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Nova Tsuba
Nova Tsuba
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Change for the better [P/Vlad] Empty Change for the better [P/Vlad]

Sun Jul 25, 2021 2:43 pm

It was a standard day on the barren mountains of Kumogakure, and one that the many denizens were well accustomed to. Grey clouds and a light drizzle of rain coated the ground and anyone unlucky enough to be outside. Most people were just going about their day, keeping out of the rain where they could. Not Nova, though. The volatile young woman could currently be found in one of the many training platforms in the armor that her parents had given her, working on her aim with throwing weapons. Ever since the near-fatal incident with the old taijutsu practitioner, Nova always made time in her training schedule to ensure the same accident would never happen again.

She took a step backwards to shift her weight and almost slipped up on the mud that had formed from the rain, only managing to stay upright with liberal use of the Surface Walking Technique. She sighed and ran her hands through her hair - which she was wearing down for a change - and walked up to the target board to collect the weapons. She was becoming complacent, stagnating. She was too busy going over the basics over and over again that she'd neglected to actually start to specialize and improve herself in any notable way. That changed today.

WC: 214
Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
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Change for the better [P/Vlad] Empty Re: Change for the better [P/Vlad]

Mon Jul 26, 2021 2:14 pm
It was an amazing day in Kumogakure, Gins mother had refrigerated a lot of the celebratory food that she had prepared for him which in turn allowed him to feast during all hours of the day. On this occasion, the 6ft 3 titan of a Shinobi was geared in his traditional orange attire, strolling through wet training grounds armed with two bags of chips and a plate of lamb kebab cubes. He wore small weapon pouches on either hip, with a crystal singing blade strapped to his left hip.

His attire was wet but structured in such way that the Akimichi could maneuver effortlessly without harming himself with his own tools. The now Chuunin wore his forehead protector over his left bicep to remind himself of the wound that a Hoshigakure shinobi had inflicted on him. He was supposed to wear an appropriate flak vest but the local tailor lack the resources to prepare a suitable vest for the big boned Akimichi.

Change for the better [P/Vlad] Tumblr_o6yafuXMWz1so2ujyo1_540

Taking one large step in front of the other, the cheery Akimichi progressed through the training grounds. Mutters traversing the grounds, “That’s Gin Akimichi… the guy that won the World Chuunin Exams.”

“Really? That guy?”

“You’re wrong, I saw Gin Akimichi when he returned to the village, he was really skinny, this fat guys just impersonating him by the same clothes. Pfft. So many wannabees.”

Gin didn’t take much note of the mutters, he simply continued his way with a massive smile along his face. He was physically and mentally invested in his food, but as he progressed through the grounds similar conversations persisted till he suddenly came to a stop by the side of a bin.

He carefully disposed of his trash before patting his hands free of any residue. With that out of the way, he shifted his gaze towards a muscular young women situated north of the Akimichi. The young women appeared to be struggling, almost slipping while redistributing weight to her rear. Gin arched his lips, while he wasn’t good at the practical applications of combat, he was exceptional when it came to theory and strategy. Nodding a couple of times, he approached the young women, “You look like you have a lot on your mind... got any snacks?”

Nova Tsuba
Nova Tsuba
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Change for the better [P/Vlad] Empty Re: Change for the better [P/Vlad]

Mon Jul 26, 2021 2:51 pm
Nova almost went slack-jawed as quite possibly the largest person she'd ever seen approached her out of the blue. His attire was... Nova struggled to think of a word; eclectic maybe? She wasn't the most verbose of people but her limited vocabulary got her through life well enough. The forehead protector was wrapped snugly around his bicep which sort of explained the reason for his being here; the training grounds were open to any Kumogakure ninja after all. It also explained the man's strange fashion choices - though Nova couldn't talk, as she was wearing clearly expensive attire in shitty weather.

"Uh..." She blinked at the man's question, caught too flat-footed to try and form any actual response. Instead of trying to speak, Nova just reached into one of the pouches on her side and brought out a wrapped protein bar. She had been saving it for after her training but she didn't want to anger the large man by not having something to give him. Tentatively, like one would give food to a feral dog, Nova outstretched the protein bar towards the man. Hopefully he wouldn't bite her hand off or something.

WC: 192
TWC: 406
Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
Survived 2021
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Change for the better [P/Vlad] Empty Re: Change for the better [P/Vlad]

Mon Jul 26, 2021 3:25 pm
Gins eyes lit up at the sight of a protein bar. His grin stretched from ear to ear as he carefully plucked it from the young womens hand. “I’m Gin. What’s your name?” he uttered as he carefully unwrapped the bar to expose the crunchy chocolate covered interior of the package. It was love at first sight for the bulky Akimichi. Raising the bar to his mouth, he took a small bite, briefly savouring the flavour before sending the remainder of the protein dense delicacy down his throat. He nodded a couple of times, taking a couple of moments to chew the bar.

