
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