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Isemori Uchiha
Isemori Uchiha
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 232500

Training is alway fun(Youta|Open) Empty Training is alway fun(Youta|Open)

Thu Oct 07, 2021 5:04 pm
Ise had gotten up early for yet another day to continue training. Like he normally did, he grabbed some food that he could take on the go, and eat it while he would make his way to the training grounds in the water gardens. What's more was that Isemori was the kind of guy who truly enjoyed training. For him, it was a good way to get the blood pumping. Not only that, but for him, he considered it to be better than sitting around doing absolutely nothing, as well as fun. Besides, he was just itching to get the hang of his lightning style ninjutsu better. 

“Alright! Another day for training!” Ise had said in his usual cheerful tone of voice, raising a fist in the air in order for him to show more enthusiasm. Ise created a shadow clone, weaving the necessary hand signs, and with a puff of smoke, the clone of Ise stood right next to him. “Yo!” Ise’s shadow clone said to him, mimicking his cheerful tone. “We gonna do the usual?” the clone then asked, grinning at the real one. “Heck yeah! I’m always ready to train!” The real Ise said with a grin. They were about to start, however, what Ise didn’t catch onto was the fact that there was someone else with them at the training grounds.

WC: 225
Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
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Training is alway fun(Youta|Open) Empty Re: Training is alway fun(Youta|Open)

Fri Oct 08, 2021 1:55 pm
Youta woke up that day pretty early because he wanted to try to get some training in.  He was not planning on sparing or anything like that because he wanted to explore the Yuumei a little more . The best way he found for him to learn about this inner Yuumei was to meditate. He showed up to the training grounds way before sunrise and set up to meditate over the Yuumei and see if he could unlock any more of its secrets. He would have to focus on himself and the inner Yuumei.  

He would sit in a secluded part of the training grounds and set a mat up.  He would focus on this darkness that is not only in him but in all of his fellow clan members.  It must be harder once it becomes more powerful to control what it is that the Yuumei is doing.  He started to meditate about what Yuumei actually is.  He had to make sure not to go too deep and lose himself in the darkness and despair that is associated with it. He was focusing in the secluded area when he heard some talking. He opened his eyes which were now bright glowing red on the meigan showing in an otherwise dark area.  A younger person had walked in to start training.  He was talking to a clone it looked like through the meigan.  He tried to ignore it but it already broke his concentration.  So he would wait to see if the young person approached him.

Isemori Uchiha
Isemori Uchiha
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 232500

Training is alway fun(Youta|Open) Empty Re: Training is alway fun(Youta|Open)

Sat Oct 09, 2021 3:30 am
Ise was about to start, or at least until he saw someone. He raised a hand to the shadow clone, signaling to stop, which led to the shadow clone, tripping and then disappeared into a cloud of smoke from it's fall. "That guy over there looks like he has a Kekkei Genkai," Ise thought to himself, referring to his eyes. Ise, being who he was, smiled, deciding to walk over and greet himself. "Hi!, sorry if I was interrupted your training!" Ise said in an apologetic tone. He understood how that could be annoying, but honestly, Ise was caught up in wanting to spar with his shadow clone that he didn't see him there until he was about to start. From the looks of it, the guy may have been trying to meditate. It wasn't Ise's preferrable choice, but if it worked for the guy, then more power to him. 

"I'm Isemori Uchiha, but you can just call me Ise!" the young Uchiha said with a grin, and even though that it was than likely obvious with what clan he was from, due to the fact that his Sharingan was still activated, as well as the small uchiha clan's symbol stitched onto the left arm of his jacket. However, there was one thing that was different about Ise, and it wasn't his personality either. It was his silver hair, and if he deactivated his sharingan, the guy in front of him would be able to see his regular emerald green eyes"What kind of training were you about to do?" Ise had asked him, being mildly curious, holding his smile. Ise had hoped that the guy would be welcoming towards him, granted that he did interrupt his meditation. 

WC: 288
TWC: 513
Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 65906

Training is alway fun(Youta|Open) Empty Re: Training is alway fun(Youta|Open)

Mon Oct 11, 2021 9:32 pm
Youta saw this young man who had an Uchiha symbol on his jacket and said “it is not big deal! My name is Youta and I was just trying to understand what this power that comes from my clan is all about. It is an honor to meet you Ise“ He would now respectfully and when he realizes his meigan is still activated he would quickly deactivate his meigan. “I see you have a dojutsu too. They can be hard to control and use properly if you are not careful. I try to practice and learn more about my clan when I can. There is no such thing as being too prepared if you know what I mean. I saw you used the shadow clone jutsu earlier and were talking to yourself? I guess that seems complicated.”

