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A Meeting Of Chance (HUNTER)

Ichigo Sato
Satoru Jugo
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Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
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A Meeting Of Chance (HUNTER) Empty A Meeting Of Chance (HUNTER)

Sun Jan 24, 2021 3:31 pm
Satoru Jugo:
Satoru couldn’t shake the hangover, his palm resting against his forehead as he made his way out of the village, heading west in direction. The inn-keeper of the place he was residing at informed him of a plant that held medicinal properties growing near the western border of the village. It was blue in colour and was infamous for curing some of the worst hangovers men had experienced.

Naturally, still within the relative confines for the Land of Lightning, Satoru decided to properly arm himself. He wore a black cloak that extended to cover his whole body, concealing a weapon pouch located on either hip, each one containing an assortment of Kunai, Shuriken in addition to some of his other utility.

Shifting his attention to his surroundings there were a few distinct features to the area around him. While there were an assortment of trees, the area he had reached where the flower had grown was nothing but a vast grass land, the blue flowed shook at its stem by a series of winds that passed over the terrain. The grassland expanded 50 meters in every direction with either side of the grass land covered by nothing but a few bushes. In the middle of the grass land there was one spot that stood out. Directly in Satorus path was one large boulder that was about 10 meters in height and 4 meters in width.

Taking little to no attention to his surroundings, he approached the blue plant, plucking it from the ground. His mind in a bit of a daze, he stuffed the flower into his mouth without a second thought. Naturally, being built to the extent that he was, he was still alert to his surroundings. With that in mind, he only plucked the flowers with his left hand while his right rested on his weapon pouch with the intent to react to an attack at a moments notice.

WC: 321
Nature Stacks + 1 = 1
AP: 1628

Last edited by Satoru Jugo on Tue Jan 26, 2021 3:52 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Updated Nature Chakra Link to the V7 Version.)
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
Stat Page : Link
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Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

A Meeting Of Chance (HUNTER) Empty Re: A Meeting Of Chance (HUNTER)

Tue Jan 26, 2021 10:42 am
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He didn't remember exactly how late it got last night, the only thing the Drunk did know was the fact he found himself at the same tavern where he left the day before. Ichigo figured to check up on his companions to see if Zento got back home safe or in the case of Satoru, back to his own room. Although, it would have been quite funny if the other two ended up in the same bed together. All jokes aside, upon his arrival he noticed the owner of the inn prepared to open business for the day. Ichigo would inquire about the whereabouts of his friends, to which the man informed him that Satoru had already set out in search for something that would help against a hangover. "Ha, what a lightweight". After receiving the exact location of where his companion was headed, Ichigo prepared to head out as well, figuring they would run into each other eventually.

Dressed in his usual attire which consisted of a sleeveless black robe, the Drunk passed and exited the village gates. Considering he'd find himself out of the village and no longer behind the safe walls of Kumogakure he carried a couple of tools with him on each hips on his respective sides. One could never be cautious enough, he figured. After a couple of minutes walking the Drunk finally arrived at the location described by the owner of the tavern. Scanning his surroundings the Kumogakure shinobi noticed the area he found himself in was far from breathtaking. A couple of bushes here and there and one big fucking rock. "I knew I would find you here" he yelled loud enough for the familiar figure to hear.

With the enhanced vision of the crimson eye active, Ichigo kept check of his surroundings. His Kumogakure headband covering his Sharingan, a secret well kept from his peers for now. The Drunk would then walk towards Satoru, all the while making sure no one else suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

(WC: 335)

AP + Stats:
Stat Page : The Executioner
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 58000

A Meeting Of Chance (HUNTER) Empty Re: A Meeting Of Chance (HUNTER)

