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Hunter Games Round I - Koutaku vs. Ai Empty Hunter Games Round I - Koutaku vs. Ai

Mon Sep 20, 2021 5:05 pm
Safety Mode:

Venue Information:


1. No killing your opponent. Proctors can end the matches at any time if it appears that a participant is in undue danger or if a fight is clearly over.

2. A fight ends when one competitor is indefinitely incapacitated, knocked unconscious, surrenders, is forced out of the ring, or the proctor ends the match.

3. The participants will start fifty meters apart at the north and south ends of the central octagon of each arena, at the points where the two sides of the arena meet (in this venues' case, on the borders between the Dusk and Dawn sides of the woods).

4. After the first participant posts, normal houring rules will commence as if they were normal combat topics. Each participant should attach copies of their stat pages in their first posts.

5. The dirt surrounding the center two rings of the stage is considered a 'ring out', and stepping in this area will result in match loss.

6. The participants cannot see the jumbotron screens from within the stadium.

Murata blinks blearily out into the sunlight of the arena, rubbing a head in irritation at even the mild noise of the crowd. She's nursing a migraine at the moment from some last-minute complications, but she's happy to see the modest collection of viewers. Usually, this little genin event doesn't get much attention, but the sponsorship from the Mizukage and associated move to the larger venue has gathered some interest.

"Good afternoon," Murata says. Her face appears on the various big screens around the arena, inter-cut with shots of the two competitors. She stands well off to the side, ready to intervene if things get hairy, but able to do her initial announcements away from the center so as to keep the pace punchy. "Today we have Koutaku Iouchiryo against Ai Senju. On three..."

"Three... two... one. Go!" A resounding bell sounds from the speakers - the match is on!
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Hunter Games Round I - Koutaku vs. Ai Empty Re: Hunter Games Round I - Koutaku vs. Ai

Tue Sep 21, 2021 8:35 pm
Ai outfit:

"Alright little sister. Go out there and knock em dead. " In her hands, Saya held three items: A senbon, and two kunai. The older twin took them with a nod. She slid the senbon in the bracelet at her wrist, the tight cloth holding it just far enough in to not stab her when she shifted her hands to form seals. The two kunai slid easily into the bag at her side. Then she left, heading down to the arena.

She'd chosen a specific outfit for this fight. An outfit that truely embodied that which held her concentration in the days leading to this fight. The blue and white dress was almost too large, with a white apron across the front that made her look a bit more like she was at a ball than a battle. A black ribbon held back her hair, matching the tuul wrist bands, both with a white bow, and one holding the silver shimmer of a senbon.

There was a roar of applause as the two entrants stepped into position. Ai absolutely hated it. Still, she had to prove her sister proud, and that meant she needed to test the limits of her own skill. That was why she came after all. Taking a breath she'd step out to her position. At each side, Her two puppets stood, Saya on the left and Coach on the right, but in the time given to mentally prepare the two gave each other an odd look, crossed in front of their controller, and swapped places. Blue threads glowed beneath the lights of the stadium.

Three. Two. One. Go.

The two puppets rushed foward. Unless acted upon, they would set up a defense similar to Saya's, Fifteen meters from their summoner, moving at an angle that would allow them to also be fifteen meters from one another. Together the trio prepared their triangle formation.... And waited, watching what their opponent did to figure out how exactly he would choose to engage.

She'd seen him fight before, but it was forever ago. She assumed that he still had an afinity for weaponry and taijutsu... Though he'd focused on throwing weapons. That meant he would need to throw from a distance or close on her in order to truely engage. That was good she supposed?

(TWC 385 -1 senbon and 2 kunai from Saya +1 senbon and 2 Kunai to Ai)

Ai stats:

Last edited by Cosplay Queen Saya on Tue Sep 21, 2021 9:52 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : fixed broken image, add stats page cuz im dumb)
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Hunter Games Round I - Koutaku vs. Ai Empty Re: Hunter Games Round I - Koutaku vs. Ai

Thu Sep 23, 2021 2:08 pm


Name: Iouchiryo, Koutaku.
Rank: Genin.
Power Rank: D.

Clan: Iouchiryo.
Clan Specialty: N/A.

Current Stat Points: 300.
Current Health Bar: 300.

