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Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Teaching an upstart (IO) Empty Teaching an upstart (IO)

Mon Jun 07, 2021 1:13 pm
The Mission: The Rule of Two C-Rank + B-Rank

Anaphiel's stats at the time of the mission:

Anaphiel did not sleep well last night. The previous mission did not go as planned, and he ended up having it out with one of his subordinates by the time the mission was completed. He definitely could have handled the entire thing better, but he’d let his frustration get the better of him. In fact, he was still somewhat peeved over what happened. So much so, that he felt the smug young Genin deserved to be knocked down a peg or two. He sent Gushiken Enyo a message stating that her presence is required at the training grounds and then prepared himself for the encounter. He wore his regular attire for the “training session” with the exception of equipping his ANBU arm and shin guards under his clothing, the better to protect his limbs for what he had in store for the disrespectful Genin. Telantes was at the kitchen table when he walked down the stairs, Cheddar at her feet. She didn’t say anything, she didn’t need to; she’d read the report of how the last mission went down. The Raikage was not likely going to be happy with how the mission had turned out. Anaphiel understood that a dressing down on his part was in order for how everything was handled. He would also be doing something similar with Gushiken, but in a different way. She had blatantly disregarded his orders and seemed to enjoy disobeying him, especially in front of so many of their comrades. It was incredibly disrespectful and it could not be allowed to stand.

Anaphiel left his home and made his way over to the training grounds. It was a good day for a fight; the sun was out but obscured every now and then by clouds. It wasn’t too hot or too cold, and there was no breeze to stir up dirt or dust. He arrived shortly at the training grounds and got to work clearing an area. It didn’t take him long to section out a 20 meter by 20 meter square that was devoid of everything other than dirt. Anaphiel knew that she preferred close-in combat, and he would be more than happy to give her a close-in fight, but he didn’t want to give her really anything to work with other than her own body.

With the preparations made, all there was left to do was to limber up and wait for Gushiken to arrive.

WC: 404

-5 AP (Hidemori Physiology)

1023/1028 AP remaining[/size]
Enyo Gushiken
Enyo Gushiken
Stat Page : Enyo Gushiken
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

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Mon Jun 21, 2021 3:29 pm
The day after the mission was rather taxing. The air was filled with a darkness that loomed over the hospital seemingly for an indefinite amount of time. Upon the beginning of the day she received a summary report of the mission ending along with some additional attachments from the mission leader, Anaphiel. It would seem that he was so displeased with her and her actions that he made a request to bar her from ascension to Chuunin. Enyo sat at her desk with a rather grim expression on her face. The anger that was boiling within her was rising at a gradual rate. Her right fist clutched as she slammed it on the desk before her. It split and webbed in all directions. In her fit of momentary anger she did not notice that there was a nurse standing before her. The very same nurse that presented her with the letter. Upon noticing her, in her frightened state, Enyo drove back her rage as she sighed. “Forgive me, Kimiko. I’ve received some news that I did not agree with. I did not mean to frighten you.” Enyo stated. Loosening her fist as she withdrew it from the desk. The impact dent being more prominent from under her desk mat. 

Kimiko, the leading nurse of staff, Enyo’s most trusted and competent among them all shook her nerves as he stepped closer to the damaged furniture. “It is quite alright, Lady Enyo. You’re usually gentle around me and the others, despite your stern nature. The news your received must have been more than unsettling....I’m sorry.” She moved to move things from the desk, a letter in her hand as she did. Enyo was grateful for her. “I will look into getting you a replacement for this. I know how you dislike damaged goods in the workspace. Also, I have another letter for you. I noticed it last second and thought I should deliver it to you right away.” Handing it over to her, Enyo took it and read its content. The air grew thin around the office. Tension was nearly visible and Kimiko could see that the letter only made things worse with Enyo’s anger. 