Assuming by this point the girl had answered the Akimichis question, he would continue onto, “You look like you think too much when you fight.” he nodded a couple of times as if to re-affirm his statement. “You see.” he raised his right index. “If you keep your mind clear and think about some delicious snacks…” he grinned briefly daydreaming about his dinner before snapping back to reality, drool building at the either end of his mouth.

Focusing back on the young women, he would continue, “Think about what you want to protect… grab hold of that thought.”  he blabbered, forming his index finger into a fist “An’ only think about it when you train.” by this point a large group of Genin began gathering around the small segment of the training area. Glancing over his shoulder, Gin couldn’t help but observe the crowd, “Your friends?” he asked nonchalantly.  

“Hey. STOP PRETENDING to be Gin Akimichi. There’s no way he would be as lame as you. You.” screamed a feisty genin before turning his attention to Nova, “Are you going to let him ruin our village champions reputation by dressing an’ acting like him?”

WC - 297

Nova Tsuba
Nova Tsuba
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Change for the better [P/Vlad] Empty Re: Change for the better [P/Vlad]

Mon Jul 26, 2021 3:48 pm
Nova almost shrunk away at the large man's expression at the appearance of the protein bar but she managed to hold firm long enough for his large hands to dexterously pluck it from her own. How someone so large possessed such grace was beyond Nova, but she'd seen weirder things in her time. Training the manipulation of chakra from a young age did strange things to people's bodies, nothing a ninja did could be construed as 'normal' by any stretch of the imagination. Nova herself was a person who could, and would, throw people through walls if she felt like it.

"Nova." She responded curtly to the man's question, neglecting to say her second name. She almost scoffed at his comment about her thinking too much. Nova was known for a few things, but 'thinking things through' was definitely not one of them. It was why she'd gotten into so much trouble over the years. The man seemed to have some sort of obsession with food, which Nova should have guessed from the sheer size of him. Nova personally didn't care too much about food. She ate to keep living and that was it. Except for the pastries that were sold outside her apartment building. Nova almost drooled in time with the Gin at the thought of them. If there was food worth fighting for... It was definitely those pastries.

Gin's question about her friends made Nova turn around, only now realizing they'd somehow drawn quite a crowd. Her brows furrowed at the obnoxious genin's accusations. Gin Akiimichi, why did that name sound familiar? Suddenly it clicked, he was the person who'd been at Kumogakure's city-wide celebration! He'd been the one who had won the Chuunin exams! It made sense that Nova hadn't recognized him until now, though; she'd gotten pretty pissed during the celebration and could only remember small snippets of the day. Gin also seemed to have put on some weight since then.

Now, Nova didn't really respect many people, but winning the Chunin exams was certainly enough to earn her respect. She didn't appreciate some snot-nosed shithead coming in and being obnoxious. So, the moment Nova had clocked just who Gin was, she reached down and picked up a small rock that had been by her feet. She threw it in the air once to gauge its weight before lobbing straight at the young boy who'd spoken up. She didn't throw it that hard, but it'd probably still hurt like a bitch. Hopefully, that would be enough to make the rest of the gathering group piss off.

WC: 432
TWC: 836
Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Change for the better [P/Vlad] Empty Re: Change for the better [P/Vlad]

Mon Jul 26, 2021 4:15 pm
Almost in unison with Nova, Gins body manoeuvred effortlessly to intercept the hand that was set to dispatch a small rock towards the Genin. He extended his palm, grabbing the girls wrist before she even managed to release her grip on the rock in question. His facial expression had changed, the one cheery Akimichi was now poised to kill, his soul piercing gaze aligning with Novas. If the girl attempted to free her hand, Gin would tighten his grip to a point where he would clearly overpower her, for now, he merely stopped the wrist in its tracks.

As the girls target squirmed in the distance, a powerful aura erupted from the giant Akimichi, sending the nearby Genin into shock. His aura was heavy in nature, bright orange in color and even carried a mild odour of deep-fried chips. He locked eyes with the girl, calming himself and his aura.

“I was always taught to protect the weak…” he paused before continuing onto “If you try anything like that again… I’ll kill you.” His tone was direct, unapologetic and serious while his eyes appeared emotionless, lonely and somewhat overbearing but the instant he concluded his sentence he released his grip on the girls wrist before returning to his cheery self.

His eyes returned to normal and with now wide grin on his face, he challenged the girl, “You’re aware of the rule of two… right?”