Wed Jan 27, 2021 8:44 pm
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"Ah!" A pained grunt escaped out of the specter's dry mouth, assaulted by turbulent winds as he laid down on the dew-filled outskirt meadows of the Lightning Country. It was evident that for some reason, Kamiya left Kumogakure - his village, and for some other reason, he decided that it would be a great idea to rest the forests of the Lightning Country where there could be powerful Missing Ninja that would be prepared to kill him once he closed his eyes. The half-blooded Uchiha's hand quickly grasped his tan forehead, pushing his disheveled jet-black hair up for a moment as the searing pain that emerged from his head - forcing him to wake up suddenly in the first place, continued to send jolts of burning pain to his miserable forehead. The pain was similar to being stabbed continuously by a hot poker in the same spot, so needless to say that this was a terrible start to his day. The pain wouldn't stop, so Kamiya assumed that he would have to bear with it for a while to which he could only grumble in vexing annoyance towards the situation. Yesterday was but a haze to him. Because of the predicament, he was in, the specter had little to no idea how he wounded up in such a peculiar area; but knowing that he was just a newly made Genin, Kamiya would surely hear an earful once he returned to the village and someone would eventually spot him. However, even if he didn't know how he ended up in the outskirts of the Lightning Country - much less the meadows - it didn't mean that he couldn't explore the area! Ever since that fateful day where he escaped from the clutches of Phantasm, he cursed the outside world for killing his master and his only friend and swore never to leave Kumogakure until he became stronger. Strong enough to never be hurt by others again, and strong enough to control the hell that was the Ninja World. Despite his disdain for the outside world, even the specter knew that seeing the same scenery all the time turned life mundane. So for the day, he decided that he would explore the forests of the outskirts. 

Disregarding the searing pain coming from his head, the half-blooded Uchiha would lift himself from his current resting area on the dew-filled grass and dust all of the grass and water on his body. He checked the attire he was wearing: his signature black collar jacket with the Uchiha clan symbol on the back and red inner color, a white shirt, grey shoes, and black elastic combat pants along his jade pendant tied on his neck that he always wore as a family heirloom. In his left ninja pouch that was equipped on his left hip, not very visible due to his open jacket covering it held ten Legacy Shuriken. In the right ninja pouch that was equipped on his right hip the same level as his left pouch, once again not visible due to his jacket covering it, held ten Legacy Kunai.

Once Kamiya checked that he didn't leave anything, he aimlessly walked forward, through the cluster of trees and bushes just in front of him. Obviously making sure of his surroundings so that he didn't bump into the environment nor get surprised jumped - through paying great attention in order to react to any stimuli in his range - by anyone who thought that trying to attack a teenager was a fun idea. In any case, Kamiya strolled for what seemed like hours in his perspective when in reality it was more like...5 minutes give or take due to his superhuman speed. It was only until that he spotted a vast grassland about 50 meters in all directions with some small bushes here and there and a gigantic rock at the center. He also saw two adults near the rock that seemed to be talking to each other who were about a meter between each, so the specter decided that he might as well greet them.

Walking out of his tree, being prepared to react to any stimuli if necessary, the half-blooded Uchiha nonchalantly strolled at half speed out of the forest into the grassland that the men were at, being behind him since that was the exit of his side of the forest. He would walk straight forward until he stopped about 3 meters behind them and was in between the 1 meter of horizontal distance between the two. Concluding that it was a good distance to stop, he'd greet the two men calmly after they finished speaking to each other,

"Hi there, I haven't seen you guys around, so I figured I'd greet you both. My name is Kamiya and you guys are?" He'd ask curiously, not yet knowing whether the two were just normal civilians/merchants or actual shinobi of Kumogakure, possibly doing a long-ranged mission. Despite his engagement in the conversation, Kamiya continued to be alert for any sudden things to occur within the area. 

WC: 940
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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A Meeting Of Chance (HUNTER) Empty Re: A Meeting Of Chance (HUNTER)

Thu Feb 18, 2021 5:00 am
Holy hell what happened? Zentos eyes blinded from he beaming sun. He was outside. His back feeling the wood and hearing the movement of nature. Groaning a bit and covering his eyes. He hated the sound and the lights. Ht didn't want to get up. He remembered being out with fellow shinobi and then, poof. He was gone. Something about a stroll and next he knew he was laying on a branch. He couldn't tell but it looked like he was out of the village. Zento groaned as wind made it a little louder. Finally though, he fell back asleep.

The sound of nature strikes again. A lighter groan coming as he woke up from the lights clearing in the tree he was in. His arms dangling off of the tree. Moving them up and reaching into his sleeve. Pulling out a senbon and digging the dirt out of his fingers. Placing the sharp tool back. He gave a sigh. What a peaceful day. He was loving this weather. Taking a deep breath of fresh air and exhaling. It was giving life back to his tired body. A smile on his face as he laid there.