The Goddess stood and made her way to the door. Before exiting she would pause. “Something came up, I have to go. If Dr. Sato asks for me, inform him that I have an urgent matter to attend to and I’ll be back as soon as I can. Oh, and Kimiko, make sure the next desk is made of steel, please and thank you.” She closed exit the room and made her way out of the hospital. 

Enyo wore her usual attire, black clothing and bandages with glasses. Nothing changed in the slightest. She navigated her way to the training grounds where she was summoned by none other than, Anaphiel. The nerve of him to call upon her when he slighted her so. He must court death to be so bold with her name. It was one thing to request that she was held back from ascension to the next rank, but another to call for her presence right afterwards. She could feel her blood heating, flowing through her veins. The hairs on her body rising as she stepped into the 20 meter by 20 meter grounds of open space and noticing the man standing there waiting for her. Her eye flared with a rage that fueled her dislike for this man. 

Once she was within 10 meters of the man, Enyo stopped and glared in his direction. Silence casting over her being as if her words were being gated behind iron walls. Walls that were being geared down just as quickly as they raised. “So tell me, what’s it like living in a constant haze of stupidity?” An expression, both dark and curious sat upon her face when she asked that question. She truly wished to know. Such a luxury that he lived in must have its perks, no? It was clear to her what this was, a challenge. Or...perhaps this man was foolish enough to believe that this was something more...disciplinary on his end. The mere thought was enough to leave the woman with a scuff expression. “Hmph! You men never cease to amaze me with your methods of thinking. Is this to be your proposal to challenge me, Anaphiel. A 20 meter by 20 meter training ground? Do you truly think that this will be enough space for you? Or...or do you think you are capable enough to meet me at close quarters?” She asked. She would wait for a response, while maintaining her guard and the full scope of her sensory to 10 meters. 

[WC: 781]


Last edited by Enyo Gushiken on Tue Jul 06, 2021 6:15 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Spoiler edit. Permission granted by Anaphiel)
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Teaching an upstart (IO) Empty Re: Teaching an upstart (IO)

Tue Jun 22, 2021 8:40 pm
She arrived shortly after he’d finished limbering up and she was not happy, not in the slightest. That suited the Hidemori Chuunin fine; her emotions would unbalance her, not because she was a woman, but because emotions can cause one to lose their objectivity. Clearly that was lost on her because the first thing out of her mouth was an insult, which he expected. Masashi couldn’t help but chuckle; “Challenge you? No. Gushiken, I requested you here to teach you. I’ll admit that I’m not pleased with your behaviour on our last mission and I let my own emotions get in the way. For that, I apologise.” He paused to take a short breath. “However, your own behaviour was unacceptable. Not only were you disrespectful to me, but you disobeyed my direct orders as your team leader for that mission. Regardless of how you felt, your personal feelings clouded your judgement and as a result, the mission overall was a failure. That rogue shinobi you so “mercifully” let live knew nothing. It’s those reasons why I included in my report to the Raikage that you are unfit to be a Chuunin, should the option for promoting you ever happen.” He looked at her the entire time, keeping himself as calm and collected as he could, watching her. “Your behaviour leads me to understand that you only believe in naked force, and everything else is a liability. I am here to teach you otherwise. However I doubt you’ll truly listen to me because as you’ve said multiple times, I am a coward.” Again, he chuckled at that; if she only knew what he’d been through, but he didn’t need to justify who he was to her. What he did need to do though, was open her eyes, even a little.

Of course I’m not going to fight you in a 20 by 20 meter square. I imagine this lesson will take up more space than that. The square is to represent the box that confines your thinking. It’s time you started thinking about breaking out of that box.” It was at that point that he would activate his Baioregan, keeping an eye on Gushiken and the area for 25m in all directions, ready for her to start firing on all cylinders. His hands were empty and at his side, ready to react to anything that the impetuous Genin would throw his way.

