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Dana Senju
Dana Senju
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A quick exchange [P/Nomo] Empty A quick exchange [P/Nomo]

Mon Sep 20, 2021 11:22 am
She had completed her first order!

Dana happily skipped through the vast streets of Kirigakure, noticing the increase in joviality among the general populace. It was the day of the tournament, after all, a rather large day for Dana as well. This would be her first fight with, well, actual stakes. Could she pull out a win? Probably not, but she wasn't going to just give up. If nothing else, hopefully, Ai would be able to win so Dana could win back some of the money she'd blown on the tournament. If she hadn't gotten the order from Ai, she would've been absolutely skint. Well, more so than she was already.

Dana arrived at the Training Grounds and made her way to the Juice Bar where she and Ai had met previously. It had been exactly two days since then; a fact that Dana was proud of since it meant that she kept her promises. She sat down at the exact same table as she had last time and waited for Ai to arrive. To her right was a small wooden crate with all ten of the High Octane Teas she'd made for Ai within.

WC: 195
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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A quick exchange [P/Nomo] Empty Re: A quick exchange [P/Nomo]

Mon Sep 20, 2021 1:40 pm
"let's go! you have to push. I know you can do this. Find the end of your chakra reserves and push through to the very edge! If you an keep yourself standing through the lightheadedness you can finish the fight no matter what happens." in a fighting ring just to the left of the juice bar where Ai and Dana had enjoyed a delicious lunch while discussing her buisiness proposition, The twins were fighting--well. Saya wasn't fighting. She was sitting in a chair, eyes shifting back and forth as her Ai puppet, lovingly reffered to as PuppAIt to ease confusion, pushed towards the older girl.

"I don't know how much more I have in the tank little sister. You have much higher reserves than I do." While it seemed like Ai was getting destroyed effortlessly by a much stronger opponent, There were litle things that showed a different story. While Saya's posture was relaxed, there was a breathiness to her tone. At first glance it would seem like a product of her yelling across the distance between herself and the two AI's, but to those who knew the tiny terror, the sublte pulsing in her tone, beaded perspiration threatening to take a trip down her face, and the extremely intentional small movement of her hands as she controled her puppets made it clear that she wasn't having as easy of a time as one would think.

Ai spun as her puppet counterpart threw a punch seeking to take her head off. What they lacked in strength the puppet team made up for in extreme sharpness. The minimum sharpness of any active puppet used by the team was nearly one hundred, and Saya knew exactly how to use every bit of it. A brilliant blue orb of suiton matched tempo with the puppet, two tendrils striking the puppets wrist to force it away from the jutsu's user. Even as she shifted away from the attacking puppet, the fog of exhaustion filled Ai's head. She was at that edge. How much longer could she actually last?

"ONe more step. Push..." Ai's knees buckled. Her head shifted from the strike aimed to slice through her neck, but as the water dragon whip defended her she watched helplessly as the world rushed up to meet her. She colapsed onto the packed dirt training floor. Saya was quick to cross the distance as the simultaneously older and younger ninja found her vision turn to black.

"i. mmnn. b... " THe Ai puppet lifted her up. It was easy for the construct to carry herself across the distance, seting her down at a lounging table comprised of two counches with a coffee table like situation for placing food and drink. Then Dana entered.

"Hey dana!!!! We were doing some last minute training and uh... I might have over done it. " With a wave of her hand she motioned to the workers behind the bar. A tall man in a butler outfit approached with a tray with several glasses of water on it. He placed them one by one on the table, trading them for a stack of papers that had been resting on the table.

What were the papers you ask? Well. After several "training" situations that had turned bad, most in the open central area of the training facility learned to take off the moment our dear protagonist entered the facility. That wasn't usually a problem, but with the intense training they were going through, it was important to have access to refreshments so Ai had taken the time early to discuss things with the manager. He only agreed to keep the staff around if Saya promised a thirty meter barrier between her destruction and his store. The stack of papers were a hastily made agreement between the girl and the facility that she would do exactly that, in order to protect the people and equipment they needed to work.