Zento thought about what he was gonna do on his free time. Taking the day would be the best to travel. Maybe go to another village. Start a new life. Change his name. It sounded like a fun thing to do. He nodded to himself. Then it snapped back. THE MISSION! He was sure they would meet in the morning and judging by the sun he was late forgetting his entire plan, he struggled to get up. Falling from the branch and hitting the ground. "AH FUCK!" He yelled rubbing the back of his head. Zento got up and looked around to see what was around him. Seeing three people there already. Two he knew and one he wasn't sure of. It seems he slept in a tree next to the meeting grounds. What a lucky break! Shows he didn't forget and sleep in. Walking over to them with his hand up and a smile on his face. "Yo. Sorry I'm late. Had a busy day."
Name:Zento Yuki
Power Rank: Jonin
V1 -
V2 -
Full Beast -

KKG:Ice Release

Current Stat Points: 68

Vigor: 15
Strength: 13
Speed: 20
Chakra: 20

Element(s):Water, wind, ice

Jutsu Unlocked




Skills Unlocked:
Items on your person:
10 senbon
4 kunai

Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

A Meeting Of Chance (HUNTER) Empty Re: A Meeting Of Chance (HUNTER)

Wed Feb 24, 2021 3:32 am

Another day meant another opportunity for Maki to make a living off those who liveed within the confines of civilization. Maki was a beautiful woman with pale skin and dark black hair that was tied up in a high bun. Her eyes were large and black and her face smooth, but firm as though it was made of porcelain. She was 5 foot 2 inches tall and had a petite figure. Around her body was a purple robe that was embroidered with flowers and accented with shades of light pink. At first glance she would appear to be a beautiful, helpless, damsel in distress, but behind her innocent looking eyes was a devious serpent who would do anything to obtain all mighty Ryo.
The land of Kumogakure was one that Maki was growing less found of by the day. The shinobi she encountered from this village seemed to be more skilled than those from her home village, even the low rankings ones. If Maki were to succeed in her plots to rob travelers, she would need a much more intricate plan. Yes- one that she had almost perfected. Her plan was simple really, utilize her good looks and play the role of the victim to catch her opponents off guard.
Knowing that her plans would require some preparation, Maki would begin preparing far before any shinobi from the village would be dispatched to patrol. The area she found herself in was not very impressive. The land was void and varying lengths of grass ranging from just inches to several feet could be observed swaying in the wind for as far as the eye could see. There were several large trees that adorned her surroundings with widths that spanned up to 2M, creating perfect hiding spots if needed. Through the trees and meadows was a dirt path approximately 2M wide that would stretch all the way from the village to where she was currently standing and spiraled onwards, away from the village, into the horizon.  
She made sure the coast was clear before engaging in any suspicious activity and once she determined shee was alone, she was ready to set the scene. Maki performed the required hand seals to create a singular shadow clone and with a poof of white smoke, an exact replica of her appeared besides her. The clone would then perform the necessary hand seals for the transformation jutsu. Another puff of smoke and her clone would no longer resemble the beautiful petite girl, but a strong and burly male with unruly hair and a 5 o’clock shadow. Her clone was nearly twice the size of Maki and would prove to be very useful. Maki reached down and grabbed some dirt and smeared it all over her freshly washed robe. Looking the part was half the battle, she thought to herself as she rubbed some dirt on her face.

A Meeting Of Chance (HUNTER) Tumblr10
Maki did not need to speak to her clone for it to know the plan. She had performed the same trick numerous times before and her clone was an extension of herself after all. The two stood right in the pathway that led from the village towards the borders and Maki’s clone would be facing towards her with it’s back towards the direction that the Kumo shinobi would eventually be traveling from. Maki would be looking past her clone for any signs of life. Once she noticed someone, her clone would grab her and she would begin putting on a show as if she was being attacked.
By this point the group would be approximately 300 M away from where Maki and her clone were waiting and her eyes would be completely peeled as she looked down the path, towards the village, for her first victim.
WC: 647 

Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Link
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

A Meeting Of Chance (HUNTER) Empty Re: A Meeting Of Chance (HUNTER)

Wed Feb 24, 2021 4:20 pm
“Perfect.” Muttered the Jugo as he stuffed his mouth full of the plant that the Inn Keeper had pointed out. Slowly chewing on the herbs, he sat down, crossing his legs, assuming a meditation pose. Relaxing every fibre of his body, tuning out the sound of his bodily processes for but a moment he almost became one with his surroundings, consuming the nature energy in the surrounding area at a more of an accelerated pace to his innate rate of absorption.

Suddenly, Satoru heard the grass rustling in the distance, a branch snapping under an element of pressure. Taking a breath, he braced himself, his right hand darted to his weapon pouch. Now armed with a Kunai, the sound of the grass rustling quickly accelerating forced the Jugos hand. With immense speed he palm the ground with his left hand, resting his entire body weight on the palm as he began pushing his body into the air. “I knew I would find you here.”

