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Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Meeting people while training Empty Meeting people while training

Thu Jan 28, 2021 8:33 pm
Travin was at the training grounds for the first time in a good while. He had been busy with missions and hadn’t really had any time off to get any good training in. He was taking a quick break sitting under a shade tree as it was quite hot out today. He was taking a sip of his water as he noticed just how sunny it was. It was an oddity for Kiri after all you didn’t get called the village hidden in the mist for a sunny beach. He had been thinking about his past missions and knew that while he was useful in his current form and abilities. He also knew that he needed to hit a new level of power, as it was right now his offensive capabilities were low, but he had great leadership qualities as well as utility that he brought to his team. What he needed though was a powerful jutsu that he could fall back on, and he had been searching for a while now in the little free time he had between missions to find one that he would be able to learn. 

O well he thought to himself as he stood up and walked back over to the building. He was ready to go back inside of the Training Facility and get back to work. After all if he couldn’t find a powerful jutsu he would train himself to be ready to make one. After all he had started to work on a few things in his downtime he just hadn’t had the time to really work out the kinks in them yet. Walking back in the building Travin noted that they had the air conditioning on and the cool air ran a chill down his body. He was not wearing his armor or his now normal komono he had grown accustomed to wearing. He was wearing a simple black loose fitting long sleeve shirt and black sweatpants with his shoes one. After all one did not come to the training facility to look good you came to work. 

Travin would make his way past the sparing rooms on his way to weights thinking that maybe he needed to lift more to get his body stronger. After all he couldn’t even lift Render right now, but then again even if he could lift him he wouldn’t be big enough to hold the massive creature.

Stat Page : Uchiha boi
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 26850

Meeting people while training Empty Re: Meeting people while training

Fri Jan 29, 2021 9:06 am
Nasu had a break from missions so he decided to go to the training facilities. He had nothing better to do and he knew he had to get stronger to become C rank and go on missions with a team. Nasu doesn't know much about how to fight as all his missions so far have been easy. He has either been taking other people's leads or doing E/D rank missions. Nasu doesn't have a sparring partner though so he would have to figure out what to do when he gets there. "god it's hot out this morning". It was a surprisingly really hot day in the village. Just walking to the training area made him start to sweat. It was about a 10 minute walk away so he knew he would get there soon. When he did get there he was very happy about the cool air conditioning. He was still really hot though so he had to go buy some water. This was the first time Nasu has gone to train here so he doesn't really know what to do. He just started to walk through the hallways looking for something to do. He saw the sparring area but there was nobody in there so he couldn't ask if anybody wanted to spar with him. He then saw a man Who was wearing some black training clothes. Nasu couldn't tell much about him from his back so he started to follow this guy. "Maybe he will have something to do and ill just do the same." Nasu followed the man to a weight room. Nasu then grabbed some weights. While Nasu was using them he spoke to this man. Nasu though it'd be polite to introduce himself. "Hi I'm Nasu Uchiha." 


Last edited by Nasu on Sat Jan 30, 2021 1:58 pm; edited 2 times in total
Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Meeting people while training Empty Re: Meeting people while training

Sat Jan 30, 2021 12:07 pm
Travin had been sitting on one of the weight benches curling some low weight iron but doing a lot of reps with it. When a reddish pink haired boy came and sat down close by and started to lift some weights as well. Travin didn’t think much of it after all it was an open gym basically and most people trained here. That is until the boy spoke “Hi i’m Nasu Uchiha” he said to Travin. He immediately shook his head thinking that this kid has not seen a lot of time outside of the village or any real action yet or he would know not to give his sir name it gives too much away. If the boy had just said his name was Nasu he wouldn’t have thought much about it, but because he gave his full name. Travin knew a lot more about the boy than he knew about Travin just by the names.

Because the kid was an Uchiha it meant that he was probably adept at fire jutsu, as it was the main element of the clan, but didn’t mean that he had to have. It also told Travin that he probably had some skill in ninjutsu, a popular study among the uchiha as well, but most importantly it told Travin the single biggest advantage this kid would have in a fight. The sharingan and that could be the kids downfall if he ever got into a real fight. If the opponent knew that much about him they would know what to expect and with that information they would be able to create a counter attack or straight attack in their favor taking away his strongest ability.

