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Dana Senju
Dana Senju
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A splendid day [P/Saya] - Page 3 Empty Re: A splendid day [P/Saya]

Sun Jul 25, 2021 10:38 pm
Dana got the sense she was being mocked for her earlier statement but without any sort of mind-reading ability to be sure she couldn't hold any judgment. Instead, she just narrowed her eyes suspiciously towards Saya as the other Senju explained her plan for making things... Worse? Dana had no idea what the younger girl was planning, but she was all here for it. Apparently, they were going to use a Jutsu that was worse to use inside than the one they already had. Dana didn't know what could possibly be worse than a forest sprouting through the ground to the Training Facility, but she was excited for what came next. The girl was proving to be fun to hang around so Dana was up for anything at this point.

"Watch her right hand, okay, oi can do that." She muttered to herself and proceeded to do that by levelling her intense, unflinching green gaze on Saya's hand. So intense was her stare, that Dana didn't even notice everyone else in the Training Facility begin to flee from the scene. If she had, though, she would've laughed. The fact that two small teenagers were causing such a ruckus was amusing to the Senju. Well, it would've been if she'd actually been paying attention to her surroundings. The girl had been given the goal of paying attention to the hand seals, so that was what she would do. It was a little creepy, actually, the intenseness of her stare. Was that even a word? Who knew, but it was scary.

Dana, always the person with no self-preservation, didn't even flinch when vast amounts of large roots sprung up from the ground, still watching Saya's hands with the same intensity. She committed the handseals to memory: Tiger, Dragon, Rabbit, Monkey, and Snake. The reason she only memorized them instead of actually doing the Jutsu was simple: Saya had a plan and Dana didn't want to mess with it. She'd already trashed the building enough with Nativity of a Sea of Trees; Nativity of a World of Trees sounded scary to use for the first time in a public building.

When Ai and Saya got up onto a branch, Dana leaped after them and used the Surface Walking Technique to stay on without falling off. She'd ended up just behind Saya and Ai on the root so she finally got to see the shear destruction being caused. Any sane person would probably curl up and quiver in fear at the sight, but not Dana. The older Senju just laughed boisterously with disbelieving eyes as she watched her trees get ripped up and surrounded by Saya's own. Such a sight was something she'd never expected to encounter in her lifetime, but she sure was happy she'd got to experience it. What a happy turn of events going to the Advanced Training Facility had facilitated, mind the pun.

"What's the plan now?" Dana said in-between a fit of giggles once everything was done. She walked to the side of the root to get a better look at the now-demolished interior of the facility, "Are you really able to fix..." She waved a cloaked arm at the room with a happy grin, "This?"

WC: 537
TWC: 4781
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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A splendid day [P/Saya] - Page 3 Empty Re: A splendid day [P/Saya]

Mon Jul 26, 2021 6:44 pm
If she were being honest, She hadn't had fun like this in quite some time. There was something satisfying about pushing herself to the limit her chakra provided, pounding feet to the wooden floor beneath, and training until she couldn't think about anything else, but there was a beauty in mokuton. It was life. It was Chaos. It was kindness. There were alot of things Saya used, but wood style WAS the embodiment of her existence. She couldn't hold back the glee at the sheer destruction capable in such a short time. With the area decimated, Each of the roots spun back, carrying team puppet and Dana alike down towards the ground. They would wrap around each other, forming lines that curled and linked to allow the members a stable surface, and then her next technique activated. she actually snorted as her friend asked the question. Does she even know who she's talking to?! repairing all this damage was small potatoes compared to the mistakes she's made.

"Of course. This isn't even CLOSE to my worst screw up. Have you ever broken boards in a ceiling with a run away water style technique? Now THAT is a pain. they're so hecking high up you gotta use a tech just to get up that far, then wait for the cool down to finally get to fix the stupid thing. A small fifty meter area nice and low on the ground? That's no problem." As she spoke, she allowed her chakra to bloom and flow. at first nothing seemed to happen, but then the long systems of roots she'd used to pull up Dana's wood style techniques began to sink down. The base shifted and jiggled, looking less like solid oak and more like wood grained jello. Starting at the edges where their team wasn't standing the root systems sank down into the ground and began to spread out across the open land. Segments became blocky and cut themselves off to make wood pannels that simply pooled into place, and in a matter of moments ten meters of fresh wood flooring glinted in the lighting overhead.

