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Dana Senju
Dana Senju
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A splendid day [P/Saya] - Page 2 Empty Re: A splendid day [P/Saya]

Wed Jul 21, 2021 1:03 pm
Dana barely flinched when Pinochio decided to go off on her, in fact, she barely even reacted at all. The only acknowledgment of the situation she gave was a cheeky smile and a small nod towards Coach when he stepped in the way. There was a small childish side to her that almost made her stick out her tongue at Pinochio but she managed to hold it back; she didn't want to antagonize him more than she already had. Dana liked to push buttons and pull pranks but even she had a modicum of self-control.

"Ooh, how grand!" Dana did a small jump and a clap when Saya revealed that her sister was, in fact, another Senju. She'd traveled to the Training Facility today to see if she could figure out how to actually use her bloodline, so the fact that she'd managed to meet another Senju was an incredibly lucky coincidence. Now that she thought about it, another lucky coincidence had happened last time she'd gone to the Training Facility. She'd gone there intending to figure out a new element, and she'd met Niko who happened to have that exact element ready to teach her. Perhaps she should start going to the Facility more, to invite more fantabulous coincidences! Now that she thought about it, though, it was a little odd that one twin would end up with a bloodline and the other without. Her pale green eyes locked onto Saya with a playful suspicious quirk, not really meaning anything by it.

Dana bowed in turn as each of the group introduced themselves to her, keeping her eyes level to maintain eye contact like Ai had done. She gave a gentle encouraging smile to the red-haired one who evidently had trouble with talking. Whether that was because of nerves or some other reason, Dana had no idea. She could relate, though. When she'd woken up on that shoreline many years ago with barely any memories of her past she too had immense difficulty communicating with people.

"Oi couldn't trouble you for a spot of help with learning Wood Release techniques, could oi?" Dana asked somewhat cheekily.

WC: 358
TWC: 2368
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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A splendid day [P/Saya] - Page 2 Empty Re: A splendid day [P/Saya]

Wed Jul 21, 2021 9:35 pm
Saya's head turned to the side in a mix of confusion and intrigue as the girl commented on her sister having defeated niko in a spar. Had he gotten that much better in the time they'd been apart? She remembered the attempt to battle against on of her puppets....though now that she thought about it she couldn't say for sure if it was Ai or Pinochio that he'd fought. 

The mumbled complaints of the pinochio puppet continued within coach's chest. With a shrug he simply walked off to the back corner of the room. The combination of this new distance and the muffling effect of being completely encased in a wooden puppet was enough to silence any disagreement the boy had. Coach took a seat, opting to simply lift his legs out from under himself so that he fell to the ground butt first instead of actually bending down to a seated position. As usual he wasn't needed unless Saya was actually in trouble. 

Had it actually been pinochio? Only one member of team puppet knew the answer, and he was unable to talk at current. Saya left her mental struggle over the information, turning her attention fully back to Dana as she determined that effectively it didn't really matter. One of her team had sparred and somehow broken his hand in the first attack, despite him being completely invisible. 

"Uh. I mean. Sis do you wanna teach her Wood style?" Saya shifted attention to her sister. The black haired girl gave a quick shrug as she considered the answer. 

"I mean. I suppose I could teach mokuton if you need? Saya has quite a bit more knowlege over the element then I do though. She's trained all the more powerful stuff, and even has the mark of a true senju and the trifle of the clan. I know the weaker stuff though I believe? What exactly were you looking to learn? Have you figured out how to mold Mokuton chakra and are struggling with one or more of the clan jutsu, or is this a ground up kind of thing? " SHe considered continuing the logical line of questioning, but the more she spoke, the more she felt like she was taking after her sister. It was the saya thing to do to just ramble on about things that her convorsation partner may or may not know, though there was a clear difference in the two. Saya's cadence was quick and sporadic, her tone high pitched and generally brimming with excitement. Ai was more methodical with her speech, dragging out sylables to put emphasis where needed, and speaking at a speed that most would consider 'more easily understandable by humans' or in saya's case "decipherable by anyone not currently on a four day caffine fuled bender.' 