Vigor: 100.
Chakra: 30.
Speed: 140(+30 reflex).
Strength: 30(15 damage / 30DR).

AP: 1000 (86 Bonus).

Specialties: Weaponry{Main}, Ninjutsu.
Element(s): Wind, Earth.

Jutsu Unlocked

S-Rank: (0/0)

A-Rank: (5/5)
Wind Release: Wind Rejuvenation
Demon Wind Launch
Ninjutsu Amplifier
Radial Shred
Wind Release: Great Vacuum Sphere

B-Rank: (15/15)
Tearing Earth Turning Palm
Sokumen Henkou
Counter Strike
Split Second
Shadow Clone
Temple Style: Discovery of an Incomplete Truth
Wind Release - Wind Wall
Metal Crusher
Wind Release: Zephyr Blade
Wind Release: Vacuum Sphere
Verdant Mountain Gale
Seal of Protection
Earth Flow Spears
Temple Style: Bark
Radial Shred {Slotless}
Ninjutsu Amplifier {Slotless}

C-Rank: (15/15)
Armoury Seal
Vacuum Sword
Sakura: First Step
Hidden Arms
Flying Swallow
Seal Sense
Summoning Technique
Five Seal Barrier
Jikai Chifuin(Self Releasing Blood Seal)
Mark Tracking
Breath Seal
Earth Release: Rock Shelter
Kazanami(Wind Waves)
Temple Style: Discovery of an Incomplete Truth {Slotless}
Earth Flow Spears {Slotless}
Sokumen Henkō(Aspect Alteration) {Slotless}
Ninjutsu Amplifier {Slotless}

D-rank: Unlimited.
Taijutsu Amp
Iryojutsu Amp
Basic Medical Ninjutsu
Sticky Paper Adhesive Technique
Wind Release: Jump Technique
Wind Release: Step on High Ladder
Storage Displacement
Scent Masking
Basic Sealing Technique
Bull Rush
Chakra Anesthetic
Fuinjutsu Amplifier
Mass Shift
Temporary Paralysis
Sokumen Henkō(Aspect Alteration) {Slotless}
Ninjutsu Amplifier {Slotless}
Body Flicker {Slotless at C rank}

E-Rank: Unlimited.
Henge no Jutsu(Transformation Jutsu)
Bunshin no Jutsu(Clone Jutsu)
Tree climbing/Surface Walking Technique
Kawarimi no Jutsu(Substitution Technique)
Wind Release: Quiet Footsteps
Hoji(Retention) {Mastery}
Fuinjutsu Breaking
Genjutsu Release {Mastery: Half Handseals}
Mark Seal
Puppet Art: Ventriloquism

Skills Unlocked:
Blacksmithing {Slotless}
Chakra Sensory {Slotless at C rank}
Wire Handling {Slotless at C rank}
Chakra Infusion {Slotless at B rank}
Elemental Infusion
Dual Wielding
One Handed Seals

Activatable Seals: (1/5)
Seal of Protection
Hoji(Retention) {Slotless/Hiden}

Inventory: The Armoury Seal is placed on each of his pieces of equipment. He may also withdraw his weapons via Storage Displacement.

40 Shuriken (100 health).
5 Kunai (100 health).
3 smoke bombs (70 health).
13 explosive tags (1 health).
2 weapon pouches.
20 makibishi spikes (100 health).
32 meters of wire (100 health)
Jutsu Encyclopedia.
1 Fuma Shuriken ( 100 health)
1 Kirigakure Shinobi Headband. (100 (metal) / 50 (cloth) health)
Wakizashi (100 health)

