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Isemori Uchiha
Isemori Uchiha
Survived 2021
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Divided, but not conquered  - Page 2 Empty Re: Divided, but not conquered

Thu Oct 21, 2021 3:20 pm
Ise, and the two women that were with continued onward, while also not drawing unwanted attention to themselves. It was a good thing that their transformation jutsu was working, despite the vampires roaming around, either feeding on people within the manor or just aimlessly roaming the halls. As the three of them continued traversing through the demented mansion of horrors. As they had exited the east wing and made their way into what appeared to be the main hall where the girl’s father had entered from, Ise stopped abruptly when his eyes had caught the sight of the guards who had escorted their partner in - dead with trees practically fully grown out of their bodies. Before the young Uchiha could say anything, however, one of the girls had spoken to him in a reassuring tone. That was my father’s doing; not the horrific machinations that lie within this mansion,” She smiled at Ise while the other one smiled back, nodding before speaking. “That’s right. He knew infiltrating the manor together would cause problems for us, which was why He first went in alone. That is also more than likely the reason our other female companion went on her own as well. He’s been silently traversing through the manor, following the insignias we’ve been following.”

“Oh really? How do you know that for sure?” Ise had asked her. It wasn’t that he doubted her, but rather that he was rather curious. “Our eyes. His eyes, rather. They are linked together. What he sees, we also see as well and vise versa,” Ise tilted his head, while deep in thought. “That’s …. Awesome! I wish my eyes could do that!” The young Uchiha thought to himself before snapping out of his thoughts when one of the girls spoke again. “Hildr’s right. However, since Emi is not with us, he cannot see her, neither can we for that matter. That’s why we must hurry and regroup. It’s more than likely that Emi is also on her way towards our father as well.” The other girl said, which Ise made a mental note to remember her name. After all, they were working together and Ise felt like knowing one another’s names was important. “Alright, then! Let’s keep on moving!” Ise said, forming an eager grin on his face. He was looking forward to meeting back up with Emi and the other girl’s father. “I hope the others are doing alright, though.” Ise thought to himself, being a little concerned. He had a feeling that the manor was more dangerous than it was outside, and not just because of the mindless pale-skinned vampires roaming the hallways. Despite though, the main hall of the manor seemed to be rather vacant, except for small pieces of furniture lining up against the walls as well as numerous painted portraits of a man. He had Auburn hair with a silver highlight on his left bangs, which was mildly short. 


The young Uchiha could not help but stare at the painting. Hildr and her sister were also looking at it right beside the young Uchiha. “Do you think that this guy is the ruler of the manor?” Isemori had asked aloud to the two sisters. “I would believe so. But look at the date inscribed on the Portrait.” The sister who Ise didn’t know the name of said, pointing to the small scribble on the golden frame of the portrait. “What!? But that’s … Impossible! That would mean that-” “The man is centuries-old … and is still alive,” She said, cutting Ise off, however, it was not because she didn’t intend to interrupt him. “Our father is standing right in front of him as we speak. We must hurry!”

“Gondul’s right. Let’s keep moving,” Hildr said, which prompted the young Uchiha to nod in agreement with a serious look on her face. As they raced up the stairs, Hildr and Gondul had begun to talk with Ise about the rest of their father’s plan. “Right before we reach our father, you’ll dispel your transformation jutsu, revealing your true self. Our father plans to act as though he is offering you and Emi as sacrifices, however, before that even happens, My father, me, and my sisters will land a swift and deadly blow at him all at once. If something goes wrong, however, our father has a plan B.” Hildr said just loud enough when she, Gondul, and Ise made their way down a two-way path, leading directly to Emi, who had more than likely heard what was being told to Ise. Normally, Ise didn’t like ideas like that, however, he knew for a fact that the girl’s father knew what he was doing, so he figured the least he could do was at least have faith that the plan would work. Ise couldn’t help but smile at Emi, having been recently reunited with her as well as knowing that she was safe. “Honestly, if it weren’t for Hildr and Gondul, I’d be lost in this giant mansion … and more than likely dead. Itsuki always did say I had a terrible sense of direction,” The young Uchiha thought to himself. “What’s plan B?” Ise had asked, even though he already had a feeling as to what it was. 