WC: 401
TWC: 805

-5 AP (Hidemori Physiology)
-10 AP (Baioregan)

1008/1028 AP remaining
Enyo Gushiken
Enyo Gushiken
Stat Page : Enyo Gushiken
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Teaching an upstart (IO) Empty Re: Teaching an upstart (IO)

Tue Jul 06, 2021 6:55 pm
Anaphiel began his side of dialogue by first correcting Enyo, it would seem that this wasn’t a challenge, but more of a lesson. So he wished to teach her a lesson for how she acted in the battle field, how she approached the mission? Enyo couldn’t help but find his choice of words lighter than that of a feather. If this was truly the case, a lesson is best taught in the moment, or else it means nothing afterwards. He was too soft, this much she already knew, but even now, he was displaying weakness and she was not going to allow much of it to continue, or else she would find his nature to rub off on her in a bad way. “A lesson? You fancy yourself a teacher, philosopher of emotions now? Save it, there is nothing that you can teach me, Anaphiel. From what I can see, you’re too soft, you only see things from your own perspective.” The goddess would pause, listening to what more he had to said. 

She smirked, perhaps this was the first time that she ever smirked in his direction. Such a think can be poisonous if the person was not cautious. He spoke some words and points that Enyo found to be ironic at best. “Unacceptable?” She then looked to the left, the right, behind her. Turning her eye back to him. Her expression was that of puzzle. “Where is Rin? I don’t see her around here. Perhaps my memory is failing me, but that girl also killed a rouge ninja. Might I add, I did exactly what you ordered. I dealt with two of the rouges ninja, it is not my fault if they forced my hand and lost their lives. Perhaps you should have taken the close quarter rouges and left me the two long ranged ones. Considering what you just said, it matter not of the one that Rin killed, or the one left alive.  It seems that the two I dealt with were the one’s you needed to capture. That’s a poor judgement call, on your behalf, not mine.” Shaking her head, her smirk faded. She was coming to her end with tolerating his nick picking. “Regardless of my actions, or the disrespect you think you felt, you’ve insulted Kumogakure with your weakness. To allow our enemies to live to ask questions would only deliver a message of softness to our adversaries. You should know this very well, you are Kumo born, are you not? You are well versed in the laws of our land. Those words shouldn’t even have eacaped your mouth. Capture? The only thing that was worth bringing back was the intel they stole. Which we did. That’s a successful mission if you ask me.

His words would cause her to smile crazed-like. She fixed her posture as she body began to fall in line with her mental. Now he was talking, he was showing her a side that she didn’t think he had in him. “So, your balls finally dropped, huh? Good, show me exactly how limited my thinking truly is, Anaphiel. Or you will run the risk of losing more than just the will to stand by the end of this day. No more talking, you know how I feel about your passive aggressive nature.” She would bend her knees as she prepared herself for the fight that was moments away. The eyes of the man would shift to that of his clan’s unique traits. She didn’t care for it, it wouldn’t hinder her not one bit. Enyo would wait patiently for him to make the first move. To see just how much of a man he really is. 

[WC: 617]
[Total WC: 1,398]

Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Teaching an upstart (IO) Empty Re: Teaching an upstart (IO)

Tue Jul 06, 2021 9:43 pm
As he expected, Enyo was not interested in listening to what he had to say. Not that he could blame himself for trying. He would laugh right in her face at her comments regarding him not being able to teach her. “Yes,” he said to the headstrong Genin standing opposite him. “I do consider myself a teacher. That’s part of being a Chuunin. And this is why I drew the box on the ground, because you are ignorant; you don’t have room in your head for anything that doesn’t agree with your ideals, and anyone that thinks differently from you is too soft.

Anaphiel would raise his eyebrow. “I’m well aware of Rin’s actions during that mission, and I will be dealing with her as I’m dealing with you, separately. And for the record, I said to take them alive, as it’s hard to get information from corpses.” Anaphiel would then shake his head, Enyo was as single minded as they come, and it was incredibly frustrating; it was like speaking to a wall, for all the good it seemed to do. “You clearly don’t understand, so I will re-iterate it again. Just because I ordered you to bring them back alive, did not mean they were going to stay that way, nor had I any plans on letting them live after they’d been interrogated, but I don’t need to justify that to you. You were given an order and you failed to follow those orders. My reasoning for wanting them alive is irrelevant.” He would sigh when she brought up the mission’s “success”. “That’s where you’re wrong Gushiken,” he would say with a shake of his head. “Some of the intel was not recovered, and we have no intel on the group that did it, who they were, or if they were planning any more incursions. So I would not consider that a success.