"Now. I'm not going to say this isn't going to take some time. I would say I need to do that about five more times, give or take, before it'll all be finished. What you want to do is use HUmble carpenter the same way I'm doing. You can shift and change the trees i've cut up. Focus on sinking them down into the floor. Remember the way it looked before I destroyed it and will the wood style to make the same thing. Then if all is good, you should feel your techniques interact. Give that a bit of time aaaanndd wham bam we have a brand new and sparkling wood floor and no anbu show up and cart us off to jail for costing the village a half-million dollars. " She was exagerating. Probably? There was no way just the flooring on this place could possibly cost that much.

(TWC 5685)
Dana Senju
Dana Senju
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A splendid day [P/Saya] - Page 3 Empty Re: A splendid day [P/Saya]

Mon Jul 26, 2021 9:33 pm
It seemed that Saya was having just as much fun as Dana was with this whole fiasco. That was wonderful news to the white-haired girl and she found started to enjoy herself a whole lot more now that she knew her friend was also in on the fun. People tended to underestimate the joy they could introduce to their life with a little bit of mindless destruction. If everyone indulged their basest desires of knocking stuff down, the world would be a much better place. Mind you, if everyone destroyed everything then there wouldn't be much of a world left. Dana hummed, perhaps it wasn't such a great idea after all.

"Can't say oi ever have." Dana chortled in response to Saya's rhetorical question. Dana also noticed the girl censoring herself by using the word 'Heck'. That wouldn't do. No friend of Dana's would get away without picking up at least one bad word from her, she would make sure of it! Nothing was more fun than saying the word 'feck', it didn't even come close. Destroying buildings, while fun, failed to live up to the serotonin released by saying the word.

Dana watched with interest as Saya demonstrated masterful control over the Senju bloodline. She was truly a talented individual and Dana wondered where she had managed to pick the skill up. She'd mentioned a teacher in her past, hadn't she? Was this really the skill Dana had missed out on by not getting to experience the first 12 years of her life? Oh well, like water off a duck's back as Dana always said. There was no use wondering about different routes her life could have taken, all she could do was focus on the hand she had been dealt and make the most of it.

Dana nodded affirmatively at Says's order to start using humble carpenter, though she had absolutely zero clue what a 'Dollar' was. She approached the mess that was the two girls' Wood Style and began going through the hand seals. Just like Saya had said, Dana began to feel her consciousness connect to all her trees. They began to slough off and mix with the floor, smoothing out cracks and pushing down sections of the floor that had been pushed up from the rising trees. Saya was also right about how long this was going to take. To pass the time whilst she worked, Dana started to hum a nice tune and asked Saya a question.

"Have ye ever tried the word 'feck'? Soo much noicer to say and ye won't regret it."

WC: 432
TWC: 5213
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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A splendid day [P/Saya] - Page 3 Empty Re: A splendid day [P/Saya]

Mon Jul 26, 2021 10:09 pm
She could feel her pulse starting to slow. This was the part she wasn't so much of a fan of. Destruction was kind of neat, if controled in a way that ensured no one would ever actually get hurt, and her entire existence thrived on varying levels of chaos, but standing around not doing anything while you fix your chaotic decisions was super not fun. She should have pushed this off on Ai.

She glanced over at her new friend when she...responded to her question? It was a hypothetical! maybe she didn't realize.
"oh. Sorry sorry. That was actually. I didn't seriously mean that i was curious if you'd done it. Thats just like a thing people do where they bring up one of their experiences in a hypothetical situation to bring additional meaning and understanding to a--yanno what. It's not really important. I've uh. I've caused some chaos in these halls. That's why all the people are gone." She'd motion to the food area. Where there had once been several workers and a couple ninja enjoying a refreshing smoothy there was only a sign on the door that read "wood girl doing dumb shit, be back in ten". Usually she eased this particular reaction by going to a training room in the back. It was more dificult for people to realize she was about to be on her bull shit if she was out of sight, and then they could just be surprised by the chaos instead of doing something dumb and "rational" like fleeing for their life. Ah, the life of a ninja.

Dana make an interesting comment about her speech. Had she ever said feck? It wasn't a bad word technically. That would be the one with the U. Now THAT was off limits. She could already hear her sister's discouraged tone if she'd tried to curse. It mimiced her mothers in a way she always hated. 'Saya, we don't use such hard words. What's wrong with all the fun words you've been using?' Thinking about it, she had almost certainly used feck before.

