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Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Meeting people while training - Page 3 Empty Re: Meeting people while training

Mon Mar 08, 2021 7:50 pm
Travin watched with a hint of pride as his now student attempted the jutsu over and over again getting better and faster with each attempt. Till they came to the point that Nasu was able to easily use the jutsu. “Very good,” Travin said as Nasu created the tiny portals and the snakes once again came out for the last time. “This jutsu has loads of uses in both combat and out of combat as well as being the first snake jutsu everyone learns before moving on to bigger and better things. The other thing is don’t confuse this with normal summoning jutsu. You can only summon so much in a single day as per the rules of the contract, however, you can use this jutsu, and others like it as much as you want.” Travin would inform Nasu thinking that it was an important note for the young man to know before adding. “Now that you’re familiar with the jutsu let’s see you use it in combat. Come at me once more today and if you can put the jutsu to good use tomorrow we may practice another” Travin would tell him. 

Knowing that he was faster and stronger than his student Travin didn’t bother getting into a fighting stance. Not that he normally did anyway he just wasn’t one that really needed it since he rarely got in close enough for one to matter. He would keep his eyes on Nasu his Seigan gleaming a deep blue as he watched the boy start the spar.

(WC-257 TWC-3997)
Stat Page : Uchiha boi
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 26850

Meeting people while training - Page 3 Empty Re: Meeting people while training

Mon Mar 15, 2021 11:22 am
Nasu was pumped after getting the chance for a rematch. "You're not going to get me so easily this time master." Nasu stood 5 meters away from Travin and got into the same stance as yesterday. "Just like you told me master I've been training my Sharingan every day and after a mission with my friend this happened." Nasu looked at Travin in his eyes while speaking while watching as Travin's eyes started to glow in a deep blue color. Nasu then activates his own eyes. His eyes made a slight noise and it spun into a red color with 1 black dot to be seen. "This isn't all master I have been training." Nasu's Sharingan started to spin again and then the single dot split into two that took their own different places on Nasu's eyes. "This is my new power the two tomoe Sharingan." This was the first time Nasu had shown anybody it or used it. He just wanted to show off a bit. Nasu then charges right at the side of Travin and had already made his hand signs. Nasu thinks to himself "Travin isn't even slightly phased by me." Nasu then goes right for it and activates the new Jutsu. Hidden shadow snake hands. Out of his arm, 5 snake slithers from the portals Nasu had made.  They went right to bite Travin. They were moving at a speed of 70 strength of 70 and have 70 health. When Nasu used the Jutsu Travin and Nasu were only 2 meters apart. Nasu really hoped that he would manage to hit Travin. While waiting for Travin to try to dodge Nasu was tracking him with his new Sharingan.  Nasu was thinking “With this new Sharingan I should be able to somewhat see what Travin was going to do next. I will see everything exactly as it happens. I should even be able to see some things before they happen.”


Hidden Shadow Snake Hands - 25 AP

Two Tomoe Sharigan - 15 AP
AP left-805
Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Meeting people while training - Page 3 Empty Re: Meeting people while training

Wed Mar 17, 2021 8:45 pm
Travin stood waiting to see what Nasu his new student would say about his challenge to a spar. Travin turned to the left placing his left hand out while his right hand stayed by his side hidden within his kimono. Where Nasu wouldn’t be able to see it through both his body and the sleeve. Travin made a few hand signs with only his hidden right hand from within his sleeve Dog, Rabbit, Snake, Ox, Dragon. He would wait and hold his jutsu listening to what Nasu would have to say about his training and working on his Sharingan. Travin would nod recognizing his improvements already. Once he saw Nasu had advanced to the two tome Sharingan Travin would speak. “Nice Nasu, but what are you going to do when you can’t see your opponent.” upon finishing his sentence Travin would release his jutsu and Nasu would see an extremely thick mist rise up out of nowhere and blind him to the point that he wouldn’t be able to see the tip of his own nose. “The Hidden Mist jutsu is a fairly common jutsu Nasu show me how you plan on beating it with just those eyes” Travin would mock Nasu. His voice seeming to come from all around Nasu as if Travin was silently walking in a circle around him. However, Nasu would be able to see a shadow to his right in the mist even though Travin voice would be coming from the left. For the entire speech, the shadow and the voice would be on opposite sides of Nasu. 

Meanwhile, Travin himself never moved and instead focused intently on Nasu to see just how far his Sharingan had advanced. He wanted to see if he could tell the difference in genjutsu yet or not.