The name Travin” he replied back to the boy with little hesitation shown. “For future reference if you don’t know someone don’t give them your clan name. For people like me and you it gives away too much information.” He would tell the boy purposely being vague in his meaning in an attempt to show the boy just how little he knew of Travin and his abilities in comparison to what the boy had to know that Travin could figure out just from the one sentence the boy had spoke already.
Stat Page : Uchiha boi
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 26850

Meeting people while training Empty Re: Meeting people while training

Sat Jan 30, 2021 2:21 pm
After Nasu said his name he immediately regretted  it. Nasu has never seen someone think so fast. He could see it in the mans face. He was a little slow with his response and Nasu could just see his mind spinning. The man then spoke and said "The name Travin." Nasu knew the man was trying to give away no information about himself. For future reference if you don’t know someone don’t give them your clan name. For people like me and you it gives away too much information.” Nasu could instantly tell that Travin knew a lot about him. It was obvious Nasu could have the sharingan but Travin seemed like he saw every bit of Nasu by just his name. Nasu was also intrigued though. for someone to say not to give to much information Nasu could already tell that Travin had some sort of special ability as well. Nasu couldn't figure out what this ability was but knew there was something. Nasu didn't know what to say more after that. He was just sitting there. Nasu quickly realized what Travin knew about him though. He probably knew he was fire style and had a thought about Nasu using ninjutsu and his sharingan  Nasu wanted to see what Travin could do but all he could think of was asking him to spar. Nasu also knew he didn't stand a chance as he doesn't really know how to fight. So Nasu just decided to ask "You seem like the kinda guy who has fighting experience. Am I right."

TWC= 552
Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Meeting people while training Empty Re: Meeting people while training

Mon Feb 01, 2021 12:56 pm
Travin looked back at the kid that wanted to know if Travin had fighting experience. “Yea I’ve been in a few fights. You want to test yourself or something” Travin would ask. It was a normal test when a weaker opponent wanted to train with someone. It mostly just seemed like they had the courage to go one on one with someone they either knew or thought was stronger then they were. Travin didn’t know of anyone that took on a student or training partner who was too scared to fight. Of Course with both of them being Kiri nin there should not be any reason to fear since the days of the bloody mist are long gone now, but some people still saw Kiri in that light and it was a light that the current Mizukage was fighting. 

I’ll tell you what kid meet in the sparring area if you want to learn a few things. I might not be able to teach you any cool jutsu. Since i don’t know you really, but maybe I can at least teach you how to not get yourself killed on your first mission” Travin would add to the kid. He would then stand up and walk over to the sparring area. He wouldn’t look back to see if the kid was coming or not, and would only turn around once he had opened the door and walked in the room. 

The room was basic off white walls and with lights filling the edges of the roof. The room itself was fairly big giving them a solid 25 meters by 30 meters. Plenty big enough to handle anything but the biggest and most powerful of jutsu which would normally not be used in a friendly spar. Anything that big would be used in an outside area far away from civilians.

(WC-308 TWC-1084)
Stat Page : Uchiha boi
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 26850

Meeting people while training Empty Re: Meeting people while training

Tue Feb 02, 2021 11:12 am
So this guy knows how to fight. Nasu was thinking of asking if he could show him something but Travin told Nasu to come to a sparring room. It seemed as though Travin knew exactly what Nasu wanted. "am I really that predictable?" Nasu thought to himself. Nasu started to get up and follow after Travin. Travin didn't look back once to even see if Nasu was coming. It seemed like he didn't really care. "at least he told me he could teach me something." Nasu was still thinking while walking. When Travin got to the room he looked back. He saw that I was there and opened the door. Nasu thought the room was huge but he could see Travin was thinking differently. Nasu didn't know too many big Justus so this room would be great. He then went up to Travin and started to tell him how he had absolutely no idea about what he was doing. Nasu really wanted to learn and told Travin. Nasu then asked Travin if he would help teach him.


Last edited by Nasu on Mon Mar 15, 2021 11:39 am; edited 1 time in total
Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Meeting people while training Empty Re: Meeting people while training

Tue Feb 02, 2021 12:36 pm
Travin stood in the room and watched as Nasu walked in behind him and shut the door. He then walked up to Travin and admitted that he had no idea on how to go about fighting, and wanted to know if Travin would teach him. It was something new to Travin he had never really taught anyone before or had ever really taken on a student. He had helped train some a few people and spared a few friends from time to time but never really had that student teacher bond that some of the others he knew had. “Alright, I will take you on as my student” the words flowed from his mouth far easier than he ever thought possible. “First thing first let's see how far you are right now in your training before we go any further. Show me you Sharingan” He would tell Nasu. 

Once he had his Sharingan active Travin would speak once more as his own eyes glowed blue. His eyes would be completely blue with no white or color able to be seen other than the pure blue. “Keep it active, push it as far as you can and don’t turn it off till you are about to collapse from exhaustion. Do this every day from the time you get up till the time you do to bed. Till the day you don’t even notice the drain on your chakra levels. This will be your first trail to mastering your blood line. I will not put you through what my father put me through, and instead we will simply spar everyday till you get the hang of fighting.” 