Long hours of training, research, and preparation had preceded this fight. Koutaku, as a result, felt as equipped with knowledge, weaponry, and techniques as he could be given the circumstances. Even so, the young shinobi took stock of each and every aspect of his gear. He checked over each of his weapons, made sure his wire was affixed properly, and even equipped his Fuma Shuriken in its holster of sorts on his back. Similarly, he let his wakizashi slip out from dimensional storage and into his hand after which he fastened the sheathed blade at his left hip. Beyond that he had his shinobi headband affixed properly to his forehead as per the usual and he wore his typical get-up, though he’d recently lengthened the sleeves somewhat so that they hung down to a point about halfway down his forearms. Satisfied once he’d gone over everything, Koutaku nodded once and then began his walk out to the arena proper, his wires already threaded through his clothes, and wrapped around his forearms in an intricate manner that allowed him either to pull wire taut or release loops of it at will. All of his wire was one seamless length, fused together by heat. As he entered the arena and took his place opposite his adversary, Ai Senju--Saya’s sister(?)--the young man sized her and her companions up. ‘Puppets or summons,’ he wondered, but Ai was out of range of his chakratic senses so he simply would have to guess. ‘Probably Puppets,’ he thought to himself. However, if that were true it meant he had some knowledge on the subject and theories that were fairly reliable regarding his opponent. Of course...Ai would know some of what he was about, but startlingly little by comparison. As Murata made the necessary announcements, Koutaku began his typical breathing exercise, cycling his chakra and stretching his awareness as he did so. By the time the announcer had counted down to the start, Koutaku’s visage had taken on an expression of complete focus.

With that done, Koutaku noted the strange push and pull of their environment’s energies as they slightly warped his chakra in two opposing ways from either direction. Making an educated guess, Koutaku stepped to the greener and more lively side of the arena. Immediately, the pulling sensation on his chakra ceased, replaced by a rush of energy from their surroundings inwards. ‘Interesting,’ he thought to himself as he noted Ai and her puppets taking position in a triangular formation, with Ai furthest from Koutaku. ‘Defensive positioning. The puppeteer is the weakest link, but they would know that. Tricks, defensive jutsu, and things like Skillful Achievement make closing the distance dangerous.’ He understood that from first-hand experience with Niko Kazan. He’d not be falling for that again. With that considered, Koutaku withdrew eight wirebound shuriken, splitting them evenly between his two hands at 140 speed.

Swiftly considering stratagems, Koutaku decided that the first thing he’d need to do is close some distance. All of this occured within the space of fractions of a second after which he made his first move, erupting forth in a sudden burst of movementup to 140 speed in an instant. As he ran he made sure to stay on the half of the octagon closer to the greener side of things as he headed straight towards the trio. While he wasn’t sure if puppeteers could use their puppets as sources of jutsu, Koutaku’s own style let him know that such things were possible and as a result, he’d be wary of all three of his adversaries. As such, as he initiated his run, he performed four handseals.
Tiger - Horse - Ram - Clone seal

Shadow Clone Technique

Immediately, two identical instances of Koutaku appeared, running 2 meters ahead of him, one directly in front of him, the other off to his right side and further towards the trees by a meter or so. Mentally, as he always did, Koutaku assigned the first clone the moniker of Kou and the second clone the title of Taku. Their expressions entirely serious, the three moved with purpose to cross the 50 meters between them and their adversary, Ai Senju. As they made their approach, Koutaku went through a string of handseals at max speed, intending to be as prepared as possible.
Hare - Dog - Dragon - Serpent

Hoji(Retention): Sokumen Henkou(Aspect Alteration)

Oddly, nothing appeared to happen, but Koutaku knew better as the technique he’d prepared was now stored in his clan’s hiden fuinjutsu: Hoji. With his preparations made, Koutaku and his clones continued to close with the trio at 140 speed as they had been. All their preparations were completed within the first few moments of Koutaku having begun running from 50 meters away, meaning that he had only crossed 2-3 meters of distance by the time he’d finished.

If he got within 30 meters of Ai or her puppets, Koutaku would begin the handseals for a technique at max speed.
Ox - Tiger - Ram ----

Eagerly, he watched Ai, calculating the likelihood of various maneuvers as he made his rapid approach, ready to engage at any moment and ready to change tact or cut off any of his above actions if needed.

Last edited by Koutaku on Sat Sep 25, 2021 8:17 pm; edited 3 times in total
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

Hunter Games Round I - Koutaku vs. Ai Empty Re: Hunter Games Round I - Koutaku vs. Ai

Thu Sep 23, 2021 6:47 pm
((topic on hold pending stat sheet audit)
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Hunter Games Round I - Koutaku vs. Ai Empty Re: Hunter Games Round I - Koutaku vs. Ai

Sat Sep 25, 2021 8:12 pm
((Topic resumes 48 hour timer as of now due to stat sheet audit having been completed))
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Saya
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Clan Specialty : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

Hunter Games Round I - Koutaku vs. Ai Empty Re: Hunter Games Round I - Koutaku vs. Ai

Sat Sep 25, 2021 9:44 pm
As her opponent started forward a few things happened in quick succession.

