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Hitora Uchiha
Hitora Uchiha
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Clan Specialty : Uchiha
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Training the Future [CLOSED | Training] Empty Training the Future [CLOSED | Training]

Thu Feb 18, 2021 6:21 pm
Hitora would arrive in the training field one sunny day in Konoha. A day that one would have been proud to be alive in the village...had he not passed a few too many homeless people on the way to the area thanks to the heavy taxation by the hidden mist village. With a sigh the man removed his black jacket revealing the black long sleeve turtleneck beneath with a pair of black slacks and black dress shoes beneath it. There was something odd about his pants though, he had a strange bulge on his left leg. No he was not just happy to see the homeless, it was a scroll.

A scroll of firestyle techniques, one he had borrowed from one of his fellow Uchiha. The young man then sat down and unraveled it to the D Rank Techniques, skipping right past the E Ranked ones for the time being. “I’ll get back to those later.” He thought to himself. The young man then picked one of the listed techniques and began to read it slowly, making sure to take in as much of the information as he could from the scroll.

The technique was called the Fire Style: Fire Piercing Dart Technique. It was a straight forwards Jutsu, one that could be more than useful in a variety of situations. He then noted the hand seals that would be required for the technique. The young man then slowly stood up from the grassy area, brushing some grass that stuck to his behind off and closed his eyes, focusing his fire elemental chakra deep within the pit of his stomach. Taking a back to basics approach to this, he knew he had a good amount of control over the element in and of itself already as a member of the Uchiha bloodline.

The young man then formed a single handsign, the handsign for Tiger and concentrated a bit more on the chakra, molding it in his mind into the described cone shape. He then opened his mouth and from within the gaping maw erupted five fast moving darts, each one about six inches in length and about one in width. Smirking the Uchiha knew that he could already create such simplistic flames after all it was his birthright to master one of the more advanced techniques down the road. But he would focus on that when the day came.

The Uchiha boy then remembered that he could will them to move freely with gestures and mental direction. With a wave of his hand he sent two of the darts flying straight forwards, as they grew further from him he noticed they began to taper off and fall down around the ten meter mark, hitting the ground before they could pass into the eleven meter mark. Sighing he knew that was about his maximum range, bu that was ten meters in all directions that he could send one of these darts into. A very useful idea in dead to make use of such a thing.

The Uchiha then allowed the remaining darts to fall away into the ether, returning to the universe as potential energy to be used by someone else….

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Village : Hoshigakure
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Training the Future [CLOSED | Training] Empty Re: Training the Future [CLOSED | Training]

Fri Feb 19, 2021 11:27 am
Hitora Uchiha
Hitora Uchiha
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Clan Specialty : Uchiha
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Training the Future [CLOSED | Training] Empty Re: Training the Future [CLOSED | Training]

Sat Feb 20, 2021 12:07 am
Smirking a bit to himself, the young man would walk back over to his jacket where he had tossed the scroll full of Fire Style Ninjutsu. He would crouch down low to pick up the scroll before deciding to instead sit back onto the ground where he would begin to read the information written down onto the scroll for the next technique. It was named the Fire Style: Fire Lash Technique. A rather simple name for a good close to medium range style ninjutsu that had a variety of possibility for those more Taijutsu or hand to hand combat oriented.

He would continue to read the Jutsu and note that it was a bit more refined than the previous technique that he had just learned. It was used to create basically a whip of fire in the user’s hand that stretched for a good bit and could be used in combat as a normal whip for the most part. Nodding to himself, the Uchiha would read and memorize the handseal for the technique, because it was such a low rank tech it was the same as before, just a single handsign so not much to memorize yet it seemed.

Hitora then slowly stood up and brushed the dirt and grass from himself once again before standing a bit away from where his jacket and the scroll was. The young man then formed the tiger handseal and began to mold fire chakra deep within the pits of his stomach, he then channeled that flame up through his body, but this time instead of emerging from his mouth, the red hot chakra would find itself forming as a small ball in the palm of his hand at first. He would then close his hand around the ball, forcing it into a cylindrical shape much like a hilt.

Once the hilt was formed he swung it to the side as if a whip was already there and before long the actual tail to the whip emerged. It was only about a meter long at first but he remembered that the jutsu had a much longer range. He then slowly began to perform a few more delicate strikes, each one with a steadily increasing amount of Chakra pushed through the whip. As he did this the whip would slowly increase in length with each crack of the flames against the ground.