He would realize that he is rambling a little and then ask “So, what is it that brings you to the training grounds today. Anything specific that you were going to work on. I do not know a lot of different jutsus because I spent so much time working on mastering my dojutsu but if you need help with something I would be glad to offer a hand.”

WC 205
TWC 460
Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 65906

Training is alway fun(Youta|Open) Empty Re: Training is alway fun(Youta|Open)

Mon Oct 11, 2021 9:34 pm
Youta saw this young man who had an Uchiha symbol on his jacket and said “it is not big deal! My name is Youta and I was just trying to understand what this power that comes from my clan is all about.  It is an honor to meet you Ise“ He would now respectfully and when he realizes his meigan is still activated he would quickly deactivate his meigan. “I see you have a dojutsu too.  They can be hard to control and use properly if you are not careful.  I try to practice and learn more about my clan when I can.  There is no such thing as being too prepared if you know what I mean. I saw you used the shadow clone jutsu earlier and were talking to yourself? I guess that seems complicated.”

He would realize that he is rambling a little and then ask “So, what is it that brings you to the training grounds today.  Anything specific that you were going to work on.  I do not know a lot of different jutsus because I spent so much time working on mastering my dojutsu but if you need help with something I would be glad to offer a hand.”

WC 205
TWC 460
Isemori Uchiha
Isemori Uchiha
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 232500

Training is alway fun(Youta|Open) Empty Re: Training is alway fun(Youta|Open)

Mon Oct 11, 2021 11:52 pm
Ise’s grin widened when the other boy said that it wasn’t a big deal, which was a relief to the young Uchiha. The other greeted Ise, telling him that his name was Youta, as well as why he was here. It was because he was training - learning more about his own clan’s power. “Likewise! It’s nice meeting new people!” Ise said, giving Youta his signature goofy grin. When Youta mentioned Ise’s own peculiar Doujutsu, the young Uchiha nodded; his grin transforming into a smile. “For sure. Doujutsu can drain a lot of chakra out of you if you keep using it in a prolonged state.” Ise said, only confirming the truth that Youta stated. Ise also agreed with what Youta said about never being too prepared. However, Ise was never ‘prepared’ in a sense. He’d always rush in things, something he admitted was something that he’d have to work on. Someone who was that reckless, was frowned upon, especially if they were a Shinobi. But then again, Isemori was still pretty young. He had only been fifteen years old since last May, which was about five months ago. 

When Youta asked about him performing the shadow clone technique, as well as talking to himself, Ise couldn’t help but be a little embarrassed … at least about the ‘talking to himself’ part. “Y-yeah! It’s not that hard to do, once you get the hang of it at least. Same goes for Fire and Lightning style ninjutsu. Like this,” Ise said, weaving a set of hand signs. Shortly after weaving the final hand sign with both hands, he brought his left hand to his lips, making a circle with his pointer finger and thumb while inhaling at the same time. Then once, the circle made by both fingers formed in front of his lips, he spewed out fire from his mouth, which formed a fireball in front of them both, which was at least twenty meters in diameter. The massive fireball after it sat there, incinerating the area of the ground which Ise intentionally targeted a little ways away from them both, had dissipated and the young Uchiha had turned back towards Youta with a smirk. “Not gonna lie, it took me forever to make a fireball that big, but after training day in and day out, I managed to finally do it!” It may have sounded like Ise may have been bragging, but to be truthful, he actually wasn’t. 

“I also don’t know much about my own clan either, but apparently, aside from the Sharingan, the Uchiha are skilled in fire style ninjutsu. There was something about Genjutsu too, but I honestly don’t know much about Genjutsu myself, or at least not yet,” Ise had admitted to Youta. Itsuki, Ise’s older brother on the other hand, was probably way more skillful in terms of Genjutsu. When Youta had asked him what Ise was here for in particular, Ise perked once more. “Well, I was hoping to work on my Sharingan, as well as a particular jutsu I learned recently,” Ise had admitted to Youta. The jutsu that he was talking about was the Chidori. He had only recently worked on learning the jutsu, as well as his Sharingan only recently gaining the second tomoe. “In a way, I guess you could say it’s a mix of speed and endurance training.”