(TWC 654)
Dana Senju
Dana Senju
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A quick exchange [P/Nomo] Empty Re: A quick exchange [P/Nomo]

Mon Sep 20, 2021 5:43 pm
"Saya, AI!" Dana's face split into a wide grin as she entered the Juice Bar and spotted her old friends Ai and Saya. No Pinochio again, she noted. That was a real shame; she liked the little fella and thought he was very adorably violent. She still looked back at the time when he'd tried to attack her after patting his head with a fond smile. Oh, how could she forget the time when her clone had angered him so much that he'd accidentally jumped into the ocean. Ah, good times indeed.

She dropped the crate of tea onto the floor with a large exertion of effort - her five strength proving too little to set it down gently. Where it any other type of tea, Dana would be worried about its integrity. Thankfully, she knew her Wondrous items were made of sterner stuff. "Oi'd love te stay chat, but unfortunately oi've got a tournament te get to! Thank ye so much for ordering from Dana Incorporated!" She saluted and then did a short curtsy using her cloak. She wished she could've stayed longer with Ai, but circumstances, unfortunately, didn't allow for that. "Oi hope to see ye in the tournament later!"

With that, the white-haired Senju turned into a blur as she sped off towards the arena.


WC: 218
TWC: 413

-10 High-Octane Tea and giving to Saya/Ai
300 words to complete Basic Sealing Technique, other words claimed here
12 AP (extra 4 AP from Military Training Facility)
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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A quick exchange [P/Nomo] Empty Re: A quick exchange [P/Nomo]

Mon Sep 20, 2021 9:58 pm
"Yea no stress! Ai here was just doing a bit of training for the same thing. Looks like there might be some serious competition, especially if you're there. I hope to see you two in the finals!" Saya glanced down at the almost comically oversized crate. Was that her tea?! While the tiny terror wasn't generally a huge fan of the bitter liquid, this was extra special. First, It was hers. She was a huge fan of her own stuff. There were several times in her childhood where Pinochio had managed to convince her to eat her brocoli simply by pointing out that it was hers, but if she didn't eat it quickly it would cease to be such. It was a dirty underhanded trick that was obnoxiously effective.

Just as Dana disappeared from view, Saya giving her a bright smile and a gentle wave, Ai finally felt the haze in her mind start to clear. "wh. That... I would very much like not to do that again little sister..." SHe shook her head, reaching out to push herself up and finding... a box? Theres a level of wierdness that you expect when dealing with team puppet. There are oddities, there's often music, and random things happening isn't quite so unusual as with most others, but item apparition was not something she'd experienced yet. Flittering eyes glanced down to see what she was pushing against, and instantly she realized.

"Dana came by... " This could only be the magical stamina increasing tea that they'd spent a rediculous ammount of money on two days ago. Thinking about it, it had been almost exactly two days on the dot hadn't it? She was nothing if not punctual.

"yea. She dropped off the tea. Listen. You've been pushing yourself as hard as you possibly can. If theres anything else you have to do I would do it, but you need to get some much deserved rest. you can't exactly pull a Me and rush into combat when you can't see straight right? Before you head off into glorious battle, I've got some stuff for you. I made you your very own personalized Viding warrior outfit, AND I want to give you some special sauce. I've been learning fuinjutsu to be able to better protect myself, and well. I think the seals I've learned will help you too. Before Ai could protest, Saya began her hand seals.

Snake. Ram. Rat. Dragon. Her palm pressed down against Ai's right shoulder, slipping past the clothing to ensure it was placed on the bare skin. A small, pale colored square tinted the brown of oak formed on her body.

Bird. MOnkey. Serpent. Rat. Once again she placed her palm against her sister's skin, and a swirling array that resembles a shield formed on Ai's forearm. She repeated the process, drawing chakra to continue to place seals on the puppet turned girl. When she finished, There would be four of the shield seals placed on her left arm.