The freyja puppet followed Coach's lead, taking a few steps towards a chair that was placed by the wall. She almost seemed to float down onto the seat, pulling the cloak of falcon feathers further across her shoulders as she crossed one leg over the other. 

(TWC 3157)
Dana Senju
Dana Senju
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A splendid day [P/Saya] - Page 2 Empty Re: A splendid day [P/Saya]

Fri Jul 23, 2021 9:38 pm
Dana followed along with Ai's rambling speech pattern without any issue, nodding along and smiling amicably. The fact that Saya was also possessed Wood Release was delightful news to Dana and she had a teeny tiny hop of excitement, getting barely an inch off the ground. She'd never met another person with the same Elemental Affinity as herself and not only had she finally met one, but two! It was truly a splendid day, one that should be celebrated in great halls and sung about. Maybe not quite as extravagant as that, but it was hard to put into words how pleased Dana was feeling right now. She felt as if she'd managed to make some sort of connection to her obscured past.

"Oi''ve got the basics of Wood Release down but that's as far as my skill goes. Anything you're willing to teach me will be greatly appreciated." She admitted with an exuberant smile and a bow, "Though before we start oi have t' ask... Have ye ever met another with the same abilities as us? Wood Release, that is." She asked the twins, unable to hide any of the excitement from her voice. She didn't even know why she was so excited if she was being honest to herself. She'd always known she wasn't the only Senju, but somehow meeting another like her was making it real.

Dana would then mentally slap herself in preparation for some learning. Her thoughts had a tendency to drift off whenever people were trying to teach her something new, so she would have to make sure that didn't happen this time. It was important she learned more about her lineage.

WC: 280
TWC: 2648
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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A splendid day [P/Saya] - Page 2 Empty Re: A splendid day [P/Saya]

Fri Jul 23, 2021 10:23 pm
The question struck the pair as odd. Both glanced to one another, confusion evident in their facial features as they slowly looked back at dana before begining to point towards one another. Of course they'd met another who uses wood release. They were twins. They'd met each other! After a few moments of silence, it dawned on Ai first, and then Saya that maybe she meant other than each other.

"Oh. Uh. You meant asside from us huh? I mean. We're twins so like. Of course we both know all the same stuff, though I'm a bit more powerful than my sister is. Uh.... Other than that I had a teacher back home who knew about wood style I suppose but I don't remember if she was a senju or just like. had some scrolls to work with. Dad was a senju supposedly but he left like waaaaaayyyy before we were born. Other than that....." Saya stopped to consider the question. Before coming to Kiri she hadn't met anyone. She'd spent most of her childhood with just herself, her teacher and pinochio. Every now and then mother would take time to dine with her, but that was incredibly rare.

"No. We've not come across another wood style user until today. I don't think there are any asside from ourselves. "Ai stepped in to answer the question. Saya had done that thing where she thinks so deeply about a question being asked that her mind tangents, and then she loses complete focus and ends up thinking about something completely off topic. Today's rediculously off topic inquiry was do otters grow beards like people do? She'd never seen ragnar with a beard, and she was certain if he could grow one it would look incredibly neat, so she had to assume no, but at the same time maybe he just liked the clean shaven look? Could otters even hold a razor to shave themselves? maybe they used that chakra claws type jutsu they know and shave like that? No. That couldn't be. Then there would be no fur on their faces and Ragnar definitely had fur on his face. What if he just trimmed it down to that level. Did otters look funny with their face being trimmed?