WC - 228

Skill Used -
Display of Power

Nova Tsuba
Nova Tsuba
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Change for the better [P/Vlad] Empty Re: Change for the better [P/Vlad]

Mon Jul 26, 2021 4:44 pm
Nova's piercing blue gaze snapped up to meet Gin's when she saw the boy's large hand enter her vision and grip her wrist, her mood changing just as fast as Gin's had. There was no fear, or even shock, at the complete 180 in the tone the day had just taken. Instead, Nova looked absolutely pissed. Did the boy like to be disrespected? What was the matter with him? Nova held back a snarl when the boy produced a powerful aura from his body, fighting down the surge of fear with pure spite. Protecting the weak? Sure, Nova did that. She'd done it just the other week when she'd gone to save a young genin who had gotten attacked and left for dead in the mountains around the village. She wouldn't stand by and let obnoxious shits get away with being dicks, however, even if they were young and weak. Everyone was entitled to a beat down as far as Nova was concerned.

The Akiimichi's threat washed off Nova like she hadn't even heard it; the only reaction she had was a small twitch in her eye. She didn't like this guy, she decided just then. Respect him, sure. Would she ever get along with him? No, definitely not. She couldn't even put a finger on what about him was rubbing her the wrong way. She ripped her wrist away from him the moment he let go of it and backpedaled 2-meters away from the boy in a straight line. While stepping back she brought her right hand behind her and wrapped her fingers around the handle of her Ninjato in a tight grip, never taking her eyes of the person she assumed she was about to get in a fight with.

"The Rule of Two? Yeah, I've heard of it. Why?" Nova asked, though she was positive she already knew the answer.

WC: 314
TWC: 1152

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Gin Akimichi
Gin Akimichi
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Change for the better [P/Vlad] Empty Re: Change for the better [P/Vlad]

Thu Jul 29, 2021 8:47 am

The instant Gin released his grip, the girl darted away from the podgy Akimichi, it was interesting, she was very nimble and yet had a characteristic that the Akimichi couldn’t quite put his finger on. He observed the women as she responded to his query relating to the rule of two, she was familiar with it and while this was the first time the Akimichi planned to invoke the rule in question, he wanted to see whether he could bring out the fighting spirit that he displayed in the latter stage of the Chuunin Exams.

“Well… can you please attack me with everything that you’ve got?”

The Akimichi overcame his fear of combat, however from a theoretical perspective he still had a long way to go. He wasn’t a big fan of fighting, he enjoyed the little things in life, fighting wasn’t one of them. However, he had set his mind on becoming a strong Shinobi, one that could one day rival the Lord Raikage, Noboru Kaito. The Akimichi held great respect for the man, but he knew that he was lucky to win in the Heaven Country as after all on paper his competitors were a lot stronger than he was.

Releasing an audible sigh, sweat building on his forehead, he moved his left foot forward, his right foot back to assume the footing of the orthodox fighting position. “Ready when you are…”

WC - 234
Nova Tsuba
Nova Tsuba
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Change for the better [P/Vlad] Empty Re: Change for the better [P/Vlad]

Thu Jul 29, 2021 10:45 am
When Nova had shifted back, she had made sure to angle her body so that her left arm was entirely hidden behind her body. Even as the man was telling her to attack him with everything she had, Nova used her hidden left hand to retrieve a Senbon from her weapon pouch. Her eyes narrowed at her large opponent, keeping his whole body in her perspective. This was the guy who had won the Chunin exams, she would have to be careful and play the upcoming exchange safely. She didn't have a lot of techniques under her belt she could use against this guy so she'd also have to be conservative with what she had.

There was a beat where Nova didn't move or react to the Akimichi's goad to start the fight, just keeping her breathing level and focussed. If nothing had happened in the couple of seconds where Nova hadn't done anything, she'd burst into a flurry of speed. Nova would turn around to face the boy fully and begin to rush toward him at the same time. The moment she began running, Nova would flick the senbon she'd stealthily retrieved from her weapon pouch towards the man's stomach. Because of the senbon, Nova would be running 1 speed lower than it so as to not run into it and injure herself.  If allowed to get within 1 meter of the boy, Nova, with her right hand still holding the Ninjato, would unsheathe it and swing the blade towards the right side of his torso in one smooth motion at her maximum speed, aiming to put her arm just underneath the still-flying senbon if it was still in the way. Of course, infusing her chakra into it and taking care so as to not injure herself with the motion.

All actions Nova took without a stated speed would be at her maximum.