WC: 559
TWC: 1072
Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 65906

Training is alway fun(Youta|Open) Empty Re: Training is alway fun(Youta|Open)

Sat Oct 16, 2021 9:16 pm
“Oh yeah, my clan tends to use fire also I have learned a few fire techniques and a few of my clan’s techniques. I was going to try to learn genjutsu in the future, but I do not know what my plan is going to be.  I know one day I will have to go to different village for a while, but I am going to come back and so that will hopefully be farther down the line.  So, I am glad to make friends in Hoshigakure. “ he would then walk up to Ise. “Speed and endurance training are you practicing taijutsu or something.  I am not going to be much help in that department. I use mostly ninjutsu.”  Youta would look at him puzzlingly because he could sense that he was trying to hide something, but Youta was not sure why.  Uchia are a fairly well-known and powerful both politically, monetarily, and technique wise.
“Second Tomoe? I do not really know what that means but I guess it is kind of like our stages but I guess you need to do what we need to do but since we are here together, we could train together?”
Isemori Uchiha
Isemori Uchiha
Survived 2021
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Training is alway fun(Youta|Open) Empty Re: Training is alway fun(Youta|Open)

Fri Oct 22, 2021 2:33 pm
Ise grinned at Youta’s words and said, “Well, not necessarily. It’s still a ninjutsu, but it requires me to get close to whoever, or whatever my target is,” Ise said, trying his best to explain to Youta as best as he could. Ise had begun to weave the hand signs Monkey → Dragon → Rat → Bird → Ox → Snake in that order. Upon weaving the final hand signs, a burst of highly-concentrated lightning formed in Ise’s right hand. The lightning that was coming from his hand had also made a distinct sound too, almost as if a thousand birds were chirping all at once. That was the reason why it was called ‘Chidori’. As the lightning continued to surge in his hand, making sure he kept a good distance between him and Youta, he started to speak once more. 

“It can be a very risky jutsu to use in combat because of the need to get close to your target, which is why I wanted to work on my speed, so that way I can close on my opponent faster If I ever have the need to use it. As for the endurance part, that’s for not only how many times I can use it, but for also how long I can keep the lightning in my hand too,” Ise said with a grin. Shortly after that, the lightning from his hand dissipated.

WC: 235
TWC: 1307
Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
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Ryo : 65906

Training is alway fun(Youta|Open) Empty Re: Training is alway fun(Youta|Open)

Mon Nov 01, 2021 6:09 pm
“Ahh, speed is always an important aspect of being a shinobi but it is not the only way to get close. You can also use some trickery or other techniques to get close. It all depends on what you are able to do. I am not personally that fast but I have some unique ideas and ranged techniques that will help me get close if I need to. But I understand the endurance part for sure. “ he would also make hand symbols Snake-Dragon-Tiger-Monkey- Boar and all of a sudden a energy so dark and black forms a whip and then Youta quickly dissipates it in order to try not to get too many questions asked about what is going on and why he was able to form that kind of dark energy.

“I hope that I can help you but I am not very fast. I plan to use more trickery and strategy to get close. I can help however you want though. I am not sure what I can do to help you train but I’ll try my best to do what I can you just lead the way and I will see what I can do.

Isemori Uchiha
Isemori Uchiha
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Training is alway fun(Youta|Open) Empty Re: Training is alway fun(Youta|Open)

Sat Nov 13, 2021 12:46 pm
Ise couldn’t help but grin at Youta’s words. But nonetheless he was happy that he was willing to help him get better at using the jutsu. Ise had also watched his newly found friend perform a particular jutsu of his own, creating a whip made of pure dark energy, which Ise had glint in his eyes, essentially showing his excitement. “I hope that I can help you but I am not very fast. I plan to use more trickery and strategy to get close. I can help however you want though. I am not sure what I can do to help you train but I’ll try my best to do what I can. You just lead the way and I will see what I can do.” Youta said to Ise, which made him grin. 

“Sounds like a plan to me! Hmm, … How about you stand on that end over there!” Ise had said point to the far left of the training grounds. “All ya gotta do is just create obstacles with your jutsu that I’ll try to dodge. My target will be that wall of rock behind you, and I’ll be coming from this end of the training grounds,” Ise had said, holding his grin. “Does that sound okay to you?” Ise had asked his new friend, grinning once again. Youta didn’t seem like he’d have a problem with it, but Ise felt like it was better to ask then to just simply assume he’d be okay with it.

WC: 250
TWC: 1557
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