Travin would wait for Nasu to get ready for what was coming as he motioned for Nasu to get into a fighting stance while Travin stood still waiting. “I’m not going to go easy on you. This is probably going to be the hardest thing you have ever gone through up to this point. If you have any doubts now would be the time to leave. Because if you stay after this I will not let you quit” Travin would tell Nasu his face showing the seriness behind his words.
Stat Page : Uchiha boi
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 26850

Meeting people while training Empty Re: Meeting people while training

Tue Feb 02, 2021 2:46 pm
Nasu hears exactly what he wanted witch was . “Alright, I will take you on as my student”  Nasu was honestly shocked by this answer. With the training he has had so far he had know idea why Travin would take him as a student. Nasu was very happy though and thank Travin for this opportunity. Nasu then just stands there waiting for his first instruction. Nasu was told by Travin to activate his sharingan. Nasu then activates it knowing its not much. Travin then looks him dead in the eyes and tells him “Keep it active, push it as far as you can and don’t turn it off till you are about to collapse from exhaustion. Do this every day from the time you get up till the time you do to bed. Till the day you don’t even notice the drain on your chakra levels. This will be your first trail to mastering your blood line. I will not put you through what my father put me through, and instead we will simply spar everyday till you get the hang of fighting.” Nasu takes in all this information. From now on Nasu knew he was going to have to work more than ever before. While Travin was talking Nasu could using his sharingan could sense a build up of chakra in Travin's eyes. Then hems eyes started to turn to a blue color. Nasu was also told that if he wanted to quit now is the time or else there is no turning back. Nasu knew that this is where he was supposed to be so he stayed. Nasu then got into a fighting stance with his sharingan still active. Nasu had his both arms in front of him with his fists spaced out. He had his left hand in front and the right hand behind. He was about 10 meters away from Travin. He also had his left leg in front of his right leg and his feet were about shoulder width apart. This stance would allow for an ok left hand front strike as well as left kick. Then Nasu could use his right hand and leg for power moves when he gets the chance. The other good part about this stance is that it makes it easy to block. Nasu then says "I'm ready when you are. You have the first move."


Last edited by Nasu on Mon Mar 15, 2021 11:41 am; edited 1 time in total
Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Meeting people while training Empty Re: Meeting people while training

Tue Feb 02, 2021 3:01 pm
Travin was happy to see that Nasu was going to stay if had left Travin, would have never given him another thought. Thinking that the week was trainable but only if they wanted to work for it. He watched as Nasu got down into a solid fighting stance, however he made a single mistake. He thought that this was a fair fight. Moving at his max speed of 85 Travin made three handsigns Rat, Dog, Dragon and threw his right arm out at Nasu. Two snakes 5 meters long and six inches thick flew from his sleeve out at Nasu who was only a mere 2 meters away. The snakes would aim to wrap around the boy's body, trapping him before one of them would bite down on his shoulder. The snakes would move at a speed of 87 with the same strength and would bite down with fangs of the same sharpness. If Nasu was not able to get out of the way he would be infected with a paralytic venom from the snake bite.

(WC-176 TWC-1625)

AP= 707
-22 for Binding Snake Glare V7

-15 for Seigan activation last post
-10 for upkeep 
=660 AP left
Stat Page : Uchiha boi
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 26850

Meeting people while training Empty Re: Meeting people while training

Mon Feb 08, 2021 6:07 pm
Nasu standing there suddenly sees Travin make 3 signs. It was fast and then snakes emerged from his arm. They couldn't travel very far though. Nasu was wondering if Travin had just made a careless mistake but no matter. While the snakes were still extending, Nasu jumped backwards another 10 meters. Now they were 20 meters apart. Nasu had a plan in mind. After jumping back the snakes start to disappear back to Travins arms. During that period of time Nasu knew he had to strike. Nasu then forms his own hand signs while Travin is vulnerable. Rat,Tiger,Dog,Ox. Nasu made those hand signs and then used the phoenix flower jutsu. Nasu shot out 6 fireballs all moving toward Travin. The fireballs, starting from Nasu, came out of his mouth and curved outwards at a 90 degree angle. They went around and were all going to hit where Travin was. Having them go around made Travin's escape a little bit harder because now Travin had to deal with them coming to him by his side. Nasu had 3 fireballs on the right side and 3 on the left. Each fireball traveled at 45 speed and 45 power. Nasu also knew that although they were only 1 meter in diameter even if they just hit the walls right besides Travin or if Travin managed to barely doge it the 4 meter explosion diameter would hopefully hit him.  


-20 for Phoenix flower 
-40 for 2 sharingan posts 

755 AP left

Last edited by Nasu on Mon Mar 15, 2021 11:42 am; edited 1 time in total
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