"I have definitely said Feck before. Though yanno what i really like? heckers! its like. WAY cuter, though I do like that feck feels a little bit bad without actually being a curse. I have all sorts of fun words I use." She was beaming at the language discussion. Was this a difference between her dialect and danas? WAS THIS A DIALECTIC DIFFERENCE BETWEEN HERS AND DANAS?! Oh no. What if feck is just a curse adjacent word for her, but something about her friends accent or like. the culture that she was origionally from made it the same as'fuck'?! Even in her mind she barelly whispered the word, and as she did she could feel the weight of her older sister's gaze on her back. She would need to do some reasearch before she allowed herself down this path. What if Dana was secretly one of those bad influences that they talk about on the ninja tv?

(TWC 6190)
Dana Senju
Dana Senju
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A splendid day [P/Saya] - Page 3 Empty Re: A splendid day [P/Saya]

Tue Jul 27, 2021 8:29 am
It was only once Saya mentioned that all the people had left did Dana actually notice this to be the case. She looked around, white hair flipping around crazily as she did so. Where had everyone gotten to? Dana couldn't imagine why they would leave, it was only a few harmless trees and roots growing out of the ground, nothing to be afraid of! Her eyes leveled on the sign and a look of offense crossed her face. The sign seemed to be skipping one important detail and Dana simply would not allow it to carry on! Instead of immediately heading to the cluster of trees to begin moulding them back into the floor as she'd originally intended, Dana first skipped up the sign whilst performing the needed handseals for Cutting.

A thin, sharp branch left from her palm and she pulled it out with a small grimace; it hadn't occurred to her before but it was actually pretty gross to form wood from her skin. Nonetheless, Dana brought the sharp implement up to the sign and carved in a messy "S" just after the word "girl". Her handwriting was usually pretty neat but the tough nature of the wood meant it was pretty hard to use her usual flowing calligraphy. When she was done, the sign now read "wood girls doing dumb shit, be back in ten". She smiled proudly at her walk and skipped back to Saya with the wide grin permanently on her face. Now the people of Kirigakure would fear two dumb wood girls! Cue evil laughter.

After that Dana began the clean-up efforts in full, utilizing Humble Carpenter to sink all her trees into the ground and fix all the damages she'd caused. She couldn't affect Saya's trees, though. Whether it was because Saya's trees were stronger than hers or just an inherent flaw of Humble Carpenter Dana didn't know. It was a shame, though. Things would be done so much easier if one of them could do this all themself. Dana spent just as much time trying to find which of the mess of wood was hers and which was Saya's as she did actually fixing the floor.

Dana actually laughed as Saya seemed to have an internal crisis about the word feck. It really was just a politer way of saying 'the one with the U', there was nothing that rude about it. Still, Dana found the girl's distress over nothing amusing so she just kept her mouth shut in a mysterious smile, a small twinkle in her eye. She liked this new word, 'heckers' though, it truly was incredibly cute like Saya had said. Dana mentally filed it away to use at a later date, confident she'd run into other situations where it would be appropriate.

As she worked tirelessly putting sections of her trees back into the ground from whence they came, an idea suddenly sprung to her mind "It's a shame we don't have another pair of hands to help us out with the work. Like... A clone?" She not so subtly hinted.

WC: 517
TWC: 5730
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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A splendid day [P/Saya] - Page 3 Empty Re: A splendid day [P/Saya]

Tue Jul 27, 2021 8:31 pm
Her eyes shifted back and forth between her student and her sister. Then, she came to a horible realization. Ai was, like most of her team, a puppet. Puppets didn't show emotion. what if this whole time she was fuming about the horible word she'd just been swindled into saying? What if the ninja police were on their way right now to lock her up forever for her horible speech?! Could they even do that?

"Saya. I can show emotion, remember? You built that into me, and I'm not mad at you for saying Feck. Maybe it's a stronger word in Dana's dialect, but its completely fine here." She crossed the distance between the pair fairly quickly. One hand raised to tustle her little sister's hair as she offered her a comforting smile. Finally the frantic shifting of her thoughts quieted just a bit.