"Aya. Please stay on focus. You need to be figuring out the catch point for Great grasping vines gathering motion to defend the pacifist's will and subdue the world's cruelty. You'll never figure out how to use the jutsu if you don't focus on which seals can be combined. So. I think the first jutsu we learned was the Cutting technique. Seals are Ram, Ox, Snake, and dog. This jutsu allows you to create smaller branches that can be wielded or fired from the body. Most of the jutsu you learn you'll be able to fire cutting from if I recall, so it's a pretty important starter technique. Plus it's a bit lower on the rung then the power jutsu Aya tends to use. "

(TWC 3657)
Dana Senju
Dana Senju
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A splendid day [P/Saya] - Page 2 Empty Re: A splendid day [P/Saya]

Fri Jul 23, 2021 11:46 pm
In spite of her earlier enthusiasm, Dana was not let down by the news that the pair didn't know any other Senju. It was good enough for her to meet two new interesting people who were also Senju! Dana wasn't aware of the name, but she'd heard of a phenomenon where encountering something once meant you were much more likely to encounter it again... Or something, Dana liked to read but that didn't mean she remembered every little thing. Only the big important things like where chakra came from and why things were the way they were.

Dana's attention was transferred to Ai when she began to speak in Saya's stead, her twin seeming to daze away into a different, happier place. A mental plane that Dana was intimate with since she too often ended up daydreaming at every opportunity. Saya's thoughts were probably quite a bit more playful than Dana's own - which tended to be about death, mischief, and reading a nice book on a summer's day. Finishing each other's sentences was something Dana noticed the two twins tended to do a lot, and she briefly wondered if that was something that all twins did or just this pair. Saya and Ai were certainly an interesting team and they also had interesting company, like the little wooden man who didn't like to be called little.

Dana blinked and realized that she also had started to daydream about absolutely nothing like Saya had done not moments before. She regained her attention just as Ai was talking about the first Wood Release technique she should be learning. Perfect! Unfortunately, Dana appeared to have missed the explanation for what the handseals were... Never mind! She could probably figure it out. Now, what was the first one Ai had mentioned? Dana strained to remember, thinking back to the time when her mind was in a different place literally five seconds prior. It had been... Ram! That was it. The Senju's hands came together into the Ram seal, an intense look of concentration on her face. After Ram it was... Tiger?

The moment her hands shifted into the Tiger seal she got the sense she had done something wrong, "Feck." She muttered. No, of course it hadn't been Tiger, it had been Ox! With the first two handseals in her memory, Dana had little trouble figuring out the rest. After about 30 seconds of trial and error, she finally performed the right combination of handseals and felt the technique was 'primed'.

She drew her palms apart and there, coming from the center of her palm, was a branch of wood! She briefly made it twirl and wriggle, giggling at the weird site of a piece of wood moving so freely. She got the sense that there was more to this technique, though... The Senju aimed her palm to her side, away from the team and the sharp branch of wood fired out at a whopping speed of 60, impacting the wall and burying itself about 30cm into it. She stood still for a few seconds, marveling at the newest hole in the wall she'd just managed to create. Someone else would probably clear it up, she didn't need to worry about it.

"That was savage!" She cheered, ecstatic to have finally properly learned a Wood Release technique. She turned to Saya and Ai and gave them a wide grin, "Thanks a million, you guys."

WC: 559
TWC: 3207
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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A splendid day [P/Saya] - Page 2 Empty Re: A splendid day [P/Saya]

Sat Jul 24, 2021 12:13 am
Once again there was a barelly audible mumbling coming from the back corner of the room. Having heard the jutsu sink deeply into the wood of the wall, the small puppet began to scream as loudly as he could muster to remind the girls that they needed to not absolutely decimate this training area. From within the Coach puppet, it sounded like little more then a soft humming that was far too easy to ignore. The twins had watched the girl perform the cutting jutsu. Ai gave a small pout the moment Dana messed up the sign, but said nothing. She wanted to see if she would get it before going through the explaination again, and thankfully she realized quite quickly what had gone wrong and fixed the problem. Good for her.