“We all do our best to kill him before he kills us,” Gondul stated in a matter-of-fact tone. And make sure we all get out alive,” Hildr had then added. Without any further delay, the young Uchiha dispelled his transformation jutsu, reverting to his normal appearance with a small puff of smoke appearing around him, only for it to dissipate quickly. As he walked up the steps, trying to avoid making contact with all of the familiar insignias carved onto the wall, he couldn’t help but feel nervous, despite knowing that the man and his daughters wouldn’t let him, nor Emi be sacrificed. Then again, his nervousness was honestly probably more helpful in a sense, because they were trying to trick the man that was sitting on the throne - being the exact person who was in the portrait. The same auburn hair, the same silver highlight. In fact, in Ise’s visual perspective, it had appeared like the man hadn’t even aged at all, still appearing to look like a man in his mid-twenties. Even his clothing was exactly as it was in the portrait. 

As Hildr and Gondul’s father spoke, playing his part, the man sitting on the throne looked down upon them from up high, leaning back into his chair while his left arm rested upon the arm of the throne-like chair; his hand resting underneath his chin. “This guy looks like he’s bored or something. Does he think of himself as some kind of royalty or something?” Ise thought to himself, while his face was still riddled with nervousness, hiding his annoyance at how the man seemed to behave by just looking at them. It made Ise want to punch him in his pretty little face.

WC: 1166
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Emilia Kaneko
Emilia Kaneko
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Divided, but not conquered  - Page 2 Empty Re: Divided, but not conquered

Thu Oct 28, 2021 5:25 pm
It felt like they had been walking forever inside of this mansion, making turn after turn where the red signs were painted – obviously Emi wondered what would be waiting for them once they reached their true destination. Would it be a formidable foe who was adept in the way of the ninja… or would it be a weakling, someone who could be taken down by the likes of a mere academy student who just learned how to properly hold and throw shuriken? Not that it would matter in the end of course – Emi was sure that this group of folks would ensure what needed to be done, would be done.
”It’s a little surprising that I haven’t been able to spot Ise yet.. or that he hasn’t run into us. We have been in this place for quite a while.” The thought of that really worried Emi. Not that she needed to, especially since there were 2 daughters of this silver haired man with Ise, so not a lot would happen to the boy. As the group continued to move forward, they would find there way to a staircase... though this wasn’t like any of the other staircases they had come across. The others all had other paths that they could choose to move through, but not this one. It was a single path up with the red painting on the wall. Emi peeked her head around the corner before everyone went up and noticed the door at the top – though she didn’t see anything or anyone else.
”I wonder if now is the best time to undo the transformation jutsu?”
The young genin would go ahead and release her transformation technique to reveal her true self. She still had her cloak on and her golden eyes pierced through the darkness of the mansion. It wasn’t long after she released her jutsu that Ise had finally shown his face with the two daughters who had ran to them outside. Emi still was unsure of their names and honestly a little creeped out that they were all his daughters. ”I wonder what the deal really is with them?...” As this thought exited her mind, Emi noticed Ise look over at her with a grin… he seemed to be happy that they had caught up to her and the silver haired man and his daughter, both of whom were still acting as the guards.
What was the plan from here though? Once they opened the door and went in, they had no clue what would be going on inside. The young girl over heard the daughters speaking to Ise about the plan, which was nice since she felt like everyone was currently out of the loop. ”He plans to tell the guard at the top that you and Emi will be sacrifices, that way we can gain entrance into the room.” The young kunoichi’s eyes widened as that is not what she expected. She also completely missed the guard at the front which would mean they couldn’t just walk straight into the room. ”Sounds like a solid plan, as long as we don’t actually become sacrifices..” Emi had leaned over into their personal space and whispered this to them, trying to let them know that the plan needed to actually work.
Once they started up the stairs, it was a little late to turn back around head in the other direction. Not that Emi wanted too, but there was something evil and malicious about this mansion and she didn’t like it one bit. Each step they took made the girl a little nervous… she was almost positive they would be fighting someone at this point. After they made it up the stairway, Emi could hear Taichi telling the guard that he had found the two kids and wanted to use them as sacrifices and was hoping for a reward.
The guard that sat in the throne in front of the door that blocked their path stared down onto them. It was as if he was looking through them, waiting to see if the group flinched or would show him that they weren’t actually supposed to be there. No surprise to Emi however, the group was solid as steel. Emi tried to make it look like she was scared, making sure to play off her part. Though she didn’t want to look up at Ise and ruin the entire plan, she would never forgive herself.
”You may enter. We thank you for being loyal to the cause, these children will make excellent sacrifices.”
The plan had worked! The man who had sat in the throne would remove himself and open up the door to let the group in. They would have to bypass the throne as it seemed to large to move completely out of the way, but there was enough space to make it through. Luckily none of them were extremely large human beings. As the group entered the room, Emi’s golden eyes opened in the most shocked way at what she saw. With Ise following in behind Emi, the entire group had made it in the room. The door shut behind them and now it was time for the real fun to begin.