Eventually the whip would reach a full ten meters in length, being much longer than a normal whip but because it was made of flames there was virtually no difference in its weight be it only a meter or ten meters. He smirked a bit to himself as he began to perform rather intricate movements with the whip, each time striking the ground with a thunderous crack in multiple spots, as he did this he would set small flames with the whip as he continued on. He was quick to act though, always using another part of the whip on a section of pure dirt to knock just enough dirt onto the small fires to snuff the blazes out.

He eventually fully opened his hand and ceased feeding the whip chakra. As soon as he had done that the whip disappeared. The young man noted a few more flames dotting the area around him and the young man walked up to each one and stepped on the flames, killing them before they grew out of control, though perhaps it would serve the village a bit of good to let a nice flame burn through its streets and scorch away any and all of the impurities that he could see...

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Hitora Uchiha
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Clan Specialty : Uchiha
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Training the Future [CLOSED | Training] Empty Re: Training the Future [CLOSED | Training]

Sat Feb 20, 2021 4:43 pm
Hitora was just finishing putting the last of the blazes out when another, older male arrived at the field. Hitora did recognize him as one of the Uchiha Shinobi that occasionally went on guard duty missions. The Uchiha part was obvious because of the crest on his clothes, however the shinobi part was obvious because of the beaten look upon his face. It was clear this village was a shadow of its former self mostly thanks to how the Hidden Mist taxed and looked down on this once proud village. With a heavy sigh he looked over to the man who was nodding at him.

“You remind me of a young version of me, full of vigor and energy...A better time to be sure.” The man then let out a wry laugh. Almost as if on cue Hitora looked at the man and was about to ask what the man wanted when he said “You’re a Shinobi of the Uchiha right? Then let me teach you something that it seems your father hasn’t...The Great Fireball Jutsu.” Hitora looked at the man, and recognized the Jutsu as the signature of the entire clan, as close to a birthright as the Uchiha had outside of their Sharingan.

Hitora then moved a bit out of the man’s way as the man was apparently motioning. The man then made a series of handseals and exhaled a large ball of flames, shooting straight out and forming a large blazing ball of flames, the bottom just inches above the ground. The man’s shaggy appearance belayed his control of his Jutsu. It was clear this man used to be proud to call himself a Hidden Leaf Shinobi. Hitora then looked at the ball and estimated that the ball was about 20 meters in size, the man had angled himself so that he would be able to show Hitora the full size without risking the young man’s life.

Hitora blinked a bit and the man explained “Your fireball simply won’t be as large as mine, but with a bit of practice one day it will be. Now, the handseals that you need to memorize are as follows: Snake. Ram. Tiger.” The man then made each hand sign as he did so, making sure that Hitora saw each one. “Now, it is time for you to try, take the fire style you were just using and try to perform this Jutsu.”

Hitora nodded and turned a bit away, making a few handseals, the Snake, Ram and Tiger, handseals to be exact. Hitora made them slowly, making sure he did them in the right order, as if he were but a small child and this was his first time making handseals. Though he supposed that to the Uchiha that showed him the Jutsu that he was nothing more than a child fumbling around in the deadly world of Shinobi, playing a game that many would refuse to look at as if he were a real human being at this rate. He was weak still.

This was a fact not of just his own mind but in reality. Hitora then molded his chakra as he was holding the Tiger handseal and took in a deep breath, he was then finding himself almost subconsciously mixing his Chakra into that breathe that he was now holding within his chest. Before long the young man exhaled and blew out the chakra that he had merged with his breath. Though at first he was just exhaling pure air he soon felt the heat coming from his mouth and forming into a small ball about half a meter away.

The ball was about a meter in diameter and was barely a spherical shape. Hitora could feel the ball suddenly run out of molded chakra and he allowed it to simply die off instead of further fueling the ball. He let out a sigh and the man laughed a bit, clapping his hands “Very good, for a first attempt that is. Next time while you form your handseals start molding, and mold faster, you need quite a bit of Chakra and Chakra control to pull this Jutsu off. Now, try it again young man and show me some improvement.”