"Right. So we know two additional jutsu in the same power rank. The first is Nativity of a sea of trees and the second is humble carpenter's livelihood build with love and dedication. The first is pretty simple. It creates trees. They are very perminent so it is not particularly advisable to use this jutsu within the village if you can help it. There's a higher powered version of this technique with a similar name. Nativity of a world of trees. Much more useful in my opinion. With sea you can make trees sprout up in an area around you but World really puts the power of creation at your fingertips. My sister actually has intention of practicing that again at some point in order to get up to a higher rank. Isn't that right Aya?" Ai took a moment to engage her sister in the lesson. It...Didn't exactly work how she'd planned.

I wonder if Otters are all as short as ragnar. I really wish I could meet more. Maybe they have people sized otters too, though that isn't fair. Pinochio is a person and he's aproximately otter sized so really the range of height people can get to is quite diverse. Maybe it's the same for otters. There were so many questions on the girl's mind now that when Ai spoke to her she gave a nod, her eyes shifted off to the other side of the room as her mind flowed through unimportant rabble. "Right right. They're definitely the same height I think."

"Aya. Stop thinking about otters for two seconds please and show our friend the hand seals for the jutsu I just mentioned?" Without thinking the girl's hands flowed through a set of hand seals. snake. Rat. Ox. Tiger. She had to stop after the final one, looking up at Ai to see if she'd satisfied the requirements. Honestly she'd just formed the first four seals that came to her mind, but they felt like they were 'probably' the seals a wood style jutsu would use? maybe. It didn't really matter. There were far more important things to consider right now, for instance:

"Do you know why a raven is like a writing desk?"

(twc 4158)
Dana Senju
Dana Senju
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A splendid day [P/Saya] - Page 2 Empty Re: A splendid day [P/Saya]

Sat Jul 24, 2021 10:15 pm
"Sorry again wooden guy!" Dana called out to the complaining voice inside Coach's chest, once again proving she wasn't as aloof as she initially appeared if she'd managed to hear Pinochio despite everything. There was a slight playfulness to her tone, though she had no idea if the wooden guy would take it personally again. She hoped it wasn't the case since she liked to poke fun at her friends at every opportunity, she'd hate for it to actually be hurting their feelings! Especially Pinochio, he seemed like a real grand guy. In fact, he deserved the world in Dana's humble opinion. Having to be a person made out of wood couldn't be an easy life.

Dana turned back to Ai when she began to explain two new Wood Release Jutsu to her, and listened attentively. They both sounded like very interesting techniques, unlike anything else in her arsenal. Then again, she didn't actually have anything in her arsenal so maybe that wasn't a fair description to make. Anyway, giving the ability to make permanent forests to Dana seemed like a bad idea but she didn't comment on it. She was told to be responsible with it but, well... Dana had never been responsible for anything in her life so she wasn't going to start now.

Dana giggled at Saya's random comment. The girl was obviously in a completely different world of her own. Dana was a little jealous. She would also be in a similar world of her own if she hadn't promised herself to be a good student! Just as she was about to try the hand seals that Saya had demonstrated, the odd girl asked a question that made Dana blink. The ashen-haired girl tilted her head and appeared to seriously consider the question before coming across an answer she deemed satisfactory.

"Oi haven't the slightest idea." She said with a mysteriously smile, completing the fourth handseal after a couple of seconds. What happened next was not what she'd expected to happen. She knew it was going to create a forest, just... Not like this.

A large tree quickly sprouted up through the middle of the floor until it hit the ceiling, where it had to bend to keep growing. That wasn't the worst of it, since Dana also felt several more trees in other rooms of the Training Facility begin to sprout trees of their own. Not only did all this happen, but the room they were in also grew a thick layer of grass. The whole scene, with a tree and grass filling the room, made it look like the training room had turned into a miniature indoor forest. Dana blinked again, slowly. "Oops?"