WC - 872 | TWC - 2947
Taichi Uchiha
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Divided, but not conquered  - Page 2 Empty Re: Divided, but not conquered

Sat Oct 30, 2021 3:56 pm
The closer they got to the throne, the slower the Uchiha's heart began to beat, he was calm as he was sure that these individuals could sense such primal things like fear. He nodded his head when he was acknowledged by the man on the throne, the one thanking him for the sacrifices that he was bringing to the altar. He passed by the man without an issue, and he was not entirely sure just what they were going to be getting into. This was something he was used to doing, the infiltration part of being a shinobi was far more difficult for him than just blowing through the front door and fighting everything in sight was, but this was going to be the best chance he was going to get to get some repetitions in on this specific aspect of doing this line of work. 

He was aware that he had two young ones that he needed to make sure didn't get killed by the people that were currently surrounding them, but that was just going to have to be a mission for a future version of himself. At the current moment his only objective was to figure out just where they were, what this place was and why it was that they were here instead of in their village. The door behind the throne opened slowly and all five of their party entered into the door. When they entered the room, they looked inside and immediately the silver haired Uchiha activated his Rinnegan and he began to scan the room that they were now in. With his enhanced vision, he saw that there were several different individuals in the room, all being very quiet and looking as though they were trying to be stealthy. This was all that the Uchiha needed to understand just what they had done.

They knew all along what they were, they knew that they were not members of their cult. They had been sniffed out, and they were preparing an ambush for them, and they spent no time avoiding this devastating fact. He telepathically told Gondul and Hildr what was happening, and they both responded back to him that they understood and under their cloaks they prepared themselves for the fight that was inevitable at this time. He disrobed himself when he got to the center of the room, and he immediately had his five orbs create and be directly behind him. He shot two of the orbs out towards the ones that were waiting for them up in the balconies that surrounded the center altar. 

The orbs would travel at tremendous speeds and would hit both of the individuals, this was the moment that the rest of the cult would emerge from the shadows and they would begin to attack. He would retract the orbs and shoot them back out as he saw more and more individuals emerging from the shadows, but there was going to be too many for him to be able to handle in such a slow manner. He decided to have two more of his orbs turn into longswords and he grabbed them and lunged out toward the others, while still having his orbs shoot out and destroy cult members as fast as he could. Finally he had his fifth orb envelop his body in purely protective chakra, this would act as a shield that caused the projectiles that were being launched in his direction to merely disintegrate upon contact with him. 