Hitora nodded and took a deep breath, he then began to make the handseals for the Jutsu and as he did he began to mold the chakra deep within the pit of his stomach, molding it into the oxygen that he took in. He was going to make a much larger ball this time, he not only could feel it, he knew that he had to do it if he was going to succeed in impressing this man. Hitora then could feel that the Jutsu was more or less ready he heard the man shouting for his attention.

He then pointed to his left hand and held up two fingers curled just over his mouth as if he were blowing up a balloon for a child. Hitora had a feeling that this man wanted him to do this too. Hitora decided to try it and as he began to exhale quickly moved his left hand up to mouth height and held his hand at mouth height, fingers curled as if blowing a balloon up as the man had shown him. Hitora then opened the eyes he had unknowingly closed and watched as the ball of flames came out from his mouth.

He watched as the ball of flames quickly increased in its size from non-existent to about ten meters in diameter, unlike the man however his ball of flames were much closer to the ground, scorching the dirt and grass, setting a small fire under it this time. He could feel the chakra molding itself into his still exhaling breath. Could feel it scorching his lips a bit as he did so. Hitora did not care however, he just simply continued to exhale his chakra and push the pure fire out of his mouth as he had done so. He soon however ceased breathing the fire out of his mouth, and let the ball cease to exist. The man looked at Hitora with a smile and Hitora knew that this time it was right. That this time he had gotten the ball right and had learned the basics of the Uchiha clan’s signature Ninjutsu the Great Fireball Jutsu.

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Hitora Uchiha
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Clan Specialty : Uchiha
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Training the Future [CLOSED | Training] Empty Re: Training the Future [CLOSED | Training]

Sat Feb 20, 2021 5:30 pm
Hitora was breathing heavily, his lips slightly scorched and his face obviously showing the pain as the man walked over to him, laughing as he clapped his hands. “Very good, very good indeed, the mouth pain will fade with time and you’ll one day no longer even feel the pain from the flames licking past your lips. But since you’re already in such a state...what say you to learning another Jutsu? Hrmm?” Hitora did not utter a word but simply nodded his head in agreement with what the man was offering, only a fool would pass up the chance to learn free Jutsu after all.

The man then nodded and said “This one is similar but on a smaller scale to the Great Fireball Jutsu, for now watch and learn.” The man then slowly made a few handseals and spoke each one as he did “Rat. Tiger. Dog. Ox. These are the handseals for the Phoenix Fire Jutsu.” The man then quickly formed the handseals again and before Hitora could even notice if he had molded his Chakra spit out eight fast moving balls of fire, each one roughly a meter in diameter. Though Hitora could not properly discern their sizes in motion.

No, he was instead using their point of contact to estimate their sizes. “You, again, won’t produce balls in as much a number as I have, but based on how you handled the fireball, I estimate you’re good for about six at a single time.” Hitora listened intently to the man, a bit on the nonplussed side about the difference between the two being only two fireballs. However, Hitora knew that there was nothing but pure information coming from this man, after all why would he lie in such a stupid and pathetic way to the young Shinobi.

Hitora then moved about a meter away from the man and began to mold his Chakra, forming it in the pit of his stomach. As he did so he began to form the handseals for the Jutsu, trying to take the lessons that he had learned from the great fireball technique and apply them instead to this Jtusu again. As he did he pictured in his head much smaller balls of fire coming from his mouth and allowed that image to basically imprint itself on the chakra that he was molding in his stomach.

As he continued, he could feel the chakra welling up within him, could feel the jutsu coming to fruition inside his stomach. He knew that this was more or less a figment of his imagination, no one could tell when jutsu were ready outside of the most experienced Shinobi or someone wito had used a Jutsu an uncountable number of times. He then exhaled his breath and out came about two small balls of flame that soon found themselves dissipating and falling apart about a meter from the young Uchiha boy. He looked in disbelief that he had failed in such a basic thing as he had done just there.

The man shook his head as he looked on, a bit disappointed, and said “You tried to treat this Jutsu the same as the previous but on a smaller scale, didn’t you?” Hitora nodded and the man continued “This is a different Jutsu, unless its a known derivative of a Jutsu do not apply the same logic outside of the most basic of basics.” Hitora nodded as the man spoke more “The only aspect you should continue to do with this technique from the other is the hand trick I showed you, it allows you better control of the flames as you expel them from within. Now, try it again.”

