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Off to Hoshigakure  Empty Off to Hoshigakure

Sat Mar 13, 2021 9:15 am
The wind at his back, equipment packed and ready. The Hyuuga made his way to the village gates, aiming to depart for the village known as Hoshigakure no Sato - there he would take part in the Chuunin Exams to test himself, while showing the other villages what Sunagakure had to offer in terms of military might. He, along with a few others will be the example of the village’s up and coming talent. Sporting a black turtleneck top with a black jacket with a series of straps and buckles. Crimson pants and black shinobi boots. A silk white sash draped over his left leg with the village symbol woven in it. A weapon pouch to his back and a multiple piercings in his ears, one his left eyebrow and one under his lip. Lilac eyes would glance over to the man known as Han as he gave him a slight nod, the old man would in kind return that nod to him - it was as if they had a connection that no words was needed. Usually the two would be at each other’s neck with insults and childish taunts, but this time was not the case, there was an air of sternness. 

His stride carried him to where he needed to go, he would not waste anymore time, it was already enough wasted. His gaze was locked on the road before him and his guard was raised high, understanding what was told to him long about by Musu Uzumaki, these lands are full of opportunist that would prey on those unaware. However, Souji was not foreign to this fact. He too traveled the lands in search of a new home once before, he too was a defector of a village. His time within Suna has strengthen him, in more ways than one. He found love, reasons to protect, reasons to hone his emotions molding it into a weapon, instead of an ball and chain. He found a friend, a dear friend at that. He found use for his abilities and room to grow them. He was ready to take on what was to come next, he was sure of that much. 

With a stop in his movement, he would turn to look at the gates in the distance - basking in its glory as he mentally made a vow to do his best. There was no telling what the exams would bring to him, or if he was truly capable of overcoming them, but he was going to make sure that he gave it his all...that was the least he could do.  Understanding that he was told to not go all out, limit himself so that he was not revealing all of his techniques and skills to the other nations. Wise advice that would stick with him, not just for this trial, but for life. His head gradually turned his eyes away as he continued his stride. He was now outside of the gate tower view. It was time. 

Exit from the village. 
[WC: 501]

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Off to Hoshigakure  Empty Re: Off to Hoshigakure

Sat Mar 13, 2021 12:16 pm
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