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Stat Page : The Wraith
Legendary Equipment : Hiramekarei

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Clan Specialty : Fuuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 111850

Burn the Arsonist [Hunter | Morio] Empty Burn the Arsonist [Hunter | Morio]

Sat Dec 11, 2021 3:22 pm
[OOC: Mission Info]

Smoke and soot violated the normally refreshing air of the Village Hidden in the Stars today. It appeared as though a string of unprecedented fires erupted in the City Square of Hoshigakure, burning down a few of the buildings in that area. However, it was as if the fire was some sort of mystic thread that desired to cut down more establishments, creating a linear string of more fires that began to consume even more buildings just outside of the City Square - nearing the outskirts. This was of course, extremely unnatural which led to the accident being named as the work of an "arsonist" and not some series of unfortunate events. Not even a few minutes passed when the fires were occurring, the Police Force of Hoshigakure dispatched two shinobi to deal with this mysterious arsonist who took pleasure in seeing buildings burn. One of the shinobi who was assigned to deal with the investigation was Enishi Kurosawa who was also paired up with...well, Enishi didn't know that; he didn't have any time to actually meet up with his teammate due to how fast all of this was going. Shinobi and police were already attempting to stop the fires that were occurring in the City Square and other sections of downtown Hoshigakure - no signs of the arsonist were found in the area. Therefore, the only possible conclusion was that the arsonist was attempting to flee or burn more buildings and houses in the outskirts. That would be the area Enishi had to investigate first, and the area he and his partner were assigned to investigate.

Quickly, he arrived at a clearing that marked the beginning of a part of the outskirts. The clearing was about 80m in radius with trees of varying sizes surrounding him outside of the clearing, essentially being some sort of makeshift "arena" as morbid as it sounded. He entered from the south part of the clearing (6'o clock.) Inside the clearing possessed nothing like additional trees, environmental objects, or obstacles that would inhibit Enishi's movement or sight. But what did catch the boy's eye was that at the absolute center of the clearing - 40m away from Enishi as he entered - was a burning house - about the size of 10sq meters (5 by 5 meters.) The victims most likely evacuated from the area since there was no screaming or sound...but it could be possible that the arsonist could be hiding inside of it or using it as cover to escape the investigation squad...or they could be hiding in the trees surrounding the clearing. There was an infinite amount of possibilities of where the arsonist could be hiding, but they were definitely here given the map that the mission gave him. 

Nevertheless, Enishi would advance 15m forwards at maximum speed towards the burning house aka the center, activating Chakra Sensory at the same time to sense anything within 5m of himself. He was now 25m away from the burning building. Regarding his appearance, he wore his usual clothes and equipment (as listed on stat page) as before, including Nise which he wore under his clothes which was basically his second skin at this point. His seals (as listed on stat page) would be in their normal areas under his clothes and Nise as well. However, the most striking part of his appearance was that Hiramekarei which would usually be in the form of a scroll was worn on his back in its bandaged state. Inversely, his Tanto would be equipped on his right hip, and his other items would remain unchanged in terms of orientation. 

For now, the understudy would wait for either the arsonist or for his teammate to show up so he could think of a plan, watching his surroundings carefully and keeping his sensory active.

WC: 606

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Kensei Onomori
Kensei Onomori
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : The Last Tower

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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 129000

Burn the Arsonist [Hunter | Morio] Empty Re: Burn the Arsonist [Hunter | Morio]

Mon Dec 13, 2021 9:05 pm
The smell of fire and burning were not foreign to the smith. The very smell often permeated from his shop as he made swords and other armaments for those that came in. This however was a case in which was not such a fortuitous situation. Someone had deliberately set this area ablaze and for what he did not know. He was assigned this mission with one other who had apparently gone ahead. Thanks to the Police Force, Morio had known where to go and was quick to catch up with his partner. Wearing his custom armor and brandishing his sword, he would be quick to cut through the areas that were not ablaze to catch up with Enishi. The two together would be able to figure out what had been going on in this mess and catch whoever it had been who had dared to ruin the lives of so many. It did not take long for Morio to arrive behind Enishi, in fact he came only a minute later and stopped his approach a mere meter to the males right," I assume you're Enishi? I'm Morio, i was assigned with you to catch this...arsonist by any means," he would keep his introduction brief as he looked around the area. His sword had been situated on his left side, on his hip to be exist opposed to how it was usually on his back. For matters such as this he had to be quicker on the draw than those that would do harm to him. He could see that his partner had also been a swordsman and the unique and odd shape of the sword intrigued Morio but that was a different story for another time. For now he would keep his eyes peeled for anything that could denote where the Arsonist was, but also keeping a keen eye on their backs just in case the arsonist wanted to do a sneak attack.

323 WC

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Stat Page : The Wraith
Legendary Equipment : Hiramekarei

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Clan Specialty : Fuuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 111850

Burn the Arsonist [Hunter | Morio] Empty Re: Burn the Arsonist [Hunter | Morio]

Thu Jan 13, 2022 1:00 pm
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Dana Senju
Dana Senju
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 12020

Burn the Arsonist [Hunter | Morio] Empty Re: Burn the Arsonist [Hunter | Morio]

Thu Jan 13, 2022 11:36 pm
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