Hitora watched as the man retreated back a bit more, knowing that this man would not be wasting his time with him if it weren’t for something he had seen within him. Hitora knew this man was a Ninja and could be making money for the village but was instead teaching Hitora something about Jutsu. Hitora wanted to show him that he was worth his time and that the man could continue to teach him if he so pleased.

Hitora then began to form his handseals again, moving his hands through the seals quickly and with grace belaying his inexperience with the Jutsu. As he did he molded his chakra, making sure to keep the image of the man firing the balls in his mind, forcing his subconscious to make such a thing a reality for the young Uchiha himself. He then closed his eyes, and chanted the name of the Jutsu over and over to himself in his head, a silent prayer that this time the Jutsu would emerge as he hoped it would. He then opened his eyes and tilted his upper half forwards from the leaned back position it was in.

As he leaned forwards he exhaled and held his left hand up on the side of his face, forcing the chakra-molded oxygen out in the shape of several large balls. Each ball would fly out at a quick pace, but he counted each one that came out until he finished spewing them and had ran out of pre-molded chakra. Six. Six balls of flames erupted from his mouth, each moving at a blazing quick pace. Hitora watched as each one splashed against the ground at the spot he had been focusing his attention on without really meaning to.

He smirked a bit as he estimated by the impacts that each ball of fire was about a meter in size. He then turned to the man who gave him a simple thumbs up and clapped his hands. “Good job young man, very good. I wish I had more time to spend teaching you, you learn at a very quick pace, but I must go, I do have missions to do after all, it would be a shame if someone of my skill was babysitting you all day.” Hitora frowned inwardly a bit but understood. The man then walked off, leaving Hitora to his training it seemed, though neither had ever exchanged names, the young Shinobi wondered if he would ever meet this man again….

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Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Training the Future [CLOSED | Training] Empty Re: Training the Future [CLOSED | Training]

Sat Feb 20, 2021 11:30 pm
Hitora Uchiha
Hitora Uchiha
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Clan Specialty : Uchiha
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Training the Future [CLOSED | Training] Empty Re: Training the Future [CLOSED | Training]

Sun Feb 21, 2021 5:14 pm
The man had left the area almost as quickly as he had arrived. The young Uchiha knew that he was not yet done with his training. He walked back over to his scroll and picked it back up, reading the next Jutsu almost as quickly as he had previously, wanting to get a bit more utility under his belt for the coming days. He read the Jutsu and noted the name of it being the Scattershot Jutsu, a relatively straightforward technique, he would spit out a single ball of fire that would split into ten smaller balls, a good diversion technique.

Hitora then looked down to where it listed the hand seals that would be needed and noted it only needed one: the Horse seal. Hitora smirked a bit inwardly to himself, compared to the previous two Jutsu he had just learned this one was going to be very easy. He then placed the scroll back down on the ground and started to picture in his mind the appearance of this Jutsu, imagining how it would manifest once he decided to make his attempt at the Jutsu, knowing that it would be unlikely to work too well without the element of surprise.

Hitora then formed the horse handseal as he molded his chakra and could feel the fire chakra now more easily forming in his stomach compared to earlier. The man could feel that his strength was growing rather quickly, he then began to focus on the mental image he had created in his mind, letting that image mold more so in his body, letting his chakra take on the image that he had in his mind as he had done so. He then finalized the chakra that was in his body being molded from pure chakra to fire elemental chakra.

The young Shinobi then spit out the ball of fierce fire that traveled about a meter before splitting into ten smaller balls, each one traveling another nine meters before they fizzled out. The technique had a definite range, but he wondered to himself if he could control when the fracture of the main orb could happen. So the young Uchiha quickly molded his chakra again and formed the horse hand seal once more, this time when he imagined the ball he imagined it splitting apart at the five meter mark, as a test of his hypothesis that he could control its split point.

The young man then spat the ball of fire much like one would a wad of phlegm and mucus in a loogie. He watched the orb fly from his mouth about five meters before it finally split apart as he wanted it too, each of the ten orbs this time colliding with a tree as he had adjusted his position a bit and watched as each of the trees had shook with the collision. However, this Jutsu was not powerful enough to set the wood aflame due to the fact that as soon as the flames hit they were gone, no lasting flame to try to light the tree aflame...

