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Yamaguchi Kouma
Yamaguchi Kouma
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Clan Focus : Space Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 21250

The Arsonist [Hunter] Empty The Arsonist [Hunter]

Fri Jul 23, 2021 2:37 am
OOC: Fight me D:


Kouma had been training himself to fight while he was injured, and so he wanted to really put himself to the limit, so he took a mission that had a chance of death. He needed to continue on with his ninja way no matter how injured he was, and the training to become better at summoning the spirits from the other side was making him a bit less than sane. The woman at the counter of the mission area saw that Kouma was in a wheelchair and wondered why he was attempting to do a mission this dangerous, but it was an emergency mission and he was legally allowed to take it, so there was not a whole lot that she could do to dissuade him, and thus gave him the mission.

The mission was to follow up on an investigation that found out where an arsonist that was setting fire to buildings was, and that the arsonist was most likely going to strike again at the area that they triangulated. It was Kouma's job to go and stop the arsonist, with lethal force if necessary. Most of the time this would need to be lethal, but there was a chance that it would not, Kouma would play it by ear. Kouma showed up to the area that was the supposed target for the arsonist, which was a slightly smaller house than normal, which was 50 sq m, including the small lawn, and it did not have a back yard. Kouma was on the road 15m to the east and 5m south of the house, the road running from east to west and the front of the house being perpendicular to the road. There were houses further to the south, but most of the area around here had been cordoned off by the other ninja, preventing the arson from running too far lest he run into a large amount of ninja that wanted to capture or kill him.

To the north of the road there was a small park type area with a couple of swings and a small slide for children, and a couple of benches. The park area was only around 10 sq m, with the rest of the area being grass. Kouma was looking around, as he knew that this would be where he fought the arsonist, and he did not want to get ambushed, although being in an open spot in the middle of the road like where he was was not the greatest, it was better than being ambushed. "I know you're here! We tracked you down, arsonist. Come out and surrender or be hunted!" Kouma would yell out towards the house.

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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 42700

The Arsonist [Hunter] Empty Re: The Arsonist [Hunter]

Sun Jul 25, 2021 10:01 pm

Molecule was up to his antics again, this time, finding himself within a home residing in Kirigakure. Molecule waited for the tenant to leave and then snuck inside once the coast was clear. In Molecules hand was a set of matches, and he had just finished striking one and had proceeded to throw the match into a pile of papers he had gathered from around the house to use as kindling. The match ignited the kindling, and the fire began to spread through the house slowly when Molecule heard the voice of whom he assumed to be a shinobi.

"I know you're here! We tracked you down, arsonist. Come out and surrender or be hunted!"

“Crap, they’re onto me! he thought to himself.

“Alright! You got me!” Molecule would yell from inside of the home.

Molecule was about 3 Meters away from the front door at this point and unaware of whether he was surrounded. Molecule planned on blowing away whoever was beyond the doorway, so before exiting, Molecule would perform several hand seals   (Ram, Ox, Boar, Ram, Ox, Boar, Ram) then proceed to kick open the door with his hands held high.

Upon exiting, Molecule would scan the surroundings with his crimson eyes until he locked onto a boy in a wheelchair dressed as a shinobi who was 15M East of the home and 5M South. “You’ve got to be kidding me!” Molecule would cackle then take a deep breath and exhaling a small sphere of compressed wind chakra towards the crippled shinobi.

WC: 253

AP: 1000 – 10 Sharingan – 30 Wind Pressure Damage = 960

Wind Pressure Damage:
Power: 60
Speed: 60
Duration: 1/2
Compressed Ball Size: 6 Inch Diameter
Yamaguchi Kouma
Yamaguchi Kouma
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Clan Focus : Space Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 21250

The Arsonist [Hunter] Empty Re: The Arsonist [Hunter]

Sun Jul 25, 2021 11:23 pm
Kouma watched as a young man with pale skin suddenly came out of the house, and Kouma was not going to wait around for the man to do anything drastic. The young man looked at him and suddenly shouted something, most likely referring to Kouma currently being in a wheelchair, but he did not mind it and focused on the task at hand. Kouma was started to weave hand seals, and wanted to catch the guy as fast as possible, so he immediately activated his chakra enhanced strength, grabbing the wheels of his chair and started rocketing towards the man at a very fast speed. He noticed the man had started using hand seals, before a compressed wind ball condensed in his hands, and then shot towards Kouma fairly rapidly. He saw that that it was going in a straight line and so he immediately changed his movement so he was going diagonally to the left, which was the right of the man, so he would eventually end up 5m to the right of where the man currently was.