Anyways, it was time to move on and get down to business. Enyo wasn’t going to listen to reasonable arguments, so beating her to a pulp would most likely the only way she may actually start listening to him, or at least stop acting like he was a scourge on this village. He could say that his last couple encounters with her had changed his way of thinking. He’d needed to be more versatile than where he was, so he’d taken some time to learn some new tricks to make himself more effective overall. That being said, he would not give her any new information, preferring to start with things that she has already seen. He would start by making a series of six hand seals, creating a singularity between them, three meters from Enyo, one meter off the ground, expanding outwards at jutsu speed. He would also move directly backwards at his max speed until he was 11 meters away from the epicenter of the black hole. When that happened, he would use his Baioregan to track where Enyo would move. He would then make a curious gesture with both hands, launching a massive blast of Storm Release Energy, 30cm in diameter and 2 meters long. Anaphiel used his Baioregan to lead the blast so that it would land at Enyo’s feet and detonate, creating a blast that would expand to 15 meters in diameter. Anaphiel would immediately start backing away from the blast the moment it was launched until he was 15.5 meters away from where it would detonate.

Anaphiel would keep an eye on anything that would be happening and would adjust his actions accordingly.

(All actions happen at max speed unless stated otherwise)

WC: 593
TWC: 1398

-5 AP (Hidemori Physiology)
-10 AP (Baioregan)
-30 AP (Space-Time Art: Devouring Sphere)
-75 AP (Rayoralia: Seraphim Energy Blast)

888/1028 AP remaining

Jutsu Stats:
Devouring Sphere:
Power: 75
Speed: 75

Seraphim Energy Blast
Power: 100
Speed: 100
Enyo Gushiken
Enyo Gushiken
Stat Page : Enyo Gushiken
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Teaching an upstart (IO) Empty Re: Teaching an upstart (IO)

Wed Jul 07, 2021 4:34 pm
The man continued to speak, as if Enyo was not ready to get things started. “Sharpen thy will, hammer thine body, be the bulwark against the wicked...” She thought, as she listened to the worlds that spew from the mouth of her opponent. She held at bay any noticeable changes that came from the chant. It wasn’t until she took notice of Anaphiel’s hands begin to move, perhaps to weave hand seals. She was not about to allow such. Instantly a golden cloak manifested around the figure of the woman providing her with an armor that would pool into that of her own, granting her an allotted number of 180 DR while chakra filled her muscles and increased her Strength/speed to 200/100 in that same instance. 

At the same time of cloaking in the aura. Chakra surged from her right elbow to her fingertips, at this time Anaphiel was within his seals. With a thrust of her right fist she would send a fist sized sphere of translucent energy, crimson with a tinge of black. It moved at a speed and power of 180 towards the midsection of the caster. There was only a distance of 10 meters between them. The sphere moved more than double the speed of the target. Calculating the numbers for every 1 meter that Anaphiel moved, the sphere will move 2.5. So by the time he moved a total of 4 meters the sphere would have covered 10. Should his orbs of space chakra manifest before Enyo before she could get the punch off, the sphere will puncture through the orb directly in its path, due to it not having a high enough health to stop it it will continue onwards to the man. As he moved back to gain space. By the time Anaphiel were to reach 7 meters back the sphere would reach him at impact force of 180. This would wind him while shattering some ribs in the process should it hit. 