"Right. Right. Plus like. Ninja police aren't going to show up just cuz I said a word, that would be--" she glanced at Dana, and realized there was a major factor missing from this thing. They'd shared thoughts due to their connection, so this would look more than a little crazy to the girl who had no clue what was going on in her head. This is fine. She would just very smoothly shift the subject and she wouldn't even notice that they weren't talking about her fear of thought controlling ninja police. "But like. Words are uh. SO Uh. Listen. Theres a really cool jutsu that I came up with right, But I feel like I can't show it off properly just by using it by itself.... So heres what we're gonna do. First, I want you to focus on the power of mokuton. I dunno if you learned mokuton the way I did, but for me I learned to combine the Doton from my root chakra point and the suiton from my solar at a center point between the slots. "

She spun around, pointing to a spot in the center of her back. It was about the third or fourth vertebrae she thought. She could feel the pulsing chakra begging to be released. Not yet. "Ok. So like. The mokuton wants to help us. It's in our blood right? So if you just allow it to flow free then it will guide you on your path. This is called the trifle of the senju. As you get stronger you can really let it loose and it does some CRAZY stuff. It's even more crazy if you're blood is especially potent. I think Pinochio called it sure blooded or something? cure blooded. Pure blo--I dunno. Either way its hecka cool. This will like. SUPER POWER your chakra, making it more potent and plentiful. On a scale of one to onehundred I'd put the extra boosts I get from it around eighty? Maybe that sounds wierd." In emphasis, she would allow her chakra to release, and though neither girl could see it without doujutsu, her body would begin to glow with a blue light.

(TWC 6698)
Dana Senju
Dana Senju
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A splendid day [P/Saya] - Page 3 Empty Re: A splendid day [P/Saya]

Wed Jul 28, 2021 5:04 pm
Dana watched with a mix of confusion and... Just confusion, actually, as the twins appeared to have a mental conversation with each other. She felt like there was something incredibly obvious she was missing here. Were the rumors that all twins had some psychic connection true? Dana didn't have any siblings, as far as she knew, so she didn't have any idea if that was the case. Wait, what, why was Ai talking about Saya building stuff into her? What? Dana's thought processes slowed to a halt as she tried to process what that even meant. Was... Was Ai a cyborg? Did that mean Saya was a genius cyborg creator! That was so cool! Wow, Dana sure did meet some interesting people whenever she went to the training grounds.

When Saya slipped back into teacher mode, so too did Dana into student mode. She listened attentively, wishing she had some sort of notebook to take notes on. Saya's comment about her personal method of calling on the power of Wood Release chakra was interesting to the girl. In Dana's case, she just kind of did it. The manipulation of Wood Release came naturally to her, it wasn't something she had to actively think about. The attention is required was about as much as breathing did. She did as Saya asked and turned her focus on her chakra, forming it into the Wood nature that she was beginning to become so familiar with.

Dana wasn't sure what Saya was talking about with the chakra being sentient and wanting to help them, it was just an accidental gift given to humanity by the Fae many thousands of years ago. Dana wasn't sure she wanted to wholly let such a dangerous gift guide and control her, but she trusted Saya. Overusing the gift would be disastrous but in small amounts it should be fine, nothing was ever free when it came to the Fae.

She allowed the Wood chakra to spread through her body and she opened her eyes in shock at the power running through her. She felt stronger than she had before, like her body had been energized. Suddenly, Saya's bizarre comment about the specific number she felt stronger by made sense.

"Oi see what ye mean, I'd put it at about 50 out of 100. Guess oi have a way's to go before getting to yer level." Dana laughed, unashamed of the power gap.

WC: 405
TWC: 6135

Mid-thread claims:
61 stats
Wood Release: Nativity of a Sea of Trees (375/375)
Cutting (375/375)
Humble carpenter's livelihood built with love and dedication (375/375)
Secret Wood Release: Nativity of a World of Trees (625/625)
1750 words used on Jutsu so far
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A splendid day [P/Saya] - Page 3 Empty Re: A splendid day [P/Saya]

Wed Jul 28, 2021 5:05 pm
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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A splendid day [P/Saya] - Page 3 Empty Re: A splendid day [P/Saya]

Wed Jul 28, 2021 8:15 pm
HECKERS!!!!! HECK HECK HECK HECK HECK HECK HECK! Saya recognized that look. She hadn't caught their conversation early enough to actually hide the fact that they were in fact talking to each other without speaking. This is fine. While her brilliant plan to simply change the subject real fast so she didn't notice had crashed and burned, She had another plan. There was totally old tales about special abilities that only twins had. It was like and emp. No thats not right. Ekg? Heck. What was that phrase that meant extra sensory perceptiion.... EEG? Whatever. She would probably have to look it up at a later date. There was a sound of wood slapping against wood as Pinochio, who also shared space in Saya's mind placed his palm against his face with such force that it could actually be heard through the chest of the Coach puppet. She was so close. She had the actual feking phrase, but the station between the phrase extra sensory perception and the acronym that was simply it's letters were miles apart, and the track was out. Some days he wondered how it was possible for her to be considered a genius.

