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Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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A splendid day [P/Saya] - Page 4 Empty Re: A splendid day [P/Saya]

Wed Jul 28, 2021 10:34 pm
"Yea. It seems the senju of lore were uh. Well they had a propensity for over emphatic speech that ended in quite lengthy titles. Sorry. I figured I shouldn't ignore the history that helped build the power I've gained yanno? It was important to me to keep the culture going, though I wouldn't directly speak of my clan to most. From my understanding it can be quite dangerous. Very old blood runs in our veins and Pinochio says that there are a ton of people in the world who would absolutely adore a chance to chop us up for parts. Whatever that means. Either way uh. It's important to keep the culture that those before us have built. SOmething to remember. " She would let the girl take several moments to get used to the technique. With the amplifier that they'd bost used just before this, she could feel the maximum potential of their clans blood.

"So. When you get up in power you can do super cool things like this. " Her eyes narrowed. Her lips curled in a grin. It was time to show off just a little. She reached out with her hand, and the small flower on her wrist activated. If dana blinked, she would miss what happened next. A single vine shot out striking at a speed of two hundred and fourty towards Dana. With pinpoint precision the tip of her vine would strike the flower on Dana's shoulder, sharp point piercing the petals if she wasn't stopped. It would not pierce far enough to cause the girl any actual pain, but far before the petals could hit the ground, the vine would be gone.

"So. That was a combination of three techniques. An enhancing technique called the trifle of the senju, the ninjutsu amplification technique, and great grasping vines gathering motion to defend the pacifist's will and subdue the world's cruelty. The ninjutsu amplifiaction technique allows you to make some aspects of a single jutsu more powerful. As you can see, The effects when combined together get very powerful very quickly.

She took a moment, as Dana asked about her look, to give her a once over. It wasn't exactly how she would use it, but it looked good. "Excelent! I like the positioning! There's a cool trick I learned though. I place two on my ankles for a very specific reason. " IN emphasis, the two flowers on her ankles came to life. Two vines slipped down her legs, wrapping around ankles and heels to plant themselves in the ground below. It looked kind of like... Well. Yanno that one game with the mute girl and the boots? It has the talking robot? No of course you don't. That probably doesn't exist in this world. It looks like THAT! She would raise up slowly as the vines took over her movement. She wobbled for a second, trying to contol her own balance, and then her body shifted to the side at the same speed of two hundred and fourty, controled by the whim of her jutsu.

(TWC 7708)
Dana Senju
Dana Senju
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A splendid day [P/Saya] - Page 4 Empty Re: A splendid day [P/Saya]

Thu Jul 29, 2021 11:07 am
Chop... Them up for parts? That didn't sound good. Dana liked her body parts the way they were, thankyouverymuch! The only one who'd get to chop pieces of her was herself, and maybe like... A medical professional who had her best interests at heart or something. Yeah, that sounded right. That did beg the question, though; why would people want pieces of her in the first place? Was there power to be derived from her body parts? Ooh, maybe they wanted to use her face and pretend to be her so they could steal all her three friends! Feckers, the lot of them. Maybe if they asked politely they could have an organ or something. People could live with one lung, right?

"Wha-" Dana started to ask what Saya had meant by 'cool things' but in a literal blink-or-you-miss-it moment the girl's vines covered the short distance between them and attacked one of the vines on Dana's shoulder. The older Senju literally couldn't have dodged if she'd tried. Once again, Dana barely even reacted to the life-threatening vine. She just looked at the destroyed petals of the flower on her shoulder with a raised eyebrow and a blank face. She turned to Saya with the same vacant expression, which would then instantly morph into one of pure delight "That was so cool!"

"Ooh, ninjutsu amplification? What's that? It sounds useful." She would ask with a little bit of a menacing wonder. It sounded like just what she needed to really elevate her offensive potential as Saya had just demonstrated. If she could attack at that speed... She'd be unstoppable! Cue evil laughter but only in Dana's thoughts since she didn't want to freak out her newest friends. She'd just keep a weird, mysterious smile on her face like she always did. She liked weirding people out but not freaking them out. And yes, there was totally a difference.

Dana ooh'd and aah'd when Saya used her vines to push herself off the ground and move around the training ground at such high speeds that Dana literally couldn't turn her neck fast enough to follow her movements. She was like a mech... Mecha Saya? Mechaya? Dana hadn't made flowers on her ankles as Saya had done, so she uncurled the vines from either of her arms and made them wrap around her midriff like a belt. The two vines would then come out from behind her and push Dana off the ground at her own techniques speed of 110 ( (160 - 60)/2 + 60). Not even half as impressive as Saya's had been but Dana couldn't help but feel a little proud of herself. She'd come far in this short training day with Saya, it felt good to go out and actually improve herself for once; Dana was far too lazy for her own good.