In the same motion, Enyo would rush forward towards Anaphiel, with the spacing of the three orbs not truly made clear, it can be said that they were 3 meters apart from one another leaving her a nice gap to run through after the first was destroyed as it was. While the puncture was on course it would prove to be a hassle to deal with or for the man to utilize an attack to counter it at the rate it was going. Enyo would move at a speed of 100 which meant that she was gaining behind the technique. Her eye was locked on the man and she knew that his eyes were locked in her. She smiled crazed like as she continued on her path towards him. Depending on his next move she would respond should he manage to avoid the puncture completely. 

If for some reason he was still capable of pulling off his laser tech she would merely channel her chakra throughout her body and tank the attack in whole as she continued moving forward towards him like a juggernaut. This tanking technique would increase her DR from 180 to 210 allowing her pool to filter the hit and leaving her unscathed on the process. Also allowing her a 110 DR pool to work with in the process. Though he would have to be wise about this for it would mean that he would still be in the blast range of his own tech while she was still pressing forward towards him. 

[WC: 586]
[Total WC: 1,984]

Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Teaching an upstart (IO) Empty Re: Teaching an upstart (IO)

Thu Jul 08, 2021 8:15 pm
Anaphiel would notice the aura around Enyo the minute it came into being. He would also see the punch happen as his devouring sphere coalesced. The orb would not be strong enough to withstand the energy that surged through it, but only the area that the puncture travelled through would be affected, the Devouring sphere would still expand to its full ten meter radius, the area in which Enyo somewhat recklessly traversed, causing her to take the full brunt of the Devouring Sphere’s whirling energy.

Anaphiel would be more than capable of avoiding the fist-sized ball of energy, by moving one meter to one side first before continuing his backwards movement. The lateral movement would be to his right side, and on an angle that would maximise the distance between himself and Enyo in order to give him more time to pull off his next move. Rather than continue with his previous plan of blasting with his Seraphim Energy Blast, he could see that she was moving faster as a result of that aura. As such he would have his hands each make a different set of seals at his max speed. The first set would be four seals and upon completion, he would exhale a cloud of mist that would surround him and expand 15 meters in every direction. The second set of seals, five seals, would have one seal left when the mist had started forming. The mist would form much slower than the Taijutsu puncture, so it would not be harmed by the ranged attack. As a result Anaphiel would disappear from view before the mist enveloped him, the last thing she would see was a grim smile on his face. As the mist formed, Anaphiel would ensure he was out of the Devouring Sphere’s radius and would immediately change the way he had been moving, until he was at the edge of the cloud of Mist’s read edge, but he had shifted his path so that he would be moving to his left so as to potentially throw off where the Genin would think he is. This was not the time for talking, as any extra sounds would alert her of his position, and he couldn’t allow that. He needed to stay out of sight until her aura disappeared, then he would be able to keep his distance and pummel her with his other techniques. He would always know where she was thanks to his Baioregan being able to detect movement within 25 meters of his current location so he would be prepared to react to anything that she decided to do.

WC: 436
TWC: 1834

(Claiming hit on Enyo from Devouring Sphere due to the single sphere she hit with Taijutsu Puncture not actually disappearing)
(All actions are done at max speed unless stated otherwise)
Stats and stuff:
Enyo Gushiken
Enyo Gushiken
Stat Page : Enyo Gushiken
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Teaching an upstart (IO) Empty Re: Teaching an upstart (IO)

Mon Jul 12, 2021 4:37 pm
The puncture made its way through the devouring sphere with parallel ease, continuing its line to meet with the man. Though the sphere was not dismantled, it only endured a fist sized hole. Persisting itself as it pressed forward towards the woman in her enlightened state. The wizard moved correspondingly as the puncture closed, side stepping to his right, which would be Enyo’s left. She took notice of this through the opening designed by her very own technique.  