(WC-298 TWC-4295)

-50 Demonic Illusion: Phantom fog prison power and speed of 105
-15 Seigan
=682 AP left
Stat Page : Uchiha boi
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 26850

Meeting people while training - Page 3 Empty Re: Meeting people while training

Thu Mar 18, 2021 4:00 pm
Before Nasu could finish of his jutsu Travin had caught him off guard and made Nasu stop in his tracks. Nasu was paying close attention after Travin told him "but what are you going to do when you can’t see your opponent" Nasu was not expecting something like this to happen. He thought he would hit Travin and be done with this fight quickly. "leave up to you master to stop me in my tracks this quickly." Nasu then started to pay closer attention. He started to use his sharingan  and could see some things happening. Nasu could see particles of water all coming out of where Travin was originally standing. Nasu also thought there was something different with this fog. Nasu has never seen the hidden mist jutsu used before and knew nothing about it but this mist felt thick and like it was supposed to hold me back, not just hide the user. Nasu thought to himself "Could this be some kind of genjutsu." IN the end though Nasu didn't really have any idea if it was a genjutsu or not. Instead he decided to trust in his eyes and with his snakes still out went exactly to the same place Travin was. If Travin was still there then he would get attacked by 5 snakes that have a power of 70 strength of 70 and health of 70. They were also already 2 meters apart so it would be hard for Travin to dodge this. When Nasu uses the snakes to attack they all instantly disappear like they were never there. "Is this from the mist" Nasu wondered. If it was there wasn't much Nasu could do as that was one of his strongest jutsu. Nasu then has no other choice and pulls a kunai out of his weapons pouch. He walks up to where he can see the bubbles coming from and thrust his kunai forward. Nasu's kunai has a sharpness of 50 and an impact force of 31. When Nasu tries to hit Travin they are 1 meter apart.   

Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
Genjutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Meeting people while training - Page 3 Empty Re: Meeting people while training

Thu Mar 18, 2021 8:57 pm
Travin watched Nasu’s reaction to being blinded knowing that it was a bit of a shock to the system. Travin watched as he stepped forward closing the distance and Travin walked back keeping the 7-meter distance between them. When Nasu’s snakes flew out of his sleeve they vanished in a puff of smoke about as fast as they arrived. Travin just shook his head as he watched Nasu pull out a kunai and charge a couple of meters before thrusting into empty air. From behind Nasu Travins voice would come “you have to focus use your other senses don’t rely solely on your eyes to find your target.” 

Travin would wait and see just what his student could come up with. While making a few hand signs in preparation Tiger, Rat, Boar once done he would hold the last sign waiting to see just what Nasu would do now.

(WC-149 TWC-4444)
Stat Page : Uchiha boi
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 26850

Meeting people while training - Page 3 Empty Re: Meeting people while training

Fri Mar 19, 2021 5:09 pm
Nasu didn't have many ideas. By this point he knew something was wrong and that this probably is some kind of genjutsu but there was nothing he could do about it. He didn't have any way to release genjutsu yet so he was kind of stuck. The worst part is that Nasu can keep on seeing Travin's shadow somewhere and then hearing his voice somewhere else. Nasu was quickly running out of ideas. The only option he really had left was to use a jutsu that might be big enough to hopefully hit Travin or just wait until Travin makes a move. Nasu thought it through and decided he was stuck. Even if he did miraculously hit his jutsu in the right direction it probably wouldn't hurt Travin and it may not break the genjutsu either. Nasu then saw again the bubbles all coming from one single point. "That must be where Travin is'' Nasu thought to himself. Nasu then formed some of his own hand signs. Snake-Ram-Tiger. Nasu formed his fireball jutsu. He spat some fire out and it formed a ball after it ignited. Nasu sent it right to the direction of where the bubbles were forming which was about 5 meters away as it seemed. Nasu's fireball went right for it at a speed of 55 power of 55.   

Great Fireball -20 AP
total AP=785

Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Meeting people while training - Page 3 Empty Re: Meeting people while training

Wed Apr 28, 2021 3:23 pm
Travin watched as Nasu thought through the problem since it was only training, Travin let him think without interrupting or moving. Once he saw that Nasu was forming hand signs, however, Travin took a deep breath figuring that he had come up with probably the only solution if the kid didn’t know how to break out of genjutsu. Throw the biggest jutsu you knew and hopped you hit something. Knowing this was probably what Nasu was thinking Travin activated his Seigan: Upwelling massively boosting both his speed and chakra for a short burst. By the time Nasu was launching his fireball, Travin would be in motion at a speed of 135 he easily was able to maneuver around the right side of the fireball keeping a solid 1 meter between himself and the fireball. They would pass each other around what would have been halfway between the two before Travin moved, as Travin got within 5 meters of Nasu he would make three hand signs at max speed using only his left hand. Thanks to his skill one-handed seals Rat, Dog, Dragon, and with the last seal 2 large snakes 5 meters long and 6 inches thick would shoot out of his sleeve towards Nasu. Travin would stop his movement at merely 3 meters from blinded the Nasu leaving the snakes a solid 2 meters of free length that they would take full advantage of if Nasu did not move. 

