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Isemori Uchiha
Isemori Uchiha
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 232500

The difference between us (Kurayami) Empty The difference between us (Kurayami)

Tue Oct 19, 2021 4:12 am
Ise had woke up at around nine in the morning for another day of training, letting out a big obnoxious yawn; blinking shortly after. He looked over to see that Itsuki had been long gone already, his bed vacant. Ise slightly grimaced, hoping that he’d at least be able to see him off before he went on patrol, even though both argue back and forth with one another. The young Uchiha figured that it was because they were brothers. After all, their mother said that it was normal for siblings to bicker back and forth between one another. After Ise took his time, getting dressed for another day of training. What’s more, was that he wasn’t wearing his usual outfit. The clothing was more suited for battle. “My normal attire is better looking, but I have to break this in at some point, right?” He thought to himself, and with that he headed downstairs, hearing what sounded like someone walking around in the kitchen, more than likely his mom. 

“Hey, mom! I’m heading out to the training grounds again for most of the day!” the young Uchiha said, but just as he was about to make it to the front door, his mother called out to him. “Wait! There was a note left for you, I’m guessing on the front door. Itsuki found it on the porch before he left for his patrol.” Ise perked up, not out of excitement. It was confusion that was written on his face. “A note? From who!?” He thought to himself, trying to think of who it could have been. It was clear to his mother that he was confused, with the same expression sitting on his face as he walked towards her in the kitchen. He already held out the note, which made it take it from her hand to read it. 

Meet me at the training grounds. See ya there.

That was all it said. No name from the person who left it, nor anything else. It was kept vaguely brief - probably meant to be that way. However, it still made the silver-haired Uchiha’s eye twitch. “Couldn’t the person at least leave a name? Jeez,” Ise said, shoving the note in his pant pocket. “Well, I’ll be heading to the training grounds anyway, so I’ll just meet the person there, I guess,” Ise said, finally heading out the door. As Ise his way to the water gardens, he wondered just who exactly it could be that left him the note. “Was it Toran? Nah, it couldn’t have been. I’m pretty sure he’d at least say that it was from him,” He thought to himself. He was so caught up in trying to figure out who in the hell the mystery person was that he had made it to the training grounds, lost in his thoughts. When he had finally came back to reality, He looked around and called out, “Alright, mystery person! I’m here! Where are ya!?” Ise called out obnoxiously. Honestly, he was stumped as to who it was. But he’d find out right here and now at least.

WC: 518

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Kurayami Shinkou
Kurayami Shinkou
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 20100

The difference between us (Kurayami) Empty Re: The difference between us (Kurayami)

Wed Oct 20, 2021 12:55 am
There you are. You will be one of many sacrifices. One of many. One of many, oh Dark One. One of many, sir.” The red haired swordsman muttered under his breath as he observed the small child from within the obscuring nature of the treetops. He already had his bow and arrow ready, and he was readying himself to fire a single arrow in the back of the child’s head. He knocked his arrow and he slowly pulled back, needing no true concern on whether or not he was going to be able to hit this target, as he had all the faith possible in his abilities with this bow. 

The darkness swallowed his soul, his dead red eyes simply looked with indifference as he released the arrow directly for the child’s neck. Moments before the arrow had been released from his possession, his eyes quickly shifted and widened as he shifted his bow to the side rapidly, causing the arrow to miss his target. The arrow would fly through the air, as he didn’t stop himself soon enough to stop the arrow from being released. The arrow would fly by the child’s head and landing deep into a tree that he was passing by.

With his position all but given away, he decided that there was no choice but to hop down and explain himself. He leaped down from the tree and he had both of his hands up in the air, only slightly bending at the elbow. “Sorry friend. I honestly have no idea what came over me. I have heard you were someone with a rather incredible sense of excitement for the tasks of being a shinobi. That was why I left you a note at your door. I wanted to see just what you had in your arsenal for combat.” He stopped for a moment, his eyes beginning to narrow again, growing to being a more dead state, looking more unfeeling and cold. 