The method was working, as he had his two daughters protect the two children that were with them, while also acting as a spotter for any dangers that may be coming for the older Uchiha as he fought on the front lines against the cultists. After a few minutes of battle, the man who sat on the throne decided to step into the room. He had no sense of panic in his demeanor, nor did he have a sense of woe that so many of his cultists had been killed. He instead looked to be pleased with the result as he began to look at all of the blood that covered the entire surface of the altar and the grounds surrounding it. As the Uchiha was slaughtering the cultists, his daughters both advised him that the man who had just walked in was likely to be more feared than the mere cannon fodder that he was currently cutting through. 

He stopped attacking them for a second when there were no cultists left to kill, and he looked over to the man who was standing in the door way, still smiling. He told them to look at the altar, and when he did he saw that it was covered in the blood of the cultists. The man laughed and said with hearty and booming voice, "You have given me the largest sacrifice we have ever been able to give to the great Jashin!" The words set heavy on Taichi's heart, as that only meant that the numbers that he had just killed were only benefitting the very ones that he was trying to diminish or take out completely. The man's body began to shift and change, he began to grow larger and a red aura began to emanate from his body.

Taichi knew that the sacrifice that he had just given to them had only given him a blessing of some sort from his deity, and now they were fighting on a whole different level than before. They were going to have to take down a god, and now was the time to give it their all. He looked over to the kids, and he told them both, "I surely hope you guys have been taking it easy, because I am not too sure just how we are going to handle this situation, but we are certainly going to have to figure this out. If you guys have any thoughts, do not be shy and let me know." After he was done talking to the children, he formed a few hand seals, and quickly a massive wooden golem, matching the size of the man's new being grew directly beneath them all. He then leaped off of the wooden golem and he simply acitvated both of his Sharingan to create himself his Susano'o. 

With the two giants being created, the battle of their lives were going to commence. 

WC: 1070
Isemori Uchiha
Isemori Uchiha
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
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Divided, but not conquered  - Page 2 Empty Re: Divided, but not conquered

Sat Oct 30, 2021 5:30 pm
Mission Pt. 3 Details:

Ise didn’t know why, but the look on the man’s face that was sitting on the throne in front of them made him feel … uneasy. It was like a gut-wranching feeling - like something was going wrong. Was it because the man’s demeanor seemed to be relaxed? Why, though? It made absolutely no sense. However, Ise decided to keep the rouse of him looking like a frightened child as best as he could, despite the feeling that he did gnawing at his thoughts. It was at this moment that all five of them had entered into the room, which made Ise’s eyes focus on what appeared to be an alter of some sort, dawning the same exact symbol that had led them here this entire time. What’s more was that Hildr’s and Gondule’s father had immediately sprung into action. A battle had quickly broke out, and that was when Ise realized that his gut feeling was right. “It’s an ambush!” The young Uchiha thought to himself, activating his Sharingan without even thinking twice. Despite Taichi being occupied, there many other Cultists who had appeared from the entrance where they had come from. 

One of them had decided to rush at Ise, however, Ise dodged the swipe of the cultist’s weapon, while weaving a set of hand-signs at the same time. “Chidori!” Ise said, driving a thrust with highly concentrated lightning into his assailant’s abdomen, piercing right through it. The lightning chittered vigorously before, during and after impact. Ise had then quickly took his hand out from the man’s body where he had pierced him, letting him drop to the floot in a pool of his own blood while the lightning was still active in the palm of his hand, and had begun to charge at one of the cultists that was going to attack Hildr from behind, striking him down as well just like the one before. It was the first time Ise had attempted to kill someone, but, since they were trying kill him and his friends, he coouldn’t just stand by and do nothing, even if it meant killing someone. Even though, he could be rather dense at times, he knew just how dangerous things had gotten long before he and the others went their own ways into the mansion. What’s more is that he realized that their mission was getting more and more difficult as time had passed. Honestly, it was kind of a no-brainer to him. 