As she rushed forward, she smashed through the sphere as if rushing through a wooden door. Completely dissipating the space energy into nothing more than a hazy debris. Her cloak and overall constitution would prove to be enough to allow her through without so much as a blemish. She smiled as she rushed forward with her hands outstretched. It was then that a glimpse, a fragment of a recollection would flood her mind for a mere instance. There she could see three men and a beast. The current Raikage, Kaito along with Katsumi and Anaphiel. They were facing a beast that resembled some devilish bell hound that nearly towers over them. Kaito was on his back, his weapon driven into the beast’s eye. Anaphiel adjacent enough to smell the creature, holding it still with a paralysis technique and its mouth left open. Katsumi rushed into the creatures mouth and struck it from the inside out. From there the memory went vacant.  

What was that just now? Some sort of...dream? Like the last time?” She thought to herself. Just as with the girl, the Hyuuga that she helped best a few days ago. This was quite bizarre to her, these visions. She was not sure what to make of them, or why she was even had them, to be honest. They did not present much of a problem. They dissolved from her mind as soon as they came, thus it did not affect her movement in battle. But what she did not know was the mutuality of the skill. If she was taking a glance, she was also surrendering one.

Anaphiel would discover that his mind was overwhelmed with a scene of a man in his view. Upon noticing this man, the feeling of overwhelming love and submission fell over him. In the same breath, the feeling of bewilderment and jaded of the heart soon after. The stench of fire and blood would fill his nose. The display of bodies on the ground in a pool of their own blood. A blazing beam crashed into him (Anaphiel) as the sensation of flesh igniting roared over as he was sentthrough a window and left senseless. 

The Goddess noticed the seals that the man were forming synchronously — She identified this to be a unique and adepttrick. She hasn’t seen anything quite like it before. Anaphiel was indeed quite proficient when it came to weaving hand signs. Suddenly, a bitter and shocking mist began to immerse 15 meters of the training grounds. The grounds were a total of 50 meters by 50 meters. The fog would cover nearly 1/3 of the ground. At that time, Anaphiel managed to slip out of her view. She scuffs at the dirty tactic, but understood that this was a clash between two Shinobi. She figured that the man was intending to camouflage and was waiting for her to let down her guard, or perhaps for her technique to achieve itsrecord. Both were wise judgments, and they both informed her that Anaphiel understood her might as a Shinobi. She would come to a sliding stop as she reached the depths of the mist, 5 meters in, roughly 10 meters away from the man'slast known position.  

He managed to blind me, keep track of my movements and conceal himself in one motion... Such a nuisance, this one is. However...” She though, a grim smile formed on her face. Her right first clenched as she struck the ground at a speed of 100 with a power of 200. From the impact this caused a quake and rippled with immense force spreads from her at a diameter of 20, reaching a full scale of 20 meters in rippling and whipping wind fashion. It held a power and speed of 100. As the very earth was sent rising and immediately dropping like a crash in open waters. This was powerful enough to dissipate the very mist that was created by being 25 point stronger and faster than it and its health. Because of the immense strength of the woman the range of her debuffing strike rises from 10 meters to 15 meters. Should the wizard be in the range of the Goddess’s strike, he would be sent into the air 15 meters high and suffer a crippling blow to his strength and speed of -50. 

Enyo promptly looked around now that her perception was back, and she would assemble herself for what was to come next. Should she have been successful, she would have responded in kind, even if it was efficient of knocking him out of his clandestine state. Though realistically, the technique would not do him any damage, it would delay him only a while.Anaphiel would have to fret about being thrown into the air if entangled within a 15-meter diameter of the technique and being sent flying, or 20-meters and just surrendering his stability.

[WC: 893]
[Total WC: 2,877]

Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Teaching an upstart (IO) Empty Re: Teaching an upstart (IO)

Mon Jul 12, 2021 8:42 pm
The moment that Enyo had come into contact with his devouring sphere, Anaphiel noticed two things. Firstly, it appeared that she was completely unaffected by it, which was disconcerting all in itself. That though was likely due to the aura surrounding her. It was an interesting technique to be sure, and he would need to come up with something of his own like that at some point for sure.