In that moment, with his mouth still full of grass, he muttered “This motherfucker almost… uhhh” he exhaled, relaxing his body as he casually stood to his feet to greet the Genin. “You scared me…” he cackled, spinning the kunai around his index finger with his remaining fingers clenched into a knuckle form as to not harm himself. “What brings you here anyway? Goin’ for some of the Beerbelly Fumeworts?” he gestured his index finger to a small pile located by his feet.

A few moments passed after the duo exchanged pleasantries. As the grass rustled a few meters away, Satorus gaze darted towards his Genin companion, gesturing to the direction of the sound with his head before securing a firm grip on his Kunai. The idea behind the gesture was for both of the men to investigate in tandem with one another however before either of the drunks could take a step, the young arrival introduced himself.

"Hi there, I haven't seen you guys around, so I figured I'd greet you both. My name is Kamiya and you guys are?"

Still on guard, Satoru lowered his Kunai to about waist height, his eyes closely observing the new arrival and his demeanour. The Jugo was ready to strike at the slightest hint of malice. However, for the meantime, he decided to entertain the young mans question, “I’m Satoru. An’ I’m with him. You with a village?” He gestured to the Kumogakure headband concealing Ichigos eye at the endo his second sentence before continuing to talk at the young man with a firm and direct tone.

Relative to the large rock, Satoru and Ichigo were positioned to the south of it meaning the direction back to the village was straight south which would place the group 300 meters north of any other beings. The arrival in the form of Kamiya was positioned South East of the rock, directly east of the two drunk males. As the duo waited for the young man to provide further clarity on his affiliations, a third drunk stumbled into the area in the form of Zento. As he approached, he babbled on about having had a busy day and that he was sorry he was late even though this meeting hadn’t been pre-ordained. Rolling his shoulders in confusion, the Jugos gaze periodically darted between the young man and the Yuki, as it stood, the Jounin was one who was most exposed to an attack so if the young man was hostile and had more than 2 brains cells to rub together he would naturally opt to direct any attacks at Zento at the first instance.

WC - 550

Nature Stacks: 1 + 2 (Meditated & Pasive) = 3
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
Stat Page : Link
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Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

A Meeting Of Chance (HUNTER) Empty Re: A Meeting Of Chance (HUNTER)

Thu Feb 25, 2021 8:53 am
Ichigo wasn't surprised when he witnessed Satoru's reaction upon noticing the Drunk's presence. Hell, he even was glad the newest addition to Kumogakure kept on his toes while being out of the village. "What can I say, I'm full of surprises". Now that he thought about it, with looking around and checking his surroundings, it would be the first time since long that the Drunk had found himself out of the village. A nice change of pace if you'd ask him. One that was about to be interrupted, or so it seemed. Nothing more than some quick eye contact between Satoru and Ichigo, both realizing they weren't alone.

Readying himself for a "nothing personal kid" scenario in case they were met with hostile intent, Ichigo prepared body and mind depending on what the situation would call for. Fortunately for the newcomer, considering the direction he appeared from, he quickly introduced himself before either one of the Kumo Drunks could react. A standard and perhaps even cliché explanation for his reason for being out there, and a name which could easily be come up with. Safe to say the Kumogakure shinobi proceeded to keep up his guard throughout the conversation. 

Although only a kid, the men knew they had to be cautious. Satoru would be the first to reply, giving his name and explaining both Ichigo and himself already knew each other. The Drunk followed his companion's example and briefly introduced himself as well. "That's right, Genin of Kumogakure" he voiced while touching his headband, implying a question where Kamiya's was, assuming the boy was a shinobi just like him. Before they could continue finding out the stranger's deal, another familiar individual appeared and joined them. "Sure, busy drinking I bet" the Drunk welcomed Zento with a smile on his face. 

Even though the mood had begun to soften up a little Ichigo remained vigilant, keeping an eye on both their surroundings and the stranger, his headband still covering the crimson dojutsu, keeping it a secret for now. Ready to act when necessary.