Dana would then do as Saya had done and attempt to start attempting to move around with the two vines. She'd take a few shaky steps until she finally gaining a bit more confidence with the manipulation of the vines, her movement becoming more fluid in proportion to her comfortableness with the vines. She managed to do a little jump and a spin as well.

WC: 540
TWC: 7193
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Ryo : 58600

A splendid day [P/Saya] - Page 4 Empty Re: A splendid day [P/Saya]

Thu Jul 29, 2021 9:27 pm
"Yea it's pretty powerful. I have a few jutsu combinations that I think are super cool. My sister and I practiced them together so we could get super strong! Uh. Sorry for destroying your flower though. I figured it ws the easiest and safest way to show you the full strength of my ninjutsu so you can get a feel of the true power of Wood style. Not that I think im super powerful of course. I mean i'm like ok powerful. Still got lots of training to do." She started strong, emphasizing the stength of her pure blood, but all too quickly the small child showed itself again. Even now, with everything she'd accomplished, she couldn't say for certain she was strong. Stronger? Yes, but maybe not strong. That would be a title she couldn't clearly say she would ever give herself.

"She's just being humble. She has to do the seals for both jutsu, so really it's just using me as a mirror of her own technique so that she can more easily see where her faults are, though she's very quickly getting to a power limit where I cannot exactly keep up. I can perform most of the jutsu she can--or more so she can perform most of her ninjutsu through me, but the really big stuff like the vines jutsu she's using. Oh. Right. Uh. When you get more powerful you can put more into that jutsu, and it will raise in power rank. I. Yea. Raise in power rank. It's really a weird situation. Like. trying to explain how certain jutsu break thresholds that others don't? I dunno. " It really was a dificult situation. How do you explain to people who learn jutsu as a construction of the power of their chakra and not, for the sake of explaination because this would be a rediculous concept, technical jargan on a page? What is the defined difference between an A rank and S rank? Did they even know that jutsu had ranks? The world may never know.

"Uh. Well. " she paused for a moment. She thought she'd given a detailed explanation of how ninjutsu amplification works? Honestly, considering she'd just spent a solid several minutes in her own mind considering things that were completely unimportant to the present, she couldn't judge if her new friend had zoned out and missed it. "So like. You do the hand seals for ninjutsu amplification and then the next jutsu you use will get stronger! You can affect a bunch of different stuff with the jutsu, though if you want more than one aspect to be amplified it is a bit weaker. Real useful technique. That's the first set of hand seals I showed you, in case you weren't sure. " She would form the hand seals a second time slowly so Dana could see what she had done, and then sat back, watching as she tested her ability to use her vines for movement. She was a little less fluid, but that made sense.

(TWC 8212)
Dana Senju
Dana Senju
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A splendid day [P/Saya] - Page 4 Empty Re: A splendid day [P/Saya]

Thu Jul 29, 2021 11:46 pm
Dana held a blank, vacant expression on her face as the twins seemed to delve a little too deep into what we in the industry like to call the "Too-Meta" territory. Dana felt that remembering this section of the conversation would end up destroying the entire world as they knew it, leaving everything broken. Thus, Dana wiped this branch of conversation from its memory and pretended it never happened. There we go, problem solved. Dana did remember the fact that Grasping Vines would become stronger in power as she progressed on her journey, however. It was nice to know that there was still a ceiling she couldn't quite break through just yet, but would in the future.

"Oi see, oi see," Dana mumbled as Saya demonstrated for apparently the second time. Honestly, Dana needed to get out of her head more. She was being awfully rude asking her friend to repeat herself like this! She watched the hand seals Saya performed slowly with great care, committing them to her memory once again. Her head was starting to ache from the amount of information she'd forced it to soak up today. 'Sorry little guy, you'll get some rest soon' Dana thought... To... Her brain. It didn't make much sense but neither did comforting your brain.

Dana wondered what Jutsu she could test the amplifier on. She'd already caused enough destruction of property for one day, which had thankfully managed to be fixed through the efforts of both Senju, so she didn't want to cause any more. The more Dana thought about it, the more she realized that the majority of the stuff she'd learned today was perfect for destroying buildings and other human-made constructions. Huh, guess Saya had some hidden desire to just destroy things. That actually made so much sense, Dana thought with a small smile.

"Well, Oi thank ye koindly but oi must bid you adieu." Dana stretched and yawned. All this training had taken quite a lot of her and she couldn't wait to get back to her room and sleep. Oh shoot that just reminded her that she was behind on rent for the month; she'd have to sneak in through the window again, "Do you do hugs?" she asked, never too careful. The last time she'd hugged Niko he'd seemed a bit uncomfortable with the whole thing and she didn't want to make a friend uncomfortable again.