WC: 314
TWC: 1466

Senbon Speed: 107 (135/2 = 67.5 (rounded down to 67) + 40)

AP: 1216 - 10 = 1206
Gin Akimichi
Gin Akimichi
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Change for the better [P/Vlad] Empty Re: Change for the better [P/Vlad]

Thu Jul 29, 2021 1:30 pm
The scene was set, the surrounding Genin backed away as the atmosphere grew tense. Gin observed the young women shift into almost a southpaw boxing stance, with her left hand now obstructed by the bulk of her body. He didn’t quite have enough space to perform an effective counter measure, especially with the gap between himself and his foe being so feeble. However almost by request, the opposition continue to bide her time, waiting just long enough for the majority of genin to have retreated to a safe distance.

Looking back at his actions, Gin couldn’t quite understand why he expressed malice towards the young women. He hated the vast majority of Genin in the village as they all treated him like complete and utter garbage prior to his victory at the Chuunin Exams. To some extent, he felt as if he was trying to embody the will of the Raikage. In the moment where he defended the Genin from the pebble he felt as if he had an out of body experience, one that he couldn’t quite explain.

A moment felt like an hour as he reflected on his actions, somewhat displeased as to the lengths he had gone to antagonise the young women. He stood motionless, contemplating whether to accept the brunt of the attack that was to follow as a punishment for his prior behaviour. From the other side of the spectrum, he felt that only the strong should be given the liberty to leave a mark on his body and thus he took to action.

The instant the girls left shoulder twitched to indicate movement, the Akimichi moved to action. His eyes first took note of the positioning of her left shoulder relative to her body to accurately calculate the angle of motion of her hand. He wasn’t too sure as to what the young women had a secondary mode of attack but he aired on the side of caution by subconsciously plotting the most effective angles of trajectory that could be utilised to take advantage of the Akimichis large exterior.

In the moment his eyes darted, his left hand formed three handseals, his right flew into his weapon pouch. The instant the three handseals were completed, a series of chakra-based butterflies would appear around the young womens face, they were orange in color and extremely vibrant, with over ten thousand of the butterflies quickly overloading the womens line of sight. The instant the women looked at one of the butterflies, she would find herself caught in a trance-like state thus mesmerised by the beauty of the surrounding butterflies, compelled to chase after them via this technique. In this instance, the Akimichi would simply invert the womens sense of direction, forcing her to move in reverse while moving forward from her perspective.  

Gin didn’t rely on this top stop the young women; after all he had asked for her best and he was sure that she could deliver. In tandem with the Genjutsu his right hand fished out a Kunai, rigged with Flash Paper. Using the flicking motion of his wrist, he sent it towards the womens centre mass, opting to detonate the paper bomb the instant the Kunai left his fingers. Naturally, the Akimichi closed his eyes, he no longer needed them as he was confident in the trajectory the women would take as well as the trajectory of her sword if she so chose to use it. Having closed his eyes, the Akimichi lowered his centre of mass while moving to his left, the girls right in an effort to avoid the potential trajectories of her Katana. It goes without saying that the girl would be blinded had she kept her eyes open during the detonation of the flash paper, but one thing to note would be that as the Akimichi moved his large frame, he was still able to move his large exterior out of the trajectory of the senbon.

From the context of the use of weaponry and the womens position before approach, a few facts had to be established. The first was that prior to girl moving away, the distance between Gin and the young women was about half a meter. Having moved, the women was no less than 2.5 meters away from the Akimichi. She later assumed a stance akin to southpaw, moving her left leg further back. With the female standing at a height of around 1.72 meters, the effective distance between her two legs was at a minimum of 0.4 meters, assuming the women didn’t extend further than the traditional shoulder width distance. This in turn meant that the women had to straighten her body, covering a distance of 0.4 meters at her outstanding speed of 135 before dispatching a senbon that would then travel a distance of 2.5 meters at a rate of 106 speed, relative to the females new speed of 105.

To align the events, the butterflies would form around the womens face at a rate of 20 speed around the time where she would have found herself directly facing the Akimichi. Around the time in question, the Akimichi would have already dispatched the rigged Kunai that would be detonated upon release, blinding everyone in a 5 meter radius who happened to look into the light. In the same vein, during the time it would take the women to bridge her blades gap of 1.5 meters, the Akimichi would be able to move a further 2.1 meters towards his left, the womens right which would in turn take him out of range of the senbon. Naturally the movement was done a precautionary measure aimed to remove the Akimichi from the Katanas line of trajectory.

Naturally, as the bright light from the flash paper continued to radiate, if either of the duo had their eyes open, they would be blinded. Considering the fact that the Akimichi had made his movement under the blinding light of the flash paper, there wouldn’t realistically be a way for the women to discern his location if not by sound.

In the unlikely scenario that the women heard the Akimichis footsteps, and change of direction, he would be ready to react.

WC - 1001

AP = 690 - 20 [Butterfly Effect] = 670

-1 Kunai
-1 Flash Paper

All actions performed at top speed unless otherwise specified.
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