The chanting! Yuumei please! Not the chanting!” He grabbed his head with both hands, falling to his knees screaming at the top of his lungs. He was now 5 meters away from the child when he dropped to his knees. His screaming stopped and one of his hands fell to his sword’s handle. He looked up from the ground and he stared a hole through the back of the child’s head. He rose to his feet at full speed, but even faster then he would have rose at his normal speed. In the same motion he would lunge forward and use his quickdraw motion to unsheathe his sword and slice directly for the child’s neck, aiming to lop his head directly from his shoulders. At the same time as his rising from his knees, the curse mark would spread from his neck throughout his body, increasing his speed even more (Total speed 200 from CM and Kyudo QuickDraw)

Upon the replacing of his sword, he would continue to move forward and aim to keep close with the child, ensuring that he would not escape the fate that had now been put upon him. He had very little means of stopping himself, but deep in his subconscious he just hoped that the child could survive the onslaught of destruction that was going to be coming to the child. Should the child find a way to dodge the first attack, then he would quickly move to stage two of his attack. While he was drawing and replacing his sword from his sheathe, he would be using his other hand to form the hand seals for a large blast of shade to consume the area within 10 meters with his body in the center. This shade would consume not only himself, but the child that he was now fighting. 

Should this not be enough to claim his soul for Yuumei, then he would quickly formulate another plan to take this child’s life.

WC: 656

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Isemori Uchiha
Isemori Uchiha
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 232500

The difference between us (Kurayami) Empty Re: The difference between us (Kurayami)

Sat Oct 23, 2021 5:03 pm
Ise had continued to look around, still seeing no sign of anyone. However, when he had begun to pass a tree on his left, the sound of something hitting it made him jump slightly, turning towards it to see an arrow had been shot into it. “Good thing I was right in front of that tree, or I’d have it lodged into me somewhere!” Ise thought to himself. He wondered just where exactly the arrow had come from though. That was when a voice had called out to him from behind. “Sorry friend.” Just as Ise had heard the voice speak from behind him, Ise was looking at a boy with long red hair. Judging from how he looked, He was possibly a couple of years younger than the silver-haired Uchiha, however, what was clear to Ise was that he was a shinobi. He had a bow, which ruled out where the arrow had come from. Ise also made note of the Katana that was strapped to him as well. 

“I honestly have no idea what came over me. I have heard you were someone with a rather incredible sense of excitement for the tasks of being a shinobi.” He explained not only about the Arrow, but what’s more, was that this boy knew the young Uchiha as well, but Ise had never him before. The silver-haired Uchiha blinked, having an expression that said he was confused. “Wait, you know who I am?” Ise said, blinking a few times once more. The boy’s next statement then confirmed that all the more. “That was why I left you a note at your door. I wanted to see just what you had in your arsenal for combat.” The boy stated in what was more than likely a slight matter-of-fact tone. That was when a happy grin formed on Ise’s face, as well as a glint, appear in his emerald green eyes. “Well, why didn’t ya just say so! Ya know you could have just asked! I’m always down for a friendly spar! I’m still puzzled as to how you know me though because I don’t believe we’ve ever physically met before,” The young Uchiha said, trying to think if they ever did meet once before. If that was indeed the case, the young Uchiha would kinda feel bad about not remembering him. 

However, no matter how hard Ise tried to think about it, the young Uchiha simply couldn’t remember if they had once met or not. ‘C’mon let’s-” Ise had started to walk, turning his head, and stopped himself abruptly when he glanced back over at the redheaded boy now being five meters away from one another. The boy had both of his hands clutching his head as if he were in a massive amount of pain. Once again confused as well as concerned, Ise spoke once again. “Hey, are you okay? What’s the matter?” Ise had asked while staying where he was. “The chanting! Yuumei, please! Not the chanting!” The boy shouted at the top of his lungs, now on his knees. Ise could only look on in confusion and concern for the boy. He activated his Sharingan; his eyes turning red while forming two tomoe in both of his eyes. The young Uchiha had hoped he’d see if there was like a disruption to the boy’s chakra of some kind, but it was no good. I don’t see anything wrong with him, but clearly, something is or he wouldn’t be screaming like that,” Ise thought to himself. That was when the red-head stood up quickly, beginning to lung at him. With Ise’s Sharingan activated still, it gave him mild foresight, seeing that the boy was about to draw his blade. 