"Right! Uh. Sorry. We uh. Twins. Um. perception sensory uh. THE NEXT TECHNIQUE IS CALLED GREAT GRASPING VINES GATHERING MOTION...uh. Gathering motion to defend the pacifists will and subdue the world's cruelty. " She'd realized half way in that she was still yelling. Boy this girl sure did love to yell. If we looked back at all the logs of her adventures, I would wager at least twenty percent of her quotes were in caps at least partly. Before there was enough pause for Dana to question this oddity, she began to form the hand seals for her final technique. Clap. Boar. Ox. Tiger. Clap. This was one of the few instances where she was thankful for her previous studies. With her intense practice and spars against Freyja days before using this very technique, She'd managed to figure out specific hand seals she could remove to make the jutsu easier to cast. This was convenient. She just happened to have removed the hand seal that made the difference between her S ranked version of the technique and the A ranked version she was teaching Dana. Her three techniques worked perfectly in tandem. As she finished her body puled with power, drawing every ounce of strength she could muster, and.......


Six small flowers formed on her body. There were two on each of her wrists, blooming from the underside, two on the inside of each ankle, one formed at the center of her chest, right at the top of her sternum, and the final at the side of her neck. Small green bands that had no stats because I've decided i'm making them look like jewelry for aesthetic purposes, but they cannot be used in any way for combat, began to wrap around these portions of her body. And that was it. The whole jutsu.

(TWC 7198)
Dana Senju
Dana Senju
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A splendid day [P/Saya] - Page 3 Empty Re: A splendid day [P/Saya]

Wed Jul 28, 2021 9:37 pm
Dana's confusion at the pair only increased as Saya seemed to have another one of her internal crises'... Had she noticed something she hadn't? Maybe the fact that all twins possessed telepathic abilities was supposed to be a well-kept secret that Saya had accidentally revealed to her. Dana found her mind imagining a council of twins where they all gathered in secret to discuss what they could and could not reveal to the general public. Had Saya just broken that code? Was she going to get assassinated by the Twin Council Assassins? That wouldn't do, they'd only just met! Dana happened to like spending time with these guys, no way she'd let them get killed by Twin Assasins.

"That's qoite a mouthful." Dana chuckled after Saya revealed the name of the technique. It was wonderfully eccentric, just like its creator. When Saya demonstrated the technique by making plant accessories with her vines, Dana beamed and applauded the girl. "Ooh, how pretty!" She said, enthused with the display. Now she had to learn the technique. Dana didn't have very many clothes so the ability to make pretty accessories at a moment's notice would be a wonderful addition to her arsenal.

Right, Dana thought, what were the hand seals again? She'd been so busy worrying about ninja twin assassins that she hadn't actually managed to commit them to memory. She didn't want to embarrass herself by getting the hand seals wrong again. Umm, she cast her mind back to when Saya had demonstrated them. It had definitely started and ended with a clap, but the seals in-between were a mystery to the slightly older Senju. Damnit, she didn't want to embarrass herself by getting them wrong, but she also didn't want to embarrass herself by having to ask for them again. Quite the pickle she was in.

She started slowly with a clap, avoiding eye contact with Saya. Wait, she remembered now! Magically, doing the hand seal had triggered the memory to return to her. She did the rest of the hand seals with ease: Boar, Ox, Tiger, and finally ended it with a big clap. Dana decided to make only three vines appear. One flower appeared on the center of her forehead, and the vine wrapped around her head to give her a vine tiara. The other two appeared on either shoulder, almost ripping through her cloak. She didn't want that to happen, this was her only cloak! So, Dana decided to quickly slip off the cloak onto the ground where it landed with a wet plop. Underneath she was wearing a brown holey tank top that dangled loosely off her thin frame. The vines that had formed on her shoulders would then begin to wrap around her arms multiple times until they came to a stop at her wrist. She couldn't see herself but she was sure she looked rather cool.

"How do oi look?" Dana asked Saya and Ai excitedly, doing a little twirl and ending it with a cool pose that consisted of her stretching her arms and legs wide in a starfish-like shape.

WC: 514
TWC: 6653
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