WC: 449
TWC: 3656
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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A splendid day [P/Saya] - Page 2 Empty Re: A splendid day [P/Saya]

Sat Jul 24, 2021 10:41 pm
"Oh." Saya considered the gravity of the situation. If Dana didn't know then she would have to find some other way to find the answer to what, for some reason felt like an incredibly important question. Why WAS a raven like a writing desk? "Okay. Well..." She glanced up finally. She knew Ai had been showing Dana some stuff, but the trees now breaking several different portions of the training facility meant she was training big stuff. Like get in trouble for costing the village money levels of big stuff. That wouldn't do.

"You know. I really should have seen this coming. This is kind of what happened when Saya learned the technique also. And every time she's remembered that she knows it. So uh. You generally don't want to use this jutsu in places where having an entire forrest is not ideal because unlike most jutsu this stuff will stay around until you get rid of it. That means having to chop down and grind the stumps of every single tree you've made before you can even begin the process of repairing the damage to the area. Thankfully we have learned a jutsu that can help with that. Humble carpenter's livelihood built with love and dedication. This is a creation jutsu. It uh. makes stuff from wood style. " She'd give her sister a glance, and absolutely nothing would happen. Figures. After a few seconds of holding the glance, Saya would give a nod. This was the part where she steps in. She formed five hand seals at her full speed of seventy five, then realized that if she did them like she was in actual combat that it would be dificult to follow and performed the seals a second time, much more slowly. Hare. Boar. Unity. Hare. Dragon.

"Right. Yea. You can use it to make boats. Its like a super cool jutsu that i'm glad I made. One time I made a viking long ship and then sailed out around the islands because I didn't want to take the galleon!" As she spoke, mokuton poured from her outstretched palm. It shifted and stretched to form logs that slid together, puzzle piecing themselves into an oval before they started to thin. Four short legs spiraled down the edges of the oval on four points, and in mere moments the creation solidified. It was a dining room table! Standing at about four feet tall the creation was gently sat against the ground so the girl could inspect it.

"Yes. For some reason Saya really likes using the jutsu to make furniture. Half of the chairs currently at the juice bar were made from her own mokuton....Though that's only because she ended up breaking the origionals in training. Please be careful when you're practicing in here so that you don't cause irreparable damage to the facilities. The Mizukage will definitely not apreciate if his first time hearing about you end sup being because you decided to cost him tens of thousands of ryo."

(TWC 502)
Dana Senju
Dana Senju
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A splendid day [P/Saya] - Page 2 Empty Re: A splendid day [P/Saya]

Sun Jul 25, 2021 7:49 pm
"Not every question needs an answer," Dana informed the girl who seemed a tad disappointed at the lack of an answer to her riddle. In Dana's experience, it was better to just let things be and to and let most questions remain unanswered. The only road one took while trying to answer every one of life's questions was the road to insanity. She could be wrong, though; it wasn't like Dana claimed to know everything, just a lot of things.

Dana had the decency to look somewhat sheepish as she took in the sight of the newly furnished training room, alongside Ai's comments about it. Presumably, the same thing had happened in all the adjacent training rooms as well. Actually, now that she thought about it, it was quite funny. How had the other facility-goers reacted when a random tree had grown from underneath them? What had their faces been like? Dana giggled joyfully while Ai was explaining the new Jutsu that was supposed to fix the whole mess she'd created. Her mind wandered to the possibilities of weird things she could turn the trees into.

Dana furrowed her brow when the girl tried to show her the hand seals by moving more than double the speed Dana could hope to achieve. She blinked, certain it had just been a trick of the light and saw that Saya was now doing them much slower. Huh, well, never mind. The handseals seemed to be simple enough to memorize and perform, and the white-haired girl committed them to memory. This wouldn't be the last time she accidentally made a forest that she had to somehow get rid of, she was sure of it.

