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Mizuki Hozuki
Mizuki Hozuki
Stat Page : Miz's Stat Page
Mission Record : Miz's Missions
Remove Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Misty Origin
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 25000

Home Sweet Island Empty Home Sweet Island

Mon Jun 07, 2021 11:38 pm
Mizuki Hozuki knew the time was now. He had left his village to join team Fuku in Volcano Village. Needless to say he knew he had to go home to Kirigakure. Most certainly now was the time. As the rain poured down on his dreadlocked hair, he pulled it all back in a pony tail.

“You are a disgrace Miz!”
“You will die by the hands of the Mizukage.”
“You don’t deserve the title of Hozuki!”

Ah yes the voices! It never fails. Everytime he practices, or has a decision to make, the damned voices pop up! Akki Senju was the only one who could calm them besides Miz meditating! When Miz was in his puddle form he could meditate and calm the voices. There was no time to meditate now. He was at the gates about to walk in the gates, to return home and do the right thing!
He took a deep breath to attempt to calm the voices as he looked up at the beautiful stormy sky! “It’s time.” Miz said as he opened the gate and stepped in the gates of Kirigakure. He was nervous but he had to do this and he knew this was the only way.

Kurai Tau
Kurai Tau
Stat Page : Sitchs Stats
Mission Record : Stitchs Missions
Remove Ninjutsu Remove Default
Wind Earth Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Earth Grudge Fear
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 37509

Home Sweet Island Empty Re: Home Sweet Island

Tue Jun 08, 2021 12:10 am
Kurai Tau had been following Miz for some time. To keep his identity hidden and attempting to stay dry in this storm Kurai had his cloak around him. He stopped about 2 meters behind him and said nothing until Miz actually walked in the gate! Dashing in front of Miz about 2 meters, he turns to face Miz and pulls his hood down.
"Have you lost your fucking mind? If they catch you Miz you will be treated like a criminal because you abandoned your village! I am sure the kage knows you and your family so you're fucked!" Kurai said trying to talk Miz into turning around and leaving. He was sure Miz wouldn't listen to him but he had to try.
Mizuki Hozuki
Mizuki Hozuki
Stat Page : Miz's Stat Page
Mission Record : Miz's Missions
Remove Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Misty Origin
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 25000

Home Sweet Island Empty Re: Home Sweet Island

Tue Jun 08, 2021 1:35 pm
Miz stopped dead in his tracks. The presence who had been following him finally revealed themselves. Kurai Tau had survived the destruction of Volcano as well! Yet he had some nerve trying to tell Miz what to do! And cue the voices…

“Kill him! He must be destroyed!”
“He speaks the truth!”
“Face him! Tau’s are garbage!”

“Let me get this correct Kurai, You followed me all the way here to Kirigakure just to tell me that I am making a mistake? The fuck are you talking about? I am turning myself in, besides I have heard Kizmaru is a good kage so maybe he will listen to me.” Miz said, shaking his head to try to calm the voices and attempting to walk past Kurai. “You may as well join me, I am going to the kage’s office now, it’s not like he would honestly show up here at the gates! I seriously doubt it anyways.” Miz said as he looked at Kurai before he turned back to continue walking towards the Kage building.
“I am to exhausted to keep running, you can’t run from the inevitable because it will catch up to you!” He said as he waited to see of Kurai was following. Miz began to look around as he realized there should have been a guard at the gate! “Wait…” Miz said as he scanned the area. “Somethings off.” He added as backed up by Kurai. “There should be a guard at the gate.” He added.

Kurai Tau
Kurai Tau
Stat Page : Sitchs Stats
Mission Record : Stitchs Missions
Remove Ninjutsu Remove Default
Wind Earth Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Earth Grudge Fear
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 37509

Home Sweet Island Empty Re: Home Sweet Island

Tue Jun 08, 2021 2:16 pm
Gritting his teeth so he wouldn’t snap at Miz, Kurai managed to hold back all the words he wanted to say! As it rained on them he pulled his hood back up over his long black hair. “Look Miz, I give a shit ok? You and me are both a part of a team of misfits, we are separated but hopefully we all survived! We have to stick together! I followed you hoping we would find the others! But I see you don’t even know where they are.” He replied as he followed after Miz. 
“i still think this is a dumb idea, you and I are both in a very weak! I don’t think we would be able to handle it if things went wrong with the Kage!” Kurai tried to stop him again sadly to no avail. As Miz suddenly stopped Kurai heard his words. Coming from a Village where he had guard duty even he knew the gate was supposed to be guarded. “I don’t see anyone either.” Kurais concern was the fact they both just walked into a village where only Miz is known and he is considered a traitor. Maybe this was a bad idea!
Mizuki Hozuki
Mizuki Hozuki
Stat Page : Miz's Stat Page
Mission Record : Miz's Missions
Remove Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Misty Origin
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 25000

Home Sweet Island Empty Re: Home Sweet Island

Tue Jun 08, 2021 7:55 pm
“Let’s just go find the Mizukage! You are getting on my nerves Kurai! Besides with your abilities and mine together we could hold our own if need be.” Miz knew something was up because he couldn’t see anyone there at the gates, he was headed straight for the Mizukages office. Yes, he knew where it was, this was his original village. Miz and his older brother Taki use to train together near the office. 
The storm was raging above them but it made Miz feel quite at home. At peace and serene. “The quicker we get this over with, the better.” Miz said as he headed towards the office.

673= 6 stats
Chakra + 2
Vigor + 1
Speed +2
Strength +1
(Exit upon 48 hour deadline or being allowed in the gates)
Kurai Tau
Kurai Tau
Stat Page : Sitchs Stats
Mission Record : Stitchs Missions
Remove Ninjutsu Remove Default
Wind Earth Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Earth Grudge Fear
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 37509

Home Sweet Island Empty Re: Home Sweet Island

Sat Jun 12, 2021 12:15 am
Kurai rolled his eyes as he reluctantly followed him towards the Mizukage’s office. The storm above just added to the fact he was ready to get this over with as quickly as possible. “Very well, let’s go then Miz! Lead the way.” Kurai said, rolling his eyes, extremely skeptical that this would work out in their favor.



chakra -1
Vigor -1
speed -1
Stat Page : Ryu
Remove Taijutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Home Sweet Island Empty Re: Home Sweet Island

Sat Jun 12, 2021 3:08 am
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