Ai took a step backwards, slightly to her right and out of the stone circle. As she moved her hands flashed through a number of hand seals, preparing for her own part in the battle.
Boar. Dog. Bird. Monkey. Ram. Her palm was split enough to draw a tiny line of red blood as she drew the senbon across it before touching the ground. The head of the otterbrook clan, Ragnar poofed into existence five meters behind the two puppets, in the center between the two, ten meters directly in front of where Ai stood. He knew what this was about. Ragnar was the last defense in cast of an attack on his main summoner's big sister.

Snake. Dragon. Ox. Tiger. Ram.

A ball of dark energy formed in the saya puppets hand at a speed of 70. She released the ball when the front clone reached the 20 meter mark between herself and the front clone, aimed at a downward slope towards the front clone's feet. It traveled half the speed of the three ninja coming towards their team, but that was probably fine. The one foot sphere gave her a bit of wiggle room to draw a defense. If it hit, the powerful cero would slam into the enemies lower leg area, causing tremendous damage.

Ragnar gripped his favorite stone tightly, beginning his own actions the moment he was summoned.

Juggle right. Juggle figure eight, Juggle left. Balance on nose. He was prepared and ready to use whatever force was needed, casting his own jutsu as Ai through the Saya puppet cast hers. They'd begun the bout with the first strike, and each were intent to see how their oponent would react, with saya watching the two small figures she noticed because of the puff of smoke that created them.

(TWC 702


Ai: 1185-20(2 posts threds)- 30(summon)-23(cero)-20(Saya pup)+20(forrest)=1112

Ragnar: 450-38=412

jutsu used:  cero(through puppet), summon jutsu for summons, otter med booster ))

Last edited by Cosplay Queen Saya on Sun Sep 26, 2021 8:15 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : correcting jutsu use with permission)
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Hunter Games Round I - Koutaku vs. Ai Empty Re: Hunter Games Round I - Koutaku vs. Ai

Sun Sep 26, 2021 2:42 pm
((Awaiting feedback or edits from Nomo due to discrepancies in the usage of the Cero technique with elemental infusion (despite Ai having only learned the technique at B rank, whereas the requirements for the elemental version are at least A rank). Pausing timer until edits or clarifications are made))
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

Hunter Games Round I - Koutaku vs. Ai Empty Re: Hunter Games Round I - Koutaku vs. Ai

Sun Sep 26, 2021 8:53 pm
(edits made, timer resumes)
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Hunter Games Round I - Koutaku vs. Ai Empty Re: Hunter Games Round I - Koutaku vs. Ai

Mon Sep 27, 2021 1:41 pm
Taking note of the summon and his adversary’s movements, Koutaku noted the handseals being performed as him and his two clones approached. Then Ai released a technique…from her puppet. Koutaku smiled, and the clones shared sidelong glances. The leading clone threw a wirebound shuriken to its twin, who caught the weapon, which had been moving at max throwing speed (110) just past its person, allowing the clone to catch the wire rather than the blade. Unharmed, the clone wrapped the wire around its hand at 140 speed. Given that the thrown implement only had to travel a single meter, her technique would have only covered about .7 meters at that point due to the disparity in speed.

Of course, this would put the forward clone 2 meters (total) closer to the projectile at this point. Nonetheless, they continued running towards the trio. Safer than the other two, and firmly at the back of the group, Koutaku acted in unison with the clones. Flicking each of his wrists twice, the young man released two shuriken per hand, sending them at a 45 degree angle forward and to the right and left respective to the hand for the first throw per hand. The second throw sent a shuriken downwards and to the right from his right hand such that it would land outside the central stone octagon and embed itself in the ground. The other shuriken that was thrown with the second throw flew directly towards the puppet on the right (Koutaku’s perspective) at max speed. The other shuriken would embed themselves in the ground without doing any further damage. The first two thrown shuriken would travel about 30 meters at their respective angles, near the ground, until they struck the arena floor and pierced it. Letting wire loose so as not to get caught on it, Koutaku continued on.