(WC: 342, TWC: 677)

AP + Stats:
Stat Page : The Executioner
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 58000

A Meeting Of Chance (HUNTER) Empty Re: A Meeting Of Chance (HUNTER)

Mon Mar 01, 2021 6:45 pm
Everything seemed to be running smoothly. The two men that the specter requested their names from responded with little to no hesitation. The man with bright orange, now named Satoru answered rather casually, drawing any sort of suspicion from the teenager that the man was in the Lightning Country for nefarious reasons out of the question. That was a relief; quite honestly, the half-blooded Uchiha had no confidence on whether he could beat the behemoth of a man that stood before him if he did have devious intentions. The Jugo additionally proceeded to ask about Kamiya's affiliation which was the smart thing to do. It was then doubled-down on by the black-haired man who confirmed himself to be a Kumogakure shinobi by his own admission. Well, it was common courtesy to agree to do what others ask of you when you initially asked them for something. In this case, Kamiya initially asked about their affiliation, so it was natural to give your information to make sure everyone did not have an advantage of information over the other. Nonchalantly, Kamiya would reach in his right jacket pocket and retrieve a single Kumogakure headband, still keeping an eye out to react to anything surrounding him. It was relatively new but it had a few wear-and-tear marks on the sides to show how long the half-blooded Uchiha possessed the article of equipment. "What a "coincidence", I too, am a Genin of Kumogakure. No need to be on guard or anything, I come with no harm. I just happened to stumble across this...really big rock in front of us" The specter spoke with a deadpan expression towards the men. As he spoke, Kamiya would also take some time to concentrate on the environment surrounding him, being able to pick out the two chakra signatures of the men with the Chakra Sensory ability. Both men had potent levels of chakra which ruled out all possibility that the two of them were civilians, nomads, or even petty bandits. 

Another person which meant another chakra signature soon entered as he rambled on about being late for something that Kamiya couldn't decipher. Were they all doing a mission of sorts? That could only explain why a Kumogakure shinobi, as well as people with above-average chakra reserves, were doing in such a random area like this. The rambling man would be slightly behind the group since he just entered, but that would be enough time for the Uchiha to slip in more words, "Have you also come to stare at big rocks all day?" He quipped with his same neutral expression. Regardless of what the man responded with, Kamiya continued to be vigilant, making sure to be alert to any changes in stimuli so he could react to them accordingly. He'd also make sure to put his headband back in his right jacket pocket once the new man entered the fray.

WC: 582
TWC: 1522

Skill Used:
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

A Meeting Of Chance (HUNTER) Empty Re: A Meeting Of Chance (HUNTER)

Thu Mar 04, 2021 9:34 pm
Maki continued to wait and wait some more. She got good at waiting- too good. What she was doing was no different than a hunter who was waiting patiently in a tree for a deer to stumble by. She had learned to enjoy the process; staking out the location, setting the trap, waiting for her victim, and stabbing them in their back before they could process what even happened. She would continue with waiting, looking through the gap in her clones, transformed and chiseled arm, down the dirt path, hoping with all her might that someone would show. Her clone would do the same, looking clear over Maki’s head in the other direction, waiting and wishing for the same.

Wc: 119
Twc: 768

Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
Stat Page : Link
Remove Taijutsu Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Kanjutsu Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

A Meeting Of Chance (HUNTER) Empty Re: A Meeting Of Chance (HUNTER)

Sat Apr 10, 2021 12:54 pm
The Drunk confirmed the identity of the boy going by the name of Kamiya as he showed his Kumogakure headband to the other men. "Unfortunately not" Ichigo replied to his fellow Genin's question. "I suppose you could say I'm here to scout. Lately I've noticed the decrease in merchants visiting our village which is rather strange. So if there's a specific reason causing all this to happen, I'm here to find out". Usually many merchants found their way to Kumogakure, visiting and looking for opportunities to make business. Considering less and less dealers or traders had shown up left Ichigo with the feeling something was amiss, giving him the impression almost as if they were avoiding the village.

He'd check his surroundings once more before speaking up to the others. "If you want, feel free to tag along". Ichigo would then raise his arm and point at somewhere in the distance. "Approximately 300 meters from here there's a path the merchants have to pass in order to make it to our village. I figured it might be a good idea to check it out to see if we can maybe discover something or at least find a clue there". Assuming everyone was in agreement the Drunk would start walking, heading to the path he described moments ago. After passing the first 50 meters Ichigo would briefly stop, looking to see who decided to follow. Once he made sure nothing out of the ordinary happened the Drunk walked another fifty meters before coming to a halt 200 meters from where he pointed at earlier. "Did you notice anything strange so far?" Ichigo would ask to whoever joined him.

(WC: 277, TWC: 954)

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