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Hitora Uchiha
Hitora Uchiha
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Clan Specialty : Uchiha
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Training the Future [CLOSED | Training] Empty Re: Training the Future [CLOSED | Training]

Sun Feb 21, 2021 5:41 pm
Hitora smirked as he watched the tree shake, leaves falling from its branches. The young man then walked over to the scroll and decided he had about enough energy to learn roughly one more Jutsu. He was starting to feel the exhaustion for the time being. Hitora then picked the scroll back up, wondering what Jutsu he was going to try to learn next, there were so many within the walls of this singular scroll, he smirked feeling like he was making a great amount of progress relatively quickly. Hitora then began to read through the various Jutsu written down.

There were so many Jutsu but one that stood out to him was the Blistering Web, a nice utilitarian technique. He then began to read it further, apparently it could be used either to detect enemies or to attempt to catch them in a net of some kind. If the former it would explode at any point the user pleased. As an added bonus it could be more or less hidden from most Sensory Types according to what the Jutsu wrote down, but the fact that it activated below the ground made perfect sense, as all the average Sensor would note is chakra under the ground.

He then red the handseals, the chain was a simplistic one to memorize. He then began to practice the forming of the handseals a few times, going through the three seals slowly, making sure that he had a firm understanding of the Jutsu’s seal chain as it was going to be a relatively useful Jutsu at anytime, be it at this point in his life or any other point in his life. He could see this becoming a staple of his career, definitely early on, for how useful it seemed to be on paper and in theory.

The Uchiha then decided that he would practice all three aspects of the Jutsu. First would be the trap aspect, he began to form his handseals and mold his chakra. As he did he could feel the heat filling him up, adding a sense of warmth to the young Uchiha. He closed his eyes as if to bask in this warmth for a short period of time. Though this all happened in a moment as he did not hesitate once he had finished the third handseal and had finished molding his chakra to completion.

Once he had the chakra molded and had finished the handseals, the young Uchiha slammed his hands into the ground and he could feel the chakra that he had built up within himself spill out from his hands, and he knew that if he had his Sharingan he would be able to watch it spread out into a wide semicircle in front of him for a good ten meters in a one hundred and eighty degree arc. He pictured a complicated spider’s web in his mind in front of him, and then he waited. Waited for something that was not a human to enter his spider’s web.

The young man did not need to wait very long as he soon saw a small bird, maybe a robin, swoop down and land within the semicircle that was on the ground. The Uchiha then smirked and said softly “and so the fly lands in the spider’s web...” he then pulsed a small amount of chakra out into the web on the line that lead straight to the bird and not even a second later a large, compared to the bird, explosion occurred. There were charred feathers and the smell of bird lingering in the air for a bit after that.

Hitora lifted his hands and as such ended the Jutsu, smirking a bit. He wished someone else were here so he could make a bad joke, but he also knew that if someone else were there he likely would not have had the idea come into his mind. He sighed a bit and looked around for something else to practice the next part of the technique onto. Then he had a sudden thought occur to him, he quickly walked back to where the scroll was and picked it up. He had a feeling that something was amiss with suddenly and began to read the Jutsu again.

He read it once, twice, three times in rapid succession. He was right, he had misunderstood the technique at first. There was no thrown aspect to the Jutsu. He had misread a part earlier. With a heavy sigh, the Uchiha saw a bit of the usefulness of the technique fall away to the ether of his imagination. However, he knew that all hope was not yet lost, however he also knew that he was more or less out of Chakra and decided that he was not going to push his luck any further.

No, instead the Uchiha rolled the scroll back up and placed it in his pants pocket once more before picking his jacket up off the ground, he sighed as he noticed the sun was now definitely on its ‘downwards’ trip, heading towards the horizon now instead of away from it. It was now the evening hours and he had spent most of the day out at this training ground, practicing. Something he was unused to and realized that was likely why his chakra was feeling quite low, he wondered just how much he had expended.

Without a word he put his jacket back on and started to walk back towards his home when he noticed something he had not yet noticed earlier on in the day. There were flyers and posters as well as leaflets being posted or handed out. Hitora walked up to one and began to read it slowly, it talked about how the Chuunin Exams were coming up and that all were welcome to participate. An idea stuck in his mind, the possibility of him entering this tournament and doing well if not outright winning. It would go a long way to restoring the village to some degree of fame and renown, maybe even make Kiri back off of their taxations...

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Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

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Mon Feb 22, 2021 1:11 am
Hitora Uchiha
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Clan Specialty : Uchiha
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Wed Feb 24, 2021 7:28 pm
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