"So. All you need to do with these, is activate the seal that goes with them. You've talked to PuppAIt, So you know what to do. The first one has taken chakra from you right now so that you can get it back double at a later date. The rest are defensive seals. If you're in trouble, you can activate them and they'll put a shield on your body that can block attacks or reduce damage. They aren't the fastest acting so make sure you give yourself plenty of time okay?" Saya looked her big sister up and down. No matter what happened in this tournament, she was proud of her.

"Right. Actually. Uh. About the outfit... WOuld it be okay if I grab something form the closet instead? I have a specific outfit I'd really like to wear. " There was no need to speak. Saya simply nodded. SHe had a feeling she knew which one she'd chose, and honestly, what better opportunity was there to show it off?"

"Finally, I can give you one more gift. For the fighting I want you to take Coach. He'll do great to protect you. OH. Also. Focus on the blood runing through your veins. I know, if you do... You'll definitely unlock the true power of our bloodline."

(TWC 1369 gaining 10 high octane tea from Dana, placing 1 chakra storage seal on Ai and 4 chakra barrier seals. giving Ai the coach puppet. allowing dana exit)
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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A quick exchange [P/Nomo] Empty Re: A quick exchange [P/Nomo]

Mon Sep 20, 2021 10:26 pm
"Hey. Before I go. Can you summon the scroll guardian for the Otter summons you used and maybe let me talk to ragnar?" It was a spur of the moment thing. Having a summon would weigh on her Ap pool, but it would be incredibly helpful towards her combat power. If she had ragnar at her side how could she possibly lose?

"Oh. Yea sure. " She formed the hand seals quickly, and in a puff of smoke a small otter appeared. Unlike many scroll guardians, who were literally a scroll, the otter before them was short and quite old looking. In his hands he held a large red and white scroll with gold rollers.

"Why have you summoned me at this time of the day Sayatria?! I was just about to take m-Ah. Yes. We expected that this day would come. After ragnar told us that you had used ninjutsu to create clones, I expected you would be calling me to have them sign the sheet. " One hand pushed the spectacles back up the bridge of his nose as he turned to Ai. Her head dropped in respect.

"Yes. Great Otter scroll keeper carl, I do wish to sign the scroll and become an otter summoner. " And that was all it took. He unrolled thes scroll, Holding it out for Ai. With a bite of her thumb, she spread the blood across her palm and pressed down to sign the scroll.

"Ah. Actually. Uh. It's whatever year it is now... Usually we just use a pen and ink to sign th--Yanno what, I should have expected that and explained earlier. That one is on me. Either way, Welcome to the group young uh.... Girl. I will go take my nap now." It probaby should have hurt that the scroll guardian both didn't know her name, and made no attempt to actually learn it, but he was a grumpy old man. Saya formed the hand seals for the summoning jutsu once more. As the scroll guardian disappeared, in his place stood Ragnar Otterbrook.

"Mister Otterbrook, I would like to ask you--" She was cut off.

"Yes yes. We expected that. Of course I will give you aid Young uh... Sayas sister. You have my aid, just as your sister does." That... Was too easy. Asside form the whole him also not knowing her name despite them literally having been together for every bit of Saya's sage training, She was pretty satisfied with how things were coming along. Everything was coming up Ai. Now the only question was where should she go next?

(TWC 1800 claiming 10 high octane tea 2 to Ai and 8 to saya. Claiming 1 chakra storage seal and 4 chakra barrier seals placed on Ai, giving Ai the coach puppet, claiming otters of stormrun lake scroll signed, and putting 325 towards Ragnar otterbrook (625/625 witht 75% training discount. 297 to finish senju pureblood (1k/1k with 50% discount) previous training and 571 towards water trumpet exit topic closed)
Roy Goka
Roy Goka
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A quick exchange [P/Nomo] Empty Re: A quick exchange [P/Nomo]

Tue Sep 21, 2021 12:44 am
Looks good, approved.
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