“He’s fast!” the young Uchiha said, hopping back another five meters, dodging the blade though. “If I didn’t have my Sharingan, my head would be at his feet right about now. What is with this guy, anyway!? First, he was nice and apologizing about the arrow, and then the next thing I know he’s gone completely nuts!” The young Uchiha thought to himself. What’s more was that even though Ise managed to dodge the Katana being swung at him, the red-headed boy’s onslaught was not yet done, beginning to weave hand signs with one hand; sending a wave of what appeared to be pure darkness. Without thinking, Ise made a roundhouse kick while utilizing a powerful rotation to move more quickly, which deflected the blast wave five meters to his right flank. Once the young Uchiha had his feet back onto the ground he formed two hand signs tiger, then rat in that order. Then once he turned to face the boy that had tried to kill him, lunged forward - quickly diving downward, only to bring his left leg upward, attempting to shove his foot right into the boy’s chin. If the attack of the young Uchiha’s connected, it would send the read head directly up into the air by ten meters. 

WC: 832
TWC: 1350

AP Usage/Breakdown:
Kurayami Shinkou
Kurayami Shinkou
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 20100

The difference between us (Kurayami) Empty Re: The difference between us (Kurayami)

Sat Oct 23, 2021 5:59 pm
As the swing that he had attempted to lob the child's head clean off, he nimbly dodged it by ducking lower than the swing. The fact that the red haired Shinkou was moving faster then he ever thought possible, he was surprised that the child could move so quickly. But he didn't give it any time to think about it, for his body was simply moving on its own, or at least that's how it felt. He didn't take too much time for him to know the next phase of his attacks. He saw that this child had some training in Taijutsu, but his speed left much to be desired. He easily leaned back to dodge the roundhouse kick that had been sent his way, and he took his katana out once more, but this time he was not going to do anything fancy with the unsheathing of his devastating blade, this time he was drawing it for extended use. 

He drew the katana once more as the child was reaching his furthest extent of his roundhouse kick, and with a quick flourish of the blade he would strike for the leg still planted on the ground. (Speed is 230/115 for damage) He would use the time during his own flourish to also place himself behind the leg that was swinging just in case the child thought to simply leap over the slice. The flourish would attempt a slash at his leg, rendering him unable to stand and he would need immediate medical attention, if he didn't just kill him outright. 

Due to the child's insistence on using his taijutsu maneuvers, he had little ability to dodge his reactive slash to his planted leg, and due to the fact that he was moving four times as fast and the distance Kurayami needed to travel was so little, he was very confident that this slash would surely connect with the planted leg of his prey, and with his leg being slashed off of his body, rendering him unable to do most of his taijutsu maneuvers from here on out. 

WC: 349


Curse Mark: -25
Dark Pulse (from last post): -30
Rupture (Described as a "Flourish"): -40
Isemori Uchiha
Isemori Uchiha
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 232500

The difference between us (Kurayami) Empty Re: The difference between us (Kurayami)

Sat Oct 23, 2021 8:43 pm
Ise, with the mild foresight of his Sharingan, had seen the red-headed boy’s movements, and it was at that moment that he knew his kick wouldn’t connect. “Dammit, He’s just too darn fast! I can’t keep up with him!” The silver-haired Uchiha thought to himself once again, and that was when the worst-case scenario that Ise hadn’t even thought about, happened. The red-head brought his sword down upon Ise’s leg down upon him. “Shit! I can’t move!” the boy thought, and then, his leg that was once extended upward was now disconnected from his body; blood pouring out from where his leg was once joined. Ise let out a scream of agony, his hands clutching the ground, practically tearing into the earth. 