“And now, things have gotten even worse,“ the young Uchiha thought to himself. They were snuffed out at last minute, as well as being ambushed. Even though things seemed to be alright with everyone holding their own against the assailants, Ise still wasn’t able to shake the feeling that something was still horribly wrong. The fighting between their ambushers continued, and each one dropped one after the other to the point that Ise had not kept track how many had fallen. After a while however, the worst part had seemed to be over … or at least for the time being. “Is that all of them?” the young silver-haired Uchiha had said to the others, glancing at them. From the looks of it, they all seemed to be unscathed, and Ise didn’t seem to have any known injury either. Then, that was when clapping would come from the entranceway. Ise had looked up to see the very same man who was sitting on the throne from before, having a devilish looking smirk spread across his cheeks. “Quite the performance, you all displayed. Very nice, indeed. At first, I thought it wouldn’t pan out the way I expected, but I worried for nothing. You all did my job for me,” He said, his auburn hair bobbing slightly with his movements. His silver highlight being distinct amongst most of his features, aside from his smirk. 

“What do you mean we did the job for you!? From where I’m standing, it looks like your plan failed,” Ise had said, trying to play it off, however there was still that hint of doubt coming from that gut-wrenching feeling of his. That was when the man’s smirk began to grow little wider and had begun to address him directly. “On the contrary, little Uchiha, you did exactly what I wanted you all to do,” The man had said, pausing before continuing his apparent evil monologue. "You have given me the largest sacrifice we have ever been able to give to the great Jashin!" He had said, lifting his hand to point at something, Ise quickly turned, realizing that he was pointing at the Alter that was now covered in blood - the blood from his own followers, who they had just killed. “Honestly, you did it much better than I had anticipated! You’ve given me all the power of those you have killed and now, no one can stop me. Not even you lot,” The man had said, only making Ise even angier. The rage the kid felt was practically palpable. "I surely hope you guys have been taking it easy, because I am not too sure just how we are going to handle this situation, but we are certainly going to have to figure this out. If you guys have any thoughts, do not be shy and let me know." Taichi had then said to Ise and Emi. 

“We have no choice, now,” Ise had said, speaking soon after Taichi had finished. “I don’t care if he is a god or not!” Isemori said, bring a fist to his other hand, connecting them together, making a smacking sound. “We will crush him with everything we’ve got!” Ise had said, looking at the man that was there enemy. That was when his smirk and then turned intoa grin. “Those are some bold words, boy,” 

That was when Taichi had begun to create something from underneath them, which was a golem made out of wood. However, that was when something else had happened. Taichi had amassed chakra around him as he jumped off the golem. Ise didn’t know what he was looking at but somehow, Taichi had somehow created a giant out of his own chakra as well as the fiant wood golem he and Emi were standing on. He knew that Taichi was no longer playing around, which meant that Ise knew he couldn’t afford to mess up either. If they did … they’d all die here. 

WC: 1071
TWC: 4339
Emilia Kaneko
Emilia Kaneko
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Divided, but not conquered  - Page 2 Empty Re: Divided, but not conquered