In between wheeling himself, he used his one handed seals to weave ox, serpent, rat, and then bird. Then farther to his left, close to the man. A portal would appear 3m to the man's left, and an emaciated zombie woman would sprint out towards the man. This would probably shock him, and the emaciated woman would attempt to run towards and chase the man, attempting to grab him and hold him down. If this was successful, it would be pretty easy for Kouma to activate the next part of the jutsu, allowing the woman to incapacitate the man. Kouma would then be ready to wield more hand seals to deal with whatever the man was going to do next.
WC: 299
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 42700

The Arsonist [Hunter] Empty Re: The Arsonist [Hunter]

Sun Jul 25, 2021 11:49 pm
Molecule had formed the hand seals to launch his attack within the confines of the home, so it was impossible for his target to have seen him prepare his attack. Upon releasing the sphere from his mouth, the wheelchair shinobi began a mad dash towards him and the oncoming attack. The wheelchair shinobi would then notice the oncoming attack and make an abrupt change in direction, moving 5M to the left of the direction the sphere was traveling.
As the sphere traveled its intended route reaching 10M from its initial launch at the exact location his target had just been, Molecule would activate the sphere, causing it to expand into a 15M Diameter tornado like sphere.
“Shit” Molecule would think, knowing that he was within 5 M of his own attack, and would then begin back peddling back inside the 50M diameter home that he had just been inside to evade his own attack, prior to the portal forming. If his opponent remained in the same location that he had traveled to (5M left of where Molecule was in the doorway of the home, he would be consumed by Molecule’s attack. If his opponent proceeded with the creation of the portal, that too would be consumed.
In fact, the attack would expand, clashing with the home and delivering damage 5M into the infrastructure of the building causing a large portion of the building to be entirely removed.
Now 10M inside the home, would wait to see if something would emerge from the sphere of wind that he had created, beginning to feel the heat of the fire that he had created behind him beginning to creep up the back walls of the home. If a zombie emerged from the sphere, Molecule would flick his hand 3 times in succession and three blades of invisible wind would form at waist height (1M above the ground) and travel laterally towards the assailant with 1M of space in between them in an attempt to finish them off.
WC: 319
AP: 960 – 10 Sharingan – 15 Wind Pressure Upkeep – 30 Zephyr Blade = 905
Wind Pressure Damage:
Power: 75
Speed: 75
Duration: 2/2
Tornado: 15M Diameter

Wind Zephyr Blade:
Power: 75
Speed: 75
Duration: 1
Blades Produced: 3
Yamaguchi Kouma
Yamaguchi Kouma
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Clan Focus : Space Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 21250

The Arsonist [Hunter] Empty Re: The Arsonist [Hunter]

Mon Jul 26, 2021 1:03 am
Kouma watched as the spherical projectile suddenly exploded, but due to how fast he was currently, he was able to slightly adjust his course and go around the explosion as the man retreated back into the house. The back side of the house was on fire because of the arsonist, so it would most likely be very difficult to actually  escape from that side. Kouma had escaped the blast radius of the sphere and was now on the left side of the house, noticing that the air sphere was still going and ripping down the wooden house that it was touching, leaving a large hole. The screecher that he had summoned also had the chance to leave the impact area, although it was very close. The screecher was now on the right side of the house, and suddenly shattered the window and climbed in. The screecher would show up on the left side of the arsonist and rush towards him and attempt to grab him.

At the same time the screecher was shattering the window and climbing in, Kouma was weaving hand seals quickly, ox, serpent, rat, boar, monkey, and then horse, in that order. Keita leaned over quickly and looked through the window, seeing the young pale man. Soon, a portal would open up 3m behind the man, another would open up 1m to the left of Kouma, so it could be seen through the window, and the last one spawned on the other side of the house, 1m away from the window. Inside the house, three zombies that looked like undead vikings would quickly rush out of the portal towards the man, attempting to slash and bite him, ripping him to shreds. Four more zombies would pop out of the portal next to Kouma, two of them standing in front of him, one running towards the back of the house, one running towards the front. The portal that was on the other side of the house would spawn three zombies, one of which would start to crawl through the window. One more would run towards the back of the house, and one more would run towards the front. The one that climbed through the window would then attempt to attack the pale man to death, just a bit later than the other zombies that spawned directly in the house.