Secondly, a flash of something went through his mind, a memory of someone who wasn’t him? But It felt like him. He was looking upon a man, and no words could quite describe what it was that he was feeling towards this man. Anaphiel had never truly been in love romantically before, so it was not something that he knew he could feel. In that brief moment, he felt something that he noticed was truly missing from his life. Sure, he had his sister, but that was a different kind of love. And almost immediately the feeling was replaced by a heartbreak so intense, it rivaled the grief that he’d felt when he had learned of his parents’ deaths. And then he noticed the bodies on the ground, and the smell of blood in the air. The man was still standing there, the subject of both feelings. Intense pain then struck him as he was struck by a blast of something and was sent through a window. The sensation of burning and then nothing as the memory ended.

He let out a gasp as the rush of emotions went through him, partially distracting him. It didn’t take a genius to figure out who the subject was in that memory; his opponent was literally covered in burns when he had first met her. That being said, as much sympathy as he felt for her about that situation, this was not a time for showing weakness. He could see her getting closer and that was not ideal, so he’d continued on his course away from her until there was roughly 20 meters between them, not quite reaching the edge of the mist, but far enough away that most close-range techniques she had would not come close.

It was a good thing he’d started moving in that direction, because his Baioregan picked up on a movement that he was very familiar with, having seen it recently. She punched the ground, creating a shockwave that expanded outwards twenty meters in every direction from where she was standing. It was moving significantly faster than he’d been expecting, and would have overtaken him had he not made the ram seal and flickered away at a speed of 160 until he was two meters from the edge of the mist. It also appeared to be strong enough to blow away the portion of the mist where she stood, giving the remaining mist a moon-shaped appearance. At the same time, he caught another flash of memory; this time it appeared to be more of a training montage, multiple flashes from Enyo’s perspective of climbing mountains one-handed and only with that one hand. She had long hair, and nary a blemish on her when he caught sight of her arms through her eyes. Small flashes of fear whenever grip slips but never falling. At the top of the mountain, she appeared to sit there and meditate. An almost indescribable feeling filled her, calm, happy, proud, none could quite describe it, but it was close. And just like that, the memory faded.

He knew that there was no way these glimpses were one-sided, and it filled him with concern over what it was that she could be seeing of his past. Little did he know that the memory Enyo would be subject to could quite possibly ruin the chance of their relationship ever being repaired.

Enyo would catch a memory of Anaphiel, in the middle of a fight, but it wasn’t anywhere in Lightning Country that she could tell. The area was surrounded by Rice Paddies (which made sense for the land of Rice), and she would see flashes of shinobi fighting, before her head would turn to catch a glimpse of a pair of shinobi charging right towards her. One had a Hitai-ate signifying them from Kirigakure, and the other had one from Konohagakure. A female figure would intercept one of them, that she would recognise as her sister Telantes, and gratitude would express itself in her face as she looked over at her, trading a look before dealing with the Kiri nin in front of her. A sword made entirely of water would form in her hand, and it would be deftly used to parry a series of strikes before being embedded in the Kiri nin’s neck. The rest of the hunters had retreated and the 6 of them, all wearing the same clan symbol huddled together as Telantes started healing them. The memory would fade at that point.

There wasn’t much else that Anaphiel would do at this point, as it didn’t make sense to try and engage while she still had that damnable aura, so he would stay hidden within his mist, but moving near the edges so that she couldn’t easily track him down. He was getting too close to the edge of the arena, he would move further to the left to prevent getting backed into a corner.

WC: 888
TWC: 2722

(All actions are done at max speed unless stated otherwise)
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Claiming Mission completion by hitting minimum wc reqs (will post mission claims later)

Last edited by Anaphiel Hidemori on Sun Jul 18, 2021 10:27 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : fixed ap costs)
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

Teaching an upstart (IO) Empty Re: Teaching an upstart (IO)

Mon Jul 12, 2021 9:14 pm
Approved, for the sake of being able to complete the mission, and have it be used towards rank up. No WC, RYO, or Stats have been approved up to this piont for either player.
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