Sat Oct 30, 2021 6:46 pm
The group had slowly entered the room – attempting to be able to spot anything out of the ordinary before they were caught off guard by any sort of mischievous act. With the amount of eye dojutsu in the group with Emi, she figured that would be the thing she could feel safest about, knowing that something was going to be happening. Of course that doesn’t mean that she alone could react quick enough if something were to catch them off guard. Emi’s suspicions about the next room were proven correct shortly after they entered. She was saddened to see it come to this but would do what she must to protect herself and her group.
”It’s an am…” The young kunoichi began to tell the group it was an ambush but was beat to the punch by their actions. From what she could see, the silver haired man and Ise had already got in the action. The two daughters who entered with them had tried to keep in front of Emi and Ise for protection as Taichi began to slaughter what looked like the entire room. One person seemed to get outside the view of the daughters and had gotten a little close to Emi. She let her hand reach back towards the hilt of her katana, she pulled up and then down with such force as she dodged the attack, cutting off the head of the man with ease. She watched it roll behind the feet of the daughters before looking up – noticing just how empty the room seemed now.
”There’s… so much blood”. The young genin muttered the words to herself, though they must have been heard by the last standing man who had walked in. He wore a grin as wide as his face, showing just how happy he was. Ise proceeded to have a small conversation with the man that didn’t go anywhere… at least not in the direction that they needed. Emi really didn’t care to have any words and was just getting ready to launch an assault towards him, until he started talking about Jashin. Saying how this is now the largest sacrifice he had ever given to Jashin and this group was pretty much the cause of it. They had been duped into attacking these people for this man and donating to the cause. It boiled Emi’s blood and she let out mad scream as the man grew in size. Just at this time Taichi had waved some hand seals and had a wooden golem appear that was of similar stature to the man.
”Watch yourself, Emi. This is no regular fight now.” After finishing the thoughts she would perform a few hand seals and have one lightning clone appear next to hear. She wanted to finish this as soon as she possibly could. A drawn out battle would probably work in the groups favor just from the sheer volume of fighters they had – but this one should be done quickly. The clone Emi would start some seals and have her hand covered in lightning chakra.. similar to Ise just a moment ago. The clone launched towards the growing man to try and pierce him with her jutsu. If it didn’t work the clone would just disperse and cause a paralysis effect on the man from the lightning dispersion.
”I’m going to perform something a little more precise – not as powerful but faster.” Emi’s hands flowed together making some seals, with a blueish halo showing up as she finished them. Five beams appeared from the halo, maneuvering around the golem in all directions towards the man – hopefully driving him into the direction of the clone to be hit by a Chidori. The kunoichi watched carefully as her beams inched towards the creepy man. They each hit deal damage and pushing him backwards as the clone approached the man she would be hit with something three or four feet from the man. Lightning releases onto him attempting to paralyze him for a moment so that the rest of the group could make their attacks to stop the man.
”Come on.. now’s the time to take him down while he’s paralyzed!” Emi was shouting the others, not that she meant to though – she just had so much adrenalin running through her right now that she couldn’t help it.

WC - 723 | TWC - 3670
Taichi Uchiha
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Divided, but not conquered  - Page 2 Empty Re: Divided, but not conquered

Sat Oct 30, 2021 7:32 pm
The older Uchiha was not too sure how the children were going to react to such a scale in fighting. It would have been pretty easy for them to simply fold under the pressure now that the stakes had been launched into the stratosphere and the scale of the fight had turned into something done on beings the size of mountains. He didn't truly want anyone to see his final Susano'o's form, but he felt that this situation was one that truly called for this type of drastic response. With the stage being set, he knew exactly what his first move was going to be, but he wanted to make sure that this was going to be the fastest way through him. Before the attack was made, he did see the reaction that the two children had to the fight, and he was proud of the two of them and he truly did want to see just what they were going to become, but that did require them to live through this fight in the first place.

"If I had the chance to think about how I proud I was of them, I would show it. But unfortuantely I don't have that kind of time right now." He didn't get the chance to see what the two of them even did before he was forced to act with his own Susano'o. He did notice that his body had been frozen in place, how this had happened he hadn't a clue, but he was going to use this gap in his armor to make a clean cut through with his katana that was at his side. His Susano'o mirrored his movements as he was set inside the crystal at the center of the forehead. With a slice that was almost impossible to comprehend, the blade came out of the scabbard and went quickly through the body of the giant. 