“You crazy son-of-a-” Ise had started, however, he was in so much pain that he even couldn’t finish the sentence. How Ise even had the strength to say anything at all at this point was beyond him.

WC: 159 
TWC: 1509
Kurayami Shinkou
Kurayami Shinkou
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 20100

The difference between us (Kurayami) Empty Re: The difference between us (Kurayami)

Mon Oct 25, 2021 3:18 pm
He planned out this movement meticulously, but he did it without having to spend any time thinking about it, his body just did it. The blade swung straight through the boy's leg, and it was so easy, easier than he had anticipated. The boy's body flopped hard onto the ground from the momentum that he had when he swung his foot around. When the boy hit the ground, the red haired shinobi was still not satisfied. He held his blade up to the boy's throat, and he said with an indifferent tone, "You insignificant piece of filth. You don't deserve the very steel that has made the blade in which I wield. Cutting your throat and sacrificing you to Yuumei would be a waste of time, for he calls for blood that has a modicum of richness to it, but this is nothing more than swill coursing through your veins." He stood there, standing over the child, still debating with himself if he should just put this shinobi out of his misery. It would have been easy, too easy, as simple as just leaning forward slightly and feeling the boy's skin just give way to the sharpness of the blade.

He stood there, watching his fellow shinobi writhe in pain for a few moments as he wiped the blood off of his face and his blade before he felt his body surge with pain. He dropped his sword to the child's side and fell to his knees. He saw what he had done and he couldn't believe his eyes. He grabbed his sword and he sheathed it before he leaped to the boy's side and he began to analyze the situation. His eyes widened as he knelt down to the ground, panicking over the fact that one of his fellow shinobi was lying on the ground. "Oh no! I don't know what just... I was only wanting a friendly spar. I'm so sorry." He began to speak frantically as he held his hands over the severed leg and tried to stabilize the wound enough to where the boy wouldn't bleed out. 

He threw the boy over his shoulder and he began running through the village to the hospital. He carried the boys leg in his right arm, while having the boy thrusted up onto his other shoulder. He burst through the door of the hospital and he quickly began explaining to the lady at the desk what had happened. The woman called for a few nurses to grab the boy and they took him to the back rooms of the hospital. Kurayami tried his best to be allowed to go back with him, but he was told that he had to wait in the waiting room and they would come get him if they were able and allowed. 

The red haired shinobi went back into the waiting room and he waited for the fate that was soon to come for him. He wasn't sure if this was going to be considered an accident in training as it was completely deliberate. He thought for a moment to himself and he quickly realized that it was going to be his word against the victim, and that didn't look to good for him. He didn't even know what came over him, he heard the chanting and his vision began to blur like it had done many times before, but this time he lost control of his own body, feeling as though someone was pulling strings that he was just simply attached to and along for the ride. He sat in that waiting room, waiting not so patiently for them to allow him to see the child, but he stayed hopeful that he would be able to make amends for the horrendous thing that he had done.
Isemori Uchiha
Isemori Uchiha
Survived 2021
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Ryo : 232500

The difference between us (Kurayami) Empty Re: The difference between us (Kurayami)

Thu Nov 04, 2021 5:33 pm
Ise was in a massive mount of pain, glaring daggers at the other boy, but then his glare had turned into an expression mixed with his former bewilderment, but also confusion. "Is this guy serious!? He went completely nuts and then changed on the flip of a dime!?" Ise thought, not really sure to make head or tails of what was going on anymore, and then, he had fallen into unconsciousness due to the trauma of the pain as the red-headed boy rushed him to the hospital. 

WC: 87
TWC: 1596

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The difference between us (Kurayami) Empty Re: The difference between us (Kurayami)

Thu Nov 04, 2021 8:03 pm
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