If Saya agreed, Dana would skip forward and attempt to wrap her arms around the girl, and would then open up her arms to allow any others to join in a big hug pile if they wanted to. After the hug, Dana would disengage with a big smile, pick up her cloak from the floor and do a small curtsey using her oversized tank top in place of a skirt.

"See ye around!" Dana waved once more, before skipping out the door of the Training Facility and heading back to her room.

WC: 496
TWC: 7689


7689 - 6135 (Last claimed stats) = 15 additional stats
7869 - 1750 (Words claimed on Jutsu so far) = 6119

Great Grasping Vines A-Rank (687/687) putting another 687 words to master it for half hand seals
Trifle of the Senju A-Rank (625/625)
Ninjutsu Amplifier A-Rank (625/625)
Tearing Earth Turning Palm A-Rank (1875/1875)
Moving Earth Core (750/750)
Hiding Like a Mole B-Rank (1125/1125)
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

A splendid day [P/Saya] - Page 4 Empty Re: A splendid day [P/Saya]

Fri Jul 30, 2021 1:40 am
That was an excelent point. See listeners, this world exists in a bottle that if shaken can explode and (random sounds of a wormhole forming) NEVERMIND! Saya was curious just how much of the lesson her new friend hand understood and retained. It would be impressive if she'd fully learned all of the techniques she'd been taught after just one day. Even by saya's standards this was an intense stent of training. She wondered if she could do the same. Would it be possible for her to spend an hour learning an entire list of techniques and actually remember the different nuance that made each work. maybe if she had teachers that weren't simply an extension of her own consciousness it would be a possibility. Still, she felt pretty satisfied with her current level of training. She was burning through techniques at a rate that would be more than impressive to any shinobi. Well. Maybe not that one. You know the one. They sit in the front of class at ninja school and never let any of the other students answer questions? Yea. Screw that person.

As quickly as they'd started their journey it was coming to an end. The more she thought about it, the more she realized she'd assumed they'd only been her for less than an hour, but she couldn't say for sure. Time is a nebulous thing. With methods to track it you could count the seconds between tasks, but as the addage goes, time flies when you're having fun. Her stomach grumbled in time with dana pointing out that she needed to leave. That meant it was about mappo tofu o clock for all small protagonists. While she was sad to have to end this time of socialization, she was excited to find out what the next task she would accomplish, or the next bit of trouble to get into.

"Yea. Thinking about it I haven't had lunch yet I don't think. Or is it dinner time? Yanno. Training is hard work and timed meals are a silly social construct built for people who believe that sleep in neccessary for human survival. It doesn't matter anyway. " There was a chorus of snickers form the puppets behind her, but as they meshed and mingled it wasn't clear which ones were actually laughing. Probably pinochio though. The final question didn't register for the small girl for several moments. Maybe it was something about the girl's accent? She'd finally gotten into a swing of catching the unique way she'd formed vowels, taking the time to mentally place each word in her palate until she found the space that would ensure the two sets matched. This phrase however was too short to really get a feel for dialectically, and was phrased close enough to the accent that she was used to that it threw her off. Her eyes lit up as she realized what had just been asked of her.

"YES HUGS ARE ABSOLUTELY THE BEST!!!!" Before Dana could close the distance the tiny terror was off her feet and floating through the air. She wrapped her arms around her friend's neck, swinging a bit as she embraced, and they shared what was a heart warming and welcoming hug. Then unfortunately it was time to go. Each of the puppets in turn gave her a kind wave and smile, except pinochio who only squeaked from inside the coach puppet and Coach who tried his best to smile, looking more like a head tilt that he hoped was understood as a smile before pulling a sign from his backpack that simply said "smile" It wasn't a perfect system if they were honest, but it was working so far. OK so two of the puppets smiled and waved, and the other two did what they do.

"Hey. It was super cool to meet you! I think we're gonna work really well together, and the next time you have some training to do let me know! I still have a few jutsu I can teach you I think. I know some strong earth style like tearing earth turning palm and moving earth core, and Probably every suiton jutsu in existence! I'm a big suiton fan. " Saya would offer up an extra list of jutsu that we, the listeners, know is ideal for Dana. She did not however get the opportunity to do so when it would actually be helpful. I believe this is called irony. Or was it hindsight. With the two parting ways Saya would beeline for home, where she was certain there would be a hot container of her favorite food being prepared. Yes. That would be the perfect way to end this day, Fresh mappo tofu and some sewing.

(TWC 9002 claiming water replacement(500/500) 1172 towardsfinishing pure sage mode(4k/4k)previous training 4k towards gigavolt(4k/4k) then 2500 to master it at a rank(2500/2500) and 830 towards second mastery at a rank (830/2500) exit and topic closed)
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A splendid day [P/Saya] - Page 4 Empty Re: A splendid day [P/Saya]

Fri Jul 30, 2021 1:47 pm
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