He knew that he could have let this opportunity be a learning one for the children, but he didn't want to risk them getting injured in the process. With the power of the slice and the sharpness of his chakra, he had no issue cutting through the body of the giant cult leader. The top left side of his body slowly slid off of the bottom right side of his body as the smirk that the giant had on his face slowly turned to a dead expression of pure nothingness. The giant then fell slowly to his knees, causing a giant shockwave that nearly knocked the wood golem over, but the older Uchiha had his Susano'o put a hand on the shoulder of the golem to stabilize it. 

When the giant fell completely to the floor, the body began to return to its normal size. At this sight, the older Uchiha used this time and this extreme vantage point from the top of the Susano'o to scan for any other dangers that may be on their way. When he could confirm that the coast was clear, he dispelled his wood golem after having it set everyone that was riding it down onto the ground. He then dispelled his Susano'o after doing the same thing. 

When they were all on the ground safely, he would have his daughters search the children for any sign of injury of damage that may have been done to either of them. The daughters cleared them and he was able to rest easy knowing that the danger had been settled quick enough to evade any injury. He stood before the two children and he leaned down to be able to look at them both in the eye. "I am proud of the two of you, you both did extraordinary work by showing such bravery at the sight of the opponent. You should be proud of yourselves and know that you brought pride to the village of Hoshigakure. Now our next objective is to see just how we are going to get back ho-" he slurred the last few words before he swiftly fell down to the floor and lost his consciousness.

Shortly after he lost his consciousness, he stirred and launched himself from his prone positioning. When he launched himself upwards, he looked around and saw that he was no longer in the gloom of the place that he had fought the giant, but instead he was back in the home that he was used to. When he got up, a blue haired Gondul had burst through the door to his bedroom. She had a worried look on her face, matching the look that Taichi had on his face. "Father, are you okay?" Gondul spoke with her lower and more hoarse voice, one that didn't match what you'd expect from such a small and petite woman. "Yeah I'm fine. Just a nightmare I suppose. Go on back to bed, thank you for checking on me." 

Gondul nodded and obliged the request, he then laid back down in his bed and he fell back to sleep. He still had the nightmare on his mind, and something told him that he needed to meet those two kids in real life, but he figured that he could do that in the morning, for now, he would just sleep.

WC: 877
Claims: WIP
Isemori Uchiha
Isemori Uchiha
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Divided, but not conquered  - Page 2 Empty Re: Divided, but not conquered

Sat Oct 30, 2021 10:44 pm
Ise gritted his teeth only wanting one thing to happen, and that was to see this man dead. Never had he felt this type of way towards someone before … until now, at least. “I’m going to enjoy watching every one of you suffer! Then, once you’re all dead, I’m going to put yours on a silver platter and give them to lord Jashin himself!” The man’s voice had changed as he spoke, along with his height. The alter that had been powered by the means of the people they had killed was giving him a lot of chakra. He wasn’t sure if the alter would continue to give him power or not, but if he was still alive and kicking after they were done with him, Ise would destroy the alter if it came down to it. But at the moment, they had focused on subduing him first. The odds seemed to be stacked highly against them, but to the young Uchiha, he didn’t give a rat’s about that. All he cared about was making sure this guy was down and stayed down. 

“I wish I could tell the old man that his wood golem and his chakra armor thing look awesome, but I’ll do that once we’re done here,” The young Uchiha thought to himself, just as Emi had begun to help him with a cool-looking jutsu of her own. Ise weaved a few hand signs of his own, creating a shadow clone. The shadow clone of his had then begun to weave its own set of hand signs, spewing forth a fireball that was twenty meters in diameter at his right flank. The giant man just smirked though, using his hand to swat the fireball, but that was what the real Ise had hoped for. The silver-haired Uchiha swiftly raced across the wall, sending chakra to his feet, then once he was right on top of the giant man’s side, he weaved a few hand signs with one hand while simultaneously kicking off with both of his feet, sending him into a straight line, slicing through the man’s eyes as he swiftly passed by him. The giant man cried out in agony as he brought one of his hands to where his damaged eyes were. 