The zombies outside of the house that were not right in front of Kouma would be standing five meters away from the house, watching out for the target in case he ran out of the house. They would then give chase and attempt to rip him to shreds. All the while, Kouma would be watching the pale man through the window, ready to respond to him.
WC: 457
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 42700

The Arsonist [Hunter] Empty Re: The Arsonist [Hunter]

Tue Jul 27, 2021 12:34 am
Molecule’s original action of reacting to the Screecher did not go through, that was until the monster had shattered a window located on the left side of the house, alerting Molecule that they had entered. Once the screecher came within 2M of molecule, he would wave his hand, releasing a singular blade of wind that would cut the creature in half. Just as Molecule cut down the Screecher, another portal formed behind him and out came 3 additional zombies. As the zombies exited the portal behind them, they would create noises that was inherent of the walking dead, and whipping around, Molecule would wave his hand two additional times, creating 2 more waves of wind that would close the short distance between them, however unlike the screecher, the Zephyr bales wind would fall just 10 points of power short of defeating the zombies and although Molecules attack would temporarily stun the dead, they would ultimately tank the attack and proceed to grab a hold of the boy to his surprise. Molecule was now living out a horror movie as each zombie restrained his limbs and in came the remained of the zombies summoned by the crippled shinobi. Molecule was now regretting laughing at the crippled as the zombies did what they do best, and ripped the small boy to shreds limb by limb. With each wretched pull, Molecule would release a high pitch shriek produced by sheer terror of being eaten alive. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” he would screen, ultimately succumbing to shock and dying a most horrifying death.
[Molecule dies via Walking Dead]
Wc: 256
TWC: 838
Claims on Sho:
5 Stats towards Vigor = 50 New Total
3 Stats towards Speed = 33 New Total
838 Towards Slicing Threads = 1426/1500 New Total
2.1K Ryo = 43700 New Total
10 Mission AP = 165 New Mission AP Total
Yamaguchi Kouma
Yamaguchi Kouma
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Clan Focus : Space Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 21250

The Arsonist [Hunter] Empty Re: The Arsonist [Hunter]

Tue Jul 27, 2021 1:08 am
Kouma was watching through the window at what was happening, ready to weave more hand seals and react to what the arsonist did, and it seemed like he was still fighting back. Regretfully this could only mean that he would have to take the boy down, as even after the boy realized that he could not get away from the zombies, he was still struggling, and so the zombies ripped him to shreds in the next moment, putting a slight grimace on Kouma's face. He was different than most shinobi, as he was greatly desensitized to blood and death, but he still had a bit of bad feeling in the pit of his stomach as a person that could have potentially been rehabilitated got ripped to shreds like that. Kouma was not soft hearted enough though to take him in alive after it was a sure fire thing that he was attempting to kill him, so there was no reason to spare him at this point, as he could have easily sent out the wind blade that cut the screecher in half towards him instead. Kouma had to harden himself a bit so that he could proceed through the shinobi world, and this was one of the steps.

The ninja around the area knew that Kouma could summon the undead, so when one of them ran to the perimeter and signaled the ninja to come over, they did so, although with a bit of apprehension. They soon saw Kouma in the middle of the road looking up towards the stars that were starting to be visible in the sky with a sigh. "He, or what's left of him, is in that house. Please commence cleanup operation." Kouma would say, before the ninja nodded and sent a signal to the rest of his group indicating that the culprit had been neutralized. Soon there were plenty of ninja on the scene, and some of the medical ninja went in to assess the situation, finding the mangled corpse. These cleanup shinobi were used to even worse than this, so they did not even bat an eye at it and started to commence the cleanup operation, grabbing the man's teeth and fingers for identification purposes. Kouma would simply leave after sending a silent prayer towards his ancestors, hoping that the man's life was better next time, pushing his little wheels out of the area.
WC: 400
Total WC: 1603
Claiming 4100 ryo
Claiming 10 ap
Using 1603 words towards Corpse Explosion 1603/1875 with max stat discount
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The Arsonist [Hunter] Empty Re: The Arsonist [Hunter]

Tue Jul 27, 2021 5:28 pm


Why'd you have to do that poor Uchiha like that
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