Assuming Nasu stands still the 1 of the snakes would attempt to wrap its self around both of Nasu’s arms. Wrapping around his left arm and around his back to wrap around his right arm before using his massive strength and speed of 112 to force his right arm to bend so the snake would be within striking distance to inject Nasu with its paralytic venom. 

While the other snake would attempt to wrap around both of Nasu’s legs first his left leg then moving up to entangle his right as well. All while maintaining close enough distance with its head to strike if needed. 

While the snakes were in motion Travin would also be moving to pull two shurikens from his weapon pouch with his right since his left was being held straight out to give the snakes as much room as he could. Travin would throw both shurikens aiming to hit Nasu in his upper thighs on each leg. 

All three actions would be performed simultaneously with the snakes moving and having a strength and health stat of 112 and his shurikens moving at a speed of 47 and a sharpness of 30.

WC-435 TWC-4879
Stat Page : Uchiha boi
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 26850

Meeting people while training - Page 3 Empty Re: Meeting people while training

Wed Apr 28, 2021 4:19 pm
After shooting out his fireball jutsu Nasu knew he was in a genjutsu. If it was actual water then the heat of the fireball would have made the water heat up and turn to steam. Even though Nasu knew he was in a genjutsu Nasu didn't know what to do. He had no form of genjutsu release so he didn't have many options. He could just keep on using different jutsu hoping to get lucky but Travin would just paralyze him again by that point. So Nasu went through his options. He could just stop and have Travin beat him to a pulp or he could keep on trying to do whatever he could. Nasu still had an idea though. With his sharingan he should be able to tell around where Travin is. Nasu can see chakra all around him due to the genjutsu but he can also see one bigger amount of chakra coming from one direction. Nasu knew that's not enough though to get him exactly. He cant precisely pinpoint Travins location. So before anything else Nasu decided to move 5 meters to the left just in case Travin had already sent out some kind of jutsu or kunai. This was going to be Nasu’s last move though. There's not many chances so this was his last. Nasu then heard the sound of some snakes near what he thought was where he just was. Nasu started to look in the direction of the bigger mass of chakra knowing that Travin will be somewhere near there. Nasu formed his hand signs Rat-Tiger-Dragon. He then slung 5 snakes out of his right arm in the general direction of where Travin was. Nasu had also instructed the snakes. Nasu told them “The enemy is in the direction I've sent you. Due to a genjutsu I couldn't pinpoint him properly. I leave the end tracking up to you 5 to hunt him down and just bite him." The snakes showed that they understood and started to move. They had a speed of 55, a strength of 55, and a power of 55.

Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
Genjutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Meeting people while training - Page 3 Empty Re: Meeting people while training

Thu Apr 29, 2021 8:36 pm
Travin kept up with Nasu as he moved to keep the distance between them to the 3 meters that he wanted. Once Nasu had stoped his snakes would shoot out of Travins left arm aiming to wrap up both of his arms and legs before he was able to make hand signs like he had planed while he threw the kunai at the outside of both of Nasu’s thighs. The snakes would be moving at 112 speed and strength while the shurikens would be moving at 47 speed and 30 sharpness. If the snakes were able to constrict Nasu’s arms and legs he would ask Nasu if he surrendered. If he agreed then he would release the jutsu that blinded him and let the snakes vanish into a puff of smoke freeing him. If not then the snakes would simply bite down into Nasu’s skin allowing the paralytic venom to take effect.

(WC-152 TWC- 5031)
Stat Page : Uchiha boi
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 26850

Meeting people while training - Page 3 Empty Re: Meeting people while training

Thu Apr 29, 2021 11:12 pm
Travin had bounded Nasu. There was no way he could win this. By this point he was so done that there was almost nothing he could do. But then the question came. His master asked him whether he wanted to give up or not. Now Nasu knew he couldn't win but there was no chance he was going to give up. He would rather be bitten by the snakes and paralyzed again then give up. Nasu always puts in the effort and even if he's in a position where he shouldn't be able to win he will still do what he can. Nasu’s hands were also too far apart to be able to make hand signs. So his only option was to let the snakes bite him. His only hope was that Travin would recognize who he is as a person and wouldn't mock him for his choice.

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