At the same time the clone to Koutaku’s right blurred through handseals at max speed.

Ox - Tiger - Ram - Snake
Earth Flow Spears

As he held the last handseal—at a speed of 65, and a power the same—five spears of earth suddenly emerged to interrupt the triangular formation of the trio—and the summon. A single earth spear erupted from the ground 5 meters from Ai and between her and Saya, positioned directly between the two. Given the position of the chakra threads, the spear—unbeknownst to Koutaku—would pierce them. Similarly, another spear separated Ai from her other puppet. A third spear would erupt from the ground—simultaneous to the first two, 5 meters from each puppet to separate them from one another as well. The last two earth spears—also appearing simultaneously—would emerge from the ground 30 meters forward from Koutaku’s position, but skewed slightly to the left and right so that they were outside of the formation that Ai and her puppets had made. This would occur as the cero had traveled 3 meters towards them, with the three young men having traveled 6 meters, meaning there would only be an additional 9 meters between the forward clone and Ai’s released technique.

Unsure of the technique’s exact properties, the three suddenly changed course drastically. Pulling to the right all at once, Koutaku and co veered 5 meters to the right, and then returned to their former trajectory, heading at the trio from a new angle. This meant they’d pass by the sphere as it was 5 meters to their left. Notably, throughout their actions, Koutaku and his clones were prepared to alter their actions at any point should such be required.

Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Hunter Games Round I - Koutaku vs. Ai Empty Re: Hunter Games Round I - Koutaku vs. Ai

Mon Sep 27, 2021 4:03 pm
weaponry flew across the arena.... literally. Ai watched as koutaku released two shuriken that were meant to travel 30 meters each, with a third sent directly at the coach puppet. Good news: they would in fact make it to coach. bad news? Koutaku only had 32 meters of wire. WIth all of his wire fused into one long string as decribed in his first post, the shuriken sent towards coach would pull the other two from the air as the triangular setup went taunt. One shuriken trailing two on wire would strike at the puppet, but Coach was smart. He positioned his body so that the shuriken slid easily between the open slats in his chest, slipping harmlessly through the puppets body, in the front, out the back, and then pulled taunt when the extra two meters not taken up by the two shuriken sliding down the length to grant extra distance(given that the shuriken could not be fully tied and possibly consider reaching that length obviously the wire wrapped the kunai in such a way that they would be able to shift along the wire). With one quick movement, at a speed of ninety three the puppet, who would grasp the wire before it had even stopped moving, but after passing through his slats where it would wedge itself stuck should it be pulled back to prevent timelining before the weapons were gone, using his off hand to tie the shuriken to his body, ensuring they were unusable and holding Koutaku's wire hostage, taught between himself and the clone.

The earth erupted around Ai's formation, the first spear trying to attack something the user said he couldn't see. She shifted to the right at a speed of ninety, moving two meters to her right as she watched the spear rise too slowly to follow the thread's cross point, as it floated out of harms way to sit just beside the spear. This same movement would remove any threads that might have been in harms way of the second spear from danger as the position is mirrored and they move the same distance.

The trio stopped their forward movement, going five meters to the side, but heres where things get interesting. Given that they didn't stop running forward at any point(there was no statement that they stopped for any of the first paragraph so its assumed their still pushing forward) until they changed direction to move to one side, and given that the aiming of the Cero was such to hit the clone where he would be when they reached the second position Their decision to stop and move to the right was less of a blessing and more of a curse. The Cero hit the ground, exploding out into an area of effect ten meters in all directions. Going five meters to one side of a ten meter explosion, and then continuing a trajectory that ran them forwards towards the clones caused her enemies to turn inward, back into the blast that just walking fowards would have also caught them in. The 70 power would easily dissipate the two clones, taking a chunk of Koutaku's health with it as he made the decision to walk into an explosion with no clones, and no usable wire.

As koutaku continued to run towards them, THe coach puppet kept the wire taunt. when the clone dissipates, the weapon, now free from the clones grasp would be pulled from the formation, all 32 meters of wire that koutaku had now with the puppet troup.

(TWC 1293


Ai: 1112-10(threads)-40(ragnar)+20(field effect) =1082
ragnar is the same as last post ))
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