He was now not only completely blind but also completely wide-open for what was about to happen next. The real Ise quickly made his way, back to the wood golem, hopping back right on top of it to safety as Taichi, clad in his massive body of chakra, drew forth a blade, slicing straight through it with enough force to not only cut him in half but cut through the very foundation of everything in front of him, blowing away a good portion of the mansion.  Ise had attempted to hold on tight to the wood golem so that he wouldn’t be swept away either while hoping that Emi had also done the same. Once it had died down, Ise looked up, seeing that the evil man who was cleaved in two had begun to revert to his normal size, now being dead. Ise also glanced over at the altar that had been destroyed at the same time apparently once Taichi had struck him down. Then the wood golem had then begun to drift back down into the earth, allowing Isemori and Emi have their own two feet touch the ground once again. 

“I never thought I’d say this, but I sure am glad that guy’s dead,” Ise said, grinning at Emi and Taichi. He wasn’t sure if that was still considered to be a bad thing he had just said, but something told him that the others didn’t mind his choice of words all too much. "I am proud of the two of you, you both did extraordinary work by showing such bravery at the sight of the opponent. You should be proud of yourselves and know that you brought pride to the village of Hoshigakure.” The old man’s words made Ise give his usual big goofy grin. He also glanced over at Emi while giving her a thumbs-up as well. The young Uchiha was proud to have worked alongside both of them, as well as Hildr and Gondule. “Now our next objective is to see just how we are going to get back ho-" The old man was about to finish, but his voice had slurred, falling to the ground unconscious, which had worried that the old man had somehow died. “Hey, old man are y-” But before Ise could rush over to him, everything had gone dark, as Ise too fell to the ground unconscious. Then what only felt like half a second later, Ise gasped, springing back to life, not sure at what had just happened. He glanced around, seeing that he was now in his room. Itsuki who was looking at him had an annoyed-looking expression and said to his younger brother, “I swear, you’ve been having a lot of crazy-ass dreams lately,” Which made Ise blink in confusion. “Now get out of bed and get dressed, or else you’ll miss breakfast,” Itsuki said to Ise as he left the room. Ise sat there, not sure what to think. Was he dreaming? He didn’t even remember falling asleep. He must have been though, given the fact that he was in his bed. What’s more, is that he couldn’t even remember what he was dreaming about.

WC: 908
TWC: 5247

Emilia Kaneko
Emilia Kaneko
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Divided, but not conquered  - Page 2 Empty Re: Divided, but not conquered

Sun Oct 31, 2021 12:27 am
As Emi’s attacks landed against the enemy that they currently faced, the others began to chime in. Taichi in particular did a ton of damage with his golem and something that Emi was not familiar with at all. It was really badass though and she admitted that he likely could have completed this entire mission on his own. He certainly was a powerful ally to have, and Ise also seemed to be a really good ally. Emi was glad to have served with both of them on this mission. 

It wasn’t long after the other two started landing attacks against the Jashin foe that Emi felt a sort of wooziness take over her body. She wasn’t sure what exactly was happening but hoped that it wasn’t anything bad going on with her. The young kunoichi figured that the other two were talking but she couldn’t understand what was being said at the time. It was at this moment that her body began to fall backwards… falling to the ground. 

“Huh? What happened?” The young genin looked around feverishly as she sat up in her bed. It must have all just been a dream. It was so real though, she had never felt any dream like that before and hoped that she never did again. Her head turned slightly to look out the window and she noticed the sun had started to rise. There was also a unique smell that was covering the house… “Breakfast”! Emi hopped out of bed and darted towards the kitchen to go see her mother and the amazing breakfast she had made. 

TWC - 3936



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Last edited by Emi Ren on Sun Oct 31, 2021 2:32 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Divided, but not conquered  - Page 2 Empty Re: Divided, but not conquered

Sun Oct 31, 2021 2:09 pm
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