"Sounds fun." Dana smiled, imagining what it would be like to go sailing around the islands. It wasn't something she'd ever done, that she could remember, but it was always something she'd wanted to try, "Perhaps we could go sailing one day? Together?"

"Definitely wouldn't want that, though it may be a tad too late." She laughed in response to the girl's warning about meeting the Mizukage while looking around at the interior grove. There was hope that the new Jutsu Saya had shown her would be able to mitigate the damage, but Dana wasn't exactly holding out for it. The damage a literal tree growing through the floor had caused might be a little too much to fix in a pinch.

She walked up to the tree she'd grown moments prior and her hands went through the handseals Hare, Boar, Unity, Hare and then finally Dragon. She laid her palm flat on the trunk and immediately felt a connection to the wood, letting her know it was mouldable. Dana closed her eyes and the tree began to sink into the floor, the wood flowing outwards to fill in all the cracks and holes in the floor. By the time the floor was completely flat and without a blemish, there was still half of the tree left sticking out of the floor. Dana considered what to do before an idea came to her with a small grin. The tree would begin to warp and reshape itself until it eventually formed into an exact replica of Pinochio just much bigger, and with the leaves of the tree acting as a beautiful mane of hair. She posed the statue so that the Pinochio statue looked super cute and adorable and then stepped back with a pleased expression.

She brushed her hands together with a self-gratulating smile as she beheld her work, "Not a bad job, oi'd say."

WC: 598
TWC: 4254
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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A splendid day [P/Saya] - Page 2 Empty Re: A splendid day [P/Saya]

Sun Jul 25, 2021 9:37 pm
'not every question needs an answer'. Saya heard the quote in a silly mocking voice in her head immediately after Dana said it. She had a LOT to learn. Literally she had a ton of jutsu she would need, but also she had alot to learn about learning. For Saya the world was a puzzle. how could she fix this, how could she accomplish that. There were no impossibilities. Her father once said he liked to do at least ten impossible things before breakfast!!! No wait. She'd never talked to her father. Where did that even come from? ANYWAY, She glanced about the training area, taking in the carnage Dana had done. This.... This was probably a problem. Still, she'd learned the jutsu she need and that was something to celebrate.

"Ok. So uh. I have an idea. I'm gonna do some double duty for a second. With you having just learned humble carpenter, it will take us the rest of the day to repair all of this BUT thankfully, I'm pretty skilled with my mokuton. So lets work on something that is even worse to use inside than Nativity of a sea of trees. So, this may be confusing at first, but bare with me. heh. Bears." She took a moment to allow the cute bears that crossed her mind to dance about before shaking them from her thoughts. She needed to fix things.

"Oh. Huh. I guess she's going to do that. Next will be Nativity of a world of trees. Kinda like sea, but uh... Much much bigger. Don't worry about the damage caused by this one, just don't like.... Go for any walls please? Keep your eyes on her Right hand, that's your goal." There would be a call from the juice bar about twenty meters from their position as Saya began her hand seals. Most of the staff and ninja who'd stayed close enough to at least be in sight booked it out of the area, disappearing through various doors of the advanced military training facility. This was not the first time she'd done this. She formed one handed seals with each hand. With her let, she coppied the jutsu Dana had just used to craft a pinochio statue. Hare. Boar. Unity. Hare. Dragon. Her right hand, however formed the seals for what was probably the pinacle of their clan's blood. Tiger. Dragon. Rabbit. Monkey. Snake. Now for the fireworks.

Great roots ripped through the earth in an area that dwarfed the forrest that had once stood. She was careful not top directly come in contact with her student, but allowed the full power of her technique to absolutely decimate the battlefield. Every inch of the hard wood floor around them ripped and tore as great roots tore from the ground below, taking the mangled bits of wood with it. Ai and Saya both caught onto one of the five meter high roots, riding it along it's path to ensure she had full control. When everything was done, the trees Dana had created were all ripped from the ground and wrapped in her